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O To review the brand positioning strategies oI diIIerent sub-brands oI

Titan watches
O To study about the BCG and PLC oI titan watches
O To analyze the brand repositioning strategies oI Titan watches.
O To study consumer awareness and perception about the brand
strategies oI Titan watches
O To recommend suitable measures to be taken by the Titan Company to
improve its brand perception and loyalty among its customers.
Sources of Data Co||ect|on
1he relevanL daLa was collecLed from boLh r|mary
sources and secondary sources 1he sLarLlng polnL of my
lnformaLlon gaLherlng has been Lhe secondary sources such as
lnLerneL books and [ournals and so on
Sam||ng rocedure sample of 30 consumers who
are brand loyal Lo 1lLan waLches slnce more Lhan a year and ln
Lhe age group of 20 30 years have been consldered for Lhls
sLudy s 1lLan has Laken up brand reposlLlonlng sLraLegles
slnce !uly 2008 consumers who have seen Lhe prevlous and
new campalgn have been LargeLed
istoiy of the watch maiket
1he lndlan waLch lndusLry began ln Lhe year 1961 wlLh Lhe
commlsslonlng of Lhe waLch dlvlslon of PM1
PM1 was Lhe leader ln Lhe waLch markeL Llll Lhe 1aLas formed
1lLan WaLches ln assoclaLlon wlLh 1amll nadu lndusLrlal
uevelopmenL CorporaLlon ln Lhe year 1987
LlberallzaLlon ln 1992 and Lhe removal of quanLlLaLlve
resLrlcLlons due Lo W1C has opened Lhe doors for many
forelgn brands ln Lhe lndlan markeL vlz 1lssoL SwaLch
Cmega 8ado 1 Peuer 8olex and many oLhers
Porter`s Five Forces Model

no sLrong suppllers
Lack bargalnlng power
8lse of Chlna 1alwan as low cosL suppllers

1C LN1k
CluLLered MarkeL
Lack of ulfferenLlaLlon

lncreased number of flrms
Low swlLchlng cosLs
SLraLeglc sLakes are hlgh
1nkLA1 CI
no close subsLlLuLes
1he company manufacLures over 8 mllllon waLches per annum and has a cusLomer
base of over 80 mllllon lL has manufacLurlng and assembly operaLlons aL Posur uehradun
8oorkee and 8addl ln Plmachal radesh and an LC8 planL ln oa lLs maln producLs are
wotches CurrenLly manufacLures four maln waLch brands vlz 1|tan for Lhe premlum
segmenL Iastrack focused on Lhe youLh and Lrendy fashlon space Sonata for Lhe mass
markeL and ky|ys for Lhe premlum markeL 1he 1lLan brand archlLecLure comprlses several
subbrands each of whlch ls a leader ln lLs segmenL noLable among Lhem are 1|tan Ldge
1he worlds sllmmesL waLch whlch sLands for Lhe phllosophy of less ls more 1|tan kaga

ewe//ery 1anlshq ls lndlas largesL and fasLesL growlng [ewellery brand wlLh a premlum
range of gold [ewellery
ye weor 1|tan Lye+ ls currenLly on a plloL mode wlLh 3 sLores ln 2 clLles and has
sunglasses under lasLrack brand and prescrlpLlon eyewear conslsLlng of lrames Lenses
Sunglasses ccessorles and ConLacL Lenses of lnhouse brands and oLher premlum brands

rec|s|on Lng|neer|ng
1he companys reclslon Lnglneerlng ulvlslon supplles preclslon componenLs Lo Lhe
avlonlcs and Lhe auLomoLlve lndusLry lL also manufacLures dashboard clocks as CLM Lo car
manufacLurers ln Lurope and merlca 1he dlvlslon also provldes fully lnLegraLed
uLomaLlon soluLlons

1he company has been awarded Lhe followlng dlsLlncLlons
8elng named Lhe no1 8rand ln Lhe Consumer uurables caLegory ln Lhe
8rand LqulLy Survey of 1he Lconomlc 1lmes a leadlng lndlan flnanclal
1he 1lLan ueslgn 1eam won Lhe ?oung ueslgn LnLrepreneur of Lhe ?ear
award aL Lhe deslgn awards lnsLlLuLed by Lhe naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of ueslgn
and 8uslness World a leadlng lndlan magazlne 1he Leam has won 7
accredlLaLlons also
8oLh 1lLan and 1anlshq have been ad[udged MosL dmlred 8rands as
well as 8eLaller of Lhe ?ear by lmages lashlon lorum ln consecuLlve
8eLall sla and Medla Magazlne Slngapore ad[udged 1lLan lndusLrles
as amongsL Lhe leadlng 8eLalllng Companles ln lndla
1lLan has won Lhe 8rand Leadershlp award aL Lhe lndla 8rand SummlL
1he 1lme roducLs ulvlslon of Lhe company was awarded Lhe !8u Cv
ward ln 2006
550-1,430 YOUTH
595-1,430 LOWER MIDDLE
CL$$OIIice wear)
$PECTR 650-1,830 COMMON CL$$
960-2,830 UPPER- MIDDLE
1,420-4,000 UPPER CL$$
1,675-8,085 COUPLE$
1,725-7770 UPPER MIDDLE

4,500-5,200 BU$INE$$ CL$$

10,000-45,000 UPPER CL$$

Ct|ons kesonses(S0) ercentage
1Iastrack 36 72
Sonata 7 14
kaga 3 6
Nebu|a 2 4
SWWI 1 2
6Ldge 1 2
7.1 Data Interpretation
Titan sub-brand owned
Figure 1: Titan sub-brands possessed by respondents
This was a multiple choice question where respondents were asked to choose sub-brands of Titan which they po
!eriod of use
!eriod of Titan watch's us
Ct|ons kesoses ercentage
1years 32 64
7 years 12 24
710 years 06 12
The respondents were asked to mention since how long
they have been brand loyal to Titan. This was an open
ended question and hence various responses were
received. The minimum period of use was set as one
year, as mentioned earlier, while the maximum period of
use was determinedFor convenience, the different
responses are categorized into three: 1year 4years,
4years 7years and 7years 10years.
64% of the respondents fall into first
category, i.e., they are using Titan watch in the range of
one to four years. 24% respondents are in second
category and the rest 12 % are using it for more than
seven years.
options responses percentage
yes 11 22
no 39 78
#ecaII of Titan's tagIine
Titan's tagline, before brand repositioning exercise has been undertaken, was
"What's your style. This tagline was adopted during first rebranding exercise in 2004.
The respondents were asked to indicate whether they remember the tagline in dichotomous way,
i.e., as "yes or "no. t was found that only 22% of the respondents were able to recall the tagline and the
remaining 78% answered in negative.
1here ls no slgnlflcanL relaLlon beLween awareness of Lag llne
and brand preference
1here ls a slgnlflcanL relaLlon beLween brand preference and
awareness of Lag llne
Brand Ambassador of Titan
amir Khan is the brand ambassador oI Titan since 2004. When the respondents were
asked to recollect the same, it was Iound that 46 oI 50 sample size were able to correctly mention
the brand ambassador while the remaining 4 did not give any response implying that they are not
aware oI it.

Figure 9: Awareness of brand ambassador

Figure 8: Major advertisement media

Titan advertises its watches in almost all media vehicles. The advertisements can be seen
in TV, magazines, newspaper, hoardings, billboards, radio and so on.
ll the 50 respondents have seen the advertisements oI Titan watches in various media.
This was a multi-response question and the options given to select were restricted to TV,
magazines, newspapers, hoardings and radio.

Types of media No. of respondents
TV 46
Magazines 25
Newspapers 36
Hoardings 15
Radio 4
1. or what reason did you purchase the brand?

Frequency Percent
Valid functions 07 14.0
gifts n Presents 8 16.0
Festivals 3 5.5
Discount offers 4 7.0
Daily wear 28 58.5
Total 50 100.0

Inference: Nearly 58.5 customer purchased brand Ior daily purpose, 15 oI the customer
purchase watches Ior giIts and present; Iollowed by Iunction purpose with 14, discount oIIers
and Iestivals with 7 and 5.5.

New designs of Titan
Options responses percentage
Poor 0 0
average 0 0
Above average 4 8
Good 39 78
Excellent 7 14

Titan has launched several new designs in 2008 in its existing collections and as per its
plans introduced new product collections also. The respondents were asked to rate the new
designs as 'poor, 'average, 'above average, 'good and 'excellent.
7 respondents Ieel that their designs are 'excellent, 39 have rated them as 'good and 4
have rated as 'average.

Figure 11: Consumer perception of new designs

Rating of New Campaign
Options responses Percentage
4 Not at all eIIective 0 0
4 Less eIIective 10
4 Marginally eIIective 0 0
4 EIIective 10 20
4 Highly eIIective 3 70

Not at a|| effect|ve
Less effect|ve
n|gh|y effect|ve

The respondents were asked to rate it as 'not at all eIIective, 'eIIective and 'highly
eIIective. 35 out oI 50 respondents consider the new campaign to be 'highly eIIective while
the remaining 10 rated it as 'eIIective,

Titan`s exclusive showrooms
The respondents were asked to rate Titan`s exclusive showrooms on 5 point rating scale
Poor, verage, bove verage, Good and Excellent. The Iactors related to showrooms that were
provided to the respondents Ior rating are store ambience, sales personnel, aIter sales service
and display oI watches.

Figure 14: Consumer perception of store ambience

36 oI the 50 respondents have rated store ambience as 'Good and 7 each rated as
'bove verage and 'Excellent. This proves that store ambience plays an important role in

Figure 1: Consumer perception of sales personnel

With respect to sales personnel, 35 respondents rated them as 'Good, while 4 each rated
as 'Poor and 'verage, 7 respondents gave rating oI 'bove verage.

option responses percentage
poor 4 8
average 4 8
Above average 7 14
Good 3 70
execellent 0 0

Figure 17: Consumer perception of Display of watches

Most oI the respondents have given high ratings to the display oI watches in Titan
showroom. 22 respondents rated it as 'Excellent, 24 respondents as 'Good and only 4
respondents gave oI 'verage
option responses percentage
poor 7 14
average 4 8
Above average 4 8
Good 31 62
Execellent 4 8
Option responses percentage
Figure 18: Overall perception about Titan showrooms

The respondents were also asked to give overall rating to Titan`s exclusive showrooms. It
was Iound that out oI total 50 respondents, 30 rated as 'good while the remaining considered
the showrooms to be 'excellent.
round 50 oI the respondents rated all the variables related to Titan`s exclusive
showrooms as 'good. This shows that the store ambience, sales personnel, aIter sales service
and display oI watches in the showrooms play a major role in determining the customer
perception about brand.

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
VAR00001 4.0200 .55291 50
VAR00002 3.4600 .95212 50
VAR00003 3.3600 1.24146 50
VAR00004 4.2200 .88733 50
VAR00005 4.3400 .47852 50

and BartIett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .493
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 12.773
df 10
Sig. .237


nitial Extraction
VAR00001 1.000 .625
VAR00002 1.000 .818
VAR00003 1.000 .594
VAR00004 1.000 .935
VAR00005 1.000 .737
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.


nitial Extraction
VAR00001 1.000 .625
VAR00002 1.000 .818
VAR00003 1.000 .594
VAR00004 1.000 .935
VAR00005 1.000 .737
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.

TotaI Variance ExpIained
nitial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 1.464 29.275 29.275 1.464 29.275 29.275 1.458 29.165 29.165
2 1.225 24.503 53.779 1.225 24.503 53.779 1.205 24.110 53.275
3 1.019 20.374 74.153 1.019 20.374 74.153 1.044 20.878 74.153
4 .687 13.737 87.889
5 .606 12.111 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

omponent atrix

1 2 3
VAR00001 .774 .157 -.040
VAR00002 -.136 -.767 .459
VAR00003 .763 .103 .022
VAR00004 .123 .344 .895
VAR00005 -.499 .695 .069
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 3 components extracted.

#otated omponent atrix

1 2 3
VAR00001 .788 -.053 .033
VAR00002 -.259 .851 .160
VAR00003 .767 .017 .072
VAR00004 .105 .004 .961
VAR00005 -.413 -.691 .297
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

1he LoLal varlance ls more Lhen 66 Lhere fore Lhe sample ls
omponent Transformation atrix
Component 1 2 3
1 .990 .138 .020
2 .123 -.929 .348
3 -.066 .342 .937
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser


Observed N Expected N Residual
1.00 1 1.0 .0
2.00 1 1.0 .0
Total 2


Observed N Expected N Residual
11.00 1 1.0 .0
39.00 1 1.0 .0
Total 2

Test Statistics

VAR00001 VAR00002
Chi-Square .000

df 1 1
Asymp. Sig. 1.000 1.000
Exact Sig. 1.000 1.000
Point Probability .500 .500
a. 2 cells (100.0%) have expected frequencies
less than 5. The minimum expected cell the
frequency is 1.0.
the significance asymp greater then .05 reject
the null hypotheses

inuings of the suivey

1he flndlngs of Lhe consumer awareness survey are llsLed below

72 of Lhe respondenLs ln Lhe age group of 20 30 years possess fasLrack waLch 1hls
shows LhaL Lhe poslLlonlng sLraLegy of Lhese waLches has been good
MosL of Lhe consumers prefer 1lLan waLches for Lhelr aLLracLlve deslgns and good quallLy
Powever Lhere ls a mlsconcepLlon abouL prlclng of 1lLan producLs among Lhe consumers
1hey percelve Lhem Lo be hlgh prlced
Logos and Lagllnes are rarely noLlced by Lhe waLch consumers Pence any change ln Lhem
also goes unnoLlced
dverLlsemenL ln mass medla such as Lelevlslon newspapers and magazlnes are besL
means Lo spread awareness abouL brand
CelebrlLy endorsemenL of waLches noL only lncreases Lhe vlslblllLy of Lhe producL buL also
glves an assurance Lo Lhe consumers LhaL lL ls of hlgh quallLy
1lLan waLches' deslgns are raLed as good" by 78 of Lhe respondenLs 1hls lndlcaLes LhaL
Lhey are looklng forward for more lnnovaLlve deslgns Lo be lnLroduced by Lhe company
Cnly 30 of Lhe respondenLs have seen Lhe new campalgn launched by 1lLan waLches ln
!uly 2008 1hls lmplles LhaL Lhe reach of Lhe campalgn ln slx monLhs has been Lo more or
less half of Lhe consumers Powever Lhose who have seen Lhe new campalgn conslder lL Lo
be effecLlve ln conveylng Lhe message lL lnLended Lo dellver le Lo be more" ln llves

The suggestions to improve consumer awareness about brand repositioning strategy oI Titan are as Iollows:

To increase its visibility, Titan Company can sponsor events similar to Iashion shows in which all latest designs
launched are displayed. This would have multiplier eIIect as the latest designs launched by the company gets
noticed by diIIerent segments oI the customers in varied ways.
Invest more in R&D as customer expectations are changing rapidly. Though Titan has got more product collections,
it should Iocus on introducing more varieties in already existing product collections. In other words, having a
limited but more depth in product collections would be more advantageous.
Introduce exclusive collection Ior working women which is more contemporary and complements both traditional
and western wear.
Majority oI the population in India live in rural areas. $o, showrooms should be set up at places nearer to them.
Introduce cheaper and rough use watches Ior this segment.
Iter sales service has to be improved. That is, the process oI servicing and repairing oI watches should be made
Iaster. This can be done by ensuring the spare parts availability and training all sales personnel in Titan showrooms
to undertake these tasks.
Tie up with international watch brands and make them available locally.
Make use oI internet to spread awareness among consumers about the brand.

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