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• Penelitian  proses ilmiah yang mencakup sifat formal dan intensif

• Penelitian adalah penyelidikan dari suatu bidang ilmu pengetahuan
yang dijalankan untuk memperoleh fakta-fakta/prinsip-prinsip dengan
sabar, hati-hati serta sistematis (J Suprapto MA)
• Penelitian adalah pemikiran yang sistematis mengenai berbagai jenis
masalah yang pemecahannya memerlukan pengumpulan dan
penafsiran fakta-fakta (David H. Penny)
• Penelitian (menurut Kerlinger, 1986) : proses penemuan yang
mempunyai karakteristik sistematis, terkontrol, empiris dan
mendasarkan pada teori dan hipotesis.
• Penelitian adalah usaha seseorang yg dilakukan secara sistematis
mengikuti aturan-aturan metodologi.
• Penelitian  Art and science guna mencari jawaban terhadap suatu
permasalahan (Yoseph dan Yoseph, 1979)
• Penelitian: cara pengamatan/inkuiri dan mempunyai tujuan untuk
mencari jawaban permasalahan atau proses penemuan, baik discovery
maupun invention.
Metode Penelitian
• Metode penelitian pada dasarnya merupakan cara ilmiah untuk
mendapatkan data dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu.

Applied versus Basic Research

• Generates a body of
knowledge by trying to
Basic research comprehend how certain
problems that occur in
organizations can be solved.

• Solves a current problem

Applied faced by the manager in the
research work setting, demanding a
timely solution.

Research Methods for Business

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 3
Definition of Scientific Research

• Scientific Research focusing on solving problems and

pursues a step by step logical, organized and rigorous
method to identify the problems, gather data, analyze
them and draw valid conclusions there from.
Why Scientific Research?

• This research is not based on hunches, experience and intuition.

• It is purposive and rigorous.
• Enables all those who are interested in researching and knowing
about the same or similar issues to come up with comparable
findings when data are analyzed.
• Findings are accurate and confident.
• Apply solutions to similar problems – generalization.
• It is more objective.
• Highlights the most critical factors at the work place that need specific
attention to solve or minimize problems.
• Scientific Investigation and Managerial Decision Making are integral
part of effective problem solving.
• It can be applied to both basic and applied research.
Berpikir Ilmiah

Skeptik : selalu menanyakan bukti & fakta yg

mendukung pertanyaan

Analitik : selalu menganalisis setiap pertanyaan atau


Kritik : selalu mendasarkan pikiran atau pendapat pada

logika & mampu menimbang berbagai hal secara
obyektif berdasarkan data, dan analisis akal sehat
Metode Ilmiah


bebas dari

prinsip analisis

Hallmarks of scientific research:

Parsimony Rigor

Generalizability Testability

Objectivity Replicability

Precision and
Hypothetico-Deductive Research
• The Seven-Step Process in the Hypothetico-Deductive Method

Identify a Define the

broad problem problem
area statement

Interpretation Data Data Determine

of data analysis collection measures

Deduction and Induction

Deductive reasoning: application of a general

theory to a specific case.

• Hypothesis testing

Inductive reasoning: a process where we

observe specific phenomena and on this basis
arrive at general conclusions.
• Counting white swans

Both inductive and deductive processes are

often used in research.


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