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Teuku Azhari, S.Pd.I., M.

English Language

 
Week IX
Sentence Structure
“ADA” in English Language
 ADA diartikan dengan THERE dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ada digunakan untuk menjelaskan
sesuatu (barang) atau orang. Jika barang atau orangnya 0-1, digunakan “there is”.Jika
barangnya lebih dari 1, digunakan “there are”.
1. Ada buku diatas meja : There is a book on the table
2. Ada sesuatu di dalam tas saya : There is something in my bag

 Untuk mengatakan “tidak ada”, tambahkan “no” setelah “to be” (There is no; atau; there are
1. Tidak ada buku diatas meja : There is no book on the table
2. Tidak ada sesuatu di dalam tas saya : There is nothing in my bag
Detail examples
Indonesia English

Ada seekor kucing diatas meja There is a cat on the table

Ada sebuah pulpen di pojok atas meja itu There is a pen on the top corner of the table
Tidak ada sapu maupun pel di pojok bawah There are no broom or mop at the bottom
meja ini corner of the table

Tidak ada apa apa diatas meja dosen There is nothing on lecturer’s table
Apakah ada air di dalam kamar mandi? Is there water in the bathroom?
Apakah ada orang di kelas? Is there anybody in the class?
Apakah ada sapu atau pel di pojok bawah meja Are there broom or mop at the bottom corner of
itu? the table?
Variasi penggunaan “ADA”
Menggunakan “ADA” dalam kalimat tanya

1. Apakah ada …… di atas meja? Is there …… on the table?

2. Apakah …… ada di atas meja? Are there …… on the table?
3. Ada ……. Ndak di atas meja? Is/ Are (there) ……. on the table?

Jika barang yang mau ditanya lebih dari 1, maka gunakan “Are there”.
Mari kita pelajari bersama
1. Ada tas diatas meja.
2. Tidak ada tas hijau diatas meja baru dosen.
3. Ada 2 buah tas kecil di pojok atas meja besar guru.
4. Apa yang ada disamping meja ini?
5. Apa warna tas itu?
6. Apa yang ada diatas meja besar guru matematika?
7. Apakah tas merah itu berwarna hijau?
8. Apakah kamu punya tas seperti in?
9. Apa yang dia ambil dari atas meja pak Samsul?
10. Apa yang kamu letakkan diatas meja guru?
 Jika kalimat berupa lampau (tadi, dulunya, kemarin, 2 hari lalu, dll), gunakanlah “to
be” dalam bentuk past, yaitu “was atau were”.

 Tadi ada beberapa kue diatas piring saya, tapi sekarang tinggal sedikit.
 There were some cookies on my plates, but now only few left.
Do these questions
1. Tadi ada air dalam gelas ini
2. Kami ada disana tadi.
3. Tas itu ada diatas meja tadi.
4. Hp saya tadi penuh.
5. Adik kami dulunya disana.
6. Apa yang ada didalam gelas kamu tadi?
7. Apakah ada susu didalam gelas bu Yuni tadi?
8. Apa yang ada disamping gelas kaca bu Yuni tadi
9. Apakah ada sesuatu yang aneh di dalam gelas saya
10. Apakah ada seseorang yang mau membawa gelas saya untuk Pak Budi?
Exercise 1
 Do the following exercise orally.
1. Siapa yang ada di dalam rumah itu ketika kamu tiba kemarin sore?
2. Tidak ada siapapun yang berada di rumah tadi malam ketika kami sampai.
3. Ada butiran halus di dalam minumanmu. Sebaiknya kamu jangan meminumnya
lagi. Mungkin saja berbahaya bagimu.
4. Apakah ada yang tau tanggal dan hari midterm untuk mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris?
Saya khawatir karena belum mempersiapkan apapun.
5. Tadi Dina ada di kelas tapi sekarang saya tidak melihatnya lagi. Apakah dia sudah
6. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu aku sampaikan kepadamu. Sebahagiannya penting ,
namun sebahagiannya tidak terlalu penting. Apakah kamu mau mendengarnya?

 Dalam Bahasa Inggris, APA artinya WHAT. WHAT tidak pernah diartikan
dengan APAKAH, karena memang artinya adalah APA. Tidak pernah sekalipun
WHAT diartikan APAKAH.
1. What is on the table?
2. What do you want?

 APAKAH tidak memiliki padanan kata khusus dalam Bahasa Inggris, tidak pernah
ada. APAKAH adalah bentuk kalimat tanya (interrogative). Jika ingin
menerjemahkan kata APAKAH, bentuklah kalimat interrogative.
1. Does she know how to drive a car?
2. Do you want to go to cinema with me tonight?
Indonesia English

Apakah kamu makan nasi? Do you eat rice?

Apakah kamu bawa pulpen lebih? Do you bring extra pen?

Apakah kamu sakit? Are you sick?

Apakah tasmu masih baru? Is your bag still new?

Indonesia English

Apa yang kamu makan? What do you eat?

Apa yang dia bawa? What does he bring?

Apa yang ada ditangan mu? What is in your hand?

Apa isi tas mu? What is in your bag?


    Apa yang kamu makan? What do you eat?

    Apa yang dia lakukan disana? What does he do there?
APA   Apa yang ada diatas meja? What is on the table?
  Apa yang ada di dalam kantog What is in your trouser’s
Non-Verbal celana mu? pocket?

    Apakah Sari pergi ke kampus Does Sari go to campus

  Verbal hari ini? today?
APAKAH Apakah ayah Budi suka Does Budi’s father like to
minum kopi? drink coffee?
  Apakah Indah ada di rumah? Is Indah at home?
Exercises 2

1. Apa yang kamu katakana tadi?

2. Apakah kamu mau minum teh?
3. Apa yang Indah makan tadi?
4. Apakah dia mau makan kue itu?
5. Apa yang ada diatas meja guru di depan kelas?
6. Apakah Sari datang ke sekolah hari ini?
7. Apa-apa sajakah yang ada di dalam tas barumu itu?
8. Apakah Ayah Sari bekerja di sekolah baru itu?
9. Anda mau pesan apa?
10. Apakah dia tahu jika kamu naksir kepadanya?
Exercises 3
1. Apa yang kamu baca?
2. Apakah kamu ada baca tugas bacaan dari bu jamilah tadi malam?
3. Apa yang kamu baca tadi malam?
4. Siapa yang bersamamu di rumah tadi malam?
5. Apa yang adik (co) kamu lakukan di Mall kemarin sore?
6. Apa yang ayah dan ibu lakukan di dapur tadi pagi?
7. Apa yang kalian baca di koran kemarin pagi?
8. Apakah kamu mendengar apa yang dosen jelaskan di kelas tadi?
9. Apa yang kamu tulis di status facebook mu hari ini?
10. Apa yang biasa kamu lakukan di IG?
Listen to me
My New Bag

Father bought me a new bag. The color is white and green. It has
2 pouches at the front. The bag has a partition inside so it has 2
areas for storage. I love it very much and I am going to take a
good care of it.
Listen to me
My New Bag

Father bought me a new bag. The color is white and green. It has 2
pouches at the front. The bag has a partition inside so it has 2 areas for
storage. I love it very much and I am going to take a good care of it.

Answer the questions based on what you heard

1. Who bought the bag?
2. What is the color of the bag?
3. Where is the position of the 2 pouches?
4. How does he feel about the bag?
5. What will he do about the bag?
Listen to me
English homework
I had an English language homework from last week class. I did the work last night. It
was about simple past tense. I did the homework by myself. I didn’t ask any help from
anybody. I wrote the homework in my notebook. I am very happy that I have completed
my homework.
Listen to me
English homework

Answer the questions based on what you heard

1. What homework did he have?
2. When did he do his homework?
3. What was the homework about?
4. Did he ask for help to do his homework?
5. Where did he write his homework?
Listen to me

Breakfast is very important meal of the day. We need to eat breakfast to have
sufficient energy to start our day. We can eat rice, cereal, bread, or any other food.
And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Water is very important too. Drink up to 6
glasses of water every day.
Listen to me

Breakfast is very important meal of the day. We need to eat breakfast to have
sufficient energy to start our day. We can eat rice, cereal, bread, or any other food.
And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Water is very important too. Drink up to 6
glasses of water every day.

Answer the questions based on what you heard

1. Is breakfast an important meal?
2. Why do we need to eat breakfast?
3. What can we eat for breakfast?
4. Do we also need to drink water?
5. How much water should we drink in one day?
Listen to me
Hand phone addiction
Hand phone is very important in our life. We use it for many purposes and functions.
However, we must control the use of hand phone in order not to get addicted. Hand
phone addiction is very bad. A person who is addicted to hand phone will always think
about using it every single moment. They cannot be far away from their hand phone and
even become distant from their social life.
Listen to me
Hand phone addiction
Hand phone is very important in our life. We use it for many purposes and
functions. However, we must control the use of hand phone in order not to get
addicted. Hand phone addiction is very bad. A person who is addicted to hand phone
will always think about using it every single moment. They cannot be far away from
their hand phone and even become distant from their social life.

Answer the question based on what you heard

1. Is hand phone important and why?
2. Do we need to control our use of hand phone and why?
3. How does a phone addict feel about hand phone?
4. What is one impact of phone addiction can do to life?
Please explain this picture

1. What does the
boy find and
what does he
do with his

2. What does
mother do?

3. What do you
think these
two people do
at the beach?

Assignment 1
Record yourself answering the following in English.
Speak for at least 2 minutes

Everybody loves music and most people feel very strong emotions towards it,
especially when it comes to the music that they love (or hate) most. Some simple
questions to ask could be:
 What types of music do you like/dislike?
 How do certain kinds of music make you feel?
 What types of music come from your country?
 What’s your favorite song/album/artist?
 What music is popular in your country right now?

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