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Group 1:

1. Abraham Aulia
2. Kartika Sari
3. Satwika Purusottama
4. Yosua
1. A university official argues that the demand for admission is
completely price inelastic. As evidence, he notes that while the
university has doubled its tuition, neither the number nor the
quality of students applying has decreased. (Mid Term Exam
 What theory may apply to this argument? Explain briefly !
 Would you accept his argument? Explain!
(hint: the official makes an assertion about the demand for
admission, but does he actually observe the demand curve?
What else could be going on?)
 Suppose the price elasticity of demand for admission is 0.5
and the price elasticity of supply for admission is 2. What
will happen to the number of students applying for
admission if the tuition increased by 10 percent?
1. a. Teori yang melandasi adalah Teori Elastisitas  Elastisitas
Permintaan, elastisitas permintaan adalah ukuran yang
menjelaskan seberapa peka suatu permintaan terhadap
perubahan harga-harga. Untuk completely inelastic demand,
ketika ada penambahan harga berapapun, maka tingkat Q
akan tetap.
b. Tidak. Karena, dalam dunia nyata, untuk permintaan yang
tidak elastis sempurna sangat jarang terjadi. Dan akan sangat
aneh jika mendengar bahwa ketika uang sekolah naik 2x lipat,
tidak ada penurunan jumlah pendaftar, padahal masih banyak
pilihan untuk universitas lain.
2. Andika, a FEUI student, has decided to allocate his
budget only for textbook and clothing. His preference is
shown by diminishing marginal rate of substitution (MRS)
of textbook for clothing. Suppose the price of textbook
increase from Pb1 to Pb2, what happens to Andika’s
consumption pattern if : (Mid Term Exam 2007)
Income elasticity of demand for textbook is zero
Textbook are inferior goods
2. a. Ketika income elasticity demand bernilai 0, artinya
ketika Income naik, Q akan tetap naik tetapi hanya sedikit
saja,artinya kebutuhan akan textbook akan naik sedikit
(mengasumsikan textbook sebagai barang kebutuhan
pokok). Jadi, walaupun harga textbook naik, permintaan
akan textbook akan tetap karena diimbangi dengan
kenaikan pendapatan untuk membeli textbook. Sehingga
akan tetap berada di titik yang sama.
b. Ketika textbook menjadi inferior goods, dan harga
textbook naik pula, maka preferensi Andika akan
cenderung lebih banyak untuk mengkonsumsi pakaian
dan cenderung mengkonsumsi sangat sedikit textbook.
3. Adi has a utility function : U = X0.5 Y0.5 (Mid Term
Exam 2007)
Derive the demand function for X and Y
If X is priced $5, Y is priced $10, and Adi’s income is
$100. Calculate the quantity of demanded of both X
and Y.
3. a. (On board)
b. idem

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