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Welcome to Presentation Mandala and Cosmology of wisdom

Shri Vidya Trust Rishikesh (India)

This Mandala or Shri Yantra is considered to be the abode of Cosmic Wisdom. I (Shri Vidya) am the abstract intelligence wherefrom the cosmos originates, whereon it flourishes, and wherein it dissolves, like the images in a mirror.
From Tripura Rahasya (Chapter 20)

Before Creation or Big Bang there was no space or time but there was God or any other Creator having Cosmic Wisdom or Abstract Intelligence. This source of Wisdom has been given the name Bindu or point in Shri Yantra. This is also the Zero point field of Quantum theory. Both science and spirituality are covered by Shri Vidya.

Here is a glimpse of the first Chakra of Shri Yantra or the Mandala of Wisdom (quantum in ZPF) that emerged after creation or Big Bang.4

Chakra 1 or Quantum envelope

Spiritual symbolism: Shiva or the Cosmic consciousness; Para Shakti or the Cosmic energy; Iccha Shakti or the potency for inertia; Gyaan Shakti or the potency for knowledge; Kriya Shakti or the potency for action. Scientific symbolism : Cosmic wisdom or consciousness, Gravity, Strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force.

After Big Bang, the quantum started multiplying from one to two to four to eight to sixteen. This process is similar to the growth of cells in the womb.

The process of multiplication continued. In only eight steps, the number of quanta increased to 256.

Formation of the universe

If each step took one second, in ten seconds the number of quanta was 1024 or 10^3 as shown here. In another ten seconds, the number was over 1,000,000 or 10^6. In 240 seconds or 4 minutes, the number was 10^72 that is guessed to be the size of the universe!

The universe of quanta had perfect symmetry as depicted here.

Chakra 2 or Particle envelope

The physical elements that emerged after the Big Bang are:

elementary particles space time gravity strong force weak force electromagnetic force code/information consciousness

When the quanta started coming close to form particles, the universe lost the symmetry and was transformed into clouds of clusters of galaxies as depicted here.


Part of a cluster of galaxies. One of these galaxies is our Milky Way!


Chakra 3 or Atom envelope

The particles in the clouds cooled to form atoms. The two additional areas in this Chakra are the symbols of: Nucleus of the atom, and Field of the atom. The particles occupy very little space and over 99.99 % area is field full of non-manifest elements such as consciousness.

Milky Way Galaxy. The location of our sun is shown here.


Chakra 4 or Molecule envelope

Cooling of atoms led to their coming together to form molecules. For example, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen united to make the molecule of water.

The Solar system with sun and eight planets is shown here.

The Solar system as Yantras or orbs seen sometimes in 17 the space.

Magnified earth and moon in the solar system.


Chakra 5 Inorganic Matter

Molecules joined to form inorganic matter that comprised molecules other than carbon based organic molecules. They followed the process of physical disorder under the impact of entropy.

Chakra 5 Organic Matter

Some carbon based molecules formed the organic matter that had the capability to resist entropy and maintain stability. This process is known as negative entropy or negentropy and could be possible only under the impact of field of consciousness and and life (FOCAL).

Chakra 6 or Air envelope

The sixth Chakra of Shri Yantra (green) is the symbol of air or gas element. In the spiritual context this Chakra represents the evolution of living beings on the earth.

Chakra 7 or Fire envelope

The seventh Chakra of Shri Yantra (red) is the symbol of fire. In the spiritual context this Chakra represents the evolution of beings with senses.

Chakra 8 or Water envelope

The eighth Chakra of Shri Yantra (blue) is the symbol of water. In the spiritual context, this Chakra represents the evolution of living beings on the earth having intelligence.


Chakra 9 or Earth envelope

The ninth Chakra of Shri Yantra (yellow) is the symbol of earth. In the spiritual context this Chakra represents the evolution of living beings on the earth having creativity. Those beings are the human beings.

Shri Yantra with Bhupur and Chakras

The total number of blue and pink areas in the inner part is 89 (43 blue and 46 pink ). The pink areas represent the energy aspect and the blue areas represent the consciousness aspect of reality.

Shri Yantra with inner part as hexagons

Intersection of lines of the nine triangles in the inner part are called Chakras (circles) although they appear as hexagons. The number of blue and pink areas is 89.


Shri Yantra with inner part as alphabet

All writing symbols could be arranged in 89 areas of the five inner chakras of Shri Yantra. This can be used to promote literacy in nine easy steps. This Mandala shows the alphabet of Saral Hindi.

Shri Yantra with inner part as circles

In this Mandala, the hexagons are converted into circles but the total number of blue and pink areas remains 89 (43 blue and 46 pink). This Mandala shows the alphabet of Saral Roman and Romanaagarii.


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