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Kelime Bilgisi Gramer Bilgisi Cloze Test Cmle Tamamlama ngilizce-Trke eviri Trke- ngilizce eviri Paragraf Tamamlama Btnl Bozan Cmle Kar l kl Konu malar Okuma Paralar (4er soruluk 6 okuma paras 6 12 5 12 3 3 5 5 5 24

1. The body loses large amounts of iron when red blood cells are lost through bleeding, and this causes a ---- of iron.
A)deficiency B) display(te hir) C) failure D) supplement (ilave-ek) E) recurrence(tekrar)
Bu soruda cevap A olmal d r. Soru kknde loses large amount of iron ifadesi byk miktarda demir kay b ndan sz etmektedir ve this cause bu neden olmaktad r ifadesi de bize neye neden olaca n sormakta ve istenilen cevab n da iron kelimesini vurgulamas gerekti i anlat lmaktad r. Dolay s yla A) deficiency-eksiklik cevab do rudur.

2. The cells of all living organisms have the --to harvest energy from the breakdown of organic fuel molecules. A) amount D) reliance B) clarity E) ability C) performance

clarity : berrakl k reliance: gven Bo luktan sonra gelen to edat na dikkat etmeliyiz. able to akl m za gelmeli.

3. The economies of most oil-producing nations in the Middle East rely ---- on exporting oil, just as the economy of the West, particularly that of the United States, depends on petroleum imports. A)Reluctantly(isteksizce) B)prosperously(ba ar l -talihli) C)brutally(kaba ekilde) D)previously E)heavily
E do ru kd r. Bu soruda rely on dan yola kacak olursak petrole ba ml l heavily olarak de erlendirmemiz gerekir.

4. The average life expectancy has increased --- in most developed countries, especially in the United States. A) severely B) appropriately C) defectively D) accurately E) dramatically
E do rudur. Dramatically:nemli bir ekilde significant, remarkable, notable, outstanding ayn anlamda bilinmesi gereken kelimelerdir. Severely: iddetli bir ekilde Appropriately: uygun bir ekilde Defectively:kusurlu bir ekilde Accurately:do ru bir ekilde

The geological history of the Grand Canyon region ---- to be a lot more complex than previously thought when scientists examined the area in more detail. A)put off B) gave up C) brought about D)turned out E) set out Bilim adamlar blgeyi daha detayl ara t rd klar nda Grand Canyonun co rafi tarihi nceki d nlenden daha bir karma k.. A)put off(postpone) B) gave up(stop-leave) C)brought about(neden olmak) D)turned out(olmak-hale gelmek) E) set out(yola kmak)



















1 2

2 1

7. It is hoped that the construction of the worlds tallest residential building, the Chicago Spire,which ---- at the end of last year, ---- by late 2010. A) was commenced / will have been completed B) commences / will complete C) has been commenced / would be completed D) has commenced / has been completed E) had commenced / is to be completed

By late 2010 soru 2009da soruldu undan will have V3 istemektedir ve at the end of last year dan dolay ilk bo luk iinse bir past simple uygun olacakt r.Cevap A.

8. Humanity ---- an unusual period of food surplus since the Green Revolution ---- in the mid-1960s. A) enjoyed / was beginning B) was enjoying / had begun C) has enjoyed / began D) has been enjoying / has begun E) is enjoying / would begin

Since V2 + Present Perfect yap s n hat rlayal m. Cevap C olacakt r.

9. It is predicted that the worlds fossil fuel sources ---- completely by the turn of the century unless strict policies to use them wisely ---- at present, before it is too late. A) will have been exhausted / are implemented B) will be exhausted / would be implemented C) would be exhausted / would have been implemented D) would have been exhausted / were implemented E) were exhausted / were to be implemented
2009 Ekim DS

10. If microchips ---- back in the late 1950s, computer technology ---- as advanced as it is today. A) werent developed / isnt B) hadnt been developed / wouldnt be C) wouldnt have been developed / werent D) wouldnt be developed / wouldnt be E) werent being developed / wont be *Mixed Conditional
2009 Ekim DS

6. The ruins of ancient Troy ---- as breath-taking as those of Ephesus or Aphrodisias, but, for anyone who has ever read Homers Iliad or Odyssey, they have a romance few places on Earth ----. A) have not been / hoped to have matched B) had not been / would hope to match C) may not be / can hope to match D) are not / hoped to match E) could not have been / hope to match 2008 May s KPDS Soru Kknde bulunan cmlenin ilk k sm nda the ruins of ancient Troy ifadesine dikkat etmek gerekir buradaki ancient bizi pasta yneltebilir ancak ruins-kal nt lar ndan sz etti inden present bir yap kullanmam z do ru olacakt r. Cmlenin ikinci k sm nda bulunan has ever read asl nda bize burada bir present yap oldu unu anlatmaktad r. Do ru cevap C olmal d r.

7. Nineteenth-century military helmets ---- than they now appear, but even at their best they ---- the way to the future of head protection. A) have been better designed / do not point B) could be better designed / would not point C) are better designed / will not point D) may have been better designed / did not point E) can be better designed / had not pointed
2008 May s KPDS

17 . Yzy l ifadesi bizden past yap istemektedir ve ayn zamanda zne-fiil kulan m na bakt m zda cmlemizin edilgen olmas gerekir. Bu ko ulara uyan kk m z D kk d r.

8. Cabbage ---- as early as 2000 B.C., and the commercial varieties now ---- Brussels sprouts,common cabbage, sprouting broccoli, and kohlrabi. A) might have been cultivated / have included B) had been cultivated / included C) would be cultivated / used to include D) would have been cultivated / can include E) was cultivated / include
2008 May s KPDS

2000 B.C. Bizden past simple yap istemektedir ve zne-fiil uyumuna bakt m zda edilgen olmal d r. Cmlemizin ikinci k sm nda now present yap isteyecektir. Bu duruma uygun tek k E kk d r.

8. With its superior firepower, NATO ---- any battle,but it ---- the war in Afghanistan. A) had won / loses B) can win / is losing C) has won / lost D) would have won / had lost E) is winning / was losing
2009 May s KPDS

Soruda herhangi bir zaman ifadesi bulunmamaktad r ve bu sorularda ilk olarak present zaman yap s aramam z gerekmektedir. Cmlede herhangi bir zaman ifadesi olmamas ve ok zel bir durumdan de il NATO ile ilgili genel bir bilgi verdi inden present yap lar ieren B kk do ru olacakt r.

6. More than 50 years ago, six European nations ---to submit their coal and steel industries to common management, so that no single country ---- the weapons of war to be used against another. A) have agreed / had fabricated B) agreed / could fabricate C) had agreed / have fabricated D) agree / will fabricate E) may have agreed / had been fabricating 2010 May s KPDS

Cmlede 50 y l ncesinden sz edildi inden past simple yap aramak gerekir.Do ru cevap B.

7. North Korea still ---- a vast police state that ---- a network of concentration camps spanning the country. A) was maintaining / has included B) had maintained / would include C) is maintaining / had included D) maintains / includes E) maintained / will include
2010 May s KPDS

Still daha ok present continous veya present simple yap lar ile kullan l r zellikle de cmle genelinde past anlatan bir yap bulunmuyorsa present yap aramal y z. Bu nedenle D kk do rudur.

8. Most anthropologists think man ---- South America around 12,000 years ago, although some ---- it much earlier. A) has settled / may have put B) settles / are putting C) had settled / were putting D) was settling / had put E) settled / have put
2010 May s KPDS

Antropologlar n 12.000 y l nce insanlar n Gney Amerikaya yerle tiklerini d ndklerinden sz edilmektedir ve bu ilk bo luk past simple olmal d r. E do ru cevapt r.


9. ---- some cancers, the best therapy is a combination ---- surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. A) With / through B) About / in C) For / of D) At / within E) On / to 2010 may s kpds

the best teraphy is .. ifadesi bize birinci bo lu a uygun preposition bulmakta yard mc olacakt r. Baz kanserler..en iyi terapi..d r. Doldurmaya al t m zda iin edat 1. bo luk iin uygundur. 2. k s mdaysa,radiation etc. yani bo lukta sonra s ralanm isimlerin bir kombinasyondan sz edebilmemiz of edat uygun olacakt r,- n.-in.-n anlam ndad r. Do ru cevap C.

10. The modern era of Shakespeare scholarship has been marked ---- an enormous amount of investigation --- the authorship, text, and chronology of his plays. A) from / at B) by / into C) down / over D) out / of E) in / for
2010 May s KPDS

1. Bo luktan nce bir passive yap bulunmaktad r ve dolay s yla bo luktan sonraki phrase bir agent olarak kabul edilmeli ve by edat getirilmelidir. 2. bo luk iinse investigation kelimesine uygun bir edat gerekmektedir. bir eyle ilgilenmek,ara t rmak,kapsam na dahil olmak. gibi ifadeler in veya into edatlar yla yap lmal d r. Do ru cevap B.


11. Soil pollution is caused by the presence of toxic compounds, chemicals, salts, radioactive materials, or disease-causing agents ---- enter the soil through industrial waste and pesticides. A) when B) whereby C) just as D) while E) that

Olduka basit bir soru oldu unu belirtmeliyim. nk bir isim ard ndan bo luk ve fiil ile devam ediyor. Yani ,,,,,noun+.............+verb burada bir relative pronoun kullan lmal . Ve isim agents oldu undan which ile ba lanmal ancak eldiricilerde which bulunmuyor bu durumda non-defining de olmad na gre that kullan labilecektir. Cevap E.

12. The search for new sources of energy is a continuing one, ---- the one provided by the fossil fuels will eventually run out. A) since B) so that C) even if D) unless E) whenever 2010 may s kpds

Bu cmlede since iin anlam nda kullan lm t r ve virgl ard ndan kullan m uygundur. Yeni enerji kaynaklar n n ara t r lmas n n nedeni fosil yak tlar n tkenmesi. Bu yzden neden-sonu ili kisi veren bir ba la gereklidir. Cevap A.

13. In the Renaissance period, there was a wide range of classical texts available to humanist scholars, ---- some of these texts had survived only in fragments or were only available in Greek. A) so long as B) before C) whether D) in case E) but
2010 may s kpds

Bo luktan nce bir virgl kullan m bize but,since,and gibi ba lalar ncelikle aramam z gerekti ini anlat r. kinci k s mda bulunan only kelimesi bize birinci cmleyle z tl k olu turdu unu anlatmal d r. Do ru cevap E.

15. In art history, primitivism is a notion crucial to 20thcentury art and modern thinking ---- a specific movement or group of artists. A) in that B) instead of C) the same as D) rather than E) whereas
2010 may s kpds

Seenkelerde rather than ifadesi varsa ok byk oranda do ru k budur diyebiliriz. Daha nce defalarca klarda verilen rather than hep do ru oldu sadece rather/than diye lara konuldu unda do ru cevap de ildi. Do ru cevap D.

Seenkelerde rather than ifadesi varsa ok byk oranda do ru k budur diyebiliriz. Daha nce defalarca klarda verilen rather than hep do ru oldu sadece rather/than diye lara konuldu unda do ru cevap de ildi. Do ru cevap D.

11. ---- the causes of alcoholism are various, alcohol use is a major factor. A)When D) If B) Although E) Whether C) Just as

various szc ne bakarak, nerde okluk orda z tl k tekni ine gre B kk do ru


People who (16)---- in malaria-infested areas or who travel to them can take certain (17)----. They can use long-lasting insecticide sprays in homes and outbuildings, place screens (18)--- doors and windows, use mosquito netting over their beds, and apply mosquito repellents on their skin. They can (19)---- wear enough clothing, (20)---- after sundown, to protect as much of the skin as possible against mosquito bites.


A) reduce B) live C) discharge D) expose E) persist

S tma olan blgelerde ya ayan veya oraya seyahat edenler

People who (16)---- in malaria-infested areas or who travel to them can take certain (17)----. They can use long-lasting insecticide sprays in homes and outbuildings, place screens (18)--- doors and windows, use mosquito netting over their beds, and apply mosquito repellents on their skin. They can (19)---- wear enough clothing, (20)---- after sundown, to protect as much of the skin as possible against mosquito bites.

A) precautions B) supplements C) occurrences D) setbacks E) levels Gene Kpds s navlar nda en ok kullan lan kelimelerden bir tanesi, precautions tedbirler Fiil take ve s tmadan sz etti ine gre nlemler,tedbirler olacak.Cevap A. 17.

People who (16)---- in malaria-infested areas or who travel to them can take certain (17)----. They can use long-lasting insecticide sprays in homes and outbuildings, place screens (18)--- doors and windows, use mosquito netting over their beds, and apply mosquito repellents on their skin. They can (19)---- wear enough clothing, (20)---- after sundown, to protect as much of the skin as possible against mosquito bites.

A) beyond B) of C) with D) on E) till Sivrisinek teli tak lmas ndan sz ediyor ve isimler kap -pencere. stne kelimesi do ru olacakt r. Do ru cevap D. 18.

People who (16)---- in malaria-infested areas or who travel to them can take certain (17)----. They can use long-lasting insecticide sprays in homes and outbuildings, place screens (18)--- doors and windows, use mosquito netting over their beds, and apply mosquito repellents on their skin. They can (19)---- wear enough clothing, (20)---- after sundown, to protect as much of the skin as possible against mosquito bites.

A) either B) more than C) also D) as such E) as well as Al nabilecek nlemlerden sz etmeye devam etmektedir ve destekleyen bir ifade gerekmektedir,dolay s yla also olmal d r. Cevap C. 19.

People who (16)---- in malaria-infested areas or who travel to them can take certain (17)----. They can use long-lasting insecticide sprays in homes and outbuildings, place screens (18)--- doors and windows, use mosquito netting over their beds, and apply mosquito repellents on their skin. They can (19)---- wear enough clothing, (20)---- after sundown, to protect as much of the skin as possible against mosquito bites.

A) similarly B) extraordinarily C) commonly D) fairly E) particularly ..gne batt ktan sonra ifadesinin nne uygun bir kelime getirilmelidir. particularly zellikle kelimesi uygun olacakt r. 20.

Son s navlarda zellikle vurgulamam z gereken ey z tl k ba lalar n n ok s ka sorulmas d r bu nedenle mutlaka z tl k-okluk ya da azl k ili kisine bakmak gerekecektir. Bunun yan s ra verilen cmle ana cmle midir, yan cmle midir nemli olacakt r. Devrik yap var m d r bak lmal d r. Zaman uyumu dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlardand r. Ayr ca Fuat-He, Fuat and a la-They gibi uyumlara bak lmas gerekir.Tekil isim,o ul isim uyumlar gz ard edilemez.

26. ----, but they provide a wonderful way to see the countryside and the wildlife. A) Hitchhiking is still fairly common in some European countries B) There are several ferry services between France and Britain C) One of the finest ways to get a taste of life in Finland is to go boating on a lake D) Cycling is certainly a most enjoyable way of seeing parts of central France E) Trains in Argentina are much less frequent and efficient than buses

kinci cmlede they var ilk cmlede bunu anlatan kelimeyi bulmal y z. Buna gre B kk nda ferry services ve E kk nda Trains kelimeleri uygundur. Ancak countryside ifadesi nedeniyle denizle ilgili bir isim do ru olamaz. Cevap E. Bu soru bir z tl k sorusu oldu undan wonderful way.. olumlu bir anlam verirken do ru seene imizde less frequent olumsuz bir anlam bar nd rmaktad r. Bu duruma da dikkat etmemiz gerekir.

27. ----, even though the number of paintings he produced wasnt large. A) It is true that Leonardo da Vinci lived in Milan until 1499 when the city was captured by the French forces B) Leonardo da Vinci was born in or near the small town of Vinci, a days journey from Florence C) Leonardo da Vincis writings on painting were first published in 1651 in Paris from his scattered notes as Treatise on Painting D) Leonardo da Vinci is one of the very few artists whose reputation has from his own time onwards always remained at the highest level E) When Leonardo da Vinci came to Florence as a young man, he became the Florentine painter Verrocchios apprentice

Gene bir z tl k sorusu. Cevaplarda ilk olarak z tl kokluk durumuna bakmam zda fayda var. very few ifadesinin bulundu u D kk do ru cevapt r. Ayr ca anlam bak m ndan de erlendirdi imizde z tl k iin gerekli olan ifade de D kk nda bulunmaktad r highest level. Di er klar ilgisiz konulardan sz etmektedir..

28. ---- that either depend on those hormones or are inhibited by them. A) Hormone therapies raise or lower levels of certain hormones to limit the growth of cancers B) In the opinion of most physicians, surgery,radiation therapy, and chemotherapy play definite roles in treating tumours C) Unfortunately, some tumours, such as those in the stomach, pancreas, or kidney, respond only partially to radiation therapy D) Progress in cancer therapy has come with better combinations of drugs, altered dosages, and better coordination with radiation therapy E) Almost everyone who receives chemotherapy or radiation therapy experiences certain side effects, such as nausea or vomiting,

31. Our knowledge of the Etruscans is severely limited ----. A) that, by the sixth century B.C., the Etruscans had established a confederation of independent citystates B) while Etruscan women enjoyed a comparatively elevated place in society C) whether the Etruscans shared with the Greeks a religion based on the worship of gods in human form D) just as it appears that Etruscan settlements in Italy go back to the late Bronze Age E) since their language, although written in a Greek alphabet, has not yet been fully deciphered

Soru kkndeki zamanla seenekleri eledi imizde elimizde sadece D ve E kalmaktad r ancak just as paralellik isterken buradaki bilgi detay verdi inden do ru olamaz nk ok az bilgiye sahip oldu umuzun gerekesi olamaz ancak E bu durumu destekleyen ve Yunanca yaz lm olmas na ra men dillerinin henz zlemedi inden sz etmektedir. Cevap E.


46. One of the causes of World War II was the failure to create lasting, binding standards for peace and security in Europe in particular and in the world at large. Diplomats spent the 1920s, trying to restore such standards. Some put their faith in the legal and moral authority of the League ofNations. ---- Throughout the decade, a number of leading European statesmen tried to reach a set of agreements that would stabilize the peace and prevent rearmament. A) Despite the good faith of many statesmen involved, none of these agreements carried any real weight. B) Economic conditions in Europe were another important cause of renewed conflict. C) Others saw disarmament as the most promising means of guaranteeing peace. D) Politicians feared international relations would be undermined by the growing imbalance of power in Europe. E) Moreover, the economic depression of the 1930s contributed in several ways to the coming of the war.

Bu soruda bo luktan nceki cmlemiz Some ile ba l yorsa devam eden cmle de Some ya da Others diye devam eder. Cevap C.

47. Youth culture in America in the 1950s and 1960s owed much to the hybrid musical style known as rock and roll. During the 1930s and 1940s, the synthesis of music produced by whites and African Americans in the American South found its way into northern cities. Indeed, from the 1950s onwards, black rhythm and blues musicians and white Southern performers found much wider audiences through the use of new technology, such as electric guitars, better equipment for studio recording, and wide-band radio stations in large cities. The blend of styles and sounds and the cultural daring of white teenagers came to create rock and roll. ---A) This new music was exciting, sometimes aggressive, but full of energy and with great appeal for young listeners. B) Much of the new mass culture of the 1960s depended on the spending habits and desires of the new generation. C) The postwar desire to break with the past created further impetus for change in every sense, including politics. D) In the 1950s, governments rather than markets determined how consumer goods would be distributed. E) By the mid-1950s portable radios were being sold in the United States and Europe.

49. Nineteenth-century liberals had confidence in science. Not only did science deliver technological and material progress, but it also confirmed liberals faith in the power of human reason to uncover and command the laws of nature. ---- Evolutionary theory, psychology and social sciences all introduced visions of humanity that were sharply at odds with conventional liberal wisdom. At the same time, artists and intellectuals mounted their own revolt against nineteenth-century conventions. Morals, manners, institutions, and traditions: all established values and assumptions were under question. A) Geologists have always challenged the Biblical account of creation. B) These upheavals in the world of ideas unsettled older conceptions of individuality. C) Towards the end of the century, however,scientific developments defied these expectations. D) The scientists of the time held the view that the world had been formed over millions of years. E) The implications of Darwins writings went far beyond the domain of the evolutionary sciences.


52. One of the research assistants in your department has written an abstract for a paper, which he wishes to submit at an international conference. He asks you to have a look at it and advise him. Youve read the abstract and are impressed by the originality of the topic. You say to him: A) In dealing with this topic, is it your purpose to provoke the conference participants? B) As far as I am concerned, the way you present the topic is rather dull and flat. C) I wonder why you have decided to choose such a controversial topic for your paper. D) I find your topic most unusual, and it will certainly arouse much interest. E) The abstract needs to have more clarity although the topic itself is a common one.

54. As a specialist on Middle Eastern affairs, you are being interviewed by a journalist and are asked about Western governments attitude towards the Middle East. You think for a while and then state in general terms: A) Well, let me see. All I can say is that Western governments have always treated the Middle East as a vital strategic centre of gravity because of its rich oil reserves. B) I can tell you right away that the Wests needs for oil have encouraged international corporations to seek concessions from Middle Eastern states. C) Your question involves various issues. However,let me say this: in the Middle East, processes of modernization and globalization have produced an anti-Western attitude. D) Certainly, the oil boom brought about by the increasing Western demand in the 1980s and 1990s has ultimately led to fierce competition among Middle Eastern producer states. E) It is a fact that Western powers are always prepared to intervene by force if the stability of oil production is jeopardized.

55. Your new book on Shakespeare has been much acclaimed by critics. So you have often been invited to give talks, but now you feel that these talks are very tiring and need to be limited. You discuss this with your wife and say: A) Because critics have praised my book on Shakespeare, I have been overwhelmed by a flood of invitations to give talks, which I indeed find very thrilling. B) Since Shakespeare has been my major academic interest, dear, I am glad that I have finally written a comprehensive book on him, which has brought me much popularity. C) My dear, I would never refrain from giving talks on Shakespeare although they can be extremely exhausting and take all my free time. D) Dear, much has already been written on Shakespeare, but my recent book, which has made me famous, is actually the product of long and painstaking research. E) The publication of my book on Shakespeare has put me in the limelight, and I am constantly being invited to give talks. But I find this exhausting; so, dear, Im going to turn down most invitations








58. (I) British dominance of the slave trade in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries gave it decisive economic advantages over other nations. (II) As one Englishman wrote in 1749, the slave trade had provided an inexhaustible fund of wealth to this nation. (III) But even apart from the slave trade, the value of colonial commerce was increasing dramatically during the eighteenth century. (IV) Like the Spanish colonies, the French colonies in the New World were established and administered as direct crown enterprises. (V) For instance, British foreign trade increased in value from 10 million in the 1730s to 40 million in the 1750s. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

59. (I) Between 1800 and the middle of the twentieth century, the worldwide population roughly tripled, rising from 1 to 3 billion. (II) Like past scientific investigations directed at humankind, genetics has raised fundamental questions about ethics and humanity. (III) Between 1960 and 2000, however, the population doubled again, to 6 billion or more. (IV) Obviously, improvements in basic standards of health have contributed to this dramatic increase. (V) Yet such growth has strained the capacity of social services, public-health facilities, and urban infrastructures. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

63. (I) The Mongols were one of a number of nomadic peoples inhabiting the steppes of Central Asia. (II) Although closely connected with various Turkishspeaking peoples with whom they frequently intermarried, the Mongols spoke their own distinctive language and had their own homeland to the north of the Gobi Desert in present-day Mongolia. (III) In fact, it was not until the late thirteenth century that Europeans began to establish direct trading connections with India, China, and the Spice Islands of the Indonesian archipelago. (IV) Like many nomadic peoples throughout history, they were highly accomplished cavalry soldiers and constantly raided the sedentary peoples to their south. (V) It was in part to control such raiding from Mongolia that the Chinese built the famous Great Wall. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


65. No sooner did Israel declare its independence in May 1948 than its five neighbouring states invaded it. A) As soon as Israel declared its independence in May 1948, it was invaded by the five countries bordering it. B) The invasion of Israel by its five neighbours had already been decided before its independence was declared in May 1948. C) It was in May 1948 that, following its declaration of independence, Israel faced an invasion by its five neighbours. D) When Israel declared its independence in May 1948, its five neighbours decided to invade it. E) Upon Israels declaration of independence inMay 1948, the five states that bordered it jointly invaded it.

No sooner n tam kar l olmal d r.Cevap A.

As soon as

66. The very term postcolonial underlines the fact that colonialisms legacies have endured in former colonies even after independence. A) As can be understood from the term postcolonial, the independence of former colonies has been undermined by the continuation of colonial practices. B) Although former colonies have gained their independence, it is true that, as the term postcolonial itself indicates, they still feel the impact of colonialism. C) What is meant by the term postcolonial is that former colonies, which are now independent, have failed to preserve their colonial institutions. D) The fact that former colonies, which have all gained their independence, have got rid of their colonial past is indicated by the term postcolonial. E) Since the independence of former colonies has enabled them to be aware of their colonial past, this is best defined by the term postcolonial.

Cevap A seene idir. even after bize z tl anlatmaktad r ve underlines yerine indicates kullan lmaktad r.

68. Though the Germans were not the most enthusiastic colonialists, they were still fascinated by other European powers imperial policies. A) The imperial policies put into effect by other European powers exceedingly exasperated the Germans who were themselves utterly indifferent to colonialism. B) The Germans did not cherish a keen interest in colonialism, but they were immensely interested in the imperial policies pursued by other European powers. C) Since colonialism did not appeal to the Germans,their interest in the imperial policies of other European powers was rather superficial. D) The Germans, for whom colonialism did not matter much, were fully aware of the imperial policies that other European powers were pursuing. E) While the Germans refused to practise colonialism, other European powers developed imperial policies that caught the German attention.

Z tl k anlatan 2 seenek bulunmaktad r B ve E ancak enthusiastic ve fascinated kar l klar E kk nda bulunmamaktad r. Do ru cevap B olmal d r.


Jane: What were you doing all day? I kept phoning but you were never in your office. Neil:_____ Jane: Was that really essential? Neil: It certainly was. Morale and the company spirit both have a bearing on productivity. A) The morning was taken up with meetings. And there was a staff party in the afternoon that I had to attend. B) I spend most of the day in the factory; we are reorganizing the assembly line. C) I wasnt out all that much, but I did have to go to the bank. D) What did you want me for, anyway? E) eetings! ost of them related to the installation of the new boiler. I have doubts about the reliability of the contractors.

Patrick: Why are so insistent that we must find a framework of collective security that does not rely on nuclear deterrence? Mark:_____ Patrick: Why is that? Mark: Surely its obvious: they have no cities that can be bombed in reply and they are not focused on self-preservation. A) I am convinced that reliance on nuclear weapons will be obsolete in the near future. B) Because the very existence of nuclear weapons gives rise to pursuit of them. C) Because we need to work towards global security. D) Actually, Im not: I dont think its feasible. E) Because the rise of terrorist groups makes this essential.

Clare: My watch has stopped. Can you change the battery fo me? Greg: I dont think I can. With a small watch like that its a job for an expert. Clare: _______ Greg: No, it isnt. Any shop that sells watches will do the job for you. It only takes a couple of minutes. A) Im quite sure you could if you tried. B) The last time it needed changing; my father did it for me C) I dont even know if this battery is the right size. D) Where will find an expert? It sounds so complicated! E) I dont think it is. Youre making it sound a ot more difficult than it is.





y We can only guess when Shakespeare wrote his plays. He may have had his own writing season perhaps in the quieter winter months, but never stopped acting, probably taking two or three minor parts instead of a major one. He seems to have chosen for himself the more static and undemanding roles in his plays, such as Old Adam in As You Like It and the Ghost in Hamlet. His audiences included many habitual playgoers, and many must have known Shakespeare and he must have known them. We can imagine, as a recent biographer has said , that there might have been a complex, subtle communicative exchange when he appeared in one of his plays .In spring 1613, he purchased his first property in London. He was renting it out by 1616, but may originally have entertained other intentions for the property. It would certainly have been a handy place to stay, being near the Globe, which was his theatre. Perhaps the destruction of the Globe in 1613, which probably prompted him to sell his share in the theatre company, altered his plans for it. He may not have given up acting, but his writing career was over by the end of that year. In 1614, he returned his hometown, Stratford- upon-Avon, and died there in 1616. y It is suggested in the passage that, when Shakespeare acted, __________. A) B) C) D) E) he was always assigned the most crucial parts the audiences were thrilled by his acting the Globe Theatre was always crowded he could spare very little time for his writing the parts he played were mostly easy, unimportant ones

y We can only guess when Shakespeare wrote his plays. He may have had his own writing season perhaps in the quieter winter months, but never stopped acting, probably taking two or three minor parts instead of a major one. He seems to have chosen for himself the more static and undemanding roles in his plays, such as Old Adam in As You Like It and the Ghost in Hamlet. His audiences included many habitual playgoers, and many must have known Shakespeare and he must have known them. We can imagine, as a recent biographer has said , that there might have been a complex, subtle communicative exchange when he appeared in one of his plays .In spring 1613, he purchased his first property in London. He was renting it out by 1616, but may originally have entertained other intentions for the property. It would certainly have been a handy place to stay, being near the Globe, which was his theatre. Perhaps the destruction of the Globe in 1613, which probably prompted him to sell his share in the theatre company, altered his plans for it. He may not have given up acting, but his writing career was over by the end of that year. In 1614, he returned his hometown, Stratford- upon-Avon, and died there in 1616.

y It is pointed out in the passage that, although Shakespeare had stopped writing plays by the end of 1613,______________ A) B) C) D) E) it seems likely that he continued to act a little longer he sometimes revised some of his earlier plays he wanted to keep his company intact his company put pressure on him to continue writing he started again on his return to Stratford- upon-Avon

y We can only guess when Shakespeare wrote his plays. He may have had his own writing season perhaps in the quieter winter months, but never stopped acting, probably taking two or three minor parts instead of a major one. He seems to have chosen for himself the more static and undemanding roles in his plays, such as Old Adam in As You Like It and the Ghost in Hamlet. His audiences included many habitual playgoers, and many must have known Shakespeare and he must have known them. We can imagine, as a recent biographer has said , that there might have been a complex, subtle communicative exchange when he appeared in one of his plays .In spring 1613, he purchased his first property in London. He was renting it out by 1616, but may originally have entertained other intentions for the property. It would certainly have been a handy place to stay, being near the Globe, which was his theatre. Perhaps the destruction of the Globe in 1613, which probably prompted him to sell his share in the theatre company, altered his plans for it. He may not have given up acting, but his writing career was over by the end of that year. In 1614, he returned his hometown, Stratford- upon-Avon, and died there in 1616.

y We understand from the passage that we have no evidence __________ A) as to what sort of parts Shakespeare played B) to suggest that Shakespeare was popular in his day C) as to whether or not Shakespeare actually did rent out his property D) about when Shakespeare was writing his plays E) that the destruction of the Globe had any serious impact on

y We can only guess when Shakespeare wrote his plays. He may have had his own writing season perhaps in the quieter winter months, but never stopped acting, probably taking two or three minor parts instead of a major one. He seems to have chosen for himself the more static and undemanding roles in his plays, such as Old Adam in As You Like It and the Ghost in Hamlet. His audiences included many habitual playgoers, and many must have known Shakespeare and he must have known them. We can imagine, as a recent biographer has said , that there might have been a complex, subtle communicative exchange when he appeared in one of his plays .In spring 1613, he purchased his first property in London. He was renting it out by 1616, but may originally have entertained other intentions for the property. It would certainly have been a handy place to stay, being near the Globe, which was his theatre. Perhaps the destruction of the Globe in 1613, which probably prompted him to sell his share in the theatre company, altered his plans for it. He may not have given up acting, but his writing career was over by the end of that year. In 1614, he returned his hometown, Stratford- upon-Avon, and died there in 1616.

y It is clear from the passage that the Globe Theatre __________ A) was partly owned by Shakespeare himself B) was built on land that Shakespeare had bought C) was particularly spacious so as to accommodate large audiences D) was the most popular of the London theatres in Shakespeares time

y In Londons theatres, tastes seem to be changing. Though audiences are not falling, thats mostly thanks to the allure of musicals, not plays. The commercial London Theatres ran at 65% capacity in 2003, the most recent year for which figures are available. But this disguises a big difference between musicals and plays. For the musicals, attendance averages 68% of capacity ; for plays attendance is somewhat lower, at 56%. So if a show doesnt contain some singing and plenty of dancing, half the chairs are likely to remain empty. And in a business in which the costs are all fixed, a few more tickets sold can make all the difference. However, Londons subsidized theatres are doing unusually well. For example, at the National Theatre, which receives around 14 million in public money every year, attendance has been running at over 90% capacity for the past 20 months. Thats partly thanks to sponsorship and partly to aggressive programming. According to the passage, public interest in Londons theatres ________. A) reflects the quality of each production B) has steadily increased over recent years C) has shifted away from straight plays D) is a good indication of the decline in aesthetic taste E) largely focuses on the activities of National Theatre

y In Londons theatres, tastes seem to be changing. Though audiences are not falling, thats mostly thanks to the allure of musicals, not plays. The commercial London Theatres ran at 65% capacity in 2003, the most recent year for which figures are available. But this disguises a big difference between musicals and plays. For the musicals, attendance averages 68% of capacity ; for plays attendance is somewhat lower, at 56%. So if a show doesnt contain some singing and plenty of dancing, half the chairs are likely to remain empty. And in a business in which the costs are all fixed, a few more tickets sold can make all the difference. However, Londons subsidized theatres are doing unusually well. For example, at the National Theatre, which receives around 14 million in public money every year, attendance has been running at over 90% capacity for the past 20 months. Thats partly thanks to sponsorship and partly to aggressive programming. We understand from the passage that the subsidized theatres in London_______. A) are often criticized for wasting public money. B) manage to make a profit though their audiences are small C) have been specializing in musicals for quite some time D) have been drawing large audiences for nearly two years. E) are more concerned about attendance than about the quality of performance

y In Londons theatres, tastes seem to be changing. Though audiences are not falling, thats mostly thanks to the allure of musicals, not plays. The commercial London Theatres ran at 65% capacity in 2003, the most recent year for which figures are available. But this disguises a big difference between musicals and plays. For the musicals, attendance averages 68% of capacity ; for plays attendance is somewhat lower, at 56%. So if a show doesnt contain some singing and plenty of dancing, half the chairs are likely to remain empty. And in a business in which the costs are all fixed, a few more tickets sold can make all the difference. However, Londons subsidized theatres are doing unusually well. For example, at the National Theatre, which receives around 14 million in public money every year, attendance has been running at over 90% capacity for the past 20 months. Thats partly thanks to sponsorship and partly to aggressive programming. It is clear from the passage that the musicals in London theatres ___________. A) depends largely on private sponsorship for production costs B) can only run for a limited period of time C) are not appreciated by serious theatre audiences D) cost less than straight plays do E) are popular on account of the singing and dancing in them


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