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Dwi Winarni
Dept. Biologi – FST UA

Change to
Increase in abnormal cell
number of cells type, increase Neoplasia
without a in rate of
change in the division and
rate of division number
or cell function (dysplasia)

Chronic increase Weight lifting Disuse due to Physical or

injury or im- chemical Chronic
metabolic irritation or a
demand, genetic mobilization or irritants
impaired cell malfunction in
abnormalities, DNA replication
or hormonal meta-bolism
imbalance i.e.
Metaplasia adalah perubahan reversibel dari bentuk
sel terdiferensiasi jenis yang satu (epitelial atau
mesenkimal) digantikan oleh jenis sel terdiferensiasi
yang lain  mekanisme adaptasi dengan mengganti
jenis sel yang sensitif dengan jenis sel yang lebih
tahan terhadap perubahan lingkungan

Metaplasia bukan merupakan akibat
perubahan fenotip jenis sel yang
sudah terdiferensiasi tetapi lebih
merupakan akibat reprogramming
stem cells yang ada di jaringan
normal, atau sel-sel mesenkim yang
belum terdiferensiasi di dalam
jaringan ikat
3 stem cell niches yang teridentifikasi
pada mamalia

1. interstitial stem cell niche (ISCN) of the

2. hair follicle epidermal stem cell niche (HFSCN)
3. hematopoietic stem cell niche in the bone
marrow (HSCN).
Pada perubahan metaplastik, sel prekursor
berdiferensiasi melalui jalur diferensiasi
Diferensiasi sel dengan jalur diferensiasi
tertentu tergantung dari sinyal yang
berasal dari :
• sitokin,
• growth factors,
• Dan komponen ekstrasel di sekitar
Stimuli2 eksternal tersebut mengakibatkan
diekspresikannya gen2 yang membawa sel
menuju ke jalur diferensiasi tertentu
Metaplasia epitelial yang paling umum adalah dari
kolumnar ke skuamosa

Yang dapat disebabkan oleh :

Iritasi kronis (asap rokok, bahan pencemar lain) pada
saluran respirasi
“Endapan/ batu” pada saluran ekskretori kelenjar
ludah, pankreas dan empedu

Defisiensi vitamin A pada epitel saluran respirasi

Penurunan pH serviks
Kontrol Defisiensi vit A + asap rokok
Pankreas - metaplasia
Epitel transisional  skuamosa
A higher-power  view of renal calyx section shows the junction of
normal epithelium (1) with hyperplastic transitional epithelium (2).
Note the inflammatory cells in the subepithelial tissue
In areas adjacent to the normal transitional A high-power photomicrograph of the
epithelium, there are areas of epithelium squamous epithelium shows inflammatory
(arrows) where the epithelial cells have the cells in the subepithelial tissue and the
character of normal squamous epithelium as formation of keratinized epithelium
found in the dermis. However, squamous (arrows)
epithelium is not normal in the renal pelvis

the esophageal squamous epithelium is

replaced by intestinal-like columnar cells
under the influence of refluxed gastric acid
(Barret’s esophagus)

Cancers may arise in these areas; these are

typically glandular (adeno) carcinomas
Barrett's esophagus (left part of image). Alcian blue stain.The characteristic 
goblet cells are stained blue. Normal stratified squamous epithelium is seen on
the right of the image
Micrograph of Barrett's esophagus (high magnification). Alican blue stain. The (simple
columnar) metaplasic epithelium of Barrett's esophagus is characterized by goblet
cells, which stain blue with alcian blue. Barrett's is associated with an increased risk of 
Mesenchymal metaplasia (connective
tissue metaplasia) is the formation of
cartilage, bone, or adipose tissue
(mesenchymal tissues) in tissues that
normally do not contain these elements
(ex. Myositis ossificans)
 Bukan mekanisme adaptasi
Myositis ossificans (in subcutis, called
panniculitis ossificans; in fascia or tendons,
called fascitis ossificans) is a benign
condition presenting as a heterotopic, well-
defined bone formation in muscles and soft
tissues. Most frequently it has a post-
traumatic onset (60%-75% of cases), usually
following small, repeated traumas or a single
bruising episode. Myositis ossificans is rare
in patients younger than 10 years and more
frequent in teenage athletes, and >50% of
patients are diagnosed in the third decade of
Figure 2: Photomicrograph of the biopsy specimen showing morphologic
zonation: central population of fibroblasts and ill-defined trabeculae of woven
bone at the peripheral zone.Figure 3: Peripherally mineralized myositis ossificans
with a radiolucent center at 12 weeks

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