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Matter: Every Thing that you see or don’t see but having mass and occupies space.
e.g Air is also have mass (But can’t see it).

States of Matter:
Molecule ,Element and Compound
• Molecules : A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that
has the chemical properties of that element or compound. or Molecule a group of atoms
that from the smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance can be divided and still
retain the chemical properties of that substance.

• Element: All Molecules or Matter which have only one types of atom.
e.g Hydrogen(H2),Nitrogen(N2),Oxygen(O2).
• Compound: All Molecules or Matter having different types of atoms
.e.g H2O(Water) & Carbondioxide (CO2)
Atom: An atom is a smallest particle which took part as a unit(mean single) in chemical
action(reaction) & no more divisible.

Atoms are of Two Types.

1.Which can exist independently.for example atom of noble gases having external shell completed.
e.g He, Ne,Ar.

2.Which are in the form of molecules by combining with each other. e.g H2,O2,N2.
Atom Consist of three types of Particles.
.Electron move in Centrifugal force(mean move circular path)
.Have Negative Charge
.No of Electron is equal to No of proton.(No of Electron=No of Proton)
.Mass of Electron is 9.11 x 10-28
.Radius of electron is 1.9 x 10-19
.Electron mass is 1836 times lighter than proton.
.1 electron =1.6x 10rase to power -19 coulomb

.Present in Nucleus.
.Having Positive Charge
.No of Proton is equal to No of electron .(No of Proton=No of Electron)
.Proton mass is 1836 times greater than electron.

.Present in Nucleus.
.Mass of Neutron is equal to Mass of Proton.(Mass of Neutron=Mass of Proton)
.Having no charge on atom.

Central Part of atom where proton and neutron exist does not move by any move is called Nucleus

Atom is neutral particle mean no charge on it because electron has negative charge and proton has
positive charge so these charges cancel each other
Electron Shells
Electron Shells
Electron revolve around the nucleus in their specific orbit. These orbit are Called energy level or shells.

Every shell have fixed no of electrons in their every shell.

Using formula to find Number of electron in Orbit.

Formula(2n2) , N =Number of Shells
.These Shell are denoted by K,L,M and N.
Distribution of Electron in Shell
No of Electron In shell

.No of Electron in outer most shell should be 32 electron but in last shell not
more than 8 .
.Formula 2n2 is not applicable on last shell
.Maximum No of Electron is Seven in outer most shell.
.Atomic Number of BORON is five(5)=No of Electron present in atom
K Shell Contain =2 Electron
L Shell Contain=3 Electron

Atomic Number of CARBON is five(6)
K Shell Contain =2 Electron
L Shell Contain=4 Electron

Atomic Number of Copper is twenty nine(29)
K Shell Contain =2 Electron
L Shell Contain=8 Electron
M Shell Contain=18 Electron
N Shell Contain=1 Electron
.Less Stable or unstable because if minor energy applied on copper atom,
it outer most shell electron can be remove easily.
Valence Electron:
Outer Most Shell or Orbit of an atom is called Valence Shell and Electrons Present in the outer most
shell is Called Valence Electron.
No of Valence Electron is called Valencey of that atom
Mean No of Valence Electron= Valencey of that atom
e.g Copper has 1 electron in their outer most orbit so
Valency of Copper is 1.

Free Electron:
Those Electron whose attraction with nucleus is very weak or less is called Free electron. Or
Those electron connect with nucleus very weakly are called Free electron.
e.g Copper has 1 electron in their outer most orbit so this electron connected with nucleus very
weakly so this electron is called Free Electron
Electric Charge : On a Body Deficiency or excess of electron is called charge.

• Deficiency of electron is called Positively charged .

• Excess of electron is called Negatively Charged.
• Charge denoted by “Q”.
• Unit of Charge is Coulomb and coulomb denoted by “C”
If in a body or circuit a number of 6.28x 10rase topower 18 electrons pass in 1 second then
the quantity of charge is 1 coulomb.
Conductor :Conductor through which current easily pass is called conductor.
e.g Copper ,Silver ,Aluminium .Copper has only one electron in their outer most orbit. Metal are
conductor of electricity
.In Conductor No of electron in outer most shell is less than 4.
.If No of electron in outer most shell Is less than 4 so it is the better conductor.

INSULATOR :Such Material Which have resistance against current is called semi conductor.
Or An insulator is a material that does not conduct electrical current. e.g Paper,Varnish,
Rubber, glass, Wood.
.In Insulator No of electron in outer most shell is more or greater than 4.
.If No of electron in outer most shell Is greater than 4 so it is the better Insulator.

SEMI-CONDUCTOR:Such materials whose electric characteristics are between

conductor and insulator are called semi conductor. Or A solid substance that has a
conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals.e.g Carbon , Germanium
and Silicon.
.In Semi-Conductor No of electron in outer most shell is always 4.
Resistance is that property of material which opposes the flow of electron.e.g Nichrome,
Tungsten, German Silver ,Urica.
.Conductor has less Resistance.
.Insulator has greater resistance.
.Resistance is denoted by R.Unit of Resistance is ohm.
Represented by

OHM: A 1 Ohm load simply means a load that if you apply 1 Volt to it, you will draw exactly
1 Ampere out of the supply. Or if 1 Ampere current is passes through a conductor under 1
volt pressure then its resistance will be 1 ohm. Or The Potential Differnence between two
points of conductor is one volt and one ampere current I flowing through that conductor
than the resistanc of the conductor will be 1 ohm
Ohms = Volts/Amperes
• Conductance: Such Property of Material or a conductor which help to flow the
current is called conductance .e.g Silver, Copper, Aluminium. the current can pass very easily
as their conductance is very high.
• Denoted by G.Its Reciprocal of resistance
• Unit of Conductance is mho or siemens G=1/R
• s

• Electric Current: In a conductor rate of flow charge or electron is called

electric current is called electric current. e.g if water flow in continuously than current flow
continuously mean(rate of flow of electron flow continuously).if water flow in form of flood
then current flow in pressure mean(rate of flow of electron flow continuously
• Denoted by I
• Unit is Ampere
.Current (I)=Charge/Time=Q/t

Ampere: A unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second. or If from
one point of a conductor a charge of 1 coulomb (6.28 x 10rase power18 electron)passes in 1
second then the current passing from that point is called 1 ampere.

1Ampere=1 Coulomb /Second

Direct Current : The Current which flow only in one direction.
.Denoted by (__)
.In this process current is taken from battery.(Battery provide D.C Current)
.So that Current is travel from Positive terminal of Battery towards lamp.
.Negative Terminal of battery towards battery.
Alternating Current: Such Current whose direction and quantity
continuously changes is called alternating current.
.Denoted by ~
.This process repeated many time in one second which is called frequency.
.In one second 50 cycles will be completed mean 50 cycles/Second.
• Potential : The electric Pressure(Voltage)due to which in a conductor there is
continuous flow of electron is called potential or voltage .

Potential Differnce:At any two points the difference due to different quantity
of charge is called potential difference
Expalnation Of Potential Difference
.Copper Plate act as anode(negtively charge) and Zinc Rod as a cathode(positively
charged) Immersed(Dip)in dilute Sulphuric acid(H2SO4).
1)When Chemical reaction occur in cell which causes the electron to move from copper
plate to zinc rod where electron deposition(collected).
Mean transfer of electron due to sulphuric acid which is known is electrolyte.(An
electrolyte in aqueous solution or in molten state dissociates into free mobile ions
i.e( cations and anions)
2)Because of these deposition(collection)of electron on zinc rod so that zinc rod is
negatively charged and copper plate is positively charged because electron is
removed from copper plate.
3)If these electrodes(Copper Plate and zinc rod)are connect with two wire externally
then electron immediately (Fastely)moved towards anode to minimize difference.
4) Difference between electrode because electron move continuously towards zinc rod
in that chemical reaction.
5)When zinc plate is negatively charged so zinc electrode is negatively charged. so if
copper plate is positively charged so copper electrode is positively charged.
6)So because of that copper plate is at higher potential as compared to zinc plate. so the
potential difference between them is due to chemical reaction in cell.
Direction of flow of electron is from copper to zinc plate due but direction of conventinal
current is from zinc to copper plate .
Volt: if an energy of 1 joule is consumed to move a charge of coulomb from one point to
another. Formula
• In Ohm Law Current Passing through circuit is directly proportional to voltage, and Current
Passing through circuit is Inversely proportional to resistance when there is no physical
change in circuit.
Relationship of Voltage and Current: Current Passing through circuit is directly proportional to
1) If Volatge is increased in a circuit Current also increase .
2)If Voltage is decreased in a circuit Current also decreased.
• Relationship of Resistance and Current: Current Passing through circuit is inversely
proportional to resistance.
• 1)If resistance increase of an electric circuit then the flow electron is decrease.
• 1)If resistance decrease of an electric circuit then the flow electron is increase.

1)Ohm Law is used for DC Circuit or Purely AC Resistive circuit.
2)It does not apply on Inductive and capacitive circuit.
• Resistance of a conductor depend on the following point which is called Law of Resistance.
• 1)Length of Conductor: Resistance of a conductor is directly Proportional to its length mean
. If Length of conductor increase its resistance also increase.
. If Length of conductor decrease its resistance also decrease.

Area Of Cross-Resistance:Resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its area of cross

section.In thin wire no much space to flow electron resistance increase.In thick wire more
space low resistance will be produced.
Type of Metal: Resistance depend upon nature of material of conductor.Resistance of
two wire of different resistance example copper has less resistance and Nichrome has
more resistance.if copper and nichrome material have same length and thickness

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