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Analytical Attribute Approaches TradeTrade-off Analysis and Qualitative Techniques Chapter seven

TradeTrade-Off (Conjoint) Analysis

Often called Conjoint Analysis (conjoint means united, combined) This technique is more commonly used in concept evaluation, but does generate high-potential concepts highTradeTrade-off analysis refers to the analysis of the process by which customers compare and evaluate brands based on their attributes or features Conjoint analysis is one of the most common analytical tools that is used to assess trade-offs; trade-off analysis is tradetradea broader term.

TradeTrade-Off (Conjoint) Analysis (contd.)


Put the determinant attributes together in combinations or sets. Respondents rank these sets in order of preference. Conjoint analysis assumes a product as a set or bundle of attributes and puts all of the determinant attributes together in new sets and identifies which sets of attributes would be most liked or preferred by customers. Conjoint analysis finds the optimal levels of each attribute.

Using Trade-Off Analysis Tradeto Generate Concepts



E.g. in case of coffee the three determinant attributes could be flavor (five different flavors: Caramel, walnut etc), strength (three different strengths: mild, medium, strong), & intensity of aroma (four different intensity levels: very weak, regular). There are 60 (5X3X4 = 60) different combinations Consumers could be asked their preference (though 60 possible new products are too many for one customer to handle & for a NP manager to plot on the gap maps) Consumers are asked to prefer one to the other and make the choice. They must trade off attributes wanted most against 4 those wanted less

Using Trade-Off Analysis Tradeto Generate Concepts (contd.)

One favorite set would emerge from this collection, for example in this case customers prefer medium strength, no (added) flavor, and regular aroma. Unless that particular combination was already on the market, we would have our new product concept. A computer program calculates a utility function for each of the many attributes. The analyst can then order up the one new product (perhaps never thought of before) that optimizes the variables so much of this, so much of that, and so on. If that product already exists in the market, the next best product can be derived. 5

Conjoint Analysis Input: Salsa Example

Thickness Spiciness Color Actual Ranking* 4 3 10 6 15 16 2 1 8 5 13 11 7 9 14 12 17 18 Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Thick Thick Thick Thick Thick Thick Extra-Thick Extra-Thick Extra-Thick Extra-Thick Extra-Thick Extra-Thick Mild Mild Medium-Hot Medium-Hot Extra-Hot Extra-Hot Mild Mild Medium-Hot Medium-Hot Extra-Hot Extra-Hot Mild Mild Medium-Hot Medium-Hot Extra-Hot Extra-Hot Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green Ranking as Estimated by Model 4 3 10 8 16 15 2 1 6 5 13 11 7 9 14 12 18 17

* 1 = most preferred, 18 = least preferred.

Conjoint Analysis: Graphical Output

2 1 0 -1 -2
Regular Thick Ex-Thick Mild Medium-Hot Ex-Hot Red Green





-1.074 1.667


-1.774 -0.161


Conjoint Analysis: Relative Importance of Attributes

0 20 40 60 80 100 %

Spiciness Thickness Color 5.6% 34.6%


Virtual Prototypes in Concept Testing


Virtual Prototypes are either static pictures of the prototypes or video clips that stimulate the product in action and can be presented to respondents via net. Virtual Reality is being used extensively. One new measurement method, called information acceleration (IA). First applied by GM in testing new electric car concept Can be developed for each situation In IA respondents are brought into a virtual buying environment that stimulates the information typically available in a realistic purchase situation


These techniques are used in conjunction with quantitative techniques natural complements. Qualitative Techniques are

Dimensional Analysis Checklists Relationships Analysis Analogy. Analogy.


Dimensional Analysis

Involves listing any & all features of a product also called attribute listing: mere listing may trigger concept creativity List of features may run into incalculable nos due to permutations and combinations methods of fabrication, materials, shape, size etc. Some of the most interesting features may be the ones the product does not have bicycle with wings! Citing a unique dimension sparks ideation.


A Dimensional Attribute List


Weight Rust resistance Length Color Water resistance Materials Style Durability Shock resistance Heat tolerance


Explosiveness Flammability Aroma Translucence Buoyancy Hangability Rechargeability Flexibility Malleability Compressibility


Asking a series of questions about a product: Like can it be modified and leading on to more questions This technique is used as an aid in problem solving. It is used with one of the other methods to produce new concepts


Can we change the physical/chemical properties of the

An Idea Stimulator Checklist for Industrial Products



material? Are each of the functions really necessary? Can we construct a new model of this? Can we change the form of power to make it work better? Can standard components be substituted? What if the order of the process were changed? How might it be made more compact? What if it were heat-treated/hardened/cured/plated? heatWho else could use this operation or its output? Has every step been computerized as much as possible?

Relationship Analysis

These methods are based on the idea that creativity comes essentially from relating things that have something in common Relationship techniques force things together for examination


Relationships Analysis

Force combinations of dimensions (features, functions, and benefits) together. Techniques:


TwoTwo-dimensional matrix Multidimensional (morphological) matrix

TwoTwo-dimensional example: person/animal insured and event insured against. Household cleaning products example used six dimensions:

Instrument used, ingredients used, objects cleaned, type of container, substances removed, texture or form of cleaner

About the Dimensions Used in Relationship Analysis

Using some aspects of products that are not essentially attributes but may be translated into features, functions, and benefits E.G. different places of use, occupations of users, or other items the product is used with: tea & biscuits (samosa), some may take tea/coffee in (samosa), offices, but not in homes .


TwoTwo-Dimensional Matrix

A simple form of relationship analysis using only two dimensions such as products forms, attributes, uses, users. The number of two-dimensional matrixes that can twobe prepared is almost unlimited. Keep looking till satisfied or believe this techniques serves no purpose for you.

Morphological or Multidimensional Matrix

This method simultaneously combines more than two dimensions - uses a multiple set of products forms, attributes, uses, users, and so on in matrix form. The matrix can include many dimensions, and have a computer print out (or a mechanical method of reading the rows across) all possible combinations to be scanned for promising sets.


Analogy (similarity, likeness, correlation)


We can often get a better idea of something by looking at it through something else an analogy. Just imagine some of the analogies involved in PC terminology: cut-and-paste, recycle bin, browsing, cut-andbriefcase etc. from non-computer context. nonA relationship neednt be direct; it can also be only partially direct. Similarities and differences also give NP ideas. Preparing, serving, & consuming meals in a plane is analogous to doing so in home, & several good ideas were created for new processes (& furniture) in the home kitchen.

AnalogyAnalogy- Four criteria

To be useful, find a usable analogous situation. To achieve this, analogy should meet four criteria

The analogy should be vivid and have a definite life of its own It should be full of concrete images It should be a happening a process of change or activity happening It should be a well-known activity and easy to visualize and welldescribe

E.g Flight kitchen and home kitchen


Other Methods: Lateral Search Techniques


Free association Stereotype activity Lateral thinking -- avoidance Creative stimuli words Studying big winners Use of the ridiculous Forced relationships

Lateral Thinking : Avoidance

Keep an idea from dominating thinking as it always has in the past by asking avoiding questions.

Ask Is there another way of looking at this? Ask Why? Focus on an aspect of the problem other than the logical one. List all possible alternatives to every aspect of the analysis. Break apart aspects (concepts) of the problem, or combine them to create even more concepts.

Some Creative Stimuli Words


Guest stars Alphabet Truth Outer space Charity His and hers Style Nation Family Videotape


Photography Testimonials Decorate Fantasy Hobbies Holidays Weather Calendar Push button Snob appeal

Use of the Ridiculous

How can you join two wires together?


Hold them with your teeth. Use chewing gum.


Can you think of others? Do any of these ridiculous ideas suggest a not-sonot-soridiculous solution?

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