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Saraf vestibulocochlear (saraf
vestibular auditori) yang dikenal
sebagai saraf kranial kedelapan,
menstrasmisikan informasi suara
dan keseimbangan dari telinga
bagian dalam ke otak.
Nervus vestibularis
Nervus vestibularis menghantarkan impuls saraf dari
utriculus dan saccylus yang memberikan informasi
mengenai posisi kepala, nervous ini juga
mengahntarkna impuls dari canalis semicircularis yang
memberikan informasi mengenai gerakan – gerakan

Kompleks mucleus vestibular ini terdiri dari kelompok

nucleus yang terletak di bawah lantai ventriculus
quadratus. Terdapat empat buah nucleus :
 Nucleus vestibularis lateralis
 Nucleus vestibularis medialis
 Nucleus vestibularis superior
 Nucleus vestibularis inferior
Nervus cochlearis
 Nervus cochlearis memberikan impuls
saraf yang berkaitan dengan suara dari
organ corti di dalam cochle. Serabut-
serabut nervus cochlearis merupakan
procesus centralis sel-sel saraf di dalam
ganglion spirale cochlea.

 Satu cabang masuk ke dalam nucleus

cochelaris posterior dan cabang yang
lain masuk ke dalam nucleus cochlearis
Perjalanan nervus vestibulocochlearis

Bagian vestibularis dan cochleari saraf

meninggalkan permukaan anterior otak di
antara pinggir bawah pons dan medulla
oblongata. Semuanya berjalan ke lateral di
dalam fossa cranii posterior dan masuk ke
dalam meatus acusticus internus kemudian
didistribusikan ke berbagai bagian di telinga
Discussion Summary
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a
bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s name
has nothing to do with the liquid metal
Contraindications & Indications

● You can describe the treatment ● You can describe the treatment
contraindication here indication here
● You can describe the treatment ● You can describe the treatment
contraindication here indication here
● You can describe the treatment ● You can describe the treatment
contraindication here indication here

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and

the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s
only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s
name has nothing to do with the liquid metal

● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
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1. Colorless watercolor cover collection
2. Colorless abstract cover collection

3. Senior woman with medical problems
4. Man with medical problems
5. Senior woman taking pills
6. Pills box on yellow background
7. Medium shot smiley man wearing coat
8. Front view of covid recovery center female doctor with stethoscope
9. Front view of female physician with stethoscope
10. Male nurse with arms crossed
11. Portrait of young female nurse standing in front of senior woman sitting on wheel chair
12. High angle minimal medicinal pills assortment
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Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon and infographics
& images by Freepik.

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