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How to face an Interview

• 1. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. This will give you ample time
to catch your breath, gather your thoughts and make a quick
trip to the washroom to give your appearance one final check.
To avoid unnecessary stress, choose your interview attire the
night before.

• 2. Greet the interviewer by his or her last name. If you are

unsure of the pronunciation, do ask the employer to repeat it.
Or better still, check it with the front desk personnel or
receptionist before walking into the interview room.

• 3. Let the interviewer lead the conversation
but try to get him/her to describe the position
and duties to you early in the interview. This
will allow you to apply your background,
skills and achievements to the position.

4. When asked: "Tell me about yourself?",
focus your answers on your background and
a few professional and personal
• 5. Stress on your achievements. For example: your sales
records, the processes you have developed or systems
installed, projects that you initiated, etc.

6. Show enthusiasm. This can be demonstrated through verbal
and non-verbal cues (for example, appropriate body language
like nodding can be used to support your interest). Enthusiastic
feedback can enhance your chances of being further

• 7. Answer questions by speaking in terms of the position.
Emphasise what you can do for the company. Mention specific
accomplishments that show your abilities and determination to
succeed in this job. Your answers describe the position and
duties to you early in the interview. This will allow you to apply
your background, skills and achievements to the position.
should tell the employer why you would be an asset to the
company and not why you need a job.

8. Bring an extra copy of your resume.

• Summary

If you are interested in the position, stress this to the

interviewer. If you get the impression that the
interview is not going well and that you have already
been rejected, do not let your discouragement show.
Once in a while an interviewer who is genuinely
interested in you may seem to discourage you as a
way of testing your reaction. Remember to thank the
interviewer for his/her time and end the session with
a confident and firm handshake.
Body language
– Chewing or biting nails/Patting or fondling
hair/Fiddling with jewellery etc project
insecurity, nervousness and lack of self-
– Rubbing your eye, looking down and
turning your face away conveys disbelief
and doubt.
– Stroking your chin, pulling or tugging at
your ear etc indicates indecisiveness.
• Tilted head shows your interest while
tapping your fingers is a sign of impatience.
• Pinching the bridge of your nose signifies
negative evaluation. Open palm symbolizes
sincerity, openness and innocence and in
contrast touching your nose or rubbing it in
between a conversation conveys that you are
not being true.
• .
• If you are aware of these body traits,
you could use it to your advantage to
evaluate your recruiter.
• If the recruiter's eyes wander away in
search of something more interesting,
then it means that your communication
is not up to the mark and that there is a
level of discomfort.
• If he nods in acceptance as you are
conversing, it's a positive vibe and it also
indicates that the person is listening to you.

Smiling also is a positive sign but make sure
he isn't smiling at the wrong time, which
could indicate a negative influence.
• If the interviewer has his legs crossed with
his hands clasped at the back of his head,
it's better you think twice before taking the
offer as this posture exaggerates extreme
arrogance and superiority.

Remember to be relaxed during an interview,

your hands on either sides in front of you
and maintain positive eye contact.
• Do not be over casual and lean right
back on your chair, but position
yourself in such a way that you face the
person directly and show a keen
interest in the opening and the

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