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Alison Cawsey
(lecturer/textbook writer)

Joanne Murphy
(technical writer)

þ ao clarify what is expected in the MSc

Dissertation documents.
ë Research Methods deliverable, due end May.
ë Main project report, due 6th Sept
þ ao suggest possible structures for that
document and ways of organising your
þ ao discuss general principles for good
technical writing.



Already discussed by Andy Harvey last week.

1. An abstract (about 200 words)
2. Aims and objectives of your project ( 2 or more paragraphs)
3. A project description, rationale and user requirements as
appropriate to the project (1,000-2,000 words)
4. An outline of the dissertation structure and layout.
5. A literature review or other background material agreed with your
supervisor. (about 5000 words)
6. A statement on professional, legal, ethical and social issues.
7. A conclusion and discussion of the issues for your project


þ 15,000-20,000 words (about 60 pages)

þ Containing:
ë aitle page
ë Declaration that it is your own work.
ë Abstract (see later)
ë Acknowledgements
ë aable of contents
ë `   
ë References
ë Appendices

þ How to write an abstract.

þ How to select and organise your material and
structure your material into chapters.
þ How to ³pitch´ your material, and make your
arguments clear.
þ How to refer to and build on related work in
the field [covered in session on Literature Review last week;
also next weeks session on attribution].

þ *our project will be assessed primarily from the

dissertation ± so it is essential that it is a full account
of the work and is clearly presented.
ë Marked by supervisor and a second reader, and sometimes
moderated by third reader and/or extrernal examiner.
þ Assume your reader has good general knowledge of
CS/Ia, but NOa that they are a specialist in your
topic. Write it so that it would be accessible to a
fellow student.

þ *our document must be coherent ± all chapters

contribute to showing how you have achieved your
þ General structure (of chapters):
ë Introduction: State your aims, problem description,
introduce document.
ë Literature review/background: Show what prior work
contributes to your aims, limitations of that prior work, and
point to how your work will build on this prior work and
advance your aims.
ë Middle section: Chapters which present your work.
ë Conclusion/Further work: A final chapter which shows how
you have achieved your aims, reflects on the project and its
limitations, and suggest further work that would be useful.

1. Introduction 1. Introduction
2. Background 2. Literature Review
3. Requirements 3. Experimental Design
4. Design 4. Results
5. Implementation 5. Discussion
6. Evaluation 6. Conclusion
7. Conclusion
þ Many variations suitable for different types of project. Discuss
possible structures with your supervisor.
þ Each chapter should link to the last ± you can introduce chapters by
saying something like:
ë ³In the last chapter it was shown that«ahis chapter goes on to develop «.´
þ Consider having a conclusion section to each chapter (except 1st)

þ A good dissertation should be coherent!

þ ahe reader should be able to see how:
ë Every sentence relates to the previous sentence.
ë Every paragraph relates to the previous paragraph.
ë Every section relates to the previous section. Etc etc.
þ ahese connections/relations may be: example,
elaboration, evidence, background
þ ahe connection is often signalled with discourse
markers like ³however´, ³furthermore´, ³for example´,
³in other words´.
þ It is important to make these connections clear. ahe
connections often convey crucial implicit information.

þ Each chapter should link to the last ± you can introduce

chapters by saying something like:
ë ³In the last chapter it was shown that«ahis chapter goes on to develop
þ Consider having a conclusion section to each chapter
(except 1st)
þ Refer back to previous chapters frequently.
ë ³As was showed in Chapter 2,..´
ë ³A major requirement of the software (described in detail in
chapter 2) was to..
ë ³In chapter 1 the aims of the project were outlined. ahe main
aim was to X. In this chapter it is shown how X has been

þ *ou must still ensure all of your dissertation is in

your own words,
³Unless it is quoted and cited like this.´
(Cawsey, 2005, p23)
þ Keep things simple: If you don¶t know how to use an
English word correctly, use simpler language
þ Get a native speaker to proof read it if possible (your
supervisors job is not to correct the English).
þ If you need more help, contact the English tutors:


þ What are the markers of your dissertation looking

ë Clear and concise presentation of work
ë Demonstration of depth of understanding
ë Coverage of work/knowledge of the field
ë Quality of any product
ë Ability to critically analyse other work and to come up with
original analyses and ideas.
ë Any contribution to knowledge.
ë Evidence of initiative and perserverance.
ë Evidence of professional conduct, consideration of any
ethical issues, and NO plagiarism (passing off works of
others as if they are your own).

þ *ou will get a higher mark for your

dissertation if it is written in a clear and
effective style!
þ So next section considers, among other
things, good style for technical writing.
þ ahis is a general skill that, once developed,
will be enormously useful in any further
academic or professional work!

þ ³ahe way in which something is said, done,

expressed, or performed´

ë In this case, how it is written and presented

þ ahe style you adopt will effect your readers
perception of your work
ë *our choice in style can engage the reader or put
them to sleep, make them laugh or make them

þ What?
ë What are you writing about? (aims, topic, etc.)
ë What type of document are you writing?
þ Research paper? User guide? etc.
þ Who? (audience analysis)
ë Who are you writing for?
þ What do they know?
þ What do they want to know?
þ What do they need to know?

þ aake a moment to consider the structure of

your document
ë Plan sections and sub-sections
ë Plan content
þ ahese don¶t need to be complete or concrete
þ ahe purpose is to help you get going
þ Don¶t become distracted by formatting!
ë Either define your formatting before you start
ë Or wait until you¶re finished

þ Spelling and Grammar

ë Errors can alter the meaning of your work
þ ³My aunt who lives in London is coming to visit´

þ ³My aunt, who lives in London, is coming to visit´

þ ³My ant who lives in London is coming to visit´

ë Errors can confuse meaning altogether

þ ³aen items or u´

þ Jargon, abbreviations and acronyms

ë aypically to be avoided
ë Except where they encompass specialist terms widely
understood by your intended audience
þ if the definition can¶t be found in a good dictionary, don¶t use it!
!› "

þ Using a thesaurus
ë A useful tool for when you require a more
academic (or simpler) word
þ Instead of saying ³educational background´ you might
want to say ³pedagogical experience´
ë However, beware!
þ A thesaurus suggests words ± both relating and
þ However, not all the synonyms listed mean the same
ë e.g. ³side-by-side´ and ³juxtaposed´


þ Do you know the difference?

ë Its ± It¶s
ë ahere ± aheir ± ahey¶re
ë *our ± *ou¶re
ë Lay - Lie
ë Imply ± Infer
ë Affect ± Effect
ë Eat ± Consume


þ Spell check your work

þ Proofread!
ë Spell checkers can weed out typing errors
þ ³ahe tools we „ are intimately   with our roles as
technical communication professionals.´
ë But they struggle to recognise common errors
þ ³Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea ´
ë And they often struggle with basic grammar
þ ³ahe sat cat on the mat´

þ As a general rule, single digit numbers are spelled

ë e.g. zero, three, eight
þ Whilst numbers of two or more digits are expressed
in figures
ë e.g. 40, 356, 20th Century
þ Always use figures for uu numbers when there are
numbers of two or more digits of related quantities in
the same sentence
ë e.g. 3 out 10 housewives recommend Flash
þ And always use figures when a unit of measurement
follows the number
ë e.g 5 V, 100 MHz, 5.5 cm
!› "

þ Spell out numbers where the values being

expressed are approximations
ë e.g. about three years; two orders of magnitude; a few tens
of megahertz
þ Use figures when mathematical operations are
ë e.g. factor of 2; 3x3 matrix
þ And, finally, when a number forms the beginning of
a sentence u  spell it out
ë e.g. Five years earlier«, awentieth Century technology«,
þ If the result appears awkward, consider a rewrite!
!› "

þ As a general rule you should look to give a

numerical value in statements
ë Avoid ambiguous words such as ³small´, ³lowest´, ³cleaner´
þ International scientific and engineering standards
advise against using commas in numbers of three or
more digits (e.g. 1,000)
ë In some countries (e.g. Germany) the presence of a
comma in a number indicates a decimal point
þ Avoid improper addition of numbers!
ë If John is 23 years old and Mary is 18 years old, do they
have 41 years of life experience between them? No!
ë If you heat two pots of water to 80oC, is the combined
temperature of both pots 160oC? No!

'% X

þ Which of the following sentences are correct?

ë ³ahere are five apples in the basket.´
ë ³All of the fixtures and fittings were salvaged from the Mary
Rose about 20 years ago.´
ë ³Nine out of 10 physicians recommend walking as a heart-
healthy, daily exercise.´
ë ³When one litre of water at 100oC is mixed with one litre of
water at 0oC the result is two litres of water at 50oC.´
ë ³When we apply a potential of ten volts to the grid with
respect to the cathode this produces an electric field.´

þ ³Voice´ is the way your words  

þ It is expressed in the relationship between
the subject of a sentence and the verb
ë Active: the agent of the action is the subject of the
þ ³Birds build nests´
ë Passive: the receiver of the action is the subject of
the sentence
þ ³Nests are built by birds´
þ ³Nests are built´


þ An active voice provides clarity and force

ë It is simple and precise; subjective rather than objective
ë Good for instructional purposes ± commanding
þ A passive voice shifts emphasis and slows the pace
ë Often considered longwinded, ambiguous and dull
þ ahe reader can lose sight of any agents

ë However, scientific and technical writing is often objective

þ A passive voice focuses the reader on the process

ë Shifting the readers attention towards the action receiver



þ Consider the following sentences

ë ³ahe dog bit the boy.´
ë ³Mistakes were made.´
ë ³aechnical writers produce books and other printed
materials for a variety of audiences.´
ë ³ahe aurora borealis can be observed in the early morning
ë ³ainy shifts in blood flow to parts of the brain were detected
with functional resonance imaging.´
ë ³ahe experiment examined the relationship between the
two theories.´


þ Don¶t confuse ³plain English´ with ³dumbed

þ Plain English focuses on the message
ë It is user friendly
ë Omit needless words
þ    proved; orange  ;  alternative
ë Avoiding unnecessary jargon, technical
expressions and complexity
þ It refers to a flexible and efficient writing style that
combines clear, concise expression with effective

      !› "

þ Avoid ³padding´
þ Aim to keep your sentences at between 10 to
20 words long
ë Long sentences make a document difficult to read
þ *our end reader might soon lose track of your point
ë If you¶re giving instruction stay closer to the 10
word limit
þ Instructions are best presented as short, sharp

R Compare the following examples
R which is clearer? Why is it clearer?
þ  u

Following the media release which þahe media release alleged that
alleged that agricultural chemical children were at risk from agricultural
residues posed an unacceptable risk chemical residues. It provoked a
to children, there was a struggle struggle between government and
between government and consumer consumer organisations, though
organisations which also involved Uniroyal (the manufacturer) and
the chemicals¶ manufacturer apple-growers were also involved.
(Uniroyal) and the apple-growing Uniroyal withdrew the products within
industry. Consumer fears, which months, thus stopping the use of the
had been triggered by the debate chemicals. ahis mitigated any
over the risk ± were mitigated, within consumer fears generated by the
months, by the stopping the use of debate over the risks.
the chemicals, as Uniroyal withdrew
the products.


þ aest your work with the intended reader

þ We are often poor judges of our own work
ë As the producer, we lose impartiality
þ User testing will show up ways to improve
your document
ë Helps pick up on spelling and grammatical errors
ë Pins down weaknesses in your argument
þ Or instructions
þ Rethink, redesign and rewrite any area that
confused your user


þ ahe Abstract forms a review of your work

ë It is a condensed version of the main body of your
ë Highlighting the major points covered
ë Briefly describing the content and scope
þ ahe aim of the abstract is to entice readers to
read your document
þ It is written  the report has been
ë ahough it is intended to be read first


þ ahere are two types of Abstract:

ë Descriptive Abstract
þ About 100 words in length
ë No longer than a paragraph!
þ It is an introduction to the subject
ë Identifying information contained within the report
ë Describing the purpose, methods and scope
ë Does   provide details of results!


þ And
ë Informative Abstract
þ Length dependent on work being summarised
ë No longer than 10% of the length
ë (for dissertation, ½ to 1 page)
þ Conveys specific information
ë Summarising the purpose, methods and scope
ë Indicating results, conclusions and recommendations
þ X  the same thing as an introduction!


þ Do not use references in your abstract

ë If your work is based on the work of some other author, and
this is key to your report, you may invoke them by name
ë Do   quote!
þ Avoid repeating or rephrasing the title of your work
þ Do   refer to any information that is not contained
within your document
þ It is best to avoid jargon, abbreviations and
acronyms that require explanation
þ Avoid the temptation to refer to and explain sections
of your report

þ Be consistent!
ë Once you¶ve adopted a style, stand by it
þ Stick to what you know
ë If you don¶t know it avoid it
þ Unless you can learn it during the course of your project
þ Make your point and move on
ë Avoid padding
þ Double check your work

þ aechnical Writing
þ Style
þ Abstracts

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