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à A g  is a misalignment of teeth and/or
incorrect relation between the teeth of the two
dental arches. The term was coined by Edward
Angle, the "father of modern orthodontics,"as a
derivative of ¬ ¬, which refers to the manner
in which opposing teeth meet.

 g ë
It includes variations in individual tooth
position and malocclusions affecting a group of teeth
within an arch.
 g ë
It comprises of malrelation of dental archs
to one another upon skeletal bony bases.
9p    g ë
It involves the underlying bony bases.
w w  ww

9Angle·s system of classification
9Simon·s classification
9Bennet·s classification
9Ackreman-profitt system of classification

9ë ëëp  ëppÊÊëÊ
I. It helps in diagnosis and treatment planning of the patient.
II. It also helps in visualizing and understanding the problem
associated with malocclusion.
   w w

à    introduced a system of classifying

malocclusion in year 1899.
à It is based on g 
        , dental
à According to Angle,maxillary first permenant molar is the key to
à Based on the relation of      g   g  
    g   g 



à Angle·s class 1 malocclusion is characterized by

presence of normal inter-arche molar relation.
à The mesio-bucal cusp of the maxillary first permanent
molar occludes in the bucal groove of mandibular first
permanent molar.
à The patient may exhibit dental irregularities such as
crowding,spacing,rotation missing tooth etc. these
patients exhibit normal skeletal relation and normal
muscle function

à It characterized by class II molar relation where the

disto-bucal cusp of upper first permanent molar
occludes in the bucal groove of the mower 1st
permenant molar. They are divided in 3 divisionsë
1. Division 1
2. Division 2
3. Subdivision

à   ÊÊ  
à It is characterized bey proclined upper incisors, with a resultant
increase in overjet.
à Characterstic featureë the presence abnormal muscle activity
à the upper lip is usually hyptonic short and fails to lip seal. The lower
lip cushions the palatal aspect of upper teeth. This feature is
reffered as ´u  -.
à   ÊÊ 
à Characteristic feature is presence of retroclined upper central
incisors and proclined upper lateral incisors over lapping the
central incisors.
à Patient exhibits a deeper anterior over bite.
à Squarish apperance of arche seen.
à   ÊÊ
à When class II molar realtion exists on one side and class I molar
relation on the other side, it is referred to as class II,subdivision

à It is characterized by class III molar relation with mesio-

buccal cusp of maxillary 1st permenant molar accluding
in tnterdental space between the mandibular 1st and 2nd
à Classified into 3 types as underë
1. True class III
2. Pseudo class III
3. Class III subdivision

à     ÊÊÊë
à This is skeletal class III malocclusion of genetic origin
à Causesë
à Exclusively large mandible
à Forwardly placed mandible
à Smaller than normal manilla
à Retropositioned manilla
à Lower incisors tend to be lingually inclined.
à Y   ÊÊÊë
à This type of malocclusion is produced by forward movement of
mandible during jaw closure.thus it is also called as   or  
class III.
à Causesë
à In case of premature loss of decidous posterious,the child tends to move
the mandible forward.
à A child with enlarged adenoids,tends to move the mandible forward
à   ÊÊÊ ë
à It is a condition charaterized by class III molar relation on one side and
class I relation on other side
w w

à   Ê g     ë
à  Ê
à class I malocclusion with crowded anterior teeth.
à  ë
à Class I with protnesiue maxillary incisors.
à  ë
à Class I malocclusion with anterior crossbite
à Class I molar relation with posterior crossbite.
à  !
à The permanent molar has drifted mesially due to early
extraction of second decidous molar or second premolar.
à   ÊÊÊ g     
à  ë
à The upper & lower dental arches when viewed seperately are in
normal alignment. But when the arches are made to occlude
the patient shows on edge to edge incisors alignment,
suggestive of forward moved mandibular dental arche.
à  ë
à The mandibular incisors are crowded and are in lingual relation
to the maxillary incisors.
à  ë
à The maxillary incisors are crowded and are in crossbite in
relation to the mandibular anteriors.
w  w 
w w
à   ë
à Synonyms with angle·s class I malocclusion.
à ë
à Synonym with angle class II malocclusion
à „ ë
à Synonym with angle·s class III malocclusion
à ë
à Buccal placement of tooth or group of teeth.
à ë
à Lingual placement of tooth or group of teeth.
à p ë
à When tooth or a group of teeth have erupted beyond normal level.
à Ê 
à When tooth or a group of teeth have erupted to normal level.
à „  
à „esial to normal position.
à Distal to normal postion.
à Transposition of two teeth.
à ë ë
à Abnormal axial inclination of tooth.
à   ë
à Rotation of tooth around its long axis.
 w w

à This system of classification uses three

anthropometric planes i.e
à Frankfort horizontal plane
à The orbital plane
à „id sagittal plane

à       u      
à It is determined by drawing a straight line through the margin of the bony
orbit directly under the pupil of the eye, to the upper margin of the
auditory meatus (the notch above the tragus of the ear). This plane is used
to determine deviations in the height of the dental arches and teeth in
relation to the face and cranium.
à       ë
à It is a perpendicular at right angles to the frankfort plane at the margin of
the bony orbit directly under the pupil of the eye. This plane is used to
determine sagital deviations of the dental arches and the axial inclination
of the teeth to the face and the cranium.
à „      
à it is used to describe malocclusion in the transverse direction.
à When a part or a whole arche is away from mid sagittal plane it is
à When a part or a whole arche is closer from mid sagittal plane it is
 w w

à p  g     introduced a classification of
abnormalities of occlusion which was based on their
etiology. Briefly the classification is as followsë

à   Êë
à Abnormal position of one or more teeth due to local causes.
à   ÊÊ
à Abnormal formation of a part or whole of either arch due to
developmental defects of bone.
à   ÊÊÊ
à Abnormal relationship between upper and lower arches, and
between either arch and facial contour and correlated
abnormal formation of either arch.
w w
à Ackreman&profitt in 1960 proposed a diagramatic
classification of malocculation as belowë
à p  " g #
à It involves assesment of alignment & symmetric of the dental is classified as ideal/crowded/spaced.
à p  "  #
à It involves the consideration of the profile. The profile is
described as conves/straight/concave.
à p  " #
à The transverse skelatal and dental relationship is evaluated.
Bucal and palatal crossbites if any are voted.
à p  " #
à This involves the assesment of the sagittal realtionship. It is
classified as angle·s I/II/III malocclusion.
à p  !"   #
à „alocclusion in vertical plane are noted.

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