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The Internal & External Environment
sekolah dan
 Idea penting
 Sekolah sebagai sebuah sistem terbuka dan
bergantung kepada pertukran elemen dalam
persekitarannya untuk meneruskan kewujudan
dan kehidupan organisasi
 Terdapat dua jenis persekitaran:_
- persekitaran luaran
- persekitaran dalaman
Persekitaran Luaran

 Definisi
 Terdapat pelbagai definisi persekitaran
dalam literatur
 Persekitaran adalah sesuatu yang berada
di luar sempadan sesebuah organisasi,
sungguhpun sempadan itu agak kabur
dan kurang jelas (Bolman & Deal,
1984 :44)
Political and Legal Societal conditions



Economic and Market Colleges and
Forces Universities
Pendekatan Pengaruh Persekitaran

 Terdapat dua pendekatan bagi

membincangkan pengaruh persekitaran
ke atas organisasi:-
 Perspektif Persekitaran tugasan
 Perspektif institusi
Perspektif persekitaran
 Semua aspek dalam persekitaran luaran
organisasi yang relevan dengan
penentuan matlamat organisasi,
keberkesanan pencapaian matlamat, dan
kemandirian organisasi.
 Contoh :-
 Informasi
 Kebergantungan sumber
Perspektif persekitaran institusi

 Premis asas perspektif ini dalah

kemandirian sesebuah organisasi adalah
tinggi jika struktur dan proses dalam
sekolah itu mencerminkan norma, nilai
dan ideologi yang diinstitusikan oleh
Perspektif Informasi
 Menurut Aldrich & Mindlin (1978):-
 Adalah sumber maklumat yang diperlukan oleh
pembuat keputusan dalam “mengekal” dan
mengubah struktur dalaman dan proses
sesebuah organisasi.
 Dalam kerangka ini, persekitaran luaran dilihat
sebagai maklumat tentang faktor luaran yang
dianggap oleh ahli organisasi.
 Persepsi terhadap maklumat
menghubungkan pembuat keputusan
dengan persekitaran luaran bagi
membina tindakan yang akan diambil
oleh ahli organisasi
A Typology Of Information

 Perspektif informasi dihubungkaitkan dengan

tipologi yang diasaskan oleh beberapa konsep
penting seperti kompleksiti, stabiliti dan
 Environment Complexity:-
 Kompleksiti persekitaran dalam julat antara
mudah kepada kompleks, iaitu persamaan dan
perhubungan antara elemen yang perlu
dihubungkan oleh sesebuah organisasi
Intergrated Typology of
Organizational Environment and
Environmental Complexity: Simple Complex

Stable Category 1 Category 2

Simple, Stable Complex, Stable
Environment Environment

Low Uncertainty Low –Moderate

Environmental Stability
Category 3 Category 4
Simple, Unstable Complex, Unstable
Environment Environment

Dynamic High - Moderate High Uncertainty

Environment Uncertainty
 Ketidakpastian persekitaran adalah
ketidakstabilan yang dihadapi oleh pembuat
keputusan bagi melakukan ramalan yang tepat
kerana keadaan yang wujud dalam
persekitaran menghalang mereka daripada
memperoleh maklumat yang mencukupi
 Uncertainty is a fundamental problem for
organizations, and dealing with it is the
essence of administrative process.
 The level of uncertainty is determined by
the kind, clarity, and amount of
information that organizational decision
makers have about trends and changes
in environmental conditions
 When confronted with environmental
uncertainty, educators and schools often
attempts to cope by creating special units
or programs specially to deal with the
Resourse –Dependence Perspective

 RSP melihat persekitaran sebagai tempat

untuk mendapatkan sumber yang tidak
mencukupi bagi melaksanakan tugas dan
proses teknikal dalam organisasi.
 3 jenis sumber persekitaran:-
 Fiscal, personel (contoh:- pelajar, guru,
pentadbir, sekolah, sukarelavan, dan ahli PIBG
 Information and knowledge (contoh:- outcomes
dari penyelidikan, development and evaluation
 Product and services ( contoh:- instructional
materials and test scoring services)
 Environmental resources are commonly
conceptualized on continum of scarcity to
munificence ( sedikit--- banyak) iaitu setakat
mana atau kapasiti persekitaran untuk
membekalkan sumber yang dapat menyokong
kestabilan dan mengekalkan perkembangan
 Dependence is defined both by the
extent of need for or importance of
resource and its availability (i.e.
scarcity/munificence) in environment.
 Dalam organisasi pendidikan
dependence berkait rapat dengan
keperluan sekolah kepada sumber yang
dikawal oleh organisasi yang kedua,
tetapi ‘inversely related’ dengan sumber
yang ada dari organisasi lain.
 Premis asas RSP ialah bila organisasi tidak
berkeupayaan secara internally untuk
memperkasa semua sumber atau fungsi untuk
mereka daripada keperluan untuk menghadapi
pertukaran dengan elemen persekitaran yang
boleh membekalkan sumber yang dikehendaki.
 Dalam pertukaran kepada sumber, kumpulan
external atau organisasi bukan sahaja
mengguna output organisasi tetapi menuntut
perlakuan tertentu atau perubahan dari
 Oleh kerana semua organisasi bergantung
kepada persekitaran, external control of
organisasi behavior is possible and constraint
inevitable. If they are not responsive to the
demands of their environments, organizations
cannot thrive and may not survive.
 The challenge for school decision makers is to
determine the extent to which the school
organization can and must respond to various
environmental demands and the implications of
those responses for the school
Mentadbir Persekitaran
Informasi dan Sumber
 Ada dua strategi untuk menangani
pengaruh persekitaran dari perspektif
maklumat dan kebergantungan sumber
 Strategi dalaman organisasi
 Strategi antara organisasi
 The level of uncertainty is determined by
the kind, clarity, and amount of
information that organizational decision
makers have about trends and changes
in environmental conditions.
 When confronted with environmental
uncertainty, educators and schools
Strategi dalaman organisasi

 Persekitaran cenderung mengenakan

tugasan dan kekangan teknikal kepada
organisasi seperti sekolah
 Dengan mengadaptasi tekanan,
organisasi memperolehi ganjaran ke atas
keberkesanan proses kawalan dan
koordinasi kerja ( Fennel &
 Tambahan pula, organisasi cuba
memisahkan ‘technical cores”- sebagai
contoh aktiviti pengajaran dalam sekolah
daripada pengaruh persekitaran luaran
 Untuk organisasi pendidikan strategi
dalaman yang sering digunakan ialah:-
 Buffering :-
 the strategy of isolation is based on the
assumption that efficiency can be maximized
only when the technical core is not disturbed
by external uncertainties.
 Uses structures and processes to insulate or
surround internal activities and absorb
environmental disturbances.
 Creates a protective layer between
organization and its environment
 Therefore, specific departments, roles, and
processes are created in school to deal with
uncertainty and dependence from variety of
environment elements.
 Planning and Forecasting
 Anticipate environment changes and take
actions to soften their adverse effects
 In uncertain and dependent situations,
planners must identify the important
environmental element, and analyze
potential actions and counteractions by
other organizations.
 Planning must be extensive and forecast
a variety of scenarios
 Spanning Organizational Boundaries
 Creating internal roles that cross that
cross organizational boundaries and lin
the school with elements in the external
 Detecting information about changes in
external environments and representing
the organization to the environment
 Adjusting Internal Operations
 Work based on information and resource –
dependence perspective and on innovation and
change suggest a structural contingency.
 The most effective school structure is one that adjusts
to its important environmental elements.
 Type of structure that existed in dynamic environments
was different from stable environments.
 When the external environment was stable, the internal
organization was “mechanistic” or highly bureaucratic –
that is characterized by formal rules and regulations,
standard operating procedures, and centralized
decision making, interpersonal relationship were
formal, impersonal, and rigid
 In highly unstable environments, the
internal organizations was “organic” or
informal – that is, it exhibited few rules,
informal agreements about operating
procedures, and decentralized decision
 Interpersonal relations were informal,
personal, flexible, and some what
Contingency Model for Environmental Uncertaint
and School Structure

Environmental Complexity: Simple Complex

Stable Category 1 Category 2

Low Uncertainty. Low –Moderate
1.Formal,centralized 1.Formal some what or
2.Coordination by decentralized structure
standardized work 2.Coordination
processes by standardized skills
3.Few departments, 3.Many departments,
schools, or divisions schools, or divisions
Environmental Stability
Category 3 Category 4
High – Moderate High Uncertainty
1.Informal, some what 1.Infromal, centralized
decentralized structure structure
2.Coordination by direct 2. Coordination by
supervision informal communication
3.Few departments, 3.Many departments,
Dynamic schools, or divisions schools, or divisions
Quality Tools- analisis
Persekitaran Organisasi
Apakah Analisis SWOT itu?
Analisis SWOT adalah alat yang benar-benar berguna untuk
melakukan analisis strategis dan untuk memahami posisi terkini
suatu organisasi (PS) dalam lingkungannya (internal dan
eksternal). Analisis SWOT mencakup tiga langkah utama:

• Pertama, kita harus memahami kekuatan dan kelemahan

organisasi atau PS (lingkunagan internal).
• Kedua, kita harus mempelajari lingkungan organisasi (PS)
organisasi dan memahami peluang dan ancaman yang ada
dalam lingkungan itu (lingkungan eksternal).
• Akhirnya, menganalisis kekuatan mana yang dapat digunakan
untuk mengambil keuntungan dari peluang yang khusus, dan
kelemahan mana yang dapat membuat PS rawan pada saat
menghadapi ancaman tertentu , sehingga PS dapat
merencanakan opsi strategis yang lebih baik..
Langkah 1: Identifikasi kelemahan dan ancaman yang
paling urgen untuk diatasi secara umum pada
semua komponen.
Langkah 2: Identifikasi kekuatan dan peluang yang
diperkirakan cocok untuk upaya mengatasi
kelemahan dan ancaman yang telah
diidentifikasi lebih dahulu pada Langkah 1.
Langkah 3: Masukkan butir-butir hasil identifikasi (Langkah
1 dan Langkah 2) ke dalam Bagan Analisis
SWOT. Langkah ini dapat dilakukan secara
keseluruhan, atau jika terlalu banyak, dapat
dipilah menjadi analisis SWOT untuk
komponen masukan, proses, dan keluaran.
Analisis SWOT

Kekuatan Faktor lingkungan

Internal internal
Kelemahan organisasi

Peluang Faktor
Ancaman Eksternal


Apa yang dilakukan Apa yang salah
INTERNAL dengan baik? sekarang?

EKSTERNAL Kemungkinan apa yang Apa yang dapat menjadi
ada? salah?
Analisis SWOT


Internal Kekuatan Kelemahan
Faktor [S] [W]
Strategi SO Strategi WO
-------------------------- ----------------------------
Gunakan “S” untuk Menghilangkan “W”
Peluang memanfaatkan “O” dan memanfaatkan “O”

Strategi ST Strategi WT
[T] ------------------------ --------------------------
Gunakan “S” untuk Minimalkan “W” untuk
Menghindarkan “T” Menghindarkan “T”
Portfolio Analysis

GE Tool for Analyzing

Opportunities & Ability to Compete
GE Portfolio Analysis
 Classification of SBUs/products into nine
cell matrix based on
 Market Attractiveness
 Multiple Indicators

 Business Strength
 Multiple Indicators
Steps In Developing GE
1. Select Factors & Indicators.
2. Assign each indicator a weight (total = 1)
based on its importance.
3. Rate the industry on industry indicators
and company on business indicators on
scale of 1(weak) – 5 (strong).
4. Multiply weight times rating and total for
summary measures.
GE Portfolio Analysis
Sample Industry/Market
 Market Factors
 Size
 Growth Rate
 Cyclicality
 Seasonality
 Competition
 Type of competitors
 Degree of Concentration
 Financial & Economic
 Contribution Margins
 Barriers to Entry or Exit
GE Portfolio Analysis
Industry/Market Indicators
 Technological
 Patents & copyrights
 Will it become obsolete
 Sociopolitical
 Social attitudes & trends
 Laws & government regulations
GE Portfolio Analysis
Business Strength Indicators
 Market
 Company’s Market Share
 Company’s Sales or Share Growth Rate
 Competition
 Strength of product, promotion, price, distribution,
financial resources, management relative to
 Financial & Economic
 Company’s Margins
 Economies of scale
GE Portfolio Analysis
Business Strength Indicators
 Technological
 Company’s ability to cope with change
 Technological skills
 Patent Protection
 Sociopolitical
 Company’s responsiveness & flexibility
GE Portfolio Analysis
High Medium Low

Market Medium

Competitive Position

Market Strong Medium Weak


Maintain Leadership Challenge Leader Overcome Weakness,

High • Invest to Grow •Invest to Build Find Niche or Quit
•Concentrate on Selectively •Build Selectively
Maintaining Strength •Reinforce Strengths

Challenge Leader/Build Manage for Harvest (Gradual

Medium Selectively Earnings Withdrawal) or
•In most attractive markets •Protect existing Limited Expansion
•Or counter competition programs •Look ways to expand
•Emphasize profitability by •Concentrate on without high risk
raising productivity profitable, less risky •Or Minimize investment

Generate Cash Harvest Divest

Low •Manage for current •Minimize Investment •Sell at time that will
earnings •Protect positions in maximize cash value
•Concentrate on attractive most profitable •Cut fixed costs and
Segments segments avoid investment
•Defend Strengths
PEST Analysis
What is PEST Analysis?
 It is very important that an organization considers its
environment before beginning the marketing process. In
fact, environmental analysis should be continuous and feed
all aspects of planning. The organization's marketing
environment is made up from:

 1. The internal environment

 2. The micro-environment
 3. The macro-environment e.g. Political (and
legal) forces, Economic forces, Sociocultural
forces, and Technological forces. These are
known as PEST factors.
Political Factors

 The political arena has a huge

influence upon the regulation of
businesses, and the spending
power of consumers and other
Economic Factors

 Marketers need to consider the

state of a trading economy in the
short and long-terms. This is
especially true when planning for
international marketing.
Sociocultural Factors
 The social and cultural influences
on business vary from country to
country. It is very important that
such factors are considered.
Technological Factors
 Technology is vital for competitive
advantage, and is a major driver of
Political (incl. Legal) Economic Sociocultural Technological

Environmental regulations and Economic growth Income distribution Government research

protection spending
Tax policies Interest rates & monetary Demographics, Population Industry focus on
policies growth rates, Age technological effort
International trade regulations Government spending Labor / social mobility New inventions and
and restrictions development
Contract enforcement law Unemployment policy Lifestyle changes Rate of technology
Consumer protection transfer
Employment laws Taxation Work/career and leisure Life cycle and speed of
attitudes technological
Entrepreneurial spirit obsolescence
Government organization / Exchange rates Education Energy use and costs
Competition regulation Inflation rates Fashion, hypes (Changes in)
Information Technology
Political Stability Stage of the business cycle Health consciousness & (Changes in) Internet
welfare, feelings on safety
Safety regulations Consumer confidence Living conditions (Changes in) Mobile
Bambi Rose M. Española
The 7-S Framework of McKinsey is a
management model which includes 7 factors
to organize a company in an holistic and
effective way.
McKinsey’s 7s Model
Shared Values (Superordinate Goals)

 the interconnecting center of McKinsey's

 set of traits, behaviors, and characteristics
that the organization believes in
 include the organization’s mission and vision
 plans for the allocation of a firms scarce
resources over time to reach identified goals

 plans of action an organization prepares in

response to, or anticipation of, changes in its
external environment
 represents how the company is organized

 refers to how organization's units relate to

each other: centralized; decentralized; matrix,
 refers to the formal and informal procedures
that govern everyday activity, covering
everything from management information
systems, through to the systems at the point
of contact with the customer (retail systems,
call center systems)
 refers to the company's people resources and
how they are developed, trained and

 selection, reward, recognition, retention,

motivation and assignment to appropriate
work are all key issues here
refers to the employees shared and
common way of thinking and behaving -
unwritten norms of behaviour and
refers to the distinctive capabilities of
personnel or of the organization as a
whole which are needed to effectively
execute the company’s vision, values,
goals and strategies
Uses of the 7-S Model
 helps identify the strengths and weaknesses
of an organization and
 understanding the core and most influential
factors in an organization’s strategy
 determining how best to realign an
organization to a new strategy or other
organization design

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