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Bab 6 Persediaan
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari Bab ini, Anda diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan langkah-langkah dalam menentukan jumlah persediaan.

2. Menjelaskan akuntansi untuk persediaan dan metode aliran/arus biaya


3. Menjelaskan dampak finansial dari asumsi aliran/arus biaya persediaan.

4. Menjelaskan akuntansi persediaan dengan metode harga terendah dan

nilai bersih yang dapat direalisasi.

5. Menjelaskan dampak kesalahan persediaanpada laporan keuangan.

6. Menghitung dan menginterpretasikan rasio turnover persediaan.

Preview of Bab 6

Financial Accounting
IFRS Second Edition
Weygandt Kimmel Kieso

Klasifikasi Persediaan

Perusahaan Dagang Perusahaan


Satu jenis: Tiga jenis:

•Persediaan  Bahan Mentah

 Barang dalam
 Barang jadi
Terlepas dari jenis persediaan dan perusahaannya, Persediaan dilaporkan
sebagai Aset Lancar pada Laporan Posisi Keuangan.

Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan
Perhitungan Fisik Persediaan perlu dilakukan karena:

Sistem Perpetual:
1. Mengecek akurasi pencatatan Persediaan.

2. Menentukan jumlah Persediaan yang hilang (bahan mentah

yang terbuang, pengutilan, pencurian oleh karyawan).

Sistem Periodik:
1. Menentukan jumlah Persediaan di tangan.

2. Menentukan Kos Barang Terjual dalam satu periode.

6-8 TP 1 Menjelaskan langkah-langkah dalam Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan.

Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan
Melakukan perhitungan fisik Persediaan di
Mencakup: menghitung, menimbang atau mengukur msing-
masing jenis persediaan di tangan.

 Ketika suatu bisnis ditutup atau mengalami kemunduran.

 Pada akhir periode akuntansi.

6-9 TP 1 Menjelaskan
TP 1 Describe
the steps
in determining
Jumlah Persediaan.
Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan

Menentukan Kepemilikan Barang

Barang Dalam Perjalanan
 Barang telah dibeli, namun belum diterima.

 Barang telah dijual, namun belum dikirimkan.

“Barang dalam perjalanan” harus dilaporkan sbg Persediaan apabila

mengandung kepemilikan yang sah, yang dalam hal ini ditentukan
berdasarkan syarat penjualan.

6-11 TP 1 Menjelaskan
TP 1 Describe
the steps
in determining
Jumlah Persediaan.
Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan

Barang Dalam Perjalanan Ilustrasi 6-1

Syarat Penjualan

Kepemilikan barang pindah ke

tangan pembeli ketika
perusahaan pengangkutan
menerima barang dari penjual.

Kepemilikan barang tetap di

tangan penjual hingga barang
sampai di tangan pembeli.

6-12 TP 1 Menjelaskan
TP 1 Describe
the steps
in determining
Jumlah Persediaan.
Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan


“Barang dalam perjalanan” harus dilaporkan sebagai Persediaan

dari pembeli ketika:

a. Perusahaan pengangkutan menerima barang dari penjual.

b. Barang sampai di tangan pembeli.

c. Syarat penjualan adalah FOB destination.

d. Syarat penjualan adalah FOB shipping point.

6-13 TP 1 Menjelaskan
TP 1 Describe
the steps
in determining
Jumlah Persediaan.
Menentukan Jumlah Persediaan

Menentukan Kepemilikan Barang

Barang Konsinyasi
 Barang ada di tangan untuk dijual, namun dimiliki
pihak lain.

 Kepemilikan barang tetap ada pada pihak lain.

6-14 TP 1 Menjelaskan
TP 1 Describe
the steps
in determining
Jumlah Persediaan.
Menentukan Kos Persediaan

Penentuan kos (beban pokok) atas persediaan di tangan

menggunakan 3 metode berikut:

 Identifikasi Khusus
Asumsi Aliran
 First-in, first-out (FIFO)
 Average-cost

TP 2 Menjelaskan dasar dari akuntansi untuk Persediaan

dan menerapkan metode arus biaya persediaan.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

Ilustrasi: Crivitz TV Company membeli tiga televisi identik 50-

inch pada tanggal yang berbeda dg harga £700, £750, dan
£800. Pada tahun tsb. Crivitz menjual 2 buah TV dengan harga
£1,200 untuk masing-masing. Transaksi tersebut diringkas
sbb.: Ilustrasi 6-2

TP 2 Menjelaskan dasar dari akuntansi untuk Persediaan

6-18 dan menerapkan metode arus biaya persediaan. .
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

Identifikasi Khusus
Apabila Crivitz menjual TV yang dibeli pada tgl 3 February dan
22 Mei, maka kos barang terjual sebesar £1,500 (£700 + £800),
dan nilai Persediaan akhir £750.
Ilustrasi 6-3

TP 2 Menjelaskan dasar dari akuntansi untuk Persediaan

6-19 dan menerapkan metode arus biaya persediaan.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

Identifikasi Khusus
Penentuan kos dengan metode aliran biaya aktual indi
mana nilai Persediaan dihitung dengan kos yang melekat
pada persediaan akhir tersebut.

 Praktik ini sangat jarang terjadi.

 Kebanyakan perusahaan menggunakan asumsi (Asumsi

Aliran Biaya/Cost ) untuk barang yang dijualnya.

TP 2 Menjelaskan dasar dari akuntansi untuk Persediaan

6-20 dan menerapkan metode arus biaya persediaan.
Persediaan Costing

There are two assumed cost flow methods:

1. First-in, first-out (FIFO)

2. Average-cost

Cost flow does not need be consistent with the physical

movement of the goods.

6-21 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Persediaan Costing

Ilustrasi: Data for Lin Electronics’ Astro condensers.

Ilustrasi 6-4

(Beginning Persediaan + Purchases) - Ending Persediaan = Cost of Goods Sold

6-22 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
 Earliest goods purchased are first to be sold.

 Often parallels actual physical flow of merchandise.

 Generally good business practice to sell oldest units


6-23 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Persediaan Costing

First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
Ilustrasi 6-5

TP 2
Persediaan Costing

First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
Ilustrasi 6-5

Ilustrasi 6-6
Proof of COGS

6-25 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

Average Cost
 Allocates cost of goods available for sale on the basis
of weighted-average unit cost incurred.

 Assumes goods are similar in nature.

 Applies weighted-average unit cost to the units on

hand to determine cost of the ending Inventories.

6-26 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

Average Cost
Ilustrasi 6-8

6-27 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Persediaan Costing

Average Cost
Ilustrasi 6-8

6-28 TP 2 Explain the basis of accounting for Persediaan

and apply the Persediaan cost flow methods.
Persediaan Costing

Financial Statement and Tax Effects

Ilustrasi 6-9

6-29 TP 3 Explain the financial effects of the Persediaan cost flow assumptions.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

The cost flow method that often parallels the actual
physical flow of merchandise is the:

a. FIFO method.

b. average cost method.

c. gross profit method.

d. none of the above

6-30 TP 3 Explain the financial effects of the Persediaan cost flow assumptions.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

Using Cost flow Methods Consistently

 Method should be used consistently, enhances
 Although consistency is preferred, a company may change
its Persediaan costing method.

6-32 TP 3 Explain the financial effects of the Persediaan cost flow assumptions.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

TPwer-of-Cost-or-Net Realizable Value

When the value of Persediaan is TPwer than its cost

 Companies must “write down” the Persediaan to its net

realizable value in the period in which the price decline

 Net realizable value refers to the net amount that a

company expects to realize (receive) from the sale of
Persediaan (estimated selling price in the normal course of
business, less estimated costs to complete and sell).

TP 4 Explain the TPwer-of-cost-or-net realizable

value basis of accounting for Persediaan.
Menentukan Kos (HP) Persediaan

TPwer-of-Cost-or-Net Realizable Value

Ilustrasi: Assume that Gao TV has the folTPwing lines of
merchandise with costs and net realizable values as
Ilustrasi 6-10

TP 4 Explain the TPwer-of-cost-or-net realizable

value basis of accounting for Persediaan.
Persediaan Errors

Common Cause:
 Failure to count or price Persediaan correctly.

 Not properly recognizing the transfer of legal title to goods

in transit.

 Errors affect both the income statement and statement of

financial position.

6-35 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Persediaan Costing

Income Statement Effects

Persediaan errors affect the computation of cost of goods
sold and net income.
Ilustrasi 6-11

Ilustrasi 6-12

6-36 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Persediaan Costing

Income Statement Effects

Persediaan errors affect the computation of cost of goods
sold and net income in two periods.
 An error in ending Persediaan of the current period will have
a reverse effect on net income of the next accounting

 Over the two years, the total net income is correct because
the errors offset each other.

 Ending Persediaan depends entirely on the accuracy of

taking and costing the Persediaan.

6-37 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Persediaan Costing
2013 2014
Ilustrasi 6-13
Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct
Sales € 80,000 € 80,000 € 90,000 € 90,000
Beginning inventory 20000 20000 12000 15000
Cost of goods purchased 40000 40000 68000 68000
Cost of goods available 60000 60000 80000 83000
Ending inventory 12000 15000 23000 23000
Cost of good sold 48000 45000 57000 60000
Gross profit 32000 35000 33000 30000
Operating expenses 10000 10000 20000 20000
Net income € 22,000 € 25,000 € 13,000 € 10,000

Combined income for 2- (€3,000) €3,000

year period is correct. Net Income Net Income
understated overstated

6-38 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Persediaan Costing


Understating ending Persediaan will overstate:

a. assets.

b. cost of goods sold.

c. net income.

d. equity.

6-39 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Persediaan Costing

Statement of Financial Position Effects

Effect of Persediaan errors on the statement of financial
position is determined by using the basic accounting equation:
Ilustrasi 6-11

Ilustrasi 6-14

6-40 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

LCNRV Basis; Persediaan Errors
(a) Tracy Company sells three different types of home heating stoves
(wood, gas, and pellet). The cost and net realizable value value of its
Persediaan of stoves are as folTPws.

The total Persediaan value is the sum of these amounts, NT$430,000.

6-41 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

LCNRV Basis; Persediaan Errors
(b) Visual Company overstated its 2013 ending Persediaan by
NT$22,000. Determine the impact this error has on ending
Persediaan, cost of goods sold, and equity in 2013 and 2014.

6-42 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Statement Presentation and Analysis

Net realizable value - Persediaan classified as current

Income Statement - Cost of goods sold subtracted from


There also should be discTPsure of

1) major Persediaan classifications,

2) basis of accounting (cost or LCNRV), and

3) costing method (specific identification, FIFO, or average).

6-43 TP 5 Indicate the effects of Persediaan errors on the financial statements.

Statement Presentation and Analysis

Persediaan management is a double-edged sword

1. High Persediaan Levels - may incur high carrying costs

(e.g., investment, storage, insurance, obsolescence, and

2. TPw Persediaan Levels – may lead to stockouts and TPst


6-44 TP 6 Compute and interpret the Persediaan turnover ratio.

Statement Presentation and Analysis

Persediaan turnover measures the number of times on

average the Persediaan is sold during the period.

Cost of Goods Sold

Average Persediaan

Days in Persediaan measures the average number of days

Persediaan is held.
Days in Year (365)
Days in
Persediaan Turnover

6-45 TP 6 Compute and interpret the Persediaan turnover ratio.

Statement Presentation and Analysis

Ilustrasi: Esprit Holdings (HKG) reported in a recent annual report a

beginning Persediaan of HK$3,170 million, an ending Persediaan of
HK$2,997 million, and cost of goods sold for the year ended of HK$16,523
million. The Persediaan turnover formula and computation for Esprit
Holdings are shown beTPw.
Ilustrasi 6-16

Days in Persediaan: Persediaan turnover of 5.4 times divided into

365 is approximately 68 days. This is the approximate time that it
takes a company to sell the Persediaan.

6-46 TP 6 Compute and interpret the Persediaan turnover ratio.


Ilustrasi 6A-1

Assuming the Perpetual Persediaan System, compute Cost of Goods

Sold and Ending Persediaan under FIFO and average-cost.

6-48 TP 7 Apply the Persediaan cost flow methods to perpetual Persediaan records.

First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Ilustrasi 6A-2

Cost of Goods
6-49 Persediaan
TP 7

Average Cost
Ilustrasi 6A-3

Cost of Goods Ending

Sold Persediaan

6-50 TP 7 Apply the Persediaan cost flow methods to perpetual Persediaan records.

Gross Profit Method

Estimates the cost of ending Persediaan by applying a gross profit
rate to net sales.
Ilustrasi 6B-1

6-51 TP 8 Describe the two methods of estimating Persediaan.


Ilustrasi: Kishwaukee Company’s records for January show net sales

of $200,000, beginning Persediaan $40,000, and cost of goods
purchased $120,000. The company expects to earn a 30% gross profit
rate. Compute the estimated cost of the ending Persediaan at January
31 under the gross profit method.
Ilustrasi 6B-2

6-52 TP 8

Retail Persediaan Method

Company applies the cost-to-retail percentage to ending Persediaan
at retail prices to determine Persediaan at cost.
Ilustrasi 6B-3

6-53 TP 8 Describe the two methods of estimating Persediaan.


Ilustrasi 6B-4

Note that it is not necessary to take a physical Persediaan to

estimate the cost of goods on hand at any given time.

6-54 TP 8 Describe the two methods of estimating Persediaan.


Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)
 Under IFRS, LIFO is not permitted for financial
reporting purposes.

 Latest goods purchased are first to be sold.

 Seldom coincides with actual physical flow of

merchandise, except for goods stored in piles, such
as coal or hay.

6-55 TP 9 Apply the LIFO Persediaan costing method.


Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Ilustrasi 6C-1

TP 9

Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)
Ilustrasi 6C-2
Proof of COGS

Ilustrasi 6C-1

6-57 TP 9 Apply the LIFO Persediaan costing method.

Another Perspective

Key Points
 The requirements for accounting for and reporting Persediaan are
more principles-based under IFRS. That is, GAAP provides more
detailed guidelines in Persediaan accounting.
 The definitions for Persediaan are essentially similar under GAAP
and IFRS. Both define Persediaan as assets held-for-sale in the
ordinary course of business, in the process of production for sale
(work in process), or to be consumed in the production of goods or
services (e.g., raw materials).
 Who owns the goods—goods in transit or consigned goods—as well
as the costs to include in Persediaan, are accounted for the same
under GAAP and IFRS.

Another Perspective

Key Points
 Both GAAP and IFRS permit specific identification where
appropriate. IFRS actually requires that the specific identification
method be used where the Persediaan items are not
interchangeable (i.e., can be specifically identified). If the Persediaan
items are not specifically identifiable, a cost flow assumption is used.
GAAP does not specify situations in which specific identification
must be used.
 A major difference between IFRS and GAAP relates to the LIFO cost
flow assumption. GAAP permits the use of LIFO for Persediaan
valuation. IFRS prohibits its use. FIFO and average-cost are the only
two acceptable cost flow assumptions permitted under IFRS.

Another Perspective

Key Points
 IFRS requires companies to use the same cost flow assumption
for all goods of a similar nature. GAAP has no specific
requirement in this area.
 When testing to see if the value of Persediaan has fallen beTPw
its cost, IFRS defines market as net realizable value. Net
realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary
course of business, less the estimated costs to complete and sell.
In other words, net realizable value is the best estimate of the net
amounts that Persediaan are expected to realize. GAAP, on the
other hand, defines market as essentially replacement cost. The
GAAP method of Persediaan valuation is often referred to as the
TPwer-of-cost-or-market (LCM).
Another Perspective

Key Points
 Under GAAP, if Persediaan is written down under the TPwer-of-
cost-or-market valuation, the new basis is now considered its
cost. As a result, the Persediaan may not be written back up to its
original cost in a subsequent period. Under IFRS, the write-down
may be reversed in a subsequent period up to the amount of the
previous write-down. Both the write-down and any subsequent
reversal should be reported on the income statement.
 IFRS generally requires pre-harvest Persediaan of agricultural
products (e.g., growing crops and farm animals) to be reported at
fair value less cost of disposal. GAAP generally requires these
items to be recorded at cost.

Another Perspective

TPoking to the Future

One convergence issue that will be difficult to resolve relates to the use
of the LIFO cost flow assumption. As indicated, IFRS specifically
prohibits its use. Conversely, the LIFO cost flow assumption is widely
used in the United States because of its favorable tax advantages. In
addition, many argue that LIFO from a financial reporting point of view
provides a better matching of current costs against revenue and,
therefore, enables companies to compute a more realistic income.

Another Perspective

GAAP Self-Test Questions

Which of the folTPwing should not be included in the Persediaan of

a company using GAAP?

a) Goods held on consignment from another company.

b) Goods shipped on consignment to another company.

c) Goods in transit from another company shipped FOB shipping


d) None of the above.

Another Perspective

GAAP Self-Test Questions

Which method of Persediaan costing is prohibited under IFRS?

a) Specific identification.

b) FIFO.

c) LIFO.

d) Average-cost.

Another Perspective

GAAP Self-Test Questions

Specific identification:

a) must be used under IFRS if the Persediaan items are not


b) cannot be used under IFRS.

c) cannot be used under GAAP.

d) must be used under IFRS if it would result in the most

conservative net income.


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