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The Digestive System

Trivia about digestive system

• Food doesn't need gravity to get to your
Trivia about digestive system
• Stomach rumbling can happen at any
time, not just when you're hungry.
Trivia about digestive system
• Contrary to popular belief, chewing gum
only takes a few days to pass through our
digestive systems.
Trivia about digestive system
• Physicians treated peptic ulcers incorrectly
for nearly a century.
Seatwork: Identify whether the
organ is major organ or accessory
1. Mouth 6. Large intestines
2. Gall bladder 7. Pancreas
3. Small intestines 8. Pharynx
4. Stomach 9. Esophagus
5. Salivary glands 10. Liver
Parts of the Digestive tract
– Mouth
– Pharynx
– Esophagus
– Stomach
– Small Intestine
– Large Intestine
Accessory Parts
• These are organs that are not in the
digestive tract but helps in the digestion
– Teeth
– Tongue
– Salivary glands
– Liver
– Gall bladder
– Pancreas
– Food enters in the mouth or oral cavity
– Tasting
– Mechanical breakdown of food
– Secretion of salivary glands (salivary
Structures in the mouth:
• Teeth
• Salivary glands
– Parotid glands (beneath the cheek)
– Submaxillary (below the jaw bone)
– Sublingual (below the tongue)
• Tongue
– It pushes the bolus toward the pharynx and into the
esophagus when swallowing.
Mechanism of Digestion:
• Swallowing is a coordinated activity of the
tongue, soft palate, pharynx and esophagus.
– Food is pushed into the pharynx by the tongue.
– Tongue blocks the mouth
– Soft palate closes off the nose
– Larynx (Adam’s Apple) rises so the Epiglottis (a flap
of tissue) can close the opening of the trachea.
• A straight muscular tube that is about 10
inches long which connects the mouth with
the stomach.
• Food takes about 4 to 8 seconds as it
passes through to the stomach.
• It is the muscular action that pushes the
food further down the alimentary canal.
• A stretchy bag that holds up your food
after you eat.
• It helps to break down food into smaller
pieces so your body can use it for energy
and nutrition.
• HCl helps break down food and kills
bacteria that came along with the food.
Small Intestines
• It is a tube that is 20 feet long.
• It is divided into three major parts:
– Duodenum (10 inches)
– Jejunum ( 8 ft.)
– Ileum (12 ft.)
• Food stays in your small intestine for 4 to 8
• Final digestion and absorption take place.
Large Intestine or Colon
• It is a tube that is 5 ft. long
• It gets the waste from the small intestines.
• The waste stays for 10 to 12 hours.
Large Intestine
• Factory for antibodies and bile
• Stores vitamins and sugars until your body
needs them
Gall Bladder
• Storage tank for bile (a greenish-yellow
liquid) that helps your body break down
and use fats
• Located under your liver
• Helps you digest
food by breaking
down sugars

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