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UiPath Interview

Questions and
their possible
• Q. What is RPA?
• RPA also known as Robotic process automation which a type of application
related to technology that will help the employees working in some company
to construct any software or maybe a robot that will help to capture and help
in understanding the application which is used for manipulating the date,
transaction processing, communication and for triggering responses.
• Q. Type of Robots
• Assistance or Autonomous
• Q. RPA Vs IT-Automation?
• RPA Lifecycle
• i) Analysis
> Life cycle in RPA begins with analysis phase. Business team and RPA Architect work together to
identify a business process for RPA development.
ii) Bot Development
> RPA developer(Team) starts working on requirement in their environment possibly a separate
development environment.
iii) Testing
There are two approaches on which testing is being carried out-
> Some organizations conduct Testing by Separate Testing Team, While other few have a dedicated
testing team which perform a dedicated QA like normal SDLC flow.
> Best Practice is to have a dedicated testing team which perform QA of developed bot.
iv) Deployment and Maintenance-
> After the Development and Testing closure, a bot is ready for deployment and enters maintenance
• Q. What is UiPath Automation?
Uipath is the vendor for the leading automation process of robotics. It actually helps
in providing a software platform which will help in an organization like automate
business. The main objective of the software robot is to help in the manipulation of
the application’s layer of presentation like the way any human will do
• Q. Part of UiPath
• UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot, UiPath Orchestrator
• UiPath Studio - an advanced tool that enables you to design automation processes
in a visual manner, through diagrams.
• UiPath Robot - executes the processes built in Studio, as a human would. Robots
can work unattended (run without human supervision in any environment, be it
virtual or not) or as assistants (a human triggers the process).
• UiPath Orchestrator - a web application that enables you to deploy, schedule,
monitor and manage Robots and processes, while business exception handling is
available through centralized work queues
• Q. Workflow Types and Activities
• Multiple types of workflows are available in Studio (sequences, flowcharts and
transactional business processes) that help you build your automation
workflow according to your needs.
• To create these workflows, you need activities (actions that you use to
automate apps, such as clicking and typing). Around 300 of these activities
exist, and they enable you to interact with web browsers, desktop apps, PDFs,
images, databases, terminals, Excel spreadsheets, email accounts and many
others, while you can also easily create HTTP and SOAP requests.
• Q. What is Variable and Scope of data types in UiPath?
Variable is used for storing data. You can also change the value of the variable.
When some data is stored within some variable then that value can be of
many types. In uipath, there is a huge number of data types starting from text
number, generic value, time, date and data tables.
• Q. Explain about Recording in UiPath Studio?
Uipath has 4 recordings. They are Basic, desktop, web, and Citrix.
• Basic: It is used for the generation of the full selector for every activity but
has no container. Hence the automation is much slower but is good for the
single activities.
• Desktop: It is great for multiple actions and desktop apps. It is much faster
than the basic and uses the container where the activities will be enclosed
and will also have partial selector.
• Web: It is used for recording in the web pages and for browsing. It also
generates the container.
• Citrix: It is used for recording of virtualized environments, permits texts,
images and the keyboard automation.
• Q. What is Automatic Recording in UiPath?
Automation recording is used as they are very much useful plus it can save
you a lot of time. As this automatic recording will provide a skeleton of the
entire business processes so you can easily parameterize and customize the
• Q. What are UI Activities Properties in UiPath?
There are different types of activities which are used in the web pages or in
automating apps and you can easily find them in the section of activities
panel categorized under UI automation. These UI activities have many
properties in common.
• ContinueOnError: Even when the activity will show error still, the
automation will continue its work. This field works in the boolean values.
False is the default value in here. The project won't show any error if the
activity on this field is set to true inside the try catch.
• Delay After: It helps in pausing the activity.
• Delay Before: It helps to pause before any activity.
• TimeoutMS: It helps in finding the element before the error is shown.
• WaitForReady: It will wait until the target is ready and before you perform
the activity.
• Target: It helps in identifying the element in UI before the activity starts
• Q. What are arguments in UiPath?
Argument helps the program to creates some arguments where you can also
make some changes. In arguments, you have to mention the name which is
mandatory. Write about the direction and select the argument type whether
they are a string, object, Int 32 or array.
• Q. What are properties in UiPath?
In uipath, you can use a lot of activities which is used for automating the apps
of the web apps which you can see in the activity panel under the category of
UI automation. The common properties of these activities are
ContinueOnError, Delay After, Delay Before, TimeoutMS, WaitForReady, and
• Q. Control flow
• Control flow is a concept that refers to the order in which particular actions
are taken. In UiPath, you can do this through the activities you drop to your
workflow, If...Else or For Each statements and carefully-placed loops.
• Q. What are Flowchart activities in UiPath?
The flowchart is generally used for various settings. It helps in large jobs
as well as in small projects and you can also use them in different
projects. Flowcharts help in presenting multiple branching of logical
operators, helps in building complex business and for connecting the
activities in many ways.
• Q. What is Flow Switch in UiPath?
Flow switch and flow decision are the same things but it has one
difference and that is in the flow switch each branch of the flow switch
is known as flow step and is not just restricted to true or false branch.
• Q. What are sequence activities in UiPath?
The sequence is actually the small type of projects which are suitable
mainly for linear processes and will enable you to switch from one
activity to the another seamlessly. It actually acts as a single activity
block. You can reuse them for many times.
• Q. What is state machine in UiPath?
When a machine is using a certain number of states for automation
during the execution it is known as the state machine. It will only switch
from one state to another if any action is triggered.
• Q. What is branching in UiPath RPA?
When it comes to branching in uipath there comes a “condition”. This
condition is used when an activity is having more than one solution
occurs after a certain condition. Condition statement will help the
program to determine what behavior should be shown when any
condition will be selected.
• Q. How do you create a project in UiPath?
For creating a project in uipath you will have to create a folder with
your name and then select a particular location. So the new folder will
get saved in the default directory.
• Q. What are Selectors and Wildcrafts in UiPath?
Wildcrafts helps in replacing the strings. It is helpful when you will deal
with the attributes which are changing dynamically in the selector.
And the selector helps in automatically generating the selection by
using the wildcraft.
• Q. Why do you perform Data Scraping in UiPath?
Data scraping helps in enabling the extraction of structured data,
document or application. Structured data is a group of information that
is organized and presented in a predictable pattern.
• Q. What is the Assign Activity in UiPath?
We need the assign activity because it helps in assigning values to the
variables. Mostly they are used when there is a need for incrementing
the variable's value when there is a loop. You can add the value and
then store them to another variable or it helps in assigning the value to
some array.
• Q. What is the Delay Activity in UiPath?
Uipath uses the delay activity for making you pause or stop the automation
for some period. This is mainly used in projects where you need good timing
like waiting and then start of some particular applications or waiting for
information processing which you can use in the different activity.
• Q. What is the Do While Activity in UiPath?
Do while helps in enabling the programme to execute the specific part of an
automation when the condition will be true. If the condition is not true then
the loop won't be executed. This activity is used for step through the element
present in the array or it also helps in executing any particular activity for
many times. You can use counters for keeping track of the increment.
• Q. What is the If Activity in UiPath?
If activity is used when you will deal with two conditions where the first
statement will get executed if the condition is true while the second one will
get executed when the statement will be false. When the variable will have
values then the if statement is basically used.
• Q. What is the Switch Activity in UiPath?
The switch activity helps you to choose one out of the others based on
the specified values of the expressions. Switch activity uses integer
argument as default but you can easily change it by going to the
properties panel and selecting the required Type Argument list. It helps
in categorizing the data depending on the case number.
• Q. What is the While Activity in UiPath?
This activity helps in processing a specific activity repeatedly when a
particular condition is true. The primary difference between while and
do while is that in the former one the condition will be evaluated first
and then the loop will be executed.
• Q. What is the For Each Activity in UiPath?
This statement helps in enabling the step with the help of arrays, data
tables, lists or any other sort of collections. It enables you to iterate the
data and then process every information individually
• Q. What is the Break Activity in UiPath?
With the help of break activity, you can easily stop a particular loop at any
chosen point and at that time you can continue with any other activity.
• Q. What is package manager in UiPath?
With the help of package manager, you can easily download the activity
packages, frameworks, libraries, wrappers etc and you can also check the
ones which are already present in the container and you can also update
them or add or remove them. All these features are only possible because of
manage packages window which you can easily open by clicking the package
manager button by pressing on the activity panel.
• Q. What is project debugging in UiPath?
Debugging is used for identifying as well as showing the error for a particular
project. It has breakpoints and logging and it is a type of powerful
functionality which will help you to gather information about the project and
will highlight the errors step by step. Logging helps you to know what your
projects are going through when the programming is done and is shown in
the output panel. Which helps in making the process of debugging easier.
Whereas breakpoints help in pausing the execution of your project to helps
you check the state of the program at a particular point.
• Q. What is publishing an automation project means in UiPath?
Publishing of the automation package indicates archiving it and the
related files present in particular folder for sending it to robots and then
executing it. When you will be connected to the orchestrator then the
project will go to the orchestrator field and then it will be displayed on
packages page. And from this place, you can easily distribute them to
the other robots after you assign some packages to the environment.
Otherwise, it will get stored locally in the studio feed
• Q. How can you enable image and text-based process automation?
If you want to enable the image and text-based process automation, you will
have to see that the uipath has some features that will simulate the keyboard
or mouse input, like hovering, clicking, text recognition, OCR activities etc
that helps for identifying by UI elements by screen scraping. Image or text
automation is basically used in the situations where the UI automation won't
work like in the environment of the virtual machine or in the places where
finding selectors by using the normal methods is not easy.
• Q. What is Citrix Automation in UiPath? Do you have any experience in
virtual machine automation?
The virtual machine is the emulation of the computer science. If you
efficiently want to process the automation in the Citrix machines then you
will need techniques and tool. The Citrix automation in uipath is used for
operating the virtual machine.
Yes, I have worked on the virtual machine automation previously.
• These are some of the important interview equation which you will face
during uipath interview. It contains both beginners level questions to
questions for experienced people. To learn more about uipath, it is very
important to have a sound knowledge of automation and virtual machine.

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