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The Request.

BinaryRead Method
The Request.BinaryRead method is used to retrieve data from the client via the post request. In conjunction to that you can use the Request.TotalBytes property to get the total bytes. The retrieved data is stored in a SafeArray, which also contains the information of the dimensions. Note that you cant call Request.Form after you have called Request.BinaryRead.

The Request.TotalBytes Property

The TotalBytes property holds the total number of bytes sent by the client to the server in the body of the HTTP request. The TotalBytes property is read-only. Example: <% Dim count count = Request.TotalBytes %>

The Request.ClientCertificate Property

The Request.ClientCertificate property is used to retrieve the information of the client certification (SSL). SSL also known as Secure Socket Layer is be used to send data in a secure way. To run this property secure socket layer must be enabled on the web server. Furthermore you have to use the https:// in the URL instead of http:// note the extra s which stands for secure. This property takes two parameters, the first one is necessary and the second is option. The first parameter Key is used to specify the name of the field to retrieve from the client certification. The second parameter SubField is used to get an individual field in Issuser or Subject key. The following table lists all available values for key and subfield.

Name: Certificate Flags Description: This value is used to retrieve the binary stream of the complete client certificate. This value can be used to retrieve additional information about the client certificate. You can either set the flag to 1 or 0. 1 means that the client certificate is present and 0 means that the client certificate is from an unknown issuer.

SerialNumber Subject ValidFrom ValidUntil

This value can be used to retrieve information about the issuer.

This value can be used to retrieve the serial number of the client certification. This value can be used to retrieve the information about the subject of the client certification. This value can be used to retrieve the date when the client certificate becomes valid. This value is used to retrieve information about the expiration of the client certificate.

SubField Name: C CN GN I L O OU S T Description: This value specifies the name of the Country or region of the origion. This value specifies the common name of the user. This value specifies the given name of the user. This value specifies the initials. This value specifies the locality. This value specifies the company or organization name. This value specifies the name of the organizational unit. This value specifies the state. This value specifies the title of the user or organization.

Example <% Response.Write "Certificate: " & Request.ClientCertificate("Certificate") & "<br/>" Response.Write "Certificate: " & Request.ClientCertificate("ValidFrom") & "<br/>" %>

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