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Limbah adalah buangan yang dihasilkan dari suatu proses

produksi baik industri maupun domestik (rumah tangga).
Di mana masyarakat bermukim, di sanalah berbagai jenis
limbah akan dihasilkan. Ada sampah, ada air kakus (black
water), dan ada air buangan dari berbagai aktivitas
domestik lainnya (grey water).

01 04
Minyak, Lumpur, Logam, furnitur,
Limbah deterjen etc sampah organik

02 05
Kaca/Keramik, Sampah E-waste ( peralatan listrik
plastik, sampah kertas, dan elektronik), limbah
logam dan kaleng medis, bahan kimia, limbah
Limbah daging, kebun, LIMBAH GAS
makanan busuk. O2, NO2, N2, CO2

1 2 3 4

Berdampak luas Berdampak jangka

Berukuran Mikro Dinamis
(Penyebarannya) panjang

Beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi

kualitas limbah adalah volume limbah,
kandungan bahan pencemar, dan
frekuensi pembuangan limbah. Untuk Untuk mengatasi berbagai
mengatasi limbah ini diperlukan limbah dan air limpasan (hujan),
pengolahan dan penanganan limbah. maka suatu kawasan
Pada dasarnya pengolahan limbah ini permukiman membutuhkan
dapat dibedakan menjadi: berbagai jenis layanan sanitasi.
1. pengolahan menurut tingkatan Layanan sanitasi ini tidak dapat
perlakuan selalu diartikan sebagai bentuk
jasa layanan yang disediakan
2. pengolahan menurut karakteristik pihak lain. Ada juga layanan
limbah sanitasi yang harus disediakan
sendiri oleh masyarakat,
khususnya pemilik atau
penghuni rumah,
seperti jamban misalnya.

Pada umumnya, pabrik gula di Indonesia

mengolah tebu hanya untuk menghasilkan gula pasir
sebagai produk tunggal. Padahal tebu dapat digunakan
untuk menghasilkan berbagai produk turunan, seperti
pupuk, makanan ternak, molasses, dan bagasse.

Ampas tebu merupakan sumber energi yang terbarukan

dan tersedia cukup besar. Untuk mencegah banyaknya
ampas di gudang agar tidak beterbangan dapat dilakukan
penanganan yaitu dengan menutup gudang ampas
sehingga gudang ampas tidak dalam keadaan terbuka dan
tidak ada serbuk ampas yang beterbangan di sekitar pabrik
yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Kegiatan
pencegahan juga dapat dilakukan dengan pemakaian
masker di sekitar pabrik untuk mencegah terhirupnya
partikel. Selain itu, ampas tebu juga dapat dijadikan bubur
pulp dan dipakai untuk pabrik kertas, untuk makanan
ternak, bahan baku pembuatan pupuk, particle board, dan
Permasalahan utama yang terjadi di pabrik gula
adalah banyaknya jam berhenti giling, hal ini akan
berdampak pada pemanfaatan energi kurang optimal,
proses produksi menjadi terhenti sehingga produk gula
yang dihasilkan menjadi semakin sedikit, selain itu
limbah yang dihasilkan juga semakin banyak karena
terjadi akumulasi nira kotor pada limbah cair.

Penanganan dalam pabrik (inhouse keeping)

terhadap penanganan limbah cair di pabrik gula sangat
diperlukan untuk meminimalisasi beban limbah cair
yang keluar dari pabrik sebelum masuk unit pengolahan
limbah cair. Mencegah masuknya bahan sumber
pencemaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara mencegah
terjadinya bocoran-bocoran pada pipa-pipa, peti-peti
nira dan pompa-pompa dengan pengawasan peralatan
secara rutin, membuat simparan atau injector pada
masing-masing tempat lokasi pompa, mencegah
masuknya minyak atau oli pada unit pengolahan limbah
cair dengan membuat bak penangkap minyak, dan
memasang tangki penampung bekas bahan kimia (soda)
untuk pembersihan juice heater dan evaporator,
pembuangan secara perlahan, serta membuat saluransaluran air
limbah secara permanen dan kedap air

Pemanfaatan turunan dari molasses yang dihasilkan

dari stasiun kristalisasi banyak dimanfaatkan oleh
berbagai industri, diantaranya oleh distilling industry,
fermentation industries, dan lain-lain. Di banyak negara,
produsen gula telah melakukan diversifikasi produk
gula guna menyiasati penurunan harga gula, menekan
biaya produksi, memperluas pasar, serta mengurangi
resiko kerugian pada pabrik gula (Mardianto et al.,
2005). Beberapa upaya untuk mereduksi dampak
penurunan kualitas udara, antara lain dengan melakukan
pengerasan jalan utama angkutan tebu di kebun ke
pabrik, melakukan penyiraman secara berkala di daerah
yang berdebu dalam lingkungan pabrik dan jalan desa
terutama pada musin kemarau, melakukan penyiraman
abu ketel sebelum dibuang ketempat pembuangan,
menanam pohon-pohon pelindung di lingkungan pabrik,
perumahan karyawan, dan sekitar kolam limbah (secara
bertahap), dan ampas disimpan di tempat khusus atau
gudang ampas.
Industrial Production Infographics

01 02 02
Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place. It’s full 01 name and is the second
of iron oxide dust planet from the Sun

03 04
03 04
Mercury Jupiter
It’s the closest planet to Jupiter is a gas giant
the Sun and the and the biggest planet
smallest one in the Solar System
Industrial Production Infographics

Manufacturing Assembly
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place. It’s full name and is the second
of iron oxide dust planet from the Sun

Coloring Packing
It’s the closest planet to Jupiter is a gas giant
the Sun and the and the biggest planet
smallest one in the Solar System
Industrial Production Infographics
Despite being red, Mars is a cold
01 place. It’s full of iron oxide dust, which
gives the planet its reddish cast

The closest planet to the Sun and the
02 smallest one in the Solar System—it’s
only a bit larger than our Moon

It’s a gas giant and it’s the biggest
03 planet in the Solar System. Jupiter is
the fourth-brightest object in the sky
Industrial Production Infographics

Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is a gas giant and Mercury is the closest
also the biggest planet planet to the Sun

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place name and is the second

Neptune Earth
Neptune is the farthest Earth is the only planet
planet from the Sun that harbors life
Industrial Production Infographics

Mass production
It’s a gas giant and 04
the biggest planet Rapid

02 Despite being red,

Mars is a cold place
Just in time
Venus is the second 05
planet from the Sun Flexible

03 Mercury is the closest

planet to the Sun
Earth is the planet
where we live on
Industrial Production Infographics

Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second one from the Sun

Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one

Despite being red, Mars is a cold
Venus Mercury place full of iron oxide dust

Mars Jupiter It’s a gas giant and the biggest
planet in the Solar System
Industrial Production Infographics

Venus is the second

01 Venus planet from the Sun

Despite being red,

02 Mars Mars is a cold planet

Mercury is the closest

03 Mercury planet to the Sun

It’s a gas giant and

04 Saturn has several rings
Industrial Production Infographics

It’s a gas giant and
the biggest planet Venus
Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s very hot
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place Neptune
This is the farthest
Mercury planet from the Sun

It’s the closest planet

to the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

Venus is the second

Venus planet from the Sun

Despite being red,

Mars Mars is a cold planet

Saturn is a gas giant

Saturn and has rings

Mercury is the closest

Mercury planet to the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

01 02 02 02

Mass production Just in time Agile Mass customization

Mercury is the smallest Saturn is a gas giant Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the farthest
planet of them all and has rings planet of them all planet from the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

Project Process
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second one from the Sun
01 02 Jobbing Process
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one
Labor Management
Manufacturing Despite being red, Mars is a cold
place full of iron oxide dust
05 03 Quality Management
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the Solar System

Product Tracing
04 Neptune is the eighth planet and
the farthest from the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

Earth Neptune Mars Mercury

Earth is the third It’s the farthest Despite being red, It’s the closest
planet from the Sun planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place object to the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

Project Process
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second one from the Sun

Jobbing Process
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one

Labor Management
Despite being red, Mars is a cold
place full of iron oxide dust

Quality Management
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the Solar System
Industrial Production Infographics

Just in time Mass customization

Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is the farthest
and has rings planet from the Sun

Mass production Agile

Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all planet of them all
Industrial Production Infographics

Mercury 01 02 Saturn
It is the ringed
Mercury is the
planet. It is
closest planet to
composed of
the Sun and the
hydrogen and
smallest one

Jupiter 03 04 Mars
Jupiter is a gas Despite being
giant and the red, planet Mars
biggest object in is a very cold
the Solar System place
Industrial Production Infographics

01 03
Mercury Saturn
It is the ringed
Mercury is the
planet. It is
closest planet to
composed of
the Sun and the
hydrogen and
smallest one

02 04
Jupiter Mars
Jupiter is a gas Despite being
giant and the red, planet Mars
biggest object in is a very cold
the Solar System place
Industrial Production Infographics

Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun

Mercury is the closest to the Sun
and the smallest one in the System

Despite being red, it’s a cold place,
and is full of iron oxide dust

Jupiter is a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the Solar System
Industrial Production Infographics

Mass production Just in time

Mercury is the smallest Saturn is the ringed
planet of them all planet from the Sun

Flexible Mass customization

Neptune is the biggest Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all planet of them all

Agile Rapid
Venus has a very Despite being red, Mars
poisonous atmosphere is very cold
Industrial Production Infographics

Assembly Customizing
Despite being red, It’s a gas giant and
Mars is a cold place the biggest planet

Production Quality
Mercury is the closest Venus is the second
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

Juppiter Mars
Jupiter is a gas giant 01 02 Despite being red,
and the biggest object planet Mars is a very
in the Solar System cold place

Saturn Mercury
It is the ringed planet. It 04 03 Mercury is the closest
is composed of planet to the Sun and
hydrogen and helium the smallest one
Industrial Production Infographics

Planet Jupiter is a gas giant and the

01 biggest object in the Solar System

Saturn is the ringed planet. It is

02 composed of hydrogen and helium

Despite being red, planet Mars is a

03 very cold place full of iron oxide dust
Industrial Production Infographics

Manufacturing Assembly Coloring Packing

Despite being red, Mercury is the closest Venus is the second It’s a gas giant and
Mars is a cold place planet to the Sun planet from the Sun the biggest planet
Industrial Production Infographics

Earth Mercury
Earth is the third planet Planet Mercury is the
from the Sun closest object to the Sun

Neptune Mars
Neptune is the farthest Despite being red,
planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place

Saturn Jupiter
Saturn is composed of Jupiter is a gas giant
hydrogen and helium and the biggest planet
Industrial Production Infographics

Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest 01 02 It’s a gas giant and
planet to the Sun the biggest planet

Mars Venus
Despite being red, 03 04 Venus is the second
Mars is a cold place planet from the Sun

Jupiter Saturn
It’s a gas giant and 05 06 Saturn is the ringed
the biggest planet one. It’s a gas giant
Industrial Production Infographics

Neptune Earth
It’s the farthest planet It’s the third planet
from the Sun from the Sun

Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is the biggest It’s the closest planet
planet of them all of the Sun
Industrial Production Infographics

Mars Venus

It has a beautiful name

Manufacture 25% 50% 25%
and is the second planet

It’s the closest planet to

Assembly 30% 20% 50%
the Sun and the smallest

Despite being red, Mars is

Customize 35% 20% 45%
actually a cold place
Industrial Production Infographics

Mercury is the closest

01 planet to the Sun

Venus is the second

02 planet from the Sun

Jupiter is a gas giant

03 and the biggest planet
Yes, this is the ringed
04 one. It’s a gas giant
Industrial Production Infographics

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place. It’s full of name and is the second
iron oxide dust planet from the Sun

Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and and the biggest planet in
the smallest one the Solar System
Industrial Production Infographics

Jupiter is the
01 biggest of them all

Mercury is the
02 smallest planet

Venus has a nice

03 name, but it’s hot

Saturn is a gas
04 giant and has rings
Industrial Production Infographics

Mass production
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second one from the Sun

Just in time
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one

Despite being red, Mars is a cold
place full of iron oxide dust

Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest
planet in the Solar System
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