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Institute of Marine Biology – Kotor (founded in 1961)

is the only Montenegrian Institute for scientific

investigation, control and protection of the sea.


Approach to the
research has an
character, with
attemption to the
Southern Adriatic
and Boka
Kotorska Bay, but
we have to pay
more attention on
the Bojana river.
The decades–long programme conception of the Institute, the only institution in
Montenegro dedicated to the research of the sea, is grouped into several linked

 Biological, ecological, taxonomic and hydrographical research of the marine life

 Population dynamics and suggestions for rational exploitation of the economically

important species of fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods

 Neurophysiologic research on marine organisms

 Research and protection of flora and fauna as well as the hydrographical

properties of the Boka Kotorska bay

 Advancement of the marine fisheries and aquaculture and dealing with the
artificial fertilisation of certain economically important species of marine organisms

 Oceanographic research of the south Adriatic

 Preservation and advancement of the environment in the south Adriatic area

(Montenegrin littoral)
Begginig at laboratory work

Ex Research vessel NEMIRNA

The professional activities of the Institute are organised in 5 laboratories:

1. Laboratory of General Biology and Marine Conservation

Laboratory is involved in research of living resources

Pelagic resources: Benthic resources:

 phytoplankton phytobenthos

 zooplankton
 bacterioplankton

Conservation of the sea

2. Laboratory of Ichthyology and Marine Fisheries

The Laboratory is involved in:

 Research of the marine fisheries (benthic and pelagic resources,

 Population dynamics of the economically important species of fish,

crustaceans and cephalopods

 Scientific assistance in the development of responsible fisheries and

suggestions for sustainable use of marine resources
3. Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Ecophysiology

The Laboratory is involved in:

 Research of the bioactive compounds of marine flora and fauna extracts

 Ecophysiological research on marine organism models

 Comparative electrophysiological research on the fish eye retina

 Temperature–dependent electroretinpgraphic responses

 Effects of some alkaloids on fish electroretinogram

4. Laboratory of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology

 Oceanography

 Marine chemistry and biochemistry

 Sea pollution by heavy metals and toxic compounds

 Extraction of bioactive compounds from marine organisms, particularly form

endemic species
5. Laboratory of Research Development and Mariculture

 Formation of the Center for Mariculture and mariculture development

 Transfer of national and foreign biotechnology in the process of farming in

the coastal area of Montenegro, with priority of breeding autochtones
Adriatic pit

Adriatic Sea bathymetry






after Cardin & Gacic, 2008

Other activities
 Education (lectures, summer schools, short courses, postgraduate
studies, PhD. theses, studies of different commercial problems)

 International scientific co-operation (UNESCO, UNEP, FAO –

GFCM, IOC, WHO, ISCEM, bilateral scientific co-operation with
Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Russia, Norway, Germany, France, USA,
Hungary, etc.)
Participation in the international Conferences

Summer schools
List of projects financial supported by our government

Ministry of Science:

1. Biological eutrophycation indicators in Boka Kotorska Bay

2. Devalopment mariculture activities in Boka Kotorska Bay
3. Water chemistry, sediment analysis and biota investigation in South Adriatic
4. Testing of neurotoxicant and neurogenerative changes in marine vertebrata
and invertebrata
5. Marine fisheries recourses in trawl fishery in Montenegrin coast
Ministry of agriculture and rural devalopment:
 National monitoring of marine fisheries recourses
 Water monitoring for the mariculture with biotoxins analysis

Ministry of sustainable development and tourism:

 RAC/SPA Proposal for Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Montenegrin

Environmental Protection Agency:

 Sea monitoring (MEDPOL)

International cooperation:

 FAO AdriaMed (GCP/RER/010/ITA) Scientific Coopertaion to Support

Responsible Fisheries in Adriatic Sea

 ADRICOSM Star- Integrated river basin and coastal zone management

system: Montenegro coastal area and Bojana river catchment
 ECO-PORT 8- Environmental management of transborder corridor ports
MAMA-Mediterranean network to asses and upgrade monitoring and
forecasting activity in the region

Bilateral cooperation: Montenegro-Slovenia

 Water dynamics in North and South Adriatic according to pollution and

monitoring of biomarkers

Thank you for your attention!

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