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O With the world-wide expansion of companies and
changing technologies, ndian
rganizations have
realized the `    ``
O |raining is considered as more of retention tool than
a cost.
O With increase in awareness of corporate training in
ndian ndustry, a gradual shift from general to
specific approach has been realized.
O |oday, á     is a source of competitive
advantage for all organizations therefore, the ``

 ` `   has been changed to create

a smarter workforce and yield the best results.
O With increase in competition, every company wants to
optimize the utilization of its resources to yield the
maximum possible results.
O |raining is required in every field be it Sales,
arketing, Human esource, elationship building,
ogistics, roduction, ngineering, etc.
O t is now a business effective tool and is linked with the
business outcome.
ccordingto V  (ationalssociationof
SoftwareandServices ompanies),the 
s600crore in010from s10 rore in006.
O n fact, some organizations are headed by
unwanted employees rather than employees of
outstanding merit.
O While some organizations do not have a separate
budget to hire highly qualified trainers for training
and development.
O |hethreemajortrainingandlearningsolutions
O D V 
O   á ``
O V    |he eliance nil hirubhai mbani roup ompany.
t offers customized solutions for |op management, iddle management
and Supervisory level.
ts business units are: à`   ` ` à à `
`  ` ` à), and ` 
`  ` `

tisprovidingtrainingservicestomericanxpress, ahindrainance,
oca- ola, , aruti,odrejoyce,ccenture,  ,and
SS  |usinessnits:
O à`   `   à - addresses the
needs of organizations in various industry verticals. |he
solutions offered by the business unit include training
and delivery, creation of customized content, research
based projects and experiential learning.
O à ` `  ` ` à - the
business unit operates S cademy to create and
enhance employability of individuals through a number
of short and long-term educational programmes.
O ` 
`  ` `  - the business
unit fulfills our group companies· training needs.
O   a umbai based training organization, is a leader
in high - end latest technologies training in the |, 
obile telephony industry.
O urrently, it has 6 corporate owned centers and around 0
franchisees in ndia and has trained more than 10,000 
  ` till date.
O t is providing training services to Wipro nfotech, 
mro, |ata onsultancy Services, State ank of ndia, H ,
ndian avy, ap emini, lobal |elesystems, South astern
oal ields, ersistent |echnologies, odrej nfotech, |imes
of ndia, eliance nfocomm, eliance ndustries, Seimens,
nion ank of ndia, and nfosys.
O á ``
 `   division of ptech imited. t is
offering an entire range of performance solutions like ustomer
Service |raining, Soft Skills, roduct |raining, rocess |raining, Sales
|raining, and anagerial evelopment |raining that assist in
overcoming various business challenge areas. t keeps the trainees
up to date with the latest `
   `  `  in
the industry.
t is providing ``
 ` and services to ndian
otorola ndia,   , ayer, ational |hermal ower orporation,
as uthority
f ndia, elhi olice, Standard hartered ank,
aruti dyog, lectrolux Kelvinator, abur, alvoline ummins,
ahindra  ahindra, lue Star, H , and
O ``
  ` `   !
á````   "
|rainingandevelopmentsystemin etail/ sector
|rainingandevelopmentsystemin harmaceuticalsector


O nndianmarket,0%ofthetrainingcompany·srevenuecomesfrom
O etail/  Sector is the most booming sector in the ndian economy
and is expected to reach S$ 17-00 billion by 016.
O With this rapid expansion and coming up of major players in the sector,
the need of human resource development has increased.
O ack of skilled workers is the major factor that is holding back the retail
sector for high growth the sector is facing the severe shortage of
O lso, the current ndian education system is not sufficiently prepared to
address the new processes, according the industry majors.
O ``
 ``$% O ``
  `   ` 
O ndian etailSchool
givenintheretailsectorare: O oyolanstituteofusinessdministration( )
O S Jain entreof anagement
O Sales|raining
O nstituteforntegrated earningin anagement( )
n-the-Job|raining O

O Seminars/Workshops O Welingkar nstituteof anagement, entrefor etail

O ustomer elationship anagement
O KJSomaiya nstituteof anagementStudies
nline ourse esearch
O roupStudy O udra nstituteof ommunications
O mityusinessSchool
O omputer-ased|raining
O Self-irected|raining

O avorable economic climate and number of other factors such as,
growing urbanization, increasing consumerism, rise in the standard of
living, increase in financial services for people living in rural areas,
etc has increased the demand for wide range of financial products
that has led to mutually beneficial growth to the !`
sector and
economic growth process.
O |hiswascoincidedbytechnologydevelopmentinthebanking
O |odaymostofthendiancitieshavenetworkedbankingfacilityas
O Someofthemajorplayersinthebankingsectorare  
`& %``!   # '!V`,
O n the nsurance sector also, rapid expansion has created about 
lakh job opportunities approximately in the past five years these
openings are mainly in the field of insurance advisors or marketing
agents the eligibility criteria for these jobs is graduation with some
experience in marketing or become insurance agents after
completing school but this needs some relevant training.

arlier there were no training programs as such for insurance agents

but on-the-job training only that was given once the new agent was
appointed. ut now the scenario has been changed, with the coming
up of big players like ? ? ?  ? 
 ? ? ?     
   ?   ? 
, etc in this sector, people
who've had some formal training are preferred while recruitment
because it can be helpful in the insurance field.
O However,onlytheinsurancedegreeinthisfielddoes
O |obesuccessfulanagentmusthavestrong

O umberofopportunitiesinankingandnsurance
O Withthisrapidexpansionandcomingupofmajor
playerslike  ,H ,|,ajajllianz,etcinthe
O |he ?    
  is growing at a rate of about 16% per annum
and is now going to be a second fastest growing automobile market in the
O |he sector is going through a phase of rapid change and high growth. With
the coming up of new projects, the industry is undergoing technological
O |he major players such as, Honda, |oyota, ajaj, aruti are now focusing
on mass customization, mass production, etc. and are expanding their
O `
 V`       ` ` V 
ndia·s auto making capacity is expected to become 1 million units
exceeding the yearly demand of about 7 million units.
O |his rapid expansion is because of growing urbanization, rise in the
standard of living of consumers, easy availability of finance, liberalization,
privatization, and globalization of ndian ndustry.
O |his rapid expansion has created lots of job opportunities.
O nterested one in this sector has to specialize in automobile/mechanical engineering.
urrently, utomobile in ndia is retaining around 10 million employees and is
expected to employ more people in near future.
O norganized sector in employing 67% people while, organized sector is employing
only 33% people, which is a major drawback for automobile sector.

O With this rapid expansion and coming up of major players in the sector, the focus is
more on the skilled employees and the need of human resource development has
O |he companies are looking for skilled and hard working people who can give their
best to the organization.
O arious companies are opening training institutes to train interested ones in this
sector, like |oyota has recently started |oyota |echnical |raining nstitute (|||) in
angalore that will offer 4 courses in automobile assembly, mechatronics (a
combination of mechanical and industrial electronics), automobile weld and
automobile paint.
O ||| will provide both a high standard of education and training in automotive
technology as well as employment opportunities.

is Knowledge rocessing
utsourcing, not to be confused with 
, which is usiness
is about providing knowledge based services in the areas like market research,
business research, financial research, legal services, etc., while 
is about providing
customer care services, technical support, tele-sales etc.
market is expected to grow from S $ 1.3 billion in the year 003 to S $ 17
billion in the year 010.
sector is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (  ) of 49.%
till 010. ccording to the ational ssociation of Software and Services ompanies
O ut according to a K based research firm, ndian K
sector will be able
to reach 100,000 employees only instead of 0,000 employees
therefore, to fill the demand and supply gap training has now become an
important tool like every other technical industry.

O With the expected increase in number of employees, training has become

the core of K
industry as well.
O o matter how much qualified the person is he needs to be trained on
processes. s the name itself implies, ´knowledgeµ, this sector requires high
level of functional know-how as well as domain know-how.
O |here is a constant need of well-planned training programs as the work
profile requires understanding of market research objectives and
O |his sector requires behavioral training as well as training to handle stress
because of odd working hours. f a person is committed to deliver quality,
and is willing to learn with positive attitude then definitely K
is the right
place to work for him.
#á  `
(á`#á  ` ndia harmaceutical market is valued at about
|hisrapidgrowthhasalsoincreasedthe S $8 billion and is expected to reach to S
trainingneedofthesector. $1 billion by 016. ndian pharmaceutical
market is % of world·s pharmaceutical market.
O rand rotection
n the last two years, 3900 new generic
O ontamination ontrol
products have been launched because of which
O rugerification its market value has been increased to about
O Supply hainisibility S $3 million.
O ecall anagement
O Shrinkage eductions
# ``
O Webbasedtraining
O lassroomtraining
O Workshops
$ (    
O |he ndian | sector is growing at a very fast pace and
is expected to earn a revenue of S $87 billion by
018. n 006, it has earned revenue of about S $40
billion with a growth rate of 30%.
O | sector is expected to generate .3 million jobs by
016, according to SS
(ational ssociation of
Software and Service ompanies)

O With this rapid expansion of | sector and coming up of

major players and new technologies like S , the need
of human resource development has increased
O ccording to the recent review by
Harvard usiness eview, there is a direct
link between training investment of the
companies and the market capitalization.
O |hose companies with higher training
investment had higher market
O t clearly indicates that the companies
which have successfully implemented
training programs have been able to
deliver customer goals with effective
O t shows that good training results in
enhancement of individual performance,
which in turn, helps the organization in
achieving its business goals.
O |raining is a tool that can help in gaining
competitive advantage in terms of human
O With the growing investment O ompanies are investing in
by | companies in the both the technical training,
development of their which has always been an
employees many companies essential part in | industry, as
have now started their own well as in managerial skills
learning centers. development.
O s an example, Sun has its O ompanies now kept aside 3-
own training department. % of revenue for training
O ccenture has nternet based programs.
tool by the name of ´ y O s an example, some of the
earningµ that offers access to major players like |ata lexi
its vast learning resources to and ccenture are allocating
its employees. 7% and 3% respectively of
the company·s overall
is usiness rocess
t is an agreement between two
parties for specific business task.
O |he 
industry is growing at an
annual growth rate of 14% and is
expected to cross $310 billion by
O Job seekers prefer 
·s over other
sectors because it is providing high
paying jobs to
O |odeliverdesiredservicesto
O |hevariousreasonsbehindtheincreasingtrainingneedin
the #`  are:
010,and6millionjobsby01, whichiswhytraining
O .Highattritionrateinthissectorreasonbeingunsatisfied
employee,monotonouswork,neglected talent,inadequate
3. omingupofhighprofile
O eopleworkingin
O Welldesignedtrainingprogramwithclearcareerpathincreasesthejobsatisfactionamong
O |herefore,organizationshavetohandlesuchchallengesofmeetingtrainingneeds,although,
O ompaniesarenowaligningbusinessgoalswithtrainingcosts.utwhatmoreimportantis,is
traininginfrastructurethatincludes  -ased|rainingrooms,andspeciallytrainedand

O |hecompaniesarenowbusydesigningtrainingprogramsfortheiremployees.|hese

O Withconstantchangeinprocesses,technologies,techniques,methods,etc,thereisaconstant
needofupdating, ``

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