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m Ú condition in which a person's head is

significantly smaller than normal for their age
and sex, based on standardized charts.
m Ús ¬     a standard deviations
(SD) below the mean for age.
m ½he disorder can be present at birth or
acquired during the first few years of a childǯs
m Microcephaly is often associated with some
degree of mental retardation.

m ½he growth of the skull is determined by the expansion of
the brain. Microcephaly occurs most often because the
brain fails to grow at a normal rate.
m ½his can be caused by a variety of conditions or exposure to
harmful substances 
     . Some of
these causes include:
0 Ghromosomal disorders such as Downǯs syndrome, Gri du chat
syndrome, ½risomy 13, and ½risomy 18
0 Maternal viral infections such as rubella (German measles),
toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus
0 Maternal alcoholism or drug abuse
0 Maternal diabetes
0 Mercury poisoning
0 Uncontrolled maternal PKU
0 Maternal malnutrition

m Ú   ¬  might occur after

birth due to various brain injuries such as lack
of oxygen or infection.

m Small head circumference

m Large face
m High-pitched cry
m Poor feeding
m Gonvulsions
m Increased movement of the arms and legs
m Hyperactivity
m Developmental delays
m Mental retardation

m Measurehead circumference, weight, and

height at each well-child visitusing growth
charts published by the GDG (a 1)
m If these measurementsare proportional, child most likely is small
in size and does not haveprimary abnormality in brain growth.
m Head circumference that is proportionallysmaller than weight
and length usually signifies primary decreasein brain growth or
secondary process (e.g., hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathyor
m History of microcephaly in family memberssuggests genetic
disorder, which is important for genetic counseling.
m History of maternal drug or alcoholingestion, maternal
phenylketonuria, or other disorders should beclarified.
m Presence of dysmorphic features suggestschromosomal or
malformation syndrome, and chromosomal karyotypeshould be
m Skull radiographs help diagnose craniosynostosis. G½ and MRI
can diagnose structural defects in brain development.
m Presence of other findings helps diagnosevarious infections.

m ½here is no treatment for microcephaly that can return a
child's head to a normal size or shape. ½reatment focuses
on ways to decrease the impact of the associated
deformities and neurological disabilities.
m Ghildren with microcephaly and developmental delays are
usually evaluated by a pediatric neurologist and followed
by a medical management team.
m Early childhood intervention programs that involve
physical, speech, and occupational therapists help to
maximize abilities and minimize dysfunction.
m m    are often used to control seizures,
hyperactivity, and neuromuscular symptoms.
m V    
may help families understand the risk
for microcephaly in subsequent pregnancies.

m Small head
m Mental impairment
m Reduced life expectancy

m In general,      for individuals

with microcephaly is low and the prognosis
for normal     is poor. ½he
prognosis varies depending on the presence
of associated abnormalities.

haly/DS 1169


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