Anda di halaman 1dari 40

1 Lecture 72

ua||tat|ve kesearch Methods III

ua||tat|ve Data Ana|ys|s
61 Ovetvlew of Ooolltotlve uoto Aoolysls
62 Ooootlfyloq MetboJs
6J Molo lssoes lo NooOoootlfyloq MetboJs
64 Ceoetol Apptoocbes
65 volootloq tbe Aoolysls
sLudenLs should be able Lo descrlbe
uanLlfylng meLhod of analysls
nonuanLlfylng meLhod of analysls
meLhods for deLexLuallzlng daLa
compare Lhe sLrengLhs and weakness of
choose a meLhodology LhaL reflecL your
we conslder Lhe maln meLhods by whlch
oolltotlve Joto can be analysed
;uanLlfylng daLa a sLudy under
poslLlvlsL paradlgm
nonuanLlfylng meLhods lnLerpreLlve
uo/itotive doto 4no/ysis
uallLaLlve daLa analysls sLage ls much more
dlfflculL Lhan Lhe collecLlon sLage lL ls hard Lo
manage a large volume of daLa
secooJoty Joto reporLs arLlcles
adverLlsemenLs broadcasLs or fllms
ptlmoty Joto fleld noLes lnLervlew
LranscrlpLs audlo or vldeo recordlngs
phoLographs lmages or dlagrams
SomeLlmes Lhe collecLlon and analysls of
daLa are lnLegraLed
no c|ear and accepLed seL of convenLlons or ana|ys|s
correspondlng Lo Lhose observed wlLh uanLlLaLlve
Lhe daLa collecLlon meLhod can also lncorporaLe Lhe
basls of Lhe analysls 1hls makes lL dlfflculL Lo
dlsLlngulsh meLhods by purpose
lL ls dlfflculL Lo appreclaLe how Lhe researcher
sLrucLured and summarlzed hundreds of pages of
uallLaLlve daLa Lo arrlve aL Lhe flndlngs
ln some cases a meLhod ls needed Lo converL Lhe
uallLaLlve daLa collecLed lnLo numerlcal values
CCn1Ln1 AnAL?SlS
Lo uant|y uallLaLlve daLa such as counLlng
Lhe reuency of occurrence of Lhe
phenomena under sLudy
1hls allows Lo examlne such Lhlngs as
repet|t|ve or paLLerned behav|ours
lf Lhe acLlon evenL or oLher phenomenon
occurs very reuent|y ln Lhe daLa you mlghL
declde Lo omlL some references Lo lL to avo|d
Lo deLermlne whlch daLa should be om|tted
Ireuency of occurrence can also be used Lo
lnvesLlgaLe wheLher an acLlon evenL or oLher
phenomenon of |nterest ls a common or rare
selecLlng daLa of lnLeresL ls Lo des|gnate lLems as
|mportant and Lherefore reta|ned ln Lhe analysls or
not |mportant and Lherefore |gnored when
counLlng Lhe freuency of occurrence
Lo be careful not to |ose Lhe rlchness and deLall of
Lhe daLa ln Lhe process
cr|ter|a for lncludlng and dlscardlng daLa
selecLed lLems of uallLaLlve daLa are
sysLemaLlcally converLed Lo numerlcal daLa
flrsL sLep ls Lo deLermlne Lhe basls for
selecLlng a somple
nexL sLep ls Lo deLermlne Lhe coJloq oolts
such as a parLlcular word characLer lLem or
Lheme whlch ls found ln Lhe maLerlal
10 Cod|ng un|ts and Lxamp|es
Lxamlne mlnuLes of company/unlon
meeLlngs for Lhe word dlspuLe"
Lxamlne clrculars and press releases Lo
shareholders for Lhe phrase lncreased
Lxamlne mlnuLes of company/unlon
meeLlngs of examples were agreemenL was
Lxamlne clrculars and press releases Lo
shareholders for examples where lncreases
ln producLlvlLy are llnked Lo lncreased proflL
11 Cod|ng un|ts and Lxamp|es
lLem Lxamlne newspapers for arLlcles
focuslng on small buslnesses
Lxamlne company reporLs for lLems
deallng wlLh envlronmenLal lssues
1lme Measure Lhe Llme allocaLed Lo
buslness news lLems ln Lhe news
bulleLlns of dlfferenL 1v channels
12 codinq frome
llsL Lhe codlng unlLs ln Lhe flrsL column leavlng room
for Lhe analysls of each communlcaLlon Lo be added
on Lhe horlzonLal axls
1he analysls can be based on Lhe freuency of
occurrence and/or oLher facLors
Lgexamlnlng Lhe loooclol1lmes for arLlcles focuslng
on small buslnesses daLe of Lhe paper page
number lengLh of Lhe arLlcle auLhor maln lssues ln
Lhe arLlcle names of flrms owners and so on
Lhe daLa could Lhen be furLher analysed uslng
13 secondary data ana|ys|ng
8esearcher needs only selecL a populaLlon or
sample and you have a permanenL record
whlch can be examlned many Llmes
Lo spend more Llme on analysls
sub[ecLs of Lhe sLudy are noL llkely Lo be aware
of or lnfluenced by researcher lnLeresL
sysLems and procedures for carrylng ouL
conLenL analysls are very clear rellablllLy
and valldlLy
mama$eniviT viriar
ln order Lo seek depLh and rlchness of daLa lL
should be llmlLed Lhe scope of Lhe sLudy
1hls wlll provlde more focus and help reduce
Lhe amounL of uallLaLlve daLa you collecL
reduce Lhe amounL of daLa by conducLlng
fewer lnLervlews focus groups observaLlons
and so on
oto reduction kestructurinq the doto
etextuo/itinq the doto
1S uoto teJoctloo
form of analysls LhaL sharpens sorLs focuses
dlscards and reorganlzes daLa ln such a way LhaL
flnal concluslons can be drawn and verlfled
ontinuous doto reduction lnvolves dlscardlng
lrrelevanL daLa and collaLlng daLa where
relaLlonshlps of lnLeresL exlsL
4nticipotory {pre/iminory) doto reduction occurs
when Lhe researcher uses a LheoreLlcal
framework or hlghly sLrucLured research
lnsLrumenL LhaL leads Lo cerLaln daLa belng
16 data reduct|on |gnore some data"
Are you famlllar wlLh your daLa LhaL you can
deLermlne whaL ls relevanL and whaL ls noL"
Dse teflectloo lmaglne you are from anoLher
planeL and you are waLchlng one of Lhe evenLs
aL Lhe Clymplc Cames unLll you have spenL a
conslderable amounL of Llme analyzlng and
reflecLlng on whaL you observe you would
flnd lL very dlfflculL Lo make sense of Lhe
behavlour of Lhe parLlclpanLs (22 meo ote
toooloq to 1 boll)
17 kestructurinq the doto
1he daLa may have been collecLed ln a
chronologlcal form dlcLaLed by Lhe meLhod of
collecLlon (eg dlary meLhods observaLlon%
convenlenL framework for asklng uesLlons (ln
uslng a LheoreLlcal framework provlde
caLegorles lnLo whlch Lhe daLa can be flLLed
noL uslng a LheoreLlcal framework a sulLable
sLrucLure may emerge (appear% durlng Lhe
daLa collecLlon sLage
1 Detextua||z|ng the data
1hls slmply means summarlzlng Lhe daLa ln
Lhe form of a dlagram
Lg lf a dlarlsL or lnLervlewee gave you
lnformaLlon abouL who he or she
communlcaLed wlLh durlng Lhe prevlous day ln
Lhe offlce you could summarlze Lhese
lnLeracLlons by drawlng a neLwork dlagram
1 Ma|n eatures o ua||tat|ve data ana|ys|s
keduc|ng the data flndlng a sysLemaLlc way
Lo selecL relevanL daLa ofLen Lhrough Lhe use
of codlng
restructur|ng the data uslng a preexlsLlng
LheoreLlcal framework or one LhaL emerges
durlng Lhe daLa collecLlon sLage Lo provlde
caLegorles lnLo whlch Lhe daLa can be flLLed
Detextua||z|ng the data summarlzlng daLa ln
Lhe form of a dlagram
1o be very am|||ar w|th the data
20 Lhree key elemenLs of analyzlng
- omprehendinq (ooJetstooJloq) a full
undersLandlng of Lhe seLLlng culLure and
sLudy Loplc before Lhe research commences
be am|||ar w|th the ||terature
ynthesitinq drawlng LogeLher of dlfferenL
Lhemes and concepLs from Lhe research and
formlng Lhem lnLo new lnLegraLed paLLerns
@heoritinq consLanL developmenL and
manlpulaLlon of LheoreLlcal schemes unLll Lhe
besL LheoreLlcal scheme ls developed
21 Iour ways o deve|op|ng theory
Ident|y the be||es and values ln Lhe daLa and aLLempL
Lo make llnks wlLh Lheory
Use |atera| (ooe booJoootbet booJ) th|nk|ng by
examlnlng and comparlng Lhe concepLs and daLa from
oLher seLLlngs
consLrucL Lheory from Lhe daLa by |nduct|on
kecontextua||ze Lhe daLa so LhaL Lhe Lheory emerglng
from Lhe sLudy
ln Lhe process Lhe researcher wlll reLurn Lo exlsLlng
Lheorles Lo place Lhe resulLs ln a conLexL and esLabllsh
new developmenLs and models or new llnks
Convert any rough |e|d notes |nto a wr|tten
record LhaL you wlll sLlll be able Lo undersLand
laLer on ?ou may wlsh Lo add your own
LhoughLs and reflecLlons 1hls wlll be sLarL of
your LenLaLlve analysls ?ou should d|st|ngu|sh
your |nterpretat|on and speculaLlons from
your actua| fleld noLes
Lnsure LhaL any maLerlal you have collecLed
from lnLervlews observaLlons or orlglnal
documenLs ls properly reerenced 1he
reference should lndlcaLe who was lnvolved
Lhe daLe and Llme Lhe conLexL Lhe
clrcumsLances leadlng Lo Lhe daLa collecLlon
and Lhe posslble lmpllcaLlons for Lhe research
?ou may flnd lL useful Lo record your
references on a proforma summary sheeL
whlch you can sLore ln an lndexed sysLem for
easy of reLrleval
SLarL cod|ng data as soon as posslble lL ls
easler Lo sLarL wlLh as many codes as you feel
necessary and laLer collapse Lhem lnLo a
smaller number
SLarL group|ng the codes |nto sma||
categor|es accordlng Lo paLLerns or Lhemes
whlch emerge noL mechanlcal Lask buL wlll
reulre conslderable reflecLlon lf you are noL
a LheoreLlcal framework do noL aLLempL Lo
lmpose caLegorles buL allow Lhem Lo emerge
from Lhe daLa Compare new lLems of daLa as
Lhey are collecLed wlLh your exlsLlng codes
and caLegorles and modlfy Lhem as reulred
AL varlous sLages wr|te summar|es of your
flndlngs aL LhaL polnL 1he dlsclpllne of puLLlng
your LhoughLs on paper wlll help wlLh your
analysls and hlghllghL any deflclences Lo be
use your summarles Lo consLrucL
generallzaLlons LhaL you can use Lo confronL
ex|st|ng theor|es or Lo consLrucL a new
Cont|nue unt|| you are sat|s|ed LhaL Lhe
generallzaLlons are sufflclenLly robusL(sLrong
helLhy% Lo sLand analysls of exlsLlng Lheorles or
Lhe consLrucLlon of a new Lheory
2 1wo speclflc research lnsLrumenLs were
a master uest|onna|re whlch provlded Lhe
concepLual framework for daLa collecLlon and
a data check||st Lo Lrack Lhe collecLlon of daLa
from respondenLs
2 1he uest|onna|re |dent||ed
key points and
each received a unique code, as did each
country, office and participant.
30 1he data check||st
was compleLed
by Lhe pro[ecL researchers aL Lhe end of an
lnLervlew or
on recelpL of daLa from respondenLs and
showed Lhe daLa collecLed 1hls permlLLed any
mlsslng daLa Lo be ldenLlfled and subseuenLly
1he researchers malnLalned slx seLs of flles for
Lhe sLudy
31 s|x sets o ||es
1 kaw data
lnLervlew noLes documenLs descrlblng
exlsLlng Lralnlng sLraLegles eLc compleLed
uesLlonnalres Jork paper
2 Data summar|es
Summarles of raw daLa Jorkbook
32 Workbooks 3 and S
3 Data reconstruct|on
8elaLlonshlp wlLh and across counLrles on key
noLes abouL lnslghLs
SuggesLlons developlng lnLerpreLaLlons
drafLs of reporLs lncludlng flndlngs and
uescrlpLlons of meLhodology and lLs
descrlpLlon of lnsLrumenL developmenL
processes and procedures for admlnlsLraLlon
correspondence wlLh managemenL abouL Lhe

S |ans proposa| and budget
Jork programme and Llmellness proposal
budgeL for personnel level payroll and non
6 Instruments and too|
uaLa collecLlon and analysls Lool
3S WCkk ALkS
1 conLalned Lhe raw daLa from lnLervlew noLes
2 summarlzed Lhe raw daLa ln Jorkbook for each of
Lhe maln polnLs for each of Lhe offlces ln Lhe sLudy
3 reconsLrucLed Lhe daLa ln Jorkbook Lo creaLe a
plcLure across all key polnLs wlLhln a slngle Lheme for
all offlces ln each counLry
was a counLry summary where Lhe researchers wroLe
an overall assessmenL of Lhe Lax pracLlce and Lralnlng
slLuaLlon ln LhaL counLry
S conLalned Lhe flndlngs of Lhe research and Lhe
36 data d|sp|ays
a vlsual formaL LhaL presenLs lnformaLlon
sysLemaLlcally so Lhe user can draw valld
concluslons and Lake needed acLlon
a neLwork
maLrlx (maLrlces%
charL or graphs
1here are no llmlLs Lo Lhe Lypes of dlsplays
how Lo evaluaLe Lhe analysls" four crlLerla
redibi/ity sub[ecL of Lhe enulry was correcLly
ldenLlfled and descrlbed
@ronsferobi/ity Lhe flndlngs can be applled Lo
anoLher slLuaLlon LhaL ls sufflclenLly slmllar Lo permlL
ependobi/ity research processes are sysLemaLlc
rlgorous (sLrong% and well documenLed
onfirm obi/ity process has been descrlbed fully
and lL ls posslble Lo assess wheLher Lhe flndlngs flow
from Lhe daLa
?ou need Lo remember LhaL your purpose
when analyslng Lhe daLa ls to |nd answers to
your research uest|ons
1herefore you need Lo keep your research
uesLlons aL Lhe fronL of your mlnd whlle you
are conducLlng Lhe analysls
no maLLer how good Lhe Lechnlues and
procedures you adopL are Lhe ua||ty of your
analysls wlll depend on Lhe uallLy of Lhe data
you have collecLed and your |nterpretat|on
3 uest|ons or se|check|ng
Lhe feaLures of lnformal meLhods
Lhe feaLures of conLenL analyse meLhods
Lhe maln elemenLs of nonuanLlfylng meLhods
key elemenLs ln Lhe uallLaLlve daLa analysls process
a general analyLlcal procedure for analyslng
uallLaLlve daLa
Lhe seLs of flles and work papers for Lhe sLudy
Lhe approaches for daLa dlsplay
Lhe crlLerla for evaluaLlng Lhe analysls

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