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Chrysan Hawa Nirwana
In the final stages of the industrial production of penicillin, air enters a dryer having a dry bulb
temperature of 34°C and a wet bulb temperature of 17°C. The moist air flows over the penicillin at 1 atm
at the rate of 4500m³/hr. The air exits at 34°C. The penicillin feed enters 34°C with a moisture content of
80%, and exits at 50%.

a. How much water is evaporated from the penicillin per hour?

b. What is the enthalpy change in kj/hr of the air from inlet to exit?

c. How many kg of the entering penicillin is dried per hour?

Assume that the properties of the wet penicillin are those of the water content of the mixture.

D TDB = 34°C  Basis = 100 kg di aliran A
TWB= ?
A C Asumsi :
Penicilin = 50
DRYER 50 • = KE = W = 0
Penicilin = 20
T = 34°C • No reaction occurs
B MOIST AIR • Open, steady state process
T = 34°C
Rate = 4500
• Ideal gas behavior
TDB = 34°C
TWB = 17°C
Step 1
 Menghitung massa penicillin di aliran A
massa Penicillin di A =

massa penicillin di A = massa penicilin di C

= 0,5

a) yang teruapkan di D =
Step 2
Jika diketahui TDB = 34°C dan TWB = 17°C di alairan B

Maka dapat diketahui propertis moist air dari psychrometric chart


27 ℃ 4 4,5℃
Step 3
  Mencari spesific volume pada aliran B

Spesific volume = 0,85 TDB = 27°C

Spesific volume = 0,90 TDB = 44,5°C

Spesific volume = ? TDB = 34°C

Spesific volume

15,75 - 17,5 = 0,525

-17,5 = -15,225
= Spesific volume di aliran B
  Mencari massa moist air di B
Massa moist air di B =

 Mencari humidity di D
Karena kandungan uap air dalam moist air yang masuk bertambah,
= Humidity di B +
= 0,0048 +
= 0,01970
Step 4
 Jika diketahui TDB = 34°C dan H = 0,01970 di aliran D.
Maka dapat diketahui propertis moist air dari psychrometric chart
 = 0,018 TWB = 23,1 °C

= 0,020 TWB = 24,7 °C

= 0,01970 TWB = ?

0,0494 - 0,002y = 0,00048
– 0,002y = - 0,04892
y = 24,46 °C TWB di aliran D
Step 5
 Jika diketahui TDB = 34°C dan H = 0,01970 di aliran D.
Maka dapat diketahui propertis moist air dari psychrometric chart
 = 24 = 72,7
= 25 = 76,1
= 24,46 =?

76,1-y = 2,214
-y = -73,886
y = 7 di aliran D
Step 6
 = 100 = 373,15K =  
= 34 = 307,15K = 40,66
= 647,1K dari Appendix B.1 = 44,1357
= 40,66 dari buku Smith Van Ness =
= 24516,8333
= = = 0,5766467
= = = 0,4746562
Step 7
Jika diketahui TDB = 34°C dan TWB = 17°C di alairan B
Maka dapat diketahui propertis moist air dari psychrometric chart
 b) out - in = di D - di B
= 7 - 48,5
= 25,386
Perubahan entalphy udara dari masuk sampai keluar
= [(25,386 massa dry air) + ( )]
= [(25,386 ) + (2451,68333 )]
= [130164,526549098 kj + 147100,9998 kj]
= 277265,526349098 kj

c) Mass of entering Penicillin is dried =


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