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Writing Engineering Abstracts(21)


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(+) Human computer interaction (HCI)
has emulated certain aspect of human-human communication in
the recent decade, opening possibilities for machines to
converse with humans. However, speech recognition schemes
have substanti al l y i mproved i n terms of i mpl ementi ng
experimental spoken dialogue systems (SDS) that function
within specific semantic domains. The dialogue management
(DM) module can be used to control conversation between
humans and computers, subsequently affecting the performance
of SDS significantly. Nevertheless, in addition to only adopting
finite state machine approaches to represent the states of
dialogue and treating each user as a similar conversational
behavior, this module can not learn from various conversational
contexts. Moreover, SDS can not perform as humans do owing
to the inability to exploit the discrepancies between users and a
lack of automatic adaptation.
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Therefore, this work describes an efficient SDS scheme
that incorporates user diversity and an evolutionary model to
adapt to various conversational contexts. A fine-grained
user model is derived to accurately represent a users situation;
the user model comprises a skill level for the system, knowledge
level on the target domain and degree of hastiness. The
adaptation of SDS is then achieved using a reinforced learning
approach. Simulation results indicate that
the proposed SDS scheme increases the response accuracy of
air travel-related problems and response system by 15%.
Additionally, the proposed scheme contributes to efforts to
further enhance HCI with robustness by facilitating natural
speech dialogic communication with computers.
Importantly, given the large discrepancy in individual
behavior or conversation, the proposed spoken dialogue scheme
also provides a valuable reference for efforts underway to model
the divergence of users.
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(+ Constructing and applying
intelligent environments have received considerable interest in
industrial and academic circles. Digital life has also received
much interest in recent years, with identification technology
playing a critical role in intelligent environment research. Many
IT manufacturers design and produce various handheld 3C
products to gain a foothold in the emerging digital life market.
However, given its focus on home care, home learning, and
home entertainment, digital life applications are limited to the
home. Additionally, as a conventionally adopted critical
identification technology, radio frequency identification (RFID) is
seldom adopted in digital life studies, thus restricting the creation
of R&D efforts in digital life. Therefore, this work presents
a novel intelligent architecture, capable of increasing the
efficiency of mobile commerce. The proposed architecture can
integrate the applications of several environments, i.e. home,
mini markets, shopping malls and banks.
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An intelligent info-filtering mechanism for tags reading
is established. The status-management mechanism of
daily commodities is then presented. Next, a secure
settlement and payment mechanism are developed as well.
Additionally, a practical info-interchange method is
constructed. Analysis results indicate
that the proposed architecture integrates RFID and context
awareness technologies in a ubiquitous environment to
increase the efficiency of mobile commerce. In addition to
contributing to research efforts in digital life, the proposed
architecture can also enhance the potential of mobile
commerce and increase profits from the digital life market
by up to 30% of that from the entire 3C market.
Importantly, the proposed architecture provides
a valuable reference for business models, ultimately
providing opportunities for 3C manufacturers to consume
value-added products.
Further details can be found at

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