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Motivational Enhancement

Kristiana Siste
Divisi Psikiatri Adiksi
• Motivational Enhancement Therapy • Terapi didahului dengan evaluasi
(MET) adalah intervensi yang bersifat yang intensif selama berlangsung 7-8
sistematik untuk melakukan jam.
perubahan • MET terdiri dari 4 tahap :
• Didisain untuk membuat proses lebih • Minggu 1 fokus pada
cepat, dan perubahan dari internal (1) melakukan evaluasi terkait masalah
• Strategi dari terapi ini bukan adiksi (keparahan, gejala yang ada,
mencoba untuk menuntun dan rencana selanjutnya)
mengarahkan pasien sampai (2) Mengembangkan motivasi klien untuk
kemudian pulih namun membangun memulai atau melanjutkan
motivasi agar klien dapat perubahan
menggunakan kemampuannya untuk • Minggu 2 fokus pada proses
berubah mengembangkan motivasi, menuju
• Pada minggu 6 dan 12, terapis
melakukan monitoring dan
memperkuat progress.
• Terapi selesai dalam waktu 90 hari.
Stages of change
Motivational Support: Motivational Support Needed:
Precontemplation Contemplation
• Klien belum mau berubah • Bantu klien untuk mengakhiri
• Klien mungkin tidak bersedia atau ambivalensinya dan memilih untuk
merasa tidak mampu berubah
• Klien butuh untuk ditingkatkan
kesadarannya sebelum ia menyadari • Bantu klien dengan “timbangan pro
bahwa ia perlu berubah dan kontra”
• Bantu klien untuk membangun rasa
percaya diri untuk berubah
Motivational Conflict:
• Ambivalensi: berubah atau tidak
– Example: “I know I’d feel better if I
quit smoking marijuana, but I’ll lose
a bunch of friends if I do and I won’t Motivational Conflict: Preparation
have fun anymore.”
– Example: “I feel good about setting a  Clients may be fully ready to change
quit date, but I’m not sure I have the but be unsure of the best way to go
guts to follow through with it.”
about it
• Klien menyadari ada alasan untuk
berubah  Where do I go?
• Klien sudah membuka pintu untuk  What do I do?
berubah  How do I find resources to help?
Motivational Support Needed: Motivational Support Needed:
Preparation Action
• Bantu klien mengidentifikasi strategi • Bantu klien untuk memilih strategi
perubahan dan pilih yang sesuai dengan untuk berubah
keadaannya • Bntu klien menjalani strategi tersebut
• Bantu untuk membuat perencanaan dan bantu ia untuk mempelajari
untuk berubah dan mengevaluasi bagaimana mencegah relaps
kemampuan untuk berubah • Normalisasi ambivalensi
• Evaluasi ketrampilan pasien • Afirmasi untuk keberhasilan

Motivational Conflict: Action Motivational Conflict: Maintenance

• A client may be doing all the right things • Clients in maintenance need to make
but still sometimes feel a strong desire a lot of hard decisions about lifestyle
to use substances
– Example: “I know I can’t play
– Example: “Staying off cocaine for the football with my old using buddies
past 3 weeks really makes me feel good, anymore, but I really miss it.”
but part of me wants to celebrate by
– Example: “I just can’t be around my
getting high.”
brother when he’s high, but it’s
• Motivation will naturally wax and wane really hard to say ‘no’ to him.”
over time
– For example: “Is all this really worth it?”
• Client is actively taking steps to change
Motivational Support Needed: Motivational Support Needed:
Maintenance Relapse
• Bantu klien mengembangkan • Bantu untuk segera pulih
ketrampilan baru, bersosialisasi dan • Bantu untuk meningkatkan rasa
beraktivitas untuk memperkuat percaya diri untuk bisa berubah
pemulihan • Bantu untuk menjalani proses
• Bantu dan dukung klien dalam pemulihan
mempertahankan koping yang baik – Recovery is not a straight, predictable
dan mengembangkan tujuan hidup path!

Motivational Conflict: Relapse

• Motivational conflicts may vary  Kontemplasi merupakan fase yang
paling kritis.
• Relapse leads to regression to an
 Bantu klien dalam 2 isu dibawah ini:
earlier stage of change
1. Seberapa besar masalah
• Clients may typically wonder: ketergantungan itu menurut klien
– “Do I want to try again or not?”
2. Bagaimana masalah tersebut
– “Am I capable of maintaining mempengaruhi klien (positif dan
recovery?” negatif)
Basic principles
• Express empathy: hindari • Roll with resistance:
komunikasi yang Ambivalensi adalah normal
menggambarkan dan harus dieksplorasi secara
superior/inferior, harus terbuka. Solusi harus berasal
suportif, jangan agresif dan dari klien
reflective listening • Support self-efficacy : Self-
• Develop discrepancy: bantu efficacy adalah kepercayaan
klien melihat kesenjangan saat diri klien bahwa ia dapat
ini klien berada dimana melakukan tugas tertentu
dengan apa yang klien
• Avoid argumentation: sikap
agresif kita yang menyerang
masalah klien dapat membuat
mereka  resisten
Practical strategies
• Phase 1: Building motivation for change
• Phase 2: Strengthening commitment to
• Phase 3: Follow-through strategy
Phase 1: Building motivation for change
• Elaborasi pernyataan yang memotivasi • Gunakan reflective listening, dengan
• Pernyataan: menanyakan contoh atau by “What
– Masalah terkait dengan penggunaan • Apabila pembicaraan sudah buntu
Napza maka kaitkan dengan masalah relasi,
– Ekspresi kebutuhan, keinginan atau hukum, finansial, kesehatan
kesediaan untuk berubah • Apabila terapis mengalami kesulitan
• Contoh: dalam menimbulkan perhatian dari
– Tell me a little about your addiction.
klien maka dapat digunakan strategi
berikut: (paradox)
What do you like about it? What’s
positive about drugs for you? And – This program is one that requires a
fair amount of motivation from
what’s the other side? What are your people, and frankly, I’m not sure
worries about them? from what you’ve told me so far that
– What have other people told you about you’re motivated enough to carry
your addiction? What are other people through with it. Do you think we
worried about? should go ahead?
– I’m not sure how much you are
– What makes you think that perhaps you interested in changing, or even in
need to make a change in your taking a careful look at your addiction.
addiction? It sounds like you might be happier
just going on as before.
• Mendengarkan dengan empatik • Reframing adalah strategi dimana terapis
mengundang klien untuk melihat
• Berikan pertanyaan persepsinya dalam bentuk yang berbeda
• Berikan umpan balik personal dan lebih terorganisir. Makna baru dapat
• Afirmasi diberikan pada saat reframing ini .
• Drinking as a protective function. “You
• Menangani resistensi :
don’t want to impose additional stress
– Simple reflection on your family by openly sharing
– Reflection with amplification concerns or difficulties in your life [give
– Double-sided reflection. examples]. As a result, you carry all this
– Shifting focus yourself and absorb tension and stress by
drinking, as a way of trying not to
burden your family.” The implication
here is that the problem drinker has
inner strength or reserve, is concerned
about the family, and could discover
other ways to deal with these issues
besides drinking.

• Summarizing: berguna untuk mengulang dan menyimpulkan pernyataan

yang bersifat motivational dari klien.
Phase 2: Strengthening Commitment To Change
• Kenali kesiapan klien untuk berubah • Mendiskusikan rencana: berubah dari
– Klien berhenti untuk menolak membangun motivasi menuju
– Klien mulai sedikit bertanya negosiasi rencana untuk berubah
– Klien mulai tenang – What do you make of all this? What
are you thinking you’ll do about it?
– Klien mulai membuat penyataan yang
– I wonder what you’re thinking about
bersifat motivational untuk berubah
your drinking at this point.
(“I guess I need to do something
– Now that you’re this far, I wonder
about my drinking “ “If I wanted to what you might do about these
change my drinking, what could I concerns.
• Komunikasikan pilihan
– Klien mulai berimajinasi bagaimana
– It’s up to you what you do about this.
hidupnya setelah ada perubahan
– No one can decide this for you.
• Konsekuensi dari aksi dan tidak aksi
• Infomasi dan nasehat: • Perkuat abstinensia
– Do alcohol problems run in • Bekerja dengan resistensi: refleksi
families? atau reframing
– How does drinking damage the • Buat worksheet
brain? – Buat rencana aksi secara spesifik
– What’s a safe level of drinking? • Minta klien untuk berkomitmen
– If I quit drinking, will these • Libatkan orang terdekat (Significant
problems improve?
– Could my sleep problems be due to
my drinking?
Phase 3: Follow through Strategies

• Reviewing Progress
– Diskusikan rencana yang sudah dibuat dan hal-hal yang sudah
• Renewing Motivation
– Tanyakan pada klien hal terpenting apa yang menjadi alasan baginya
untuk berubah
• Redoing Commitment
– Tingkatkan rasa percaya diri klien
Types of Change Talk
– Desire
– Ability
– Reasons
– Need
– Commitment

Source: Amrhein, P. C., Miller, W. R., Yahne, C. E., Palmer, M., & Fulcher, L. (2003). Client commitment language
during motivational interviewing predicts drug use outcomes. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. 71(5), 862–
DARN-C: Desire DARN-C: Reasons
• Statements clients make about • Statements clients make that are
preference for change: specific reasons, or arguments for
– I would like to…
– I know I would feel better if I…
– I wish…
– I would get along better with my
– I really want to…
husband if I…
– I would worry less about _______ if

DARN-C: Ability DARN-C: Need

• Statements clients make about self- • Statements clients make about
efficacy: feeling an obligation to change:
– I think I could… – I should…
– I can… – I really need to…
– I am able to… – I have to…
DARN-C: Commitment
• Two levels of • Intention or low-level
commitment statements: commitment statements:
– Intention or low-level – I hope to…
commitment statements – I plan to…
– High-level commitment – I will try to….
• High-level commitment
– I will…
– I am going to…
– I promised my husband I
Ways of Evoking Change Talk
1. Gunakan pertanyaan terbuka : “What 6. Tanyakan hal yang ekstrim: “What
would you like your life to be like 5 would be the best result you could
years from now?” imagine if you made a change?”
2. Lakukan elaborasi : “How would that 7. Gunakan readiness ruler: “What would
look?” or “Say more about that.” it take to go from a 4 to an 8?”
3. Tanyakan contoh: “How might you do 8. Pertimbangkan pros and cons
that?” or “Can you give me some (decisional balance): “What do you
examples?” like about what is happening in your
4. Tanyakan masa lalu: “When in the past life now?”
have you made a successful change?” 9. Eksplorasi tujuan dan nilai : “Tell me
5. Tanyakan ke depannya: “How will you what is most important to you in life.”
know whether you are successful with 10. Berada pada pihak klien : “Perhaps
this change?” your drug use is too important for
you to give up.”

Source: Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (1991). Motivational interviewing: Preparing people to change addictive
behavior. New York: Guilford Press.
Responding to Change Talk:
• Explore
• Affirm
• Reflect
• Summarize
Responding to Change Talk: Responding to Change Talk:
Explore Reflect
• Tanyakan pertanyaan yang • Refleksi terhadap pernyataan positif
menuntun: tentang perubahan dapat membuat
– Tell me more about how you see klien mendengar pernyataan itu dari
that. perspektif yang berbeda
– What else?
– What do you think would happen if
– Can you give me some examples? Responding to Change Talk:
• Biarkan klien dapat mengekspresikan Summarize
pikiran positif untuk berubah
• Create “bouquet” summaries that
pull together incidents of change talk
Responding to Change Talk:
• Express agreement, appreciation,
or encouragement and reinforce
change talk in any way:
– I think it’s great that…
– Wow—you’ve come a long way
– I think you could really make that
– That’s a very insightful statement
Readiness Ruler

• Developed by Stephen Rollnick

• Multi-purpose tool

Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (1991). Motivational interviewing: Preparing people

to change addictive behavior. New York: Guilford Press.
Using the Ruler: Be Specific! Using the Ruler: Look Toward the
• “On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not Future
at all ready and 10 is very ready, how
• “What could happen that would
ready are you to start talking about
move you to a higher number?”
• “What do you think it would take for
NOT you to feel more ready for this
• “How ready do you feel to change?” change?”

Using the Ruler: Ask for Using the Ruler: Tailor

Elaboration Intervention
• “Tell me why you chose that • “Not ready” (0 to 3): Express concern,
number.” offer information, provide support,
• “I’m curious; why did you rate your follow up
readiness at 6 rather than at 5 or 7?” • “Unsure” (4 to 7): Explore positive
• “Wow—you rated your readiness at and negative aspects of making the
9! Tell me more about why you think change
you’re so ready for this change.” • “Ready” (8 to 10): Help plan action,
identify resources, convey hope
Using the Ruler: Track Using the Ruler To Assess
Readiness Over Time Importance or Confidence
• “Last month you rated your • Be specific:
readiness for this change at 4. – “How important to you is your
Today you rated it 9. What’s relationship with your
helped change your thinking?” husband?” NOT “…how
• “Last month you rated your important to you are
readiness for this change at 8.
Today you rated it 5. What’s – “How confident do you feel
about saying ‘no’ to offers of
happened to decrease your cocaine?” NOT “How confident
readiness?” are you that you can maintain
abstinence over the long term?”
Using the Ruler: Tracking
Importance or Confidence
• Importance: “On a scale of 1 to
10 how important is it that you
make this change?”
• Confidence: “On a scale of 1 to
10 how confident are you that
you can make this change?”

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