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ATO model is very important model to know the attitude of a consumer towards the product.

It is basically based on the attributes of a product an consumer belief on those attributes and importance of those attributes in a consumers mind.

If I am to launch a healthy, high fiber, low calorie breakfast cereal then the main concern is to see the beliefs of a consumer in these attributes of the product and importance and strength of these beliefs.

1. Brand Beliefs 2. Importance of beliefs 3. Brand evaluation

How likely do you consume healthy, high fiber, low calorie breakfast cereal? a. Very likely b. Likely c. Unlikely d. Very unlikely

2. Rate the product by following attributes: (1 for highest and 4 for lowest) A. Healthy 1) 2) 3) 4) B. High fiber 1) 2) C. Low calorie 1) 2)





How important is buying a breakfast cereal which is healthy, high fiber, low calorie? a. Very important b. Important c. Less important d. Not important

2. Rate your existing product on these attributes: Healthy, High fiber, Low calorie. (1 for highest 4 for lowest) 1) 2) 3) 4)

3. Indicate the degree of satisfaction that you get from the following: A. Healthy a. Very satisfy b. Satisfy c. Less satisfy d. Not satisfy B. High Fiber a. Very satisfy c. Less satisfy C. Low calorie a. Very satisfy c. Less satisfy

b. Satisfy d. Not satisfy

b. Satisfy d. Not satisfy

Rate the product you like: a) Very much b) Like


c) Not like

2. Which other brands do you prefer? (write according to the preference) a. b. c. d. 3. What is the likelihood that you buy this cereal? a) Definitely b) probably c) might d) Probably not e) definitely not

Consumer will behave in two manner after purchase: 1. Dissatisfied 2. Satisfied 1. Dissatisfied: If a consumer is dissatisfied with a product than he will respond negatively and it results in decrease in sales. There may be 5 type of response a consumer will give if he is dissatisfied:

There may be 5 type of response a consumer will give if he is dissatisfied: 1. Complain to retail outlet 2. Stop buying the product 3. Negative word of mouth 4. Complain in consumer agency 5. Take legal actions As all these behavior are not god for the brand equity so marketer must respond quickly.

Marketer need to focus on: 1) Creating reasonable expectations through appropriate promotional efforts. 2) Ensure consistency in product quality. 3) Encourage consumers to register complaint as soon as he has any. Marketer should anticipate dissatisfaction and act properly to remove the cause before it occurs.

If we are making washing machine and there is leakage of water because of faulty hose clamp. We should halt the production and the clamp should be replaced on all in process machines, those in inventory, and those at dealers. More importantly those customers who have purchased should indentified by database. Mechanics should be sent to their homes.

Encourage current customer to use more. 2. Encourage brand loyalty. 3. Capture competitors current customer. 4. Convert non users

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