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Conclusions & Mindmap

Avendaño F., Castro P., Gómez T. and Navarro J.

Conclusion: Naturalism
Naturalism can easily get confused with realism, but they are not the same
although they are related. While realism refers to the artistic movement that
appeared at some point in history, naturalism refers to the literary movement
which intended to express the same as realism, but in a more hard way, being
objective about reality.

An example of naturalism can be seen in the song ‘Wide Awake’ by Katy

Perry, given that in the beginning she saw things so wonderful, but then she
realized that it wasn’t reality, so she gets to understand and see that the world
wasn’t as wonderful as she thought, just as naturalism sees reality.
Conclusion: Transcendentalism
The transcendentalist movement is related to hindu religions, and it mainly
talks about reincarnation. The special fact about it is that transcendentalism does
not refer to reincarnation as that someone will become another person in
another life, but as that a person could become a rock for example after his/her
death or something similar.

An example for this is a painting called “Reencarnación Malograda” by

Héctor Barrón, and it represents more or less what transcendentalism is by
showing a man that later got reincarnated into a tree.
Conclusion: Freudianism
This movement was one of the last ones to appear in the American history, and we
believe that it basically shows a powerful war between two main forces. This idea is based
on the freudian concepts that support that theory, which are the ego and the superego,
where the ego represents the impulsive side of the human being, and the superego
represents the side that controls those impulses. In this context, we think that as this two
are always fighting, the ego could represent the bad, and the superego the good. But we
are also aware of the fact that not always exists this black and white side in freudianism,
because it mainly talks about the human being wanting to do something in which finds
pleasure, but the superego doesn’t allow him to do so always.

In this context we have the example of the song ‘I knew you were Trouble’ by Taylor
Swift, which refers to freudianism because the girl there in the video had this fight between
knowing that it wasn’t good to have a relationship with the boy, and loving him by following
her impulses.
General Conclusion
After studying these movements that were part of the American history, and
investigating deeper through examples three of them, it can be concluded that each one of
the topics were necessary to get to the present. It is true that they refer to different things,
and that some took into consideration religion, and others did not and went through other
beliefs like reincarnation, but what they have in common is that they happened to be for a
reason of the times that people were living in those days. Also, we said that each
movement was necessary, and that is because each topic reflects one aspect of the human
thinking. Through these topics we have a more complete picture on many aspects, taking
into consideration different beliefs, the psychology, the good and the bad, the reality
around us, which make us more aware of what life is like. Finally, we can say that this is
true given the fact that we could find examples of each movement that was chosen in
songs, paintings, etc, which are part of our daily life.
1) Naturalism:
2) Transcendentalism:
3) Freudianism:

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