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Year 7 English

Mr Holloway

Making up the rules

Communications and Enterprise Faculty Inset

8th September 2011


Would I lie to you?

Make up a truth or a lie about yourself which you are prepared to tell to everyone else in the room. 10 seconds


Where was the focus in the game?

Whole school priorities for this year Monitoring week Sharing Good practice Curriculum Aims Exams analysis and DIPs

SEN provision Moving all teachers from Satisfactory to Good or Outstanding Keeping up to date with curriculum development Exciting learning Looking outward as well as inward

Monitoring week

Starting on the 19th September Will involve observations Looking at books and folders Focus on SEN and exciting teaching and learning

SEN Developing and improving on our provision for SEN students.
What strategies are employed currently? How are we using the information we are given? What innovations could we introduce? What needs do we have?

2 minutes to discuss what strategies you have used during the last year with any SEN students.


Make a list of any ways in which you could support SEN students including both those with behavioural issues, cognitive learning difficulties, physical impairment or anything else which could affect learning in your subject area

What you do? What you could do? What do you need?



Subject specific SEN provision. In departments make a quick audit of provision And potential innovations What specific challenges are you already aware of this year?

Teaching and Learning

Moving all teachers to good or outstanding How to do this?

2 minutes

Discuss and list features of an outstanding lesson

Outstanding Lessons
Is the lesson is learner focussed or teacher focussed?



Assessment is crucial

Ways to assess in an observation

Planning and resources

Is there excellent planning for the lesson with very good resources?

What issues affect your planning?

A range of activities and teaching style to help support all students

But how do you know the best way for them to learn?



Curriculum Aims
Inspire a thirst for learning Engage all girls in inquisitive and reflective learning

Provide flexible approaches recognising the learning needs of the girls

Allow girls to follow appropriate pathways to achieve their desired goal Provide a breadth of learning experience reflecting the multi-cultural and technological world Enable students to become skilled 21st century citizens

Good Practice

Student Profiles

To be completed for all classes you teach Proforma (electronic version on shared under T+L) As much relevant detail as you can but in a form which YOU can use. Too many words may make it less useful. Be aware of confidentiality issues

DIP and Exams analysis

Should be underway in the next week or so DIP - combining whole school priorities and PM for staff in department Exams analysis on proforma please Chris will support with data Interpretation of data vital and especially impact of invertention

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