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MAnulAC1u8lnC SLC1C8

1980 1990 1995 2000
Workforce 15.8% 26.3% 25.3% 27.6%
GDP 19.3% 26.9% 32.5% 33.4%
ManufacLurlng lndusLry and lLs ManufacLurlng lndusLry and lLs
Sub secLor Sub secLor
ManufacLurlng secLor developmenL
1 uecade 60's lndusLry for lmporL
N ConLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe economy was lncreased from
83 ln 1960 Lo 134 ln 1970
N 1hls ls Lhe fasLesL growlng decade for manufacLurlng
N Lead by food lndusLry Llmber producL chemlcal and
chemlcal producL nonmeLalllc mlneral producLs
LexLlles plasLlcs goods sLeel bars ferLlllzer
W 1he esLabllshmenL of lederal lndusLrlal
uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (lluA) 1967 Lo
encourage and coordlnaLe Lhe lndusLry
W 8 AugusL 1967 (ASLAn esLabllshmenL) Lo
promoLe growLh ln Lhe reglonal Lrade
W Powever economlc acLlvlLles sLlll cenLered ln
Lhe agrlculLural acLlvlLles whlch ls Lhe blggesL
exporL revenue
uecade of 70's exporL orlenLed lndusLrles
N resLrucLurlng of Lhe unbalance economlc acLlvlLles
among race new Lconomlc ollcles (uL8)
N 1he falllng of prlmary commodlLy prlces aL Lhe
lnLernaLlonal level sLlmulaLe Lhe growLh of
manufacLurlng acLlvlLles
N ln 1973 exporL orlenLed manufacLurlng secLor and
labour lnLenslve becomlng Lhe second largesL economy
generaLor for Lhe naLlon
W Cu conLrlbuLlon was lncreased from 164 ln
1973 Lo 03 ln 1980 8ecomlng Lhe fasLesL
developed secLor compared Lo oLher secLor
W 1he exlsLence of lree 1rade Zone for Lhe
placemenL of exporL producL lndusLry
W 1he esLabllshmenL of Peavy lndusLrles
CorporaLlon of Malaysla (PlCCM) 1980
3 uecade of 80's 1he era of heavy lndusLry
and prlvaLlsaLlon
N lndusLrlal MasLer lan (lM) 1986 provldes
bloeptlot for acceleraLlng and developlng Lhe
manufacLurlng lndusLry
N lM encourage closed cooperaLlon beLween Lhe
publlc and prlvaLe secLor
N SMls was glven encouragemenL ln creaLlng
cooperaLlon ln supplylng Lhe MnCs needs
O ln 1987 manufacLurlng secLor was overcome
Lhe agrlculLural secLor ln Lerm of Cu
4 uecade of 90's vlslon 00 era
N ln 1991 naLlonal uevelopmenL ollcy (nu) was
replaclng Lhe nL wlLh Lhe emphaslze on Lhe
lndusLrlallzaLlon and prlvaLe secLor Lo move Malaysla
Loward developlng naLlon
O Clobal changlng Lowards producL demand from resources
base producL unprocessed or half process lnLo producL LhaL
processed uslng hlghLech and auLomaLed
O 1ranslLlon from producL based economy Lo knowledge based
O lasLesL growLh ln blo mlcro and nanoLechnology fleld and
lnformaLlon Lechnology
O SLlff compeLlLlon ln forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL wlLh new
emerglng economles such as Chlna lndla and vleLnam
where Lhe cosL of labor ls cheaper
O CloballzaLlon producLlon and lotetootloool sootcloq of potts
ooJ compooeots
W ManufacLurlng lndusLry subsecLor
8efore Lhe lndusLrlal revoluLlon
W 8arLer Lrade
W Pandmade producL
W Small home lndusLry
AfLer lndusLrlal revoluLlon Llll now
W 1he used of machlne as a source of energy replaclng Lhe
human and Lhe anlmal
W Mass producLlon manufacLurlng uslng assembly llne
W 1echnology developmenL Lowards Lhe used of auLomaLlon and
Lxamples of manufacLurlng lndusLry Lxamples of manufacLurlng lndusLry
sub secLor sub secLor
1 Iood Manufactur|ng
O 8lsculL facLorles
O ualry producLs
O llour mllls
O ChocolaLe and sugar confecLlonary
O repared anlmal feeds
O alm oll
O 8lce mllls
W SofL drlnk carbonaLed waLer
1obacco manufacturers
4 1ext||es
W nlLLlng mllls
W naLural flbre splnnlng weavlng mllls
W SynLheLlc LexLlle mlll
6 Iootwear
7 Wood and wood products
W Sawmllls
W lywood and hard board mllls
aper and paper products
W ulp paper and paperboard
W ConLalners and boxes of paper
Industr|a| chem|ca|s
W lndusLrlal gases
W lerLlllzers and pesLlcldes
W SynLheLlc resln and plasLlc
10 Cther chem|ca| products
W alnLs varnlshes lacquers
W Soap and cleanlng preparaLlons
11 Crude o|| ref|ner|es
1 kubber products
W 1lre and Lube lndusLrles
W 8ubber fooLwear
W LaLex processlng
W CLher rubber producLs
1 |ast|c products
14 G|ass and g|ass products
1 NonMeta|||c m|nera| products
W SLrucLural clay producLs
W CemenL concreLe producLs
16 Iron and stee| bas|c |ndustr|es
17 NonIerrous meta| bas|c |ndustr|es
1 Iabr|cated meta| products
W SLrucLural meLal producLs
W 1ln cans meLal boxes
W Wlre and wlre producLs
1 Mach|nery
W Cfflce compuLlng and accounLlng machlnery
W 8efregaLlng exhausL venLllaLlng machlnery
0 1ransport equ|pment
W Assembly of moLor vehlcles
W MoLor vehlcles parLs and accessorles
W Assembly of moLorcycles and scooLers
1 rofess|ona| and sc|ent|f|c measur|ng and
contro|||ng equ|pment
W hoLographlc and opLlcal goods
W WaLches and clocks
nexL class dlscusslon
lease flnd all Lhe deflnlLlon of manufacLurlng
lndusLry Can be from dlcLlonarles LexLbooks
and eLc lease quoLe your references and
dlscuss lLs ln Lhe nexL class
Manufactur|ng |ndustry
An esLabllshmenL whlch ls lnvolved ln
Lransformlng elLher mechanlcally or chemlcally
organlc or lnorganlc subsLances lnLo new
producLs by Lhe use of power drlven machlne or
by hand (!abaLan erangkaan 1994)
lskandar uevelopmenL 8eglon (lu8)
W 1he lskandar uevelopmenL 8eglon (lu8) ls seL
Lo become SouLhern enlnsular Malayslas
mosL developed reglon where llvlng
enLerLalnmenL envlronmenL and buslness
seamlessly converge wlLhln a busLllng and
vlbranL meLropolls
W lu8 alms Lo be a susLalnable reglon of
lnLernaLlonal sLandard 1he beacon of new
growLh lu8 wlll spur economlc developmenLs
LhaL acLuaLe Malayslas global poLenLlal
1he 3 LxlsLlng ClusLers are
W |ectr|ca| |ectron|cs
W etro chem|ca| and C|eo Chem|ca|
W Iood and Agro rocess|ng
W Log|st|cs and ke|ated Serv|ces
W 1our|sm
4 new clusLers 1hey are
W ea|th Serv|ces
1hls clusLer wlll comprlse Lwo componenLs Medlcal ark
and Medlcal ClLy lL wlll be a leadlng cenLre ln Asla for medlcal
excellence Medlcal LreaLmenL Leachlng and research and
developmenL wlll be carrled ouL here
W ducat|on Serv|ces
uedlcaLed Lo educaLlon Lhls clusLer wlll feaLure unlverslLles
lndusLrycenLrlc 8u clusLers colleges lnLernaLlonal schools
and amenlLles Courses wlll lnclude medlclne soclal sclence
economlcs buslness agrlculLure englneerlng compuLer
sclence performlng arLs and oLhers
W I|nanc|a| Serv|ces
As a Musllm counLry Lhls emphasls on Lhls clusLer ls noL a
new aLLempL buL raLher an exLenslon of Malaysla's role ln
lslamlc llnanclng lL ls seL Lo become Lhe reglon's premler
lslamlc llnanclal Pub
1he convenLlonal flnanclal advlsory servlces wlll conLlnue
Lo be glven greaL emphasls
W Creat|ve Industr|es
A 1000 acre park has been dedlcaLed for an exLenslve dlglLal
conLenL lndusLry 1hls creaLlve and enLerLalnmenL hub opens
new and avallable opporLunlLles for employmenL for
mulLlmedla graduaLes
lor furLher lnformaLlon please vlslL

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