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• This study aims to find out if songs help
and motivate students to learn
Problem grammar structures better. In addition,
it also aims to investigate whether an
Durumu ve enjoyable classroom atmosphere could
contribute to the students‟ academic
Amaç success in grammar. One of the main
aims of the study is to learn how to
teach grammar with songs.
This thesis study addresses the
following research questions:

Araştırma 1. What are the benefits of using

songs as a medium for English
Soruları language instruction?

2. What are the students‟

attitudes towards using songs in
grammar teaching?
Araştırmanın Önemi
• One of the most important and problematic areas of language
is learning grammar structures. Grammar is the indispensable
part of foreign language learning and it remains a significance
part of language to learn for many second language learners.
Grammar plays an important role in communication as well as
the other components of language. The monotony of the
lessons and the thoughts of students towards language
learning affect language learning. In order to prevent these
and to have an effective language classroom, use of songs in
grammar learning can be an effective factor.
• This study plays an important role in learning grammar
structures because it explores the use of songs that students
enjoy listening. I believe this study may be helpful for teachers
and students in terms of language teaching and learning with
an enjoyable technique which will be helpful in their grammar
structure development.
Sayıltılar (varsayımlar)

• The number of participants involved in the

study is a concern as only 24 6th grade
students participated in the study. The
researcher is of the opinion that a larger
number may give a clearer result. Another
limitation of the study can be stated as the
duration of the project, which lasted 10
weeks, or approximately 25%, of the
academic year. Conducting the study for a
full semester or a full year might give better
• In this study, I have administrated an action
research study. Action research is related to the
ideas of „reflective practice‟ and „the teacher
as researcher‟ (Burns, 2010). I preferred an
YÖNTEM action research as the study type because the
questions of the research have aroused related
to the problems that I encounter in the
Araştırmanın Deseni

• In my research, mixed design has been preferred as the data has been
gathered through a questionnaire, teacher‟s notes and video recordings of
the classroom.

• The institution is an integrated foundation

educating students from kindergarten to
university. However, the participants of the
study are 24 students in sixth grade in the
academic year of 2016/2017.The age of the
students change from 12 to 13. I conducted
the study from 1st of November 2016 to 21st
of January 2017. There were 14 girls and 10
boys in the classroom and their English levels
have been determined by a placement exam
before they are placed in their classroom.
They are all B1 level students coming nearly
from the same background.
Both qualitative and quantitative data collection
instruments are employed throughout the data
collection process.

Veri Toplama Firstly, as for the qualitative data, teachers‟ notes

taken during or at the end of the lessons, are used.
Araçları Then video recording is employed in order not to miss
any relevant data.

As for the quantitative data, a four point likert scale

questionnaire, which has been adapted under the
supervision of my supervisor from Şevik (2011)‟s
study, is given to the participants to support the
qualitative data.
Verilerin Analizi

• Quantitative data: Statistical Procedures

• The statistics were obtained through SPSS by calculating the mean

of the scores to complex statistical procedures. The answers which
were given by the students were entered to SPSS for calculation.
The outcome of the questionnaire was shown in a series of tables
and statistics in the following chapter. The gathered data also
resulted into a statistical technique to determine means,
percentages and ranges. The data was analyzed by statistical
procedures to investigate to find out an answer for both of the
research questions of the study. The descriptive statistics were used
to show the sets of numerical data to save time and space and they
are also used to support the qualitative data. To provide the mean
and the range seemed more logical and professional to explain the
students‟ answers to the questionnaire than entering all the scores
which were acquired. The standard deviation of the results which
were gathered, lends to a description of the scores that would fulfill
Analyzing Qualitative
• As for the qualitative data, emergent content analysis was
employed to reach the answers to the research questions.
First, video recordings were carefully transcribed in addition to
the data obtained from teacher‟s notes. Then the transcription
of the gathered data were entered to a qualitative data
analysis program AtlasTi for the coding process which means
finding and marking the repeating items that are valuable for
the research. During the transcription process, participants‟
gestures and mimics were also taken into consideration.
Dörnyei (2007) states that, nonverbal aspects such as body
language help to learn more about a situation. A computer
based program was preferred in order to save time and analyze
the data in a detailed way without missing any relative data.
Moreover it is a powerful way to show the relevant codes and
their relations with categories in a clear way
Uygulama (Süreç)

• Observations were made and the questionnaire was used to complete the
study. I used my computer, my mobile phone and a notebook as a teacher‟s
diary in every lesson to take notes. I tried to take advantage of the technology
by playing songs for the students in the classroom. I printed worksheets related
to the songs I taught. I taught one or two songs to the students for each
grammar topic. At the beginning of the lessons, I started with the songs to take
their interest in the lesson then I handed out the worksheets I prepared before
the lessons. At first, students used to have difficulties as they do not know how
to work with songs but afterwards they started to get used to it especially when
they realized they enjoy the lessons.
• In some songs, I used „YouTube‟ but because not all music videos are
appropriate for the classroom, sometimes I chose to show them picture slides
rather than music videos. After listening to songs for couple of times, the
students were asked to sing along in the classroom. After they learned the
songs, I played the karaoke version of the songs to let them have fun and sing by
themselves. The classroom activities were not only done to observe them, they
were actually done to teach them with effective materials as I was taught
through my primary, middle and high school years. My observations were
written in my diary. The diary I kept through my research helped me to observe
them more. The activities and the procedure of study and data collection
process are explained step by step under the following titles below.

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