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Gaurav Agarwal
 Introduction
 Basic Features
 Formulae's in Spreadsheet
 Pivot Tables
 Macros
 Graphs
 Microsoft Office Excel is a powerful spreadsheet
program that allows users to organize data, complete
calculations, make decisions, graph data and develop
 The four major parts of Excel are:
 Worksheets
 Charts
 Databases
 Web support
Planning a Workbook
 What problem do I want to Solve?
 What Data do I need?
 What calculation do I need to enter?
 What form should my solution take?
 Text
 The appearance of text is determined by its typeface,
which is the specific design used for the characters
 Font
 Serif fonts
 Sans serif fonts
 Theme font
 Non-theme font
 Font Style
 Font Size
 Measured in points
 Dates and Times
 Although dates and times in Excel appear as text, they
are actually numbers that measure the interval between
the specified date and time and January 1, 1900 at
 Aligning Cell Content
 In addition to left and right alignments, you can change
the vertical and horizontal alignments of cell content to
make a worksheet more readable
Adding Cell Borders
 You can add borders to the left, top, right, or
bottom of a cell or range, around an entire cell, or
around the outside edges of a range using the
Border button arrow
Introducing Conditional Formats
 A conditional format applies formatting only when a cell’s value
meets a specified condition
 Select the range or ranges to which you want to add data bars.
 In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the Conditional
Formatting button, point to Data Bars, and then click a data bar
 Select the range in which you want to highlight cells that match a
specified rule
 In the Styles group, click the Conditional Formatting button,
point to Highlight Cells Rules or Top/Bottom Rules, and then
click the appropriate rule
 Select the appropriate options in the dialog box, and then click
the OK button
Adding Data Bars
 A data bar is a horizontal bar added to the
background of a cell to provide a visual indicator of
the cell’s value
 Select the cell(s)
 In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the
Conditional Formatting button, point to Data Bars,
and then click the DataBar option you wish to apply
Introducing Functions
 A function is a named operation that returns a
 For example, to add the values in the range
A1:A10, you could enter the following long
Or, you could use the SUM function to accomplish
the same thing:
Using Find and Replace
 You can use the Find command to locate numbers and
text in the workbook and the Replace command to
overwrite them
Excel Functions
 If Statements

 Logical Test

 Value If True / False

 Nested If


 Lookup, Hlookup, Vlookup
 Trim
Working with Logical Functions
 IF Function
 IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])
 AND Function
 =IF(AND(G2="FT",M2>=1),K2*0.03,0)
 Structured References
 You can replace the specific cell or range address with
a structured reference, the actual table name or
column header
 =SUM(Employee[Annual Salary])
Working with Logical Functions
 A nested IF function is when one IF function is
placed inside another IF function to test an
additional condition
 =IF([Grade]=1,2500,IF([Grade]=2,5000,
IF([Grade]=3, 7500,"Invalid")))
Working with Logical Functions
 The OR function is a logical function that returns
a TRUE value if any of the logical conditions are
true and a FALSE value if all the logical conditions
are false
 =IF(OR([Years Service]<1,[Annual
Salary]>100000),0, IF([Pay
Grade]=1,$T$1,IF([Pay Grade]=2,$T$2, IF([Pay
Grade]=3,$T$3,"Invalid pay grade"))))
Using Lookup Tables and
 A lookup table is a table that organizes data you
want to retrieve into different categories
 The categories for the lookup table, called compare
values, are located in the table’s first column or row
 To retrieve a particular value from the table, a lookup
value (the value you are trying to find) needs to
match the compare values
 VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array,
col_index_num, [range_lookup])
Using the IFERROR Function
 Error values such as #DIV/0!, #N/A, and
#VALUE! indicate that some element in a formula
or a cell referenced in a formula is preventing
Excel from returning a calculated value
 The IFERROR function can determine if a cell
contains an error value and display the message
you choose rather than the default error value
 =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(L2,HealthPlanRates,2,Fal
se)*12,"Invalid code")
Summarizing Data Conditionally
 You can calculate the number of cells in a range
that match criteria you specify using the
COUNTIF function, which is sometimes referred
to as a conditional count
 =COUNTIF(range,criteria)
 You can add the values in a range that meet criteria
you specify using the SUMIF function, which is
also called a conditional sum
 =SUMIF(range,criteria,[sum_range])
Summarizing Data Conditionally
 You use the AVERAGEIF function to calculate
the average of values in a range that meet criteria
you specify
 =AVERAGEIF(range,criteria[,average_range])
Summarizing Data Conditionally
 The COUNTIFS function counts the number of cells within a
range that meet multiple criteria
 COUNTIFS(criteria_range1,criteria1[,criteria_range2,

 The SUMIFS function adds values in a range that meet multiple
 SUMIFS(sum_range,criteria_range1,criteria1[,criteria_

range2, criteria2...])
 The AVERAGEIFS function calculates the average of values
within a range of cells that meet multiple conditions
 AVERAGEIFS(average_range,criteria_range1,criteria1

[,criteria_range2, criteria2...])
Using Database Functions to Summarize Data

 Functions that perform summary data analysis

(SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and so on) on a table
of values based on criteria that you set are called
the Database functions, or Dfunctions
 DfunctionName(table range, column to summarize,
criteria range)
Validating Data Entry
 To ensure that correct data is entered and stored in a
worksheet, you can use data validation to create a set
of rules that determine what users can enter in a
specific cell or range
 An input message appears when the cell becomes
active and can be used to specify the type of data the
user should enter in that cell
 An error alert message appears if a user tries to enter
a value in the cell that does not meet the validation
Validating Data Entry
 In the Data Tools group on the Data tab, click the Data Validation
 Click the Settings tab
 Click the Allow arrow, click the type of data allowed in the cell, and
then enter the validation criteria for that data
 Click the Input Message tab, and then enter a title and text for the input
 Click the Error Alert tab, and then, if necessary, click the Show error
alert after invalid data is entered check box to insert a check mark
 Select an alert style, and then enter the title and text for the error alert
 Click the OK button
Protecting a Worksheet
 Select the cell or range you want to unlock.
 In the Font group on the Home tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher
 In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Protection tab, click the
Locked check box to remove the check mark, and then click the
OK button
 In the Changes group on the Review tab, click the Protect Sheet
 Enter a password (optional)
 Select all of the actions you want to allow users to take when the
worksheet is protected
 Click the OK button
Protecting a Workbook
 In the Changes group on the Review tab, click the
Protect Workbook button
 Click the check boxes to indicate whether you want
to protect the workbook’s structure, windows, or
 Enter a password (optional)
 Click the OK button
Working with Macros
 A macro is a series of stored commands that can be
run whenever you need to perform the task
 The Developer tab will enable you to create and
use macros
 If the Developer tab isn’t available, you will need
to enable it using the Excel Options
Recording a Macro
 In the Code group on the Developer tab, click the
Record Macro button
 Enter a name for the macro, and specify the location
to store the macro
 Specify a shortcut key (optional)
 Enter a description of the macro (optional)
 Click the OK button to start the macro recorder
 Perform the tasks you want to automate
 Click the Stop Recording button
Running a Macro
 Press the shortcut key assigned to the macro
 In the Code group on the Developer tab, click the

Macros button
 Select the macro from the list of macros, and then

click the Run button

Editing a Macro
 In the Code group on the Developer tab, click the
Macros button, select the macro in the Macro name
list, and then click the Edit button (or in the Code
group on the Developer tab, click the Visual Basic
 Use the Visual Basic Editor to edit the macro code
 Click File on the menu bar, and then click Close
and Return to Microsoft Excel
Creating a Macro Button
 In the Controls group on the Developer tab, click the
Insert button
 In the Form Controls section, click the Button (Form
Control) tool, click the worksheet where you want the
macro button to be located, drag the pointer until the
button is the size and shape you want, and then
release the mouse button
 In the Assign Macro dialog box, select the macro you
want to assign to the button, and then, with the button
still selected, type a new label
Freezing Rows and Columns
 Freezing a row or column lets you keep headings
visible as you work with the data in a large
 To freeze a row or column, you select the cell
immediately below the row(s) and to the right of
the column(s) you want to freeze
 Click the View tab on the Ribbon
 In the Window group, click the Freeze Panes
Sorting Data
 You can rearrange, or sort, the records in a table or
range based on the data in one or more fields
 The fields you use to order the data are called sort
 You can sort data in ascending or descending order
Calculating Subtotals
for a Range of Data

 Sort the data by the column for which you want a

 If the data is in an Excel table, in the Tools group on
the Table Tools Design tab, click the Convert to Range
button, and then click the Yes button to convert the
Excel table to a range
 In the Outline group on the Data tab, click the Subtotal
 Click the At each change in arrow, and then click the
column that contains the group you want to subtotal
Calculating Subtotals
for a Range of Data

 Click the Use function arrow, and then click the

function you want to use to summarize the data
 In the Add subtotal to box, click the check box for
each column that contains the values you want to
 To calculate another category of subtotals, click the
Replace current subtotals check box to remove the
check mark, and then repeat the previous three steps
 Click the OK button
Analyzing Data with PivotTables
 A PivotTable is an interactive table that enables
you to group and summarize either a range of data
or an Excel table into a concise, tabular format for
easier reporting and analysis
Creating a PivotTable
 Click in the Excel table or select the range of data for the PivotTable
 In the Tables group on the Insert tab, click the PivotTable button
 Click the Select a table or range option button and verify the
reference in the Table/Range box
 Click the New Worksheet option button or click the Existing
worksheet option button and specify a cell
 Click the OK button
 Click the check boxes for the fields you want to add to the
PivotTable (or drag fields to the appropriate box in the layout
 If needed, drag fields to different boxes in the layout section
Refreshing a PivotTable
 You cannot change the data directly in the
PivotTable. Instead, you must edit the Excel table,
and then refresh, or update, the PivotTable to
reflect the current state of the art objects list
 Click the PivotTable Tools Options tab on the
Ribbon, and then, in the Data group, click the
Refresh button
Creating a PivotChart
 A PivotChart is a graphical representation of the
data in a PivotTable
 A PivotChart allows you to interactively add,
remove, filter, and refresh data fields in the
PivotChart similar to working with a PivotTable
 Click any cell in the PivotTable, then, in the Tools
group on the PivotTable Tools Options tab, click
the PivotChart button
Creating Charts
 A chart, or graph, is a visual representation of a set of
 Select the data source with the range of data you want
to chart
 In the Charts group on the Insert tab, click a chart type,
and then click a chart subtype in the Chart gallery
 In the Location group on the Chart Tools Design tab,
click the Move Chart button to place the chart in a
chart sheet or embed it into a worksheet
Selecting a Data Source
 The data source is the range that contains the data
you want to display in the chart
 Data series
 Series name
 Series values
 Category values
Selecting a Chart Type
 Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon
 In the Charts group, click the Pie button
 By default, a chart is inserted as an embedded
chart, which means the chart is placed in a
worksheet next to its data source
 You can also place a chart in a chart sheet
 In the Location group on the Chart Tools Design
tab, click the Move Chart button
Working with 3D Options
 To increase the 3D effect, you need to rotate the
 Click the Chart Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon,
and then, in the Background group, click the 3-D
Rotation button
Creating a Column Chart
 A column chart displays values in different
categories as columns; the height of each column is
based on its value
 The bar chart is a column chart turned on its side,
so each bar length is based on its value
Formatting the Chart Axes
 Click the Chart Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon
Creating a Combination Chart
 Select a data series in an existing chart that you
want to appear as another chart type
 In the Type group on the Chart Tools Design tab,
click the Change Chart Type button, and then click
the chart type you want
 Click the OK button
Inserting a Shape
 Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon
 In the Illustrations group, click the Shapes button,
and then choose the shape you want
 Draw the shape in your worksheet
30 shortcuts to speed up your calculations.

1. Select the current column [Ctrl] + [Space]

2. Select the current row [Shift] + [Space]
3. Edit the active cell [F2]
4. Move to the beginning of the worksheet [Ctrl] + [Home]
5. Move to the last cell on the worksheet [Ctrl] + [End]
6. Paste a name into a formula [F3]
7. Paste a function into a formula [Shift] + [F3]
8. Alternate value/formula view [Ctrl] + [`] (on key [1])
9. Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks [F9]
10. Display the Go To dialog box [F5]
11. Display the Find dialog box [Shift] + [F5]
12. Display the Format Cells dialog box [Ctrl] + [1]
13. Create a chart [F11]
14. Insert a new sheet [Alt] + [Shift] + [F1]
15. Repeat the last action [F4]
16. Repeat Find [Shift] + [F4]
17. Open [Ctrl] + [F12]
18. Exit [Ctrl] + [F4]
19. Check spelling of current cell [F7]
20. Activate the menu bar [F10]
21. Display the Macro dialog box [Alt] + [F8]
22. Apply outline to active cell [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [&]
23. Convert to a percentage [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [%]
24. Select all filled cells around active cell [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [*]
25. Move to next sheet [Ctrl] + [Page Down]
26. Move to previous sheet [Ctrl] + [Page Up]
27. Complete a cell entry and move up [Shift] + [Enter]
28. Complete a cell entry and move right [Tab]
29. Complete a cell entry and move left [Shift] + [Tab]
30. Edit a cell comment [Shift] + [F2]
Thank You

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