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 Prof.Dr.Topo

 Jakarta, 31 Mei 2021

“Thinking without comparison is
unthinkable. And, in the absence
of comparison, so is all scientific
thought and scientific research.”
--G. Swanson
Ruang Lingkup
 Sejarah Hukum   Comparative Law 
Ilmu Diakronis : dia Sinkronis:
(Latin, melalui) dan  Ilmu sosial lain (sosiologi,
politik, ekonomi, antropologi)
Chronicus (Latin,
 Ilmu Sinkronis
waktu)  Gejala- (synchronic; syn [ Yunani,
gejala yang bersamaan] dan chronicus
memanjang dalam (Latin, waktu)  ilmu yang
waktu tetapi berada meneliti gejala-gejala yang
dalam ruang yang meluas dalam ruang, tetapi
terbatas dalam waktu terbatas.
Functions and Purpose of
Comparative Law
(1) Comparative law as an Academic Discipline
(2) Comparative law as an Aid to Legislation and
Law Reform
(3) Comparative law as a Tool of Construction
(4) Comparative law as a Means of
Understanding Legal Rules
(5) Comparative law as a Contribution to the
Systematic Unification and Harmonisation of
(de Cruz, 1993 : 14-22)
 Perbandingan Hukum  Perbandingan Hukum
dalam Kajian dalam membantu
Akademik Legislasi & Reformasi
 Method? Hukum
 Approach?
 Sistem perundang-
 Bidang hukum? 
Hukum Perbandingan
 Law making process
 Perbandingan Hukum
 Reformasi hukum/
vs Hukum pembaruan hukum 
Politik hukum
Pembaruan Hukum Pidana
 Reorientasi  Peninjauan Kembali
 Reformasi  Pembentukan
 Reformasi secara keseluruhan terhadap 
Sistem Hukum
 Friedman  Sistem Hukum (Substansi
Hukum, Struktur Hukum, Budaya Hukum)
 Jadi Pembaruan Hukum BUKAN HANYA
pembaruan atas perundang-undangan pidana
Pembaruan Hukum di Indonesia
 Yang sesuai dengan :
 Nilai-nilai sosial, budaya, politik, moral Bangsa Indonesia

Penting melihat bagaimana sejarah dan perkembangan sistem

hukum di Indonesia  substansi hukum, struktur hukum, dan
budaya hukum
Apa nilai-nilai sosial, budaya, politik, moral Bangsa Indonesia?
Apa perkembangan yang sudah terjadi selama ini pada
masyarakat Indonesia?
Apa tantangan-tantangan saat ini dan masa depan?
 Satjipto Rahardjo : Politik Hukum adalah aktivitas untuk
menentukan suatu pilihan mengenai tujuan dan cara – cara
yang hendak dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan hukum dalam
 Padmo Wahjono: Politik Hukum adalah kebijakan dasar yang
menentukan arah, bentuk, maupun isi hukum yang akan
dibentuk; Politik hukum adalah kebijaksanaan penyelenggara
Negara tentang apa yang dijadikan kriteria untuk
menghukumkan sesuatu yang di dalamnya mencakup
pembentukan, penerapan, dan penegakan hukum.
 L. J. Van Apeldorn: Politik hukum sebagai politik perundang-
undangan .Politik Hukum berarti menetapkan tujuan dan isi
peraturan perundang-undangan . (pengertian politik hukum
terbatas hanya pada hukum tertulis saja).
 Purnadi Purbacaraka dan Soerjono Soekanto: Politik
Hukum sebagai kegiatan-kegiatan memilih nilai- nilai
dan menerapkan nilai – nilai.
 Soedarto: Politik hukum adalah kebijakan dari negara
melalui badan- badan negara yang berwenang untuk
menetapkan peraturan-peraturan yang dikehendaki,
yang diperkirakan akan digunakan untuk
nengekspresikan apa yang terkandung dalam
masyarakat dan untuk mencapai apa yang dicita-
 Mahfud MD: Legal policy atau garis (kebijakan) resmi
tentang hukum yang akan diberlakukan baik dengan
pembuatan hukum baru maupun dengan penggantian
hukum lama, dalam rangka mencapai tujuan negara
Types of Comparative Studies
(Hug, 1922)
(a) Comparison of foreign systems with the domestic
system in order to ascertain similarities and differences;
(b) Studies which analyse objectively and systimatically
solutions which various systems offer for a given legal
(c) Studies which investigate the causal relationship
between different systems of law;
(d) Studies which compare the several stages of various
legal systems;
(e) Studies which attempt to discover or examine legal
evolution generally according to periods and systems.
(de Cruz, 1993: 5)
The Comparative Method
Macro-Comparison  the study of two or more entire legal systems
Micro-Comparison  the study of topics or aspects of two or more
legal systems
(i) the institutions or concepts peculiar to the system
(ii) the sources of law, judicial systems and judiciary, legal
profession or even the structure of the legal system
(iii) the various branches of national or domestic law
(iv) the historical development of legal system;
(v) the ideological, socio-legal and economic bases of that system

THE PURPOSE OF THE COMPARISON will often determine the
suitability of selection !!!
(de Cruz 1993: 37 )
The test of Functionality
(Zweigert and Kotz)
The basic methodological principle of all comparative law
is that of functionality
The legal system of every society faces essentially the
same problems and solves these problems by quite
different means though very often with similar result
Although different societies have different specific
problems, all societies have the same basic problems
They need to resolve their particular domestic / local
problems and to consider how best ‘the law’ may deal
with these problems.
(de Cruz 1993: 37)
Tertium Comparationis
 Dari bahasa Latin yang artinya:
 "the third [part] of the comparison")
 = the quality that two things which are being
compared have in common.
  It is the point of comparison which prompted
the author of the comparison in question to liken
someone or something to someone or
something else in the first place.
 If a comparison visualizes an  Jika perbandingan
action, state, quality, object, or memvisualisasikan suatu
a person by means of a tindakan, keadaan, kualitas,
parallel which is drawn to a objek, atau seseorang dengan
different entity, the two things cara paralel yang ditarik ke
which are being compared do entitas yang berbeda, dua hal
not necessarily have to be yang sedang dibandingkan
identical. However, they must tidak harus harus identik.
possess at least one quality in Namun, mereka harus memiliki
common. This common quality setidaknya satu kualitas yang
has traditionally been referred sama. Kualitas umum ini
to as tertium comparationis. secara tradisional telah disebut
sebagai tertium comparationis.
Stages in the Process of Comparison
(Kamba, 1974)

(a) the descriptive phase

(b) the identification phase
(c) the explanatory phase
The Method of Comparison : A Blueprint
(Peter de Cruz)
Step 1. identify the problem and state it as precisely as possible
Step 2. Assuming that the ‘home jurisdiction’ is one of the jurisdictions
being compared, identify the foreign jurisdiction, and if possible , its
legal family
Step 3. decide which primary sources are going to be needed
Step 4. gather and assemble the material relevant to the jurisdiction
being examined
Step 5. organise material . (i) list the main sources of law (ii) list the
hierarchy of sources (iii) socio cultural material
Step 6. map out the possible answers to the problem, comparing the
different approaches, noting possible cultural differences, different
legal interpretation, socio-economic factors and any non-legal
Step 7. Criticaly analyse the legal principles
Step 8. Set out your conclusions in a balance manner
(de Cruz 1993: 38-39)
Structure of a comparative legal
research project
1. Identification of research topic
2. Formulating the research question
3. Comparibility and choice of systems
4. Identification of comparative framework (tertium)
5. Identification of relevant rules (usually from a functional perspective)
6. Description of the identified rules
7. Listing similarities and differences

8. Comparing (describing legal systems with an explict eye to each other)

9. Explaining similarities and differences
10. Evaluation

The scheme deals with comparative research as if it is lineair, although in reality it is circular
Comparative law is not a cook book with recipes to be followed strictly!

Maurice Adams, 2020

Key Concepts in the Comparative Law
Method (de Cruz 1993: 22-24)
 The Parent Legal Family and Legal Traditions : a
set of ‘deeply rooted historically conditioned
attitudes about the nature of law, the role of law
in the society and the political ideology, the
organisation and operation of a legal system’
(Merryman,1977) a legal tradition ≠ a legal
 Sources of Law  this can mean different things
in different countries and, even in the same
country ; the popular meaning (1) historical
sources , (2) place where the law can be found,
and (3) legal sources (Wu Min Aun, 1975), p. 17.
Beberapa Rujukan dalam
perkuliahan Perbandingan Hukum
• Peter De Cruz. A Modern Approach to Comparative Law. Boston : Kluwer,
• Rene David and John E.C. Major Legal System in the World Today.
London : Steven & Sons, 1996.
• Danner and Bernal. Introduction to Foreign Legal System. New York :
Ocean Publication, 1994.
• K.Zweigert & H.Kotz. An Introduction to Comparative Law, Third Edition.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.
• Mary Ann Glendon, Michael Wallace Gordon, and Christopher Osakwe.
Comparative Legal Traditions. St.Paul, Minn: West Publishing Co, 1994.
• Mathias Reimann and Reinhard Zimmerman. The Oxford Handbook of
Comparative Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
• Philip L. Reichel.Comparative Criminal Justice Systems.Third Edition.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004.

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