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Reading Skills
Unit 1 : Reading Skills
Take a close look at the following cartoon :
Ask yourself the following questions:

• What is the message the writer wishes
to convey?
Generation Gap; Changing technology

• What are the writer’s personal
feelings towards the subject?
Puzzlement; Surprise; Confused

• What is the technique used and
how is it applied?
Humour to make people pay attention;
contrast between old and new
When reading a text …..

• Bear in mind that it is a means used by a writer to convey

his ideas and beliefs.
• Different techniques are chosen and used to bring across
the meaning of what is being said.
• The choice and use of these techniques reveal the writer’s
attitude towards the subject ….
• ..and help the writer convey his intentions.
To Sum Up :



The key to comprehending a text
lies in understanding the
structure of the text

The Burger is a model that can help us

understand the basic structure that all
essays share

This will then help us to understand what

the writer has to say
The Burger In An Essay


Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5

The Burger In A Paragraph

Main Idea (Topic Sentence)



Main Idea
(Summative Statement)
The Parts of a Burger (In A Paragraph)
• Main Idea: Main Point of the Paragraph. This is
often captured in the TOPIC SENTENCE of the


• A sentence which states the main idea of a body
• It expresses a view about the topic and prepares
the reader for what to expect in the paragraph
• It usually occurs as the first or second sentence
of a typical paragraph
The Parts of a Burger (In A Paragraph)
• Expansion:
• Writer’s explanation, examples and
elaboration of his/her main idea.
• Involves the use of supporting details to
reinforce (both positive and negative) aspects
for the writer’s main idea.
• The writer often makes use of a variety of
techniques to develop his main idea.
• Summative Statement : Summarises /
Reiterates the author’s main idea and provides
link to the next paragraph.
The 5 Diamonds : Different
Variations To The Burger Model

Location of Main Idea : The first sentence of the

The 5 Diamonds : Different
Variations To The Burger Model

Location of Main Idea : The last sentence of the

The 5 Diamonds : Different
Variations To The Burger Model

Location of Main Idea : In the middle of the paragraph

The 5 Diamonds : Different
Variations To The Burger Model

Location of Main Idea : The first and last sentences

(Reiteration of the main idea in the Summative
Statement) of the paragraph
The 5 Diamonds : Different
Variations To The Burger Model

Location of Main Idea : The first and last sentences as

well as the sentence in the middle of the paragraph

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