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General Description of FEM

and its
Engineering Applications
Dr. Srinivasa C.V.
Professor & Dean IPR,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Module –I(Teaching Hours-10)

Introduction to Finite Element Method:

General description of the finite element method. Engineering applications of
finite element method. Boundary conditions: homogeneous and
nonhomogeneous for structural, heat transfer and fluid flow problems.
Potential energy method, Rayleigh Ritz method, Galerkin’s method,
Displacement method of finite element formulation. Convergence criteria,
Discretisation process, Types of elements: 1D, 2D and 3D, Node numbering,
Location of nodes. Strain displacement relations, Stress strain relations, Plain
stress and Plain strain conditions, temperature effects.
Interpolation models:
Simplex, complex and multiplex elements, Linear interpolation polynomials in
terms of global coordinates 1D, 2D, 3D Simplex Elements.
 Engineers model physical phenomena.
 Analytical descriptions of physical phenomena and processes are called
mathematical models. – Developed using assumptions on the process. –
Often characterized by differential and/or integral equations.
 Numerical methods are typically used to solve engineering mathematical
models – referred to as numerical simulation.
 Finite element method (FEM) is a numerical procedure for solving
mathematical models numerically.
 FEM uses discretization (nodes and elements) to model the engineering
system, i.e., subdivide the problem system into small components or pieces
called elements and the elements are comprised of nodes.
 Approximations are introduced over each element to represent the behavior
of the unknown variables.
 Different types of elements are available.
 Accuracy of the finite element approximation is improved by using more
elements to approximate the engineering system and/or elements that
involve more nodes to define the unknown function(s) variation over the
All physical nature can be described in terms of partial differential
equations in case where the given equations and geometric structure
are simple, the solution can be obtained in the closed form or exact
It is not possible to obtain analytical solution for many engineering
An analytical solution is a mathematical expression that gives the
values of the desired unknowns’ quantity at any location in the body,
and as a consequence it is valid for an infinite location in the body.
An analytical solution can be obtained only for certain simpler
For example: problems involving complex material properties,
geometry, loading and boundary conditions it is necessary to use
numerical methods that provide approximate, but acceptable
solutions. In most of the numerical methods the solutions yield
approximate values of the unknown quantities only at a discrete
number of points in the body.
Why the Finite Element Method (FEM) is necessary to solve the engineering problems?

• In engineering problems there are some basic unknowns,

if they are found the behavior of the entire structure can
be predicted.
• The basic unknowns or the field variables which are
encountered in the engineering problems are
displacement in solid mechanics, velocities in fluid
mechanics, electric and magnetic potentials in electrical
engineering and temperature flow in heat flow problems
• Analytical solutions to the engineering problems are
possible only if the geometry, loading, material properties
and boundary conditions of the problem are simple.
Otherwise it is necessary to use an approximate
numerical solution such as FEM.
• The finite element method is originally developed to
study the stresses in complex aircraft structures.
Then, it is applied to other fields of continuum
mechanics, such as heat transfer, fluid mechanics,
acoustics, electromagnetic, geomechanics, and
biomechanics. etc.
• FEA is used in industries, such as aerospace,
automotive, biomedical, bridges and buildings,
electronics and appliances, heavy equipment and
machinery, micro electromechanical systems
(MEMS), and sporting goods.
• In the FEM the structure is modeled by the assemblage
of small pieces of structure and each pieces are called
finite elements.
• The word “finite” distinguishes these pieces from
infinitesimal elements used in calculus.
• In the finite element method(FEM), the variation of
the field variable on the element is approximated by
the simple functions, such as polynomials.
• The actual variation on the element is almost certainly
more complicated, so FEA provides an approximate
• However, the solution can be improved by using more
elements to represent the structure.
• Elements are connected at points called
nodes or grids.
• The value of field variable and perhaps also its
first derivatives are defined as unknowns at
the nodes.
• The assemblage of elements is called a finite
element structure, and the particular
arrangement of elements is called a mesh.
• FEM changes the governing differential
equations or integral expressions into a set of
linear algebraic equations to solve the nodal
Computer Programs for the Finite Element
There are two general computer methods of approach to
the solution of problems by the finite element method.
One is to use large commercial programs, many of which
have been configured to run on personal computers
(PCs); these general-purpose programs are designed to
solve many types of problems. The other is to develop
many small, special-purpose programs to solve specific
Some advantages of general-purpose programs:
1. The input is well organized and is developed with user ease in
mind. Users do not need special knowledge of computer
software or hardware. Preprocessors are readily available to
help create the finite element model.
2. The programs are large systems that often can solve many
types of problems of large or small size with the same input
3. Many of the programs can be expanded by adding new
modules for new kinds of problems or new technology. Thus
they may be kept current with a minimum of effort.
4. With the increased storage capacity and computational
efficiency of PCs, many general-purpose programs can now be
run on PCs.
5. Many of the commercially available programs have become
very attractive in price and can solve a wide range of problems.
Disadvantages of general-purpose programs:

1. The initial cost of developing general-purpose

programs is high.
2. General-purpose programs are less efficient
than special-purpose programs because the
computer must make many checks for each
problem, some of which would not be necessary
if a special-purpose program were used.
3. Many of the programs are proprietary. Hence
the user has little access to the logic of the
program. If a revision must be made, it often has
to be done by the developers.
Some advantages of special-purpose programs:

1. The programs are usually relatively short, with

low development costs.
2. Small computers are able to run the programs.
3. Additions can be made to the program quickly
and at a low cost.
4. The programs are efficient in solving the
problems they were designed to solve.
 The major disadvantage of special-purpose programs is
their inability to solve different classes of problems. Thus
one must have as many programs as there are different
classes of problems to be solved.
Various commercial computer programs available for solving problems by the FEM

1. SDRC/I-DEAS (Complete CAD/CAM/CAE package)

2. NASTRAN (General purpose FEA on mainframes)[ NASTRAN Originally developed
by NASA, primarily used by NASA and its contractors. Original version public
domain, later version (McNeal Schwindler) commercial.
3. ABAQUS (Nonlinear and dynamic analyses)[ ABAQUS Probably the most modern
and widely used commercial finite element. (Available in Bechtel Lab]
4. COSMOS (General purpose FEA)
5. ALGOR (PC and workstations)[ Very widely used PC/based code, mechanical/civil
6. PATRAN (Pre/Post Processor)
7. Hyper Mesh (Pre/Post Processor)
8. Dyna-3D (Crash/impact analysis)
9. ANSYS (General purpose, PC and workstations)
10. MSC/DYATRAN (General purpose FEA on mainframes)
11. MSC MARC (General purpose FEA on mainframes)
12. SAP[ Originally developed by Ed. Wilson at Berkeley. First version public domain,
later ones available only for PC (SAP90). NONSAP is the nonlinear version of SAP]
Standard Capabilities of Any Commercial Available FEM Programs

These capabilities include information on

1.  Versatility: FEA is applicable to any field problem, such as heat transfer, stress 
analysis, magnetic fields, and so on.  
2. There is no geometric restriction: It can be applied the body or region with any
3. Boundary conditions and loading are not restricted (boundary conditions and l
oads may be applied to any portion of the body
4. Material properties may be change from one element to another (even within 
an  element) and the material anisotropy is allowed. 
5. Different elements (behavior and mathematical descriptions) can be combined
  in a  single FE model. 
6. An FE structure closely resembles the actual body or region to be analyzed. 
7. The approximation is easily improved by grading the mesh (mesh refinement). 
8. Plotting, such as original and deformed geometry and stress and temperature
contours (most programs have postprocessors to aid in interpreting results
in graphical form)
9. Displacement behavior, such as small and 1arge displacement and buckling
10. Selective output, such as at selected nodes, elements, and maximum or
minimum values
 In classical methods exact equations are formed and
exact solutions are obtained; where as in FEA exact
equations are formed but approximate solutions are
 Solution can be obtained only for few standard cases in
case of classical methods; where as in case of FEA
solution can be obtained for any type of problem
 Whenever there is a complexities in the problem
classical methods makes drastic assumptions to get the
solution; where as in case of FEA no such assumptions
are made and the problem is treated as it is
 When material property is not isotropic, solution for
the problem become very difficult in classical methods.
Only few simple cases have been tried successfully by
researchers. Where as FEA can handle structures with
anisotropic properties without any difficulty
 If the structure consists of more than one material it is
difficult to use classical method. Where as FEA can be
used without any difficulty.
 Problems with material and geometric non linearity’s
cannot be handled by classical methods. Whereas by
FEA these problems can be handled without difficulty
• Hence FEA is superior to the classical methods only for
the problems involving a number of complexities
which cannot be handled by classical methods without
making too many assumptions.
• For all regular problems the solutions by classical
methods are the best solutions.
• In fact to check the validity of the FEM program
developed, the FEM solution are compared with the
solution by classical methods for standard cases.
Need for studying FEM

 Today a number of user’s friendly packages are

available in the market. Hence one may ask the
question “what is the need to study Finite
Element Method”
 The FEM knowledge makes a good engineer
better while just user without the knowledge of
Finite Element Method may produce more
dangerous results. To use the FEA packages
properly, the user must know the following
points clearly.
1. Which elements are to be used for solving the problems in hand
2. how to discretize the given continuum to get good results
3. how to introduce boundary conditions properly
4. how and where to make graded mesh to get accurate results at
the critical sections in a structure
5. how the element properties are developed and what are their
6. how the displays are developed in pre and post processor to
understand their limitations
7. to understand the difficulties involved in the development of FEA
program and hence the need foe checking the commercial
available packages with the results of standard cases
Unless user has the background of FEA, he may produce worst results
and may go with overconfidence. Hence it is necessary that the
users of FEA package should have sound knowledge of FEA.

• Discretize The Continuum (Divide Structure Into Pieces (Elements With

• Select Interpolation Functions.(Describe The Behavior Of The Physical
Quantities On Each Element)
• Find The Element Properties (Calculation Of Elemental Stiffness Matrix,
Elemental Displacement Matrix And Elemental Force Matrix)
• Assemble the Element Properties to Obtain the System Equations(Connect
(assemble) the elements at the nodes to form an approximate system of
equations for the whole structure)
• Impose the Boundary Conditions(Applying boundary conditions by using gauss
elimination approach or penalty approach)
• Solve the System of Equations (Solve the system of equations involving
unknown quantities at the nodes (e.g., displacements))
• Make Additional Computations (Calculate desired quantities (e.g., strains and
stresses) at nodal points or for selected elements)
1. Discretize the Continuum
The first step is to divide the continuum or solution region into
A variety of element shapes may be used, and different element
shapes may be employed in the same solution region. Indeed,
when analyzing an elastic structure that has different types of
components such as plates and beams, it is not only desirable
but also necessary to use different elements in the same
solution. Although the number and the type of elements in a
given problem are matters of engineering judgment, the analyst
can rely on the experience of others for guidelines.
2. Select Interpolation Functions.
The next step is to choose the interpolation function to represent
the variation of the field variable over the element.
The field variable may be a scalar, a vector, or a higher-order tensor.
Often, polynomials are selected as interpolation functions for the
field variable because they are easy to integrate and
The degree of the polynomial chosen depends on the number of
nodes assigned to the element, the nature and number of
unknowns at each node, and certain continuity requirements
imposed at the nodes and along the element boundaries.
The magnitude of the field variable as well as the magnitude of its
derivatives may be the unknowns at the nodes.
3. Find the Element Properties.

Once the finite element model has been established (that is,
once the elements and their interpolation functions have
been selected), we are ready to determine the matrix
equations expressing the properties of the individual
For this task we may use one of these three approaches: the
direct approach, the variational approach, or the weighted
residuals approach.
4. Assemble the Element Properties to Obtain the System Equations

To find the properties of the overall system modeled by the network of elements
we must “assemble” all the element properties.

In other words, we combine the matrix equations expressing the behavior of the
elements and form the matrix equations expressing the behavior of the entire

The matrix equations for the system have the same form as the equations for an
individual element. The basis for the assembly procedure stems from the fact
that at a node, where elements are interconnected, the value of the field
variable is the same for each element sharing that node.

A unique feature of the finite element method is that the system equations are
generated by assembly of the individual element equations.
5. Impose the Boundary Conditions

Before the system equations are ready for solution they must
be modified to account for the boundary conditions of the
At this stage we impose known nodal values of the dependent
variables or nodal loads.
6. Solve the System Equations

The assembly process gives a set of simultaneous equations that

we solve to obtain the unknown nodal values of the problem.
If the problem describes steady or equilibrium behavior, then we
must solve a set of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations.
If the problem is unsteady, the nodal unknowns are a function of
time, and we must solve a set of linear or nonlinear ordinary
differential equations.
7.Make Additional Computations If Desired

Many times we use the solution of the system

equations to calculate other important parameters.
For example, in a structural problem the nodal
unknowns are displacement components.
From these displacements we calculate element strains
and stresses.
Similarly, in a heat-conduction problem the nodal
unknowns are temperatures, and from these we
calculate element heat fluxes

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