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Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, SKp, MAppSc

Nama : Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, SKp, MAppSc
NIP : 19520405 197412 2 001
Jabatan : Guru Besar Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas
Golongan/Pangkat : IV e/ Pembina Utama
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Kuta Buluh, 5 April 1952

Suami : Pt. Em. Drs. Kembarayu Kembaren

Anak/Menantu : 1. dr. Lahargo Kembaren, SpKJ/Indri Julianti Keliat, SE

2. Dr. Julbintor Kembaren, SKom, MM/Chicha Wisina, SPsi
3. Tribella Kembaren, SP, MM/Ulrich Eriki Ginting, DVM, MM
Cucu : 1. Jesarin Beatrice Kembaren
2. Timothy Eriel Ginting
3. Kimberly Angelina Kembaren
4. Voofhea Chiara Kembaren
5. Renate Callysta Ginting
6. Reigoves Kembaren
7. Arshify Keyannakov Kembaren
1959 – 1964 : Sekolah Rakyat Negeri 52, Medan
1964 – 1967 : Sekolah Menengah Pertama Nasrani Bersubsidi Medan
1967 – 1970 : Sekolah Menengah Atas Nasrani Bersubsidi Medan
1970 – 1974 : Akademi Keperawatan DepKes RI, Jl. Kimia, Jakarta
1985 – 1988 : S1 Keperawatan: Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan FKUI,
1988 – 1990 : S2 Keperawatan: School of Nursing, Sydney University,
1988 – 1990 : Registered Nurse New South Wales, Sydney Australia
1998 – 2003 : S3 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat: Fakultas Kesehatan
Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia

Judul disertasi:
Pemberdayaan klien dan keluarga dalam merawat klien skizofrenia dengan
perilaku kekerasan.


RECOVERY. WHO Quality Right, 6 Juni 2018
1974 – 1975
: Perawat Ruangan Bedah di RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
1975 – 1990 : Perawat Jiwa di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Pusat, Bogor
1990 – sekarang : Dosen/Pengajar di Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
1989 – 1990 : RN in Concord Hospital, Sydney, Australia
1999 – 2010 : Ketua Tim MPKP Jiwa RS Marzoeki Mahdi, Bogor
2002 – 2004 : Direktur STIKES Binawan Jakarta (Penugasan oleh Dekan FIK UI)
2002 – 2017 : Konsultan Keperawatan RS. Budi Asih Jakarta, RS Duren Sawit Jakarta, RS
Immanuel Bandung, International Cardiac Clinic Hospital, Cinere Jakarta,
RSUD Dr. Ishak Tulung Agung, RSUD Muko – Muko Bengkulu, RS Medistra.
RS. Premier Jt. Negara, RS Pusat Otak Nasional, RSUD Tarakan Jakarta
2005 – 2010 : Ketua Tim Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa Komunitas (Community Mental Health
Nursing) , Aceh setelah Tsunami
2006 – 2008 : International Consultant Emergency Tsunami & Earthquake Support Health
Project (ETESP – Health), ADB
2009 – 2013 : Dosen Inti Penelitian Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatn Universitas Indonesia
2009 – 2012 : Reviewer Penelitian DIKTI
2010 – 2015 : Asesor BAN PT KemNas
2012 – sekarang : Reviewer SERDOS
2014 – sekarang : Anggota Senat Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
2014 – sekarang : Sekretaris Dewan Guru Besar Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
2014 – sekarang : Anggota Senat Akademik Universitas Indonesia
2014 – sekarang : Anggota Dewan Guru Besar Universitas Indonesia
2014 – 2018 : Wakil Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Kesehatan PGI Cikini
2014 – 2018 : Anggota Pengawas Yayasan Bethesda Serukam
2015 – sekarang : Wakil Ketua Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia (SK DPP PPNI)
2017 – sekarang : Praktik Mandiri di WoCare Bogor
2017 – sekarang : Anggota Kolegium Keperawatan Jiwa
1. Penulis Buku dalam dan luar negeri : 27 buah

2. Penulis Journal Nasional : 35 buah

3. Penulis Journal Internasional : 31 buah

4. Peneliti : 16 buah

5. HAKI : 54 buah
Penulis Artikel pada Journal
1. Prasetyawan., Viora, E., Maramis, A., Keliat, B. A. (2006). Mental health model of care
programmes after tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia. International Review of
Psychiatric, December 2006; 18 (6): 559-562
2. Keliat, B. A., Azwar, A., Bachtiar, A., Hamid, A. Y. S. (2009). Influence of the abilities in
controlling violence behavior to the length of stay of schizophrenic client in Bogor
mental hospital, Indonesia. Medical Journal Indonesia, Vol. 8, No. 1, January-
3. Erawati, E., Keliat, B.A., Daulima, N.H.C. (2014). The validation of the Indonesian version
of psychotic symptoms rating scale (PSYRATS), the Indonesian version of
cognitive bias questionnaire for psychosis (CBQP) and metacognitive ability
questionnaire (MAQ). International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies. 3 (2)
(2014) 97-100
4. Erawati, E., Keliat, B.A., Hamid, A.Y. (2014). The influence of metacognitive training on
delusion severity and metacognitive ability in schizophrenia. Journal Psychiatry
Mental Health Nursing. 18 February
5. Keliat, B. A., Tololiu, T. A., Daulima, N. H. C., & Ernawati, E. (2015). Effectiveness assertive
training of bullying prevention among adolescents in West Java Indonesia.
International Journal of Nursing. Vol 2, No. 1, pp. 128-134. June
6. Keliat, B. A., Tololiu, T. A., Daulima, N. H. C., & Ernawati, E. (2015). The influence of the
training of coping skills for stres on self-control and intensity of depression
among adolescents with suicide risk. International Journal of Advanced Nursing
Studies. 4 (2) (2015) 110-114.
Penulis Artikel pada Journal
7. Ernawati, E., & Keliat, B.A. (2015). The Family Support for
Schizophrenia Patients on Community a Case Study.
European Psychiatry.
8. Renwick, L., Irmansyah, I., Keliat, B.A., Lovell, K., & Yung, A. (2017).
Implementing an innovative intervention to increase research
capacity for enhancing early psychosis care in Indonesia. Journal
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 1-10.
9. Komala, E. P. E., Keliat, B. A., & Wardani, I. Y. (2017). Acceptance and
commitment therapy and psycho education for clients with
schizophrenia. Enferm Clin. 27 (Suppl. Part I): 88-93 562
10. Sianturi, R., Keliat, B. A., & Wardani, I. Y. (2017). The effectiveness of
acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety inclients with
stroke. Enferm Clin. 27 (Suppl. Part I): 94-3. 10.
11. Suyanti, T. S., Keliat, B. A., & Daulima, N. H. C. (2017). Effect of logo-
therapy, acceptance commitment therapy, family psycho
education on self-stigma, and depression on housewives living
with HIV/AIDS. Enferm Clin. 27 (Suppl. Part I): 98-101
Penulis Artikel pada Journal
12. Laela, S., Keliat, B. A., & Mustikasari. (2017). Thought stopping and supportive
therapy can reduce postpartum blues and anxiety parents of premature
babies. Enferm Clin. 27 (Suppl. Part I): 126 – 129
13. Mulia, M., Keliat, B.A., & Wardani, I.Y. (2017). Cognitive behavioural and family
psychoeducation therapies for adolescent inmates experiencing anxiety
in a narcotic correctional facility. Jurnal Comphrehensive Child and
Adolescent Nursing. 40 (Sup 1)
14. Ramadhan, I., Keliat, B. A., & Wardani, I. Y. (2018). Assertive training and
psychological education therapy on adolescents self esteem in
prevention of drug use in boarding school. International Journal
of Advanced Nursing Studies. Vol. 7, No 1
15. Bhakti, W., Keliat, B. A., Irawaty, D., & Wirawan. (2018). Statistical analysis
spiritual-based leadership model. Jurnal of Nursing and Health
Sciences. Volume 7, Issue 3 Ver.Vi (May – June, 2018), PP 12-21. E-
ISSN: 2320-1959, p-ISSN: 2320-1940
16. Sukamti, N., Keliat, B. A., & Mustikasari. (2018). Coping skill training and family
health education against anxiety in prevention substance abuse.
International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies. PP 107-
108. Website: Doi:
Penulis Artikel pada Journal
17. Brooks, H., James, K., Irmansyah, I., Keliat, B. A., Utomo, B., Rose, D., Colucci,
E., & Lovell, K. (2018). Exploring the potential of civic engagement to
strengthen mental health systems in Indonesia (IGNITE): a
study protocol. International Journal of Mental Health Systems.
PP 1- 10. Brooks et al. Int J Health Syst (2018) 12: 49.
18. Sari, Y. K., Keliat, B. A., & Dayati, R. (2018) The influence of thought
stopping therapy and family psychoeducation toward anxiety client
who undergo hemodialysis in dr. Achmad mochtar hospital. Elevate, The
International Journal of Nursing Education, Practice and Research.
Vol 1 No 1 (2018). /66
19. Kusuma, R., Keliat, B. A., Afiyanti, Y., & Martha, E. (2019). The Ratu’s model: A
prevention model of postpartum depression. Enferm Clin. 2019;
29(S1): 70-73.
20. Keliat, B. A., Triana, R., & Sulistiowati, N. M. D. (2019). The relationship
between self-esteem, family relationships and social support as
protective factors and adolescent mental health. Humanities & Social
Sciences Reviews. Vol 7. No 1. Pp 41-47, March 2019. eISSN: 2395-6518
Penulis Artikel pada Journal
21. Damanik, N. S., Keliat, B. A., & Susanti, H. (2019). Early therapeutic intervention for
low self esteem among adolescents with early psychosis signs of psychosis. Journal
of International Dental and Medical Research. Volume 12, Number 1, 2019.
ISSN 1309-100x. al.htm. Accepted
date: 30 September 2018

22. Nasution, R.A., Keliat, B.A., Wardani, I.Y. (2019). Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and
Peer Leadership on Suicidal Ideation of Adolescents in Bengkulu. Journal
Comprehensive Child and

23. Wulandari, N.P.D., Keliat, B.A., Mustikasari. (2019). The Effect of Peer Leadership on Suicidal
Ideation in Senior High School Teenagers. Journal Comprehensive Child and Adolescent

24. Florensa, M.V.A., Keliat, B.A, Wardani, I.Y., Solistiowati, N.M.D. (2019). Promoting the Mental
Health of Adolescents through Cognitive Behavior Group Therapy and Family
Psychoeducation. Journal Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing.
Penulis Artikel pada Journal
25. Primananda, M., Keliat, B.A. (2019). Risk and Protective Factors of Suicidal Ideation in
Adolescents. Journal Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing.
26. Sulistiowati, N.M.D., Keliat, B.A., Wardani, I.Y., Aldam, S.F.S., Triana, R., Florensa, M.V.A.
(2019). Comprehending Mental Health in Indonesian’s Adolescents through Mental,
Emotional, and Social WellBeing.2019. Journal Comprehensive Child and Adolescent
Nursing. (Q3).
27. Aldam, S.F.S., Keliat, B.A., Wardani, I.Y., Sulistiowati, N.M.D., Florensa, M.A.V. (2019). Risk
Factors of Mental Health in Adolescents: Emotional, Behavioral, Family, and Peer
Relationship Problems. Journal Comprehensive Child and Adolescent
28. Muliyadi., Keliat, B. A., Mustikasari., & Haryati, R. T. S. (2019). Learning culture of nursing
about patient safety in hospital: A qualitative study. Enfemeria Clinica. Received 13
November 2018, Accepted 17 April 2019, Available online 4 July 2019
29. Triana, R., Keliat, B. A., Wardani, I. Y., Sulistiowati, D., & Veronika, M. A. (2019).
Understanding the protective factor (self-esteem, family relationship, social support)
and adolescents’ mental health in Jakarta. Enfemeria Clinica. Received 13 November
2018. Accepted 17 April 2019. Available online 12 July 2019.
Publikasi baru 2019

30. Herawati, T., Keliat, B. A., & Waluyo, A. (2019).

Perceptions of self-care readiness among
STEMI patients following primary PCI. Enfemeria
Clinica. DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.04.123.
Received 13 November 2018, Accepted 17 April

31. Sari, N. Y., Keliat, B. A., & Susanti, H. (2019). Cognitive

behaviour therapy for anxiety in adolescent with
early psychosis of psychosis at boarding school.
BMC Nursing 2019, 18 (Suppl 1): 33.
Proceeding International

1. Ernawati, E., Keliat, B.A. (2015). The family support

for schizophrenia patients on community a case
study. European Psychiatry, 23rd Congress of
Psychiatry, 28 – 31, March 2015, Vienna, Austria
Penerjemah buku asing

1. Stuart, G. W., Keliat, B. A., & Pasaribu, J. Ed. (2016).

Prinsip Dan Praktik Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa.
Ed. Indonesia. Singapore: Elsevier
• Nasional 2009 – 2018 : 160 kali

• Internasional 1981 – 2018 : 18 kali

– Konsultan/relawan Paska Tsunami Aceh: 2005-2010
– Relawan pengungsian meletus Gunung Sinabung : 3-8
September 2010, sd 2017
– Relawan pengungsian meletus Gunung Merapi : 30-31
Oktober 2010
– Relawan pengungsi meletus Gunung Lokon: 27 – 28 Juli
– Relawan peduli banjir UI, 22-23 Januari 2013
Relawan ….lanjutan
– Pengabdian Masyarakat di SUMUT untuk: manajemen
stres, keluarga harmonis, Manajemen konflik dan pola
asuh anak: 2006 sd sekarang
– Relawan Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psiko Sosial:
Bencana, NTB, 16 sd 19 Agustus 2018
– Relawan Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psiko Sosial:
Tsunami & Liquifaksi, SULTENG, 21 sd 23 Oktober 2018
– Relawan Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psiko Sosial: Gn
Meletus & Tsunami , Lampung Selatan, 03 sd 05 Januari
– Relawan Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psiko Sosial: Banjir
Bandang Sentani Jayapura Papua, 9 sd 12 April 2019

1 Aceh 23/semua 11 Bali 1

2 Sumut 8 12 NTB Semua
3 Sumbar 1 13 Kalbar 4
4 Riau 1 14 Kaltim 4
5 Lampung 1 15 Kaltara 1
6 Jakarta 6 16 Kalsel 1
7 Jabar 2 17 Sulut 1
8 Jateng 1 18 Sulsel 2
9 Jatim Semua 19 Papua 2
10 Yogyakarta 1 20 Banten 1

• Anggota Persatuan Perawat Nasional

Indonesia/PPNI (1974 – sekarang)
• Anggota Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Jiwa
Indonesia/IPKJI (1975 – sekarang)
• Dewan Pakar Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Jiwa
Indonesia/IPKJI (2001 – sekarang)
• Satyalencana Karya satya XX, 1999

• Satyalencana Karya satya XXX, 2006

• Citra Executive Indonesia 2000

• Perempuan berprestasi pada Hari Pesempuan Sedunia, 8

Maret 2013 oleh Citi Corporation Indonesia

• “Inspiring Nurse” pada ulang tahun PPNI Kota Bogor, 2014

• 100 Tokoh Karo, 2015


The laureate of the Award 2015 for an

“Outstanding Achievement in field of Mental

Health Care”
(Penggerak Kesehatan Jiwa Sedunia)

Offered by the Swiss Foundation for World Health in

collaboration with the World Health Organization

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