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ECED 304- Megan Grable

What do I know about rocks? Take a
moment to jot down 5 to 10 bits of
knowledge you have about rocks.

1. They come in many

different colors
5. They’re used for
2. The can be smooth or
landscaping in some areas
6. The are heavy
3. The beach is full of them
7. There are many varieties of
4. Barnacles grow on them
8. They come in many sizes
Rock Collecting
What did you learn from
observing and investigating the
different rocks?

By going down on the beach I was able to learn a lot

about not only the rocks themselves but the habitats
around the rocks. The rocks I was looking at were
similar in colors, with shades of grey, brown and dark
red. Most of them on the beach were smooth, from the
waves, but there were some used in the landscaping
nearby that were rougher in texture and I was able to
compare the two. “The more experiences children have
to touch, feel, sort, and play with
rocks, the more they will discover about their
interesting characteristics.” (Lawrence Hall) By having a
chance to interact with the rocks I was able to learn
more, for instance I learned that some of them changed
colors when wet and then dry.
How were you being
like a scientist?
I observed the different characteristics of the
rocks, observed them in their natural place on
the beach as well as saw how they are used as
landscaping and even in a fire pit for different
purposes. I wa able to draw pictures of some of
the rocks features I was unable to take with me
to characterize the different types of rocks and
ways they can be used in the environment. I
looked at texture, colors, patterns, weights, and
shapes of the different rocks.
Find one Earth Science
foundation that you explored or
learned and briefly explain how
and why.
By actively observing and interacting with not
only the rocks I collected but the environment
the rocks are found in, I learned more about
earth science. “1.0 Properties and
Characteristics of Earth Materials and
Objects- 1..1 demonstrate increased ability to
investigate and compare characteristics (size,
weight, shape, color, texture) of earth
materials such as sand, rocks, soil, water, and
air.” (CDE, 2012) I was able to investigate the
different types of rocks that are used for
different types of things and the impact the
environment around them has on their shape,
texture and size.
How does exploration you experienced correspond to one of the strategies
mentioned in the Earth Science Frameworks. What ideas do the strategies
give you in extending this activity

While looking at the rocks on the beach I observed them being a certain
color, once I brought them back to sort, many of the colors had changed
from drying out. I observed this color change as I investigated what the
rocks were composed of. This aligns with the framework, “Invite children
to explore and experiment with earth materials...when playing with rocks,
children may discover that they can use certain rocks to draw on a
sidewalk, that some rocks break more easily, or change color or texture
when put in water. “ (CDE, 2013)
To extend the activity i could have tried to break the rocks open with a
tool, to see how hard they are, I could have tried drawing with them. I also
could have tested if they sank or floated.
Rock Sorting
What did you learn about
classification and sorting
from this experience?

I learned that there are many different ways

to sort items. For the rocks they could be
sorted by color, by texture, by size, and more.
“ For classification, it is important to provide
items that belong to the same group yet vary
by one or more identifiable attributes.” (CDE
2010, pp. 261) The sorting could be broke
down to a smaller subsets by sorting by two
attributes, such as small brown rocks vs. small
grey rocks.
How does one Classification and Patterning Foundation apply to your
experience? How and why? How did the foundation come to life?

I was able to classify the rocks by

color, by shape, and by size. This
aligns with Math Foundation;
Algebra and Function-
Classification and Patterning 1.1
which says “Sort and classify objects
by one or more attributes, into two or
more groups, with increasing
accuracy.” (CDE, 2008)
I was able to see how different
items can be classified in different
ways and that some rocks would
change what group they were a set
in depending on the attributes.
What does this experience cause you to think about if you were to do this or
something similar with young children, and how does it connect to the research?

Allowing the children to freely explore the materials is key to the children learning more about rocks and earth
sciences, classification and patterns. I think allowing conversations between the children regarding what they
have found is crucial to learning, Uchenna talks about this type of conversation saying, “Listening to others’
insights and opinions and learning that these are of value is a key skill taught in any inquiry-based classroom.”
(Uchenna, pp. 7) Having a supportive environment where there are no wrong answers, only inquiry and learning
from peers, the children are able to deduce their own information through the materials provided.
● CDE (2013). California preschool learning foundations (vol. 3) - Science: Earth
Science - pp. 79-83
● CDE (2013). California preschool curriculum framework (vol. 3). Science: Earth
Science - pp. 215-236
● CDE (2005). California preschool learning foundations (vol. 1) - Mathematics:
Classification and Patterning - pp. 153-154
● CDE (2010). California preschool curriculum framework (vol. 1). Mathematics:
Classification and Patterning- pp. 259 -271
● Earth Science-Exploring Rocks . (2017). Regents of the University of California.
● Ugo, U., & Reynard-Schmidt, S. (2009). Investigating Rocks and Sand Addressing
Multiple Learning Styles through an Inquiry-Based Approach. Young Children, 1–9.

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