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Chapter 7: Questionnaire design

Questionnaire as a method to collect data as it a very common method utilized.

What is a Questionnaire?
It is a set of Questions that have been

pre-formulated and written where respondents would record their answer based on alternative that have been provided by the researcher (structured) or responses offered by respondent themselves (unstructured) Questionnaire can be administered personally, mailed or distributed elecronically.

Functions of quesionnaire
1. Serves as a mechanism to

systematically record responses obtained from respondent. 2. Facilitates the respondents in offering their responses. 3. To ensure the accuracy of the responses obtained from respondent, the choice of words, 4. Facilitate researcher in processing data obtained from the respondent

Steps in Questionnaire Design

1. Determine the specific info needed and 2.

4. 5.

how it will be used Select the type of Questionnaire and method of administration Determine the content of the individual questions. Determine the form of response to each question Determine the number of questions and sequence of each question.

the questionnaires appeal and utility. 7. Reexamine step 1 and step 2 and revise if necessary. 8. Pretest the questionnaire. 9. Develop the finished questionnaire


The art of Asking Questions


Question hierarchy in research

START the questionnaire with simple and interesting questions Provide clear and easy- to- read instructions with transitions if necessary Ask sensitive and classificatory information last Layout the questionnaire so that it is easy to read and follows the flow of the questioning process.

2. Principles of wording The appropriateness of the content of the questions How question are worded and level of sophisticated of language used Type and form of question asked - open- ended vs closed questions - positively and negatively questions - double- barreled questions - ambiguous questions - leading questions - loaded questions - recall-dependent questions Sequencing of the questions-

Questionnaire Organization
a clear and good introduction

Organizing questions, giving instructions and

formatting the questionnaire Concluding the Questionnaire

Method of Pre- testing

In pretesting, respondent usually asked to point

out: - words. Sentence, instructions or flow of questions that unclear, confusing - amount of time taken to fill up the questionnaire - make necessary adjustment

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