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Pemijahan Ikan Mas secara

Disusun Oleh :
1. Ajeng Hanyfa Wulandari
2. Evellin Gelyca Rahayu
3. Handi Pratama
4. Melan Hidayah
5. Ratih Purnama Sari
6. Rayhan Fahrezy
7. Wahyu Nurfajar
8. Shinta Dewi
3 Cara Pemijahan ikan Mas
(Cyprinus Carpio)

01 Pemijahan Alami

02 Pemijahan Semi Alami

03 Pemijahan Buatan
Tahap Pemijahan Buatan ikan Mas
(Cyprinus Carpio)

01 Seleksi Induk

Ciri – ciri induk jantan dan betina yang matang gonad

sebagai berikut :
 Induk jantan :
02Pada bagian sirip dada bila diraba terasa kasar, bila diurut
pada bagian perut ke arah pangkal akan keluar cairan
sperma berwarna putih susu.
 Induk betina :

Pada sirip dada bila diraba terasa halus, perut kelihatan

besar ke arah belakang, apabila diraba terasa lembek dan
apabila diurut akan keluar telur (cairan berwarna kuning).
02 Penimbangan
Tujuannya agar mudah menentukan dosis Hormone yang akan

Perhitungan dosis hormon yang akan

Letak posisi penyuntikan di bagian punggung
dengan kemiringan 45˚. Penyuntikan dilakukan
bisa malam hari atau pagi hari jam 05.00.
Sebaiknya lakukan penyuntikan pada pagi hari
tujuannya pada waktu streeping bisa dilakukan
pada siang hari.
Gambar Penyuntikan dosis hormon
04 Pisahkan Induk di Kolam
Masukkan induk tersebut ke kolam karantina secara terpisah antara
induk jantan dan betina dan biarkan selama kurang lebih 3 jam (waktu
Waktu laten merupakan periode antara waktu suntik dan saat
pengeluaran telur. Waktu ini tergantung 2 (dua) faktor yaitu jenis ikan dan
suhu media atau air, tujuan adanya waktu laten agar telur lebih matang
dan proses streeping lebih mudah
Untuk Induk Jantan spermanya
tampung pada mangkok atau
05 Proses Streeping baskom. Sperma dan telur yang
Ambil Induk Jantan distreeping bertahan selama 25-
30 menit.
Ambil Induk Betina

Sebelum proses streeping, hendaknya kita mengelap

terlebih dahulu bagian perut ikan dengan menggunakan
kain agar telur tidak tercampur dengan air kolam yang
masih menempel pada perut
Your logo

Our Company
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and the smallest
one in the solar system—it’s only a bit larger than the
Moon. The planet’s name has nothing to do with the
liquid metal, since Mercury was named after the Roman
messenger god
Understanding the Problem

Neptune Mercury Jupiter

Neptune is the Mercury is the Jupiter is the
farthest planet smallest planet in biggest planet in
from the Sun the Solar System the Solar System
Our Solutions

Mercury Venus

01 Mercury is the
closest planet to the
02 Venus is the second
planet from the sun

Jupiter Neptune

03 Jupiter is the biggest

planet of them all 04 Neptune is the
farthest planet from
the Sun
Main Competitors

Mercury Jupiter Venus Neptune

Market Research
Gross Revenue in the Sector

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change Sector Growth
the data and paste the resulting graph here
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader
get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
Outreach Top Rated Values

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the

link, change the data and paste the new graph
earths is the sun’s

24h 37mrotation
is Jupiter’s 23s

is386,000 kmto
the distance
the Moon
Age Gender

30% 70%


To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and paste the new graph here Interface
Our Process

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second

planet to the Sun planet from the Sun

Day Day Day Day

1 2 3 4

Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the farthest

planet in the Solar planet from the Sun
This could be the part of the
presentation where you can introduce
yourself, write your email…
Our Consultants

John James
Venus is the
Jane Patterson second planet Joe Doe
Mercury is the from the Sun Neptune is the
closest planet to farthest planet
the Sun from the Sun
Our Partners

Mercury Jupiter Neptune

Mercury Jupiter is Neptune

is the the is the
planet to
Saturn is planet
Despite of planetis
thetheSun them red,
being all from
ringed Mars is Sun
Helena James
“Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun”

Jenna Doe
“Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all “

Mary Patterson
“Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun”

It’s the closest
Venus planet to the Sun
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun Jupiter
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
Big numbers catch your
audience’s attention
Upcoming Goals

January February March April

Goal 1

Phase 1

Phase 2
The Slide Title Goes Here!

Do you know what helps you make your

point clear? Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the
audience won’t miss the point of your
A Picture Is Worth a
Thousand Words
Infographics Make Your Idea
Mercury Neptune
Neptune is the
Mercury is the closest
farthest planet from
planet to the Sun
the Sun

Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is the ringed
planet of them all one and a gas giant
…And the Same Goes for Tables

Mass Diameter Gravity

(earths) (earths) (earths)

Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16

Maybe You Need to Divide the

01 02
Neptune Jupiter
Neptune is the farthest Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet in the Solar
and the fourth-largest System and the fourth-
in the Solar System brightest one
Desktop Software

You can replace the image on

the screen with your own
work. Just delete this one,
add yours and center it properly
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

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Alternative Resources

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Vectors Photos
● Programming ● Close-up of woman using a lapto
● Development p
● Mission impossible ● Beautiful young woman holding
● Social networking laptop on pink backdrop
● Segmentation
● Site stats Icons
● Responsive
● Meeting ● Project Management Icon
● Analysis
● Cyber attack
● Secure server
● Control panel Find more illustrations like these on
Stories by Freepik
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Pana Amico Bro Rafiki

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Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
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