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Center of

“Menjadi berkat bagi suku-suku bangsa melalui murid
yang mennggenapi firman Tuhan”
Berkat Kemurahan MU
Kau hiasi kehidupanku
Dengan kemurahan-Mu
Kau rancangkan masa depanku
Penuh dengan harapan

Aku ada saat ini

Semuanya karna kasih-Mu
Aku hidup hari ini
Semua berkat kemurahan-Mu

Terima kasih, Yesus

Engkau sangat baik
Teramat baik bagiku
Lebih dalam kumenyembah
Sungguh besar setiaMu
Nyata di sepanjang hidupku
DarahMu telah layakkan kehidupanku

Tiada kata yang bisa

Lukiskan indahnya Kau Tuhan
Bagimu s'gala pujian dan kemuliaan

Kutinggikan Engkau Tuhan

Melebihi segalanya
Lebih dalam kumenyembah
Dalam roh dan kebenaran
Dia Sungguh Baik
Dia mati bagiku, Dia bangkit bagiku
Dia Tuhan Allah penyelamatku

Kuasa maut dikalahkan, hidupku dipulihkan

Dia Tuhan Allah kem'nanganku

Dia sungguh baik, Dia sangat baik

Yesus Dia baik bagiku
Dia sungguh baik, Dia sangat baik
Yesus Dia baik bagiku
Dia Sungguh Baik
Dia ada dalamku, bergerak di hidupku
Dia Tuhan Allah kekuatanku

Dia penuhi hatiku, dengan kuasa kasihNya

Dia Tuhan Allah kem'nanganku

He is so good to you, He is so good to me

Jesus - He's so good to you and me
He is so good to you, He is so good to me
Jesus - He's so good to you and me
Kecaplah dan Lihatlah
Kecaplah dan lihatlah betapa baiknya Tuhan itu
Rasakan dan nikmati kasih setia Tuhan

Kecaplah dan lihatlah betapa baiknya Tuhan itu

Rasakan dan nikmati kasih setia Tuhan

Syukur bagimu Tuhan

Segala hormat bagimu Tuhan

Allah yang mengasihiku

Allah yang memeliharaku
Selamanya …
Bejana Mu
Kekuatan di jiwaku
Ketenangan batinku
Ada dalam hadirat-mu
Ku menyembah-mu

Tersungkur ku di kaki-mu
Rasakan hadirat-mu
Tak 'kan ku melepaskan-mu
Kau cahaya bagiku
Bejana Mu
Mengiring-Mu seumur hidupku
Masuk dalam rencana-Mu Bapa
Pikiranku, kehendakku
Kuserahkan pada-Mu

Harapanku hanya di dalam-Mu

Kukan teguh bersama-Mu Tuhan
Jadikanku, bejana-Mu
Untuk memuliakan-Mu
Bersama Mu
Engkau ada bersamaku di tiap musim hidupku
Tak pernah Kau biarkan ku sendiri

Kekuatan di jiwaku adalah bersama-Mu

Tak pernah kuragukan kasih-Mu

Bersama-Mu Bapa kulewati semua

Perkenanan-Mu yang teguhkan hatiku
Engkau yang bertindak, memb'ri pertolongan
Anugerah-Mu besar melimpah bagiku
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Announcement 02 03
s In Depth In Brief
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topic of the section topic of the section topic of the section

04 05
Welcome! Events
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topic of the section topic of the section
In Depth
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In depth

Mercury is the closest planet to the

Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System—it’s only a bit larger
than the Moon. The planet’s name
has nothing to do with the liquid
In Depth

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data and paste the resulting
graph here

02/11 10/06
Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars is Venus has a beautiful name
actually a cold place full of and is the second planet
iron oxide dust from the Sun
Important Data

Mercury 0.045 2.09 1.90

Mars 3.45 0.889 4.33

Jupiter 1.98 15.5 2.90

Important Data
Church goers Most attended events

65% 35%
Women Men
Despite being red, Venus has a beautiful
Mars is a cold place name Mass Baptism Easter Wedding
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
In Brief
You could enter a subtitle here if you need it

Loyalty Efficiency
Neptune is the farthest Despite being red, Mars is
planet from the Sun actually a cold place

Reliability Commitment
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest planet
planet to the Sun of them all
A Picture is Worth a
Thousand Words
Images reveal large amounts
of data, so remember: use
an image instead of long
In the World

Christian population

“Mercury is the “Despite being red, “It is the biggest

“Neptune is the closest planet to the Mars is actually a planet in our Solar
farthest planet from Sun and also very cold place. It’s System and the
the Sun and the the smallest one in even full of iron fourth-brightest
fourth-largest one!” the Solar System” oxide dust” object in the sky”

Laura Patterson Jenna Smith John James Timmy Jimmy

You could enter a subtitle here if you need it
Choir Teacher

● Here you can talk about their functions

● Here you can talk about their functions
● Here you can talk about their functions
● Here you can talk about their functions

Jenna Doe
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even
hotter than Mercury—and its
atmosphere is extremely
You could enter a subtitle here if you need it
Review of Past Events

February April May

Mercury is the closest planet Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is
to the Sun from the Sun actually a cold place

June September November

It’s the biggest planet in the Saturn is the ringed one and Neptune is the farthest
Solar System a gas giant planet from the Sun
Upcoming Events
Saturn is the Neptune is the
ringed one and a farthest planet
March giant

Mercury is the
closest planet to
May Jupiter is a gas
giant and is very
the Sun bright
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.

Please keep this slide for attribution.

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