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Srujith Kudikala

Linux Device Drivers

Disclaimer: Kernel Modules are dangerous and can render a system useless by corrupting hardware as well as software, not responsible for any damage.

What is Linux?

Linux is a very widely used open source operating system. Why Linux? Why not windows or Mac Os? What is the difference between Linux and Unix? What Linux is good Ubuntu,Fedora,?

Linux File System

Almost everything in Linux is a file, some that can be read directly with programs like vi, gedit and others require special programs which parse the data. Some directories

/usr stores application programs /var stores logfiles, mails /tmp stores temporary stuff /dev stores all the device drivers /proc stores all running process and their information /mnt contains all the file systems that are mounted(C drive cdrom drive) /etc contains all the configuration files and so on.

Types of Devices

In Linux drivers written outside of the kernel are referred to as modules. Virtual

The individual Hardware simply does not exist. ex. Loop devices.


They have a hardware component. Drives dont have direct communication with the hardware but only through a Bus-Driver.


Types of Device Drivers

There are simply two types of device drivers

Character based device drivers

They can be read just like files with open, read, write commands.

Block based device drivers

They can give block of data, which makes them ideal for file system drivers.

A tape driver is a character based device while a disk is a block based device.

Our First Device Driver

Lets go against convention and skip the Hello World device driver and get down to the real deal. Our first device will be a device which will display and set the clock. A little background on clocks. There is a hardware clock and a software clock Software clock does not work when the computer is off. But when the computer starts the hardware clock is used to set the software clock. Once the computer starts the software clock is dominant and sets the hardware clock every 11 minutes or so. Why 11? Someones luck number

Project Goals

Outline of what we have to do:

Name our device, lets name it TickTock Read the software time
Write the software time

That's all!!

The Code (Header)

#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/time.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> static int Tick_init(void); static void Tock_exit(void); static int opendev(struct inode *, struct file *); static int closedev(struct inode *, struct file *); static ssize_t readme(struct file *, char *, size_t, loff_t *); static ssize_t writeme(struct file *, const char *, size_t, loff_t *); static int Major; #define SUCCESS 0 #define DEVICE_NAME "TickTock" static struct file_operations fops = { .read = readme, .write = writeme, .open = opendev, .release = closedev };

static int Tick_init(void){ Major = register_chrdev(0, DEVICE_NAME, &fops); if(Major>0){ printk("TickTock is Ready For Requests!: return 0; }else{ printk("Something Bad happened OhOhhh: %d",Major); } } %d\n",Major);


static void Tock_exit(void)

unregister_chrdev(Major, DEVICE_NAME);
printk("Goodbye Crewl World!\n"); } module_exit(Tock_exit);



Open and Close

static int opendev(struct inode * a, struct file * b){ printk("Someone opened me!\n"); //nothing to do!!! return SUCCESS; } static int closedev(struct inode * a, struct file * b){ //nothing to do!! printk("Someone Closed me!\n"); return SUCCESS;

Random Utility Functions

int pow(int a, int b);

static int itoa(int val,char** ca); int atoi(char * buff);

static ssize_t readme(struct file *filp,char *buffer,size_t length,loff_t *offset) { int len; struct timeval time; do_gettimeofday(&time); char *b; b=kmalloc(sizeof(char)*40,GFP_KERNEL); len=itoa(time.tv_sec,&b); copy_to_user(buffer,b,len); printk("Return val:%s\n",b); return length; }

static ssize_t writeme(struct file *filp,const char *buff,size_t len, loff_t *off)

int i=atoi(buff);
struct timespec ab; ab.tv_sec=i; ab.tv_nsec=0; do_settimeofday(&ab); return len; }


And the coding is complete!

So whats next?

There is really no logic involved, just coding.

The MakeFile

obj-m := TickTock.o

KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build

PWD := $(shell pwd) default: $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules

How many more Steps?!?!

In shell type: make

It will generate a bunch of files

The one that interests us is the file ending in *.ko

Go into super user su Insmod ./TickTock.ko Dmesg | tail Mknod /dev/TickTock c Major 0


That's all its finished!

Just open the /dev/TickTock as a normal file with read /write / or both

Read will give a string representing the number of seconds since a certain day usually Jan 1, 1970 0:00
Write will accept a string of a number representing the number of seconds since a certain day usually Jan 1, 1970 0:00 and set the clock accordingly Now block device drivers are the same as character drivers with a few changes that allows them to transfer blocks of data instead of character by character

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