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Teknik Penulisan

Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah

Bony Irawan
Publish or Perish
Menulis adalah bekerja untuk keabadian
01 Is your work 02 What type of
publishable? manuscript to
& ask:
03 Choose the 04 Understand 05 Understand
right journal the journal publication
requirements ethics

I keep six honest serving men

(They taught me all I know),
Their names are What and Why and When,
And How and Where and Who?

Rudyard Kipling
A common format for journal Articles:

Introduction: What was the question?
Methods : How did you try to answer it?
Results : What did you find?
Discussion : What does it mean?
The general structure of a full article
• Title
Make them easy for indexing and searching!
• Abstract
(informative, attractive, effective)
• Keywords
• Main text (IMRAD)
Results Journal space is precious. Make
your article as brief as possible.
If clarity can be achieved in n
words, never use n+1.
• Acknowledgement
• Reference
• Supplementary materials

Order of writing:

1.Methods, Results and Discussion

2.Conclusions and Introduction
3. Abstract and title

Finalize Results & Discussion before you write the

introduction. If the discussion is insufficient, how can
you objectively demonstrate the scientific
significance of your work in the introduction?
Struktur Umum Artikel Jurnal

• Judul
• Abstrak
• Kata Kunci
• Pendahuluan
• Landasan Teoritis/Empiris
• Metode
• Hasil dan Pembahasan
• Simpulan dan Saran
• Daftar Pustaka

• Ringkas dan Padat tentang ide-ide yang

paling penting
• Memuat:
- Masalah dan/atau tujuan penelitian
- Prosedur penelitian
- Ringkasan hasil penelitian
• Satu paragraf, umumnya maksimum 200 kata
• Tidak ada singkatan, kutipan, tabel, gambar,
merk dagang
• Dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris
Kata Kunci

Kata atau istilah yang dibahas

• Untuk mempermudah penelusuran artikel

• Mempunyai makna yang khas dan jelas
• 3-5 kata/istilah yang dibahas di dalam artikel
• Ada di dalam judul atau bahasan
• Sebaiknya mengacu pada tesaurus (kumpulan
istilah dalam satu bidang tertentu)

• Latar belakang atau rasional penelitian

• Uraian permasalahan yang akan diteliti
• Status ilmiah disertai sumber acuan (data dan
• Pernyataan umum tidak perlu sumber acuan
• Wawasan rencana pemecahan masalah
• Rumusan Tujuan penelitian
• Umumnya 3-4 paragraf
Landasan Teoritis/Empiris

• Berisi teori maupun konsep utama yang

digunakan dalam penelitian
• Studi terdahulu yang relevan dengan penelitian
• Adopsi dan modifikasi model penelitian

Uraian terperinci tentang prosedur penelitian

Data dan sumber data

Jenis penelitian: kualitatif, kuantitatif
Spesifikasi model
Bagaimana data dianalisis

Adopsi dan modifikasi metode (ditulis sumbernya; jika ada modifikasi harus

Bahan analisis, cara penarikan sampel, prosedur analisis, pengumpulan

data, cara perhitungan atau analisis sampai diperoleh hasil terolah diuraikan
dengan terperinci
Hasil dan Pembahasan

Uraian mengenai hasil dan analisis pembahasan

Merupakan bagian utama artikel ilmiah

• Penyajian bersistem
• Diperjelas dengan ilustrasi: tabel & gambar
• Tabel & gambar sederhana
• Data ilustrasi harus ditafsirkan dalam uraian dengan
memperhatikan masalah
Hasil dan Pembahasan

• Menjawab masalah penelitian atau menunjukkan bagaimana tujuan

penelitian tersebut dicapai
• Menafsirkan hasil-hasil penelitian (membandingkan hasil penelitian
dengan model atau teori yang diacu)
• Merupakan tempat penulis mengemukakan pendapat dan
argumentasi secara bebas, tetapi singkat dan logis
• Menghubungkan hasil penelitian Anda dan penelitian sebelumnya
dengan menunjukkan persamaan dan membahas perbedaannya
• Menjelaskan arti temuan untuk memperluas cakrawala ilmu dan
teknologi (menyusun teori baru atau memodifikasi teori yang ada)
Kesimpulan dan Saran
Bukan “copas” dari pembahasan
Pernyataan pendek atau generalisasi dari temuan
Memuat jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian
Berupa deskriptif, bukan numerik
Memuat implikasi temuan penelitian, saran yang bersifat praktis,
pengembangan teori, dan arah penelitian lanjutan.

Daftar Pustaka

Harus lengkap sesuai rujukan dalam teks

Tata cara penulisan mengacu pada aturan jurnal yang bersangkutan
“8 reasons I rejected your article”, Thrower, 2012

1. It fails in the journal technical screening

2. It does not fall within the Aims and Scopeof the journal
3. It is incomplete
4. The procedures and/or analysis of the data is defective
5. The conclusions cannot be justified on the basis of the rest of
the paper
6. It is simply a small extension of a different paper, often from
the same authors
7. It is incomprehensible
8. It is boring
Kunci Artikel Accepted

Common Mistakes regarding the GFA

• No need to worry about GFA, it is not a priority.

• That is easy, I know it already.
• Nothing new. GFA of all journals are the same;
so, no need to read GFA. (GFA may change
from year to year)
• Editor(s) will help me for minor writing style

• Every journal has its own GFA. Don’t use GFA of a

journal for other journals.
• GFA may be changed when needed, so read the
most recently updated one
Menulis Artikel Jurnal

Case in Point:
Further Discussion on Results
 the results are the core of the paper
 presents the data the researcher has found
 whenever practical, sets of related results should be organized in tables, or
interpreted through figures or diagrams
 if extensive data have been collected, it is often best simply to summarize
the results, perhaps augmenting the summary with representative examples
 the commonest fault: repetitive prose that is already clear to the reader from
an examination of the tables and figures
 remember that the busy reader will be grateful for a guiding hand but should
not be led as though blindfolded
Well-presented results
 are simply and clearly stated
 report representative data rather than endlessly repetitive data
 reduce large masses of data to means, along with the standard error or standard
 report repetitive data in tables and graphs, not in the text
 repeat the text only the most important findings shown in tables and graphs
 include negative data—what was not found—if they affect the interpretation of
results. Otherwise, negative data are omitted
 give only data that relate to the subject of the paper as defined in the introduction
 refer in the text to every table and figure by number
 include only tables, figures, and graphs that are necessary, clear, and worth
Things to watch …
 unnecessary words. Watch especially for sentences that begin: “Table
5 shows that …” Tables don’t show anything. Put the reference to the
table in parentheses at the end.

 The reader will usually follow the results more easily if they appear in
the same order as the objectives were given in the Introduction
Perbedaan pemberian tajuk

Metode Hasil (& Pembahasan)

 Identifikasi kimiawi  Identitas kimiawi
 Uji toksisitas  Toksisitas
 Isolasi ...  Isolat ...
 Ekstraksi DNA  Ekstrak DNA
Contoh narasi hasil dan ilustrasi – kurang baik
The most relevant socio-demographic variables of the sample are shown in table 4.
(tidak ada ulasan; 1 paragraf hanya 1 kalimat)

Table 4. Socio-demographic profile

Variable % Variable %
Gender Place of residence
Men 49.1% Rural areas 63.5%
Women 50.9% Urban areas 36.5%
Age Academic level
16 to 29 24.7% Primary education 65.9%
30 to 39 25.2% Secondary education 20.1%
40 to 49 28.3% Higher education 14.0%
50 to 59 15.4%
60 and over 6.4%
Once tourist resources had been identified, the firts aspect in this investigation was to
ask the local community (the target of economic ....
Contoh narasi yang baik
The most relevant socio-demographic variables of the sample are shown in Table 4. In terms of
gender, men and women are nearly similar in number. Most of the tourist in this area is less than
50 year’s old and they come primarily from rural areas. Surprisingly, approximately 65% the
visitors are having primary education.

Atau: gunakan ilustrasi untuk yang memang diperlukan. Misal:

Discussion (1)
 the author explains what the results mean and their implications for future study
 does not repeat what has already been said in the review of literature or in the
 relates the results to the questions that were set out in the Introduction
 in organization, follow the order of the original objectives
 shows relationships between the facts observed during this investigation
 show how the results and interpretations agree, or don’t agree, with previously
published work
 discusses theoretical implications of the work
 states conclusions, with evidence of each
 indicates the significance of the results
 suggest future research that is planned or is needed to follow up the results
Discussion (2)
 controversial issues should be discussed lucidly and fairly
 where results differ from previous ones, an explanation rather than
refutation should be sought
 anomalous results for which no explanation is readily available should be
stressed rather than concealed, and the anomalies frankly admitted
 most interesting and valuable to science will open new possibilities of
exploration, and these should be brought to the fore
 speculation, if any, must be reasonable
 a single hypothesis to explain results is almost mandatory, but piling
hypothesis upon hypothesis is bad
At the editor’s desk …
 the editor usually judge whether readers at this point will say “So

 if they might, the author has not done an adequate job

 the Discussion is the most difficult part of any paper, and the one that
editors most frequently ask to have revised
Contoh sajian pembahasan – kurang baik
5. Results and Analysis
Haar wavelet is used for the wavelet decomposition. The results are compared with basic fractal image
compression (BFIC) and Wavelet-Fractal image compression (WFC) and FIC using soft computing techniques.

5 images are used for this experiment fig 3 shows the original images and fig 4 shows reconstructed images.

Table 1-4

5.1 Equations

6. Conclusion
A new gradient based hybrid wavelet-fractal image compression technique is presented here. WFC alone can
reduce the encoding time required but by comparing with BFIC image quality is also reduces. The proposed
method used here increases the image quality into an acceptable range also maintain other two parameters.
Also by comparing the proposed method with FIC using soft computing techniques the proposed method can
reduce the encoding time required with an acceptable PSNR.
Contoh sajian pembahasan – yang baik –
bidang matematika
My choice of the parameters follows recent literature on this topic (see Psaradakis and
Spagnolo 2003). Transition probabilities (p11, p22) = (0.6, 0.4) employed for the MSAR(2, 1)
imply that the regime indicator variables {st } are uncorrelated.3 This means that the state of
the system at time t does not depend on the state at time t−1. On the other hand, the pairs
(p11, p22) = (0.9, 0.9) and (p11, p22) = (0.9, 0.98) allow the regimes to be highly persistent
with the regime corresponding to st = 2 being almost absorbing in the latter case [the
stationary distribution of {st } is (0.5, 0.5) and (0.1667, 0.8333), respectively].

I also consider a simpler class of DGPs, which is employed by Hansen (1992, 1996) in his
Monte Carlo study. The same parameterization is followed. Thus, to generate data under the
null, a simple model with no autoregressive parameters is considered:

Catatan: ketiga sumber acuan adalah acuan primer

Contoh sajian pembahasan – yang baik –
bidang pendidikan
Two adolescents with ASD and limited speech learned to use an iPod Touch1 to
request access to preferred stimuli. While functional use of such a device for similar
communicative purposes has been demonstrated before (Flores et al., 2012;
Kagohara et al., 2010, 2012; van der Meer et al., 2011), the present study is unique
in its focus on teaching more advanced operations of an iPod-based speech-
generating device. Specifically, intervention aimed to teach the students to (a) turn
on the device, (b) unlock the screen, and (c) navigate through screen pages to
perform multi-step requests. The results suggest that the intervention procedures
were effective in teaching these more advanced operational steps for using an iPod-
based speech-generating device. The two intervention phases also appeared to
produce durable gains at follow-up.

Catatan: keempat sumber acuan adalah acuan primer dan mutakhir untuk publikasi di tahun
Gabungan Hasil & Pembahasan
Table 1 gives an overview of the synthesized oligodeoxynucleotide 20mers. Two different
UC containing oligonucleotides ODN1 and ODN2 were synthesized in order to obtain
different positioning of the functional carboxylate moiety within the duplex. Furthermore
two different doubly modified sequences ODN3 and ODN4 were constructed where both
the extra imidazole and extra alcohol moiety are represented. In literature, examples of
serine proteases with catalytic dyads have been reported functioning on the basis of a
histidine and serine catalytic residue only [45,46]. In order to evaluate the importance of
the role of the carboxylate and possible creation of catalytic dyads next to triads, ODN5
and ODN6 were constructed containing Uo and UI as single modifications.

Catatan: Dahulukan hasil, kemudian beri ulasan.

 collect and summarize the most important results and their

 the status of the problem should be briefly reviewed before the new
findings are presented

 enumerated?
Discussion and Conclusion Combined…

 After presenting one’s findings and elaborating on their significance, a

scientist is usually anxious to conclude by engaging in a certain
amount of extrapolation, including suggestions for future studies
Contoh gabungan Pembahasan dan Simpulan
While our results suggest an effective approach for teaching advanced operation of an iPod-
based SGD, these findings should be interpreted with caution owing to several limitations.
First, the study involved only two students and both had previous experience in using an
iPod Touch1 to request preferred snacks and/or toys (Kagohara et al., 2010; van der Meer
et al., 2011).

Despite these limitations, the results can be considered positive. Both interventions
appeared to be effective in teaching the respective advanced operations. Moving beyond
single-step requesting to teach these more advanced operations could be seen as crucial for
promoting greater independence in using such devices for communicative purposes. The
interventions might also be seen as enabling these two students to engage in more
complicated and sophisticated (multi-step) communicative exchanges.

“Teaching advanced operation of an iPod-based speech-generating device

to two students with autism spectrum disorders” – terbit 2012
 Bukan rangkuman hasil penelitian
 Tekankan pada temuan penting
 Selaraskan dengan pernyataan tujuan penelitian
 Tak perlu sistem nomor atau poin
 Buatlah generalisasi dengan hati-hati (perhatikan
keterbatasan hasil temuan)
 Implikasi temuan dapat ditulis
 Saran harus berkait dengan pelaksanaan atau hasil
penelitian (tidak mengada-ada)
Contoh sajian pembahasan dan simpulan –
yang baik – bidang keteknikan
Artikel keteknikan.pdf
 Cermati bahwa hasil dikemukakan dahulu kemudian
diikuti pembahasan
 Pembahasan menggunakan acuan primer dan mutakhir
 Simpulan tidak langsung pada temuan penting tetapi
sedikit menambahkan tujuan penelitian
Contoh Simpulan yang baik
We have reported the experimental apparent solubilities of sodium acetate in
binary mixtures of MeOH, PrOH, ACN, and water and applied the
Jouyban−Acree model to calculate the solubilities and the densities at any
composition of the binary mixtures. This not only extends the available
solubility database of solutes in mixed solvents2 but demonstrates the
relevance of these data for practical purposes, for example, for crystallization
procedures in the chemical industry or for methods like liquid chromatography
or capillary electrophoresis. Acetate buffers play an important role in these
high-performance separation techniques. From our data it can be seen that the
solubility ranges over nearly 4 orders of magnitude in the particular solvents,
facts that have to be taken into account for their positive and negative aspects.
Reducing ...
Contoh implikasi
Kesinambungan: Masalah –
Tujuan/Pendekatan - Simpulan
 Judul: The Making of European Energy Market: The Interplay of
Governance and Government
 “Masalah”: The creation of a single European market in electricity
and gas provides an excellent example of how policymaking in
technically complex and novel policy areas confronts political
decisionmakers with a daunting set of challenges: a lack of expertise,
a higher degree of uncertainty, and the political risk of being held
responsible for unanticipated failure.
Kesinambungan: Masalah – Tujuan/Pendekatan –
Simpulan (2)
 Tujuan: ... This article conceptualises the delegation relationship in
policymaking based on analytcal distinction between political
government and sectoral or functional governance.
 Simpulan: In short, this case study of EU energy market
liberalisation demonstrates that governnace and government have
complimentary contribution to make to policy efficacy.
Regarding Graphs and Tables

• Illustration could be in the forms of tables and figures (graphs,

photos, diagrams, charts, maps etc).
• Do not use a table and a figure with the same contents in the
article, choose either of them.
• In preparing illustrations, please refer to the Instruction for
• Illustrations are supplement to the article.
• Illustrations should be narrated in the article.
• Refer the illustration by number.
• Prepare table in separate page (do not insert into the body of the
text) and each table is prepared in separate page.

• Give table number in Arabic (1, 2, 3, 4, etc not i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi,
• Before preparing a table, please check the general style in the
latest issues of the journal.
• Generally, only three horizontal lines across the page are
allowed, i.e.., Two on the column heading and one on the
bottom of the table.
• Vertical lines are not recommended.

• Therefore, line default in the computer program should be

• Table should have a title on the top of the table.
• Consult the latest issues of the journal or the instruction for
author for formatting the title (justification, centered or left,
italic, or capital)
• A legend should give enough experimental detail to be
understandable without the text.
• Each column must have a heading.
• Necessary abbreviations should be defined in the legend or in
the footnotes
• Numbers in a table should be aligned by decimal point.
• The significance of the decimal numbers should be checked.
• Include SD or SE of the means.
• Table should give enough experimental details and
explanations (in the legend or in the footnotes) to be
understandable without the text.
• For simple table, use portrait and for tables requiring many
columns, use landscape.
• Figure includes graph, photo, diagram, chart, map, etc.
• Discussion will be focused on the graph.
• Again, do not use figure plotted from the same numbers in the
table already used in the article.
• Figure should have a title.
• The legend must contain sufficient detail to make the figure
easily understood.
• Identify symbols and curves in the legend, not on the figure
• Appropriately sized numbers, letters, and symbols should be
used so they are no smaller than 2 mm in size after reduction
to a single column width (87 mm), a 1.5 column width (120
mm), or a full 2-column width (178 mm).
• A figure may be estimated by using a reducing photocopier to
see if it can fit into a single column; be sure to look at the
smallest letter or symbol to decide what will be legible in print.
• Numbers, letters, and symbols used in multi-paneled figures
must be consistent.
• The abscissa and the ordinate must be clearly labeled with
appropriately sized type, and units of measurement must be
• In graph illustration, include the SD or SE of the means.
• Figure or graph is used to present a relatively huge data, or to present the
pattern or trend, not the absolute numbers.
• Each figure is prepared and printed in separate page.
• Labeled the back of the figure with the figure number and the author.
• Make sure that each figure is labeled appropriately.
• Give the position identification (top or bottom) for figure that is not
• Do not add any information or note on the figure.
• Do not type the title or legend on the figure.
• Type the titles or legends of figures in separate page (generally, after
• Format the legends or titles according to the Instruction for Authors, or
consult the latest issue of the journal.
Courtesy of:

Bhaswat S. Chakraborty
Setyo Tri Wahyudi
Sikstus Gusli
Suminar Setiati Achmadi
Wasmen Manalu

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