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M|/K|K| || |KI||||||K||

W lnLelllgence experLs deflned '|nte|||gence' lnLo

Lwo sLraLeglc and LacLlcal sense
W Landard deflnlLlon LraLeglc know|edge and
fore know|edge (events before they happen) of
the wor|d around us
W ,eanlng of 'lnLelllgence' more narrow on
tact|ca| sense refers to events and cond|t|ons on
spec|f|c batt|ef|e|ds or threats of war M|||tary
Commander def|ned as 'S|tuat|ona| awareness'
W DndersLandlng Lhe poLenLlal rlsk and galn on
naLlonal or lnLernaLlonal levels
(Pandbook of lnLelllgence Ludles LdlLed by k
!ohnson 2007 8ouLledge n?)
M|/K|K| ||
BE||N|!|BN |KI||||||K|| / '|K|||M/I||K
lnformaLlon whlch collecLed and analyzed (lnL
mlsslon) ln achlevlng a deeper comprehenslon
of subverslve acLlvlLles refers Lo 'LerrorlsL'
prlmarlly almed proLecLlng Lhe sLaLe from
W lnformaLlon ulfferenL from Lhe klnd of every
day lnformaLlon one can flnd ln Lhe local
llbrary 8LCADL 'lnLelllgence' has a 'SLCkL1
|KI||||||K|| M|||K
W CCLLLC1ICN AND ANALSIS 'lnLelllgence gaLhered'
reparlng 'LhreaL assessmenL' llsLlng of Lhe mosL
dangerous clrcumsLances faclng Lhe naLlons Analysls
CollecLed lnformaLlon sLudled by experLs for lnslghLs
lnLo lnLenLlons of adversarles assessmenL of
capablllLles and vulnerablllLles
W CCVLk1 AC1ICN Almlng 'ecreL ropaganda' aL
forelgn naLlons uslng pollLlcal economlc and
paramlllLary operaLlons dlsrupL (anarchy) or even
overLhrow Lhe governmenL ClandesLlne acLlvlLy
W CCUN1LkIN1LLLIGLNCL Dsed Lo proLecL Lhe naLlon
agalnsL aggresslve operaLlons perpeLraLed by forelgn
lnLelllgence agencles and LerrorlsL groups Lo prevenL
enemy from successfully gaLherlng and collecLlng lnL
agalnsL Lhe naLlon
|sls.mst|ss/|sts|||ssss |st|s.|s
UMIN1 (UMan IN1e|||gence)
lnformaLlon collecLed and
provlded by human sources
Lxample @hrough formal agenLs
CWs and deLalnees
SIGIN1 (SIGna| IN1e|||gence)
lnformaLlon collecLed Lhrough neLwork
ls Lhe monlLorlng collecLlon and
analysls of communlcaLlon lnLelllgence
and covers Lhe monlLorlng of radlo and
Lelephone message Lrafflc and analysls
of coded messages
(Etample af 'Baert Act|aa')
W CCN1kCVLkS 1960's and 1970's ClA
propaganda ln Chlle nlxon fears Chlle could
become 'anoLher Cuba'
W 1964 ClA spenL 3 mllllon Lo blacken name of
alvador Allende Lhe oclallsL presldenLlal
candldaLe Lles Lo ovleL Dnlon Allende was
elecLed ln democraLlc process
W epLember 1973 ,lllLary coup Army forces
surrounded 'La ,oneda' Allende was kllled
W Ceneral AugusLo lnocheL rlse ln power known
as 'ClA man' ln Chlle
|||I/K |||I|I I|||.
W 'ClA agenLs ln Llbya ald alrsLrlke and meeLs
rebels' Cbama ecreL Crder 'no Amerlcan
mlllLary ground Lroops parLlclpaLe ln Lhe
Llbyan campalgn small groups of ClA
operaLlves have been worklng ln Llbya for
several weeks as parL of a shadow force of
WesLerners LhaL Lhe Cbama admlnlsLraLlon
hopes can help bleed Colonel Caddafl's
mlllLary' n? @lmes (,arch 30 2011)
W uozens of ,l6 agenLs gaLherlng lnLelllgence
abouL Lhe whereabouLs of Llbyan
governmenL Lank columns arLlllery pleces
and mlsslle lnsLallaLlons
W uCL lrance shadowlng Lhe Llbyan
opposlLlon/rebels Lopple Lhe reglme (lL
could be?)
||/K||I|K| |||||M/|I
W DILCMAC rocess of dlalogue and negoLlaLlon Lo
conducL Lhe relaLlons beLween sLaLe
W C|andest|ne d|p|omacy overlapplng beLween
dlplomacy and llalson where relaLlons beLween Lhe
acLors are ln parL of anLagonlsLlc
W lnformaLlon exchanges beLween pollLlcal adversarles
example ln 'War on @errorlsm' campalgn D yrla
W 'Gather|ng |nte|||gence' 1943 D Cfflce of LraLeglc
ervlces (C) asslsLed by !apanese peace feelers
analysL LhaL war agalnsL !apan can LermlnaLed by
W 'Secret |ntervent|on' ClA co operaLed wlLh lranlan
ecreL ervlces Lo provldlng Lhe deLall of D8 agenLs
ln @udeh parLy (lranlan CommunlsL parLy)
W 4 wi//inqness to to/k to on odversory even if to/kinq
moy not /eod to neqotiotion
||/ (||KI|/| |KI||||||K|| /||K|I |/)
W LsLabllshed ln 1947 under Lhe
naLlonal ecurlLy AcL ClA successor
for C (Cfflce of LraLeglc ervlces)
W ClA headquarLers locaLed ln Langley
vlrglnla Peaded by ulrecLor of
CenLral lnLelllgence (uCl)
W Warnlng Lhe D leaders of sLraLeglc
LhreaLs Lo Lhe naLlon
W @hree Lypes of ClA acLlvlLles
Co||ect|on and ana|ys|s
counter|nte|||gence and covert
W @he mosL conLroverslal acLlon CoverL
acLlon by ClA Any clandesLlne
operaLlon or acLlvlLy deslgned Lo
lnfluence forelgn governmenLs
secreLly lnLervenLlon
W Covert act|on |n Ch||e ClA spenL 3 mllllon Du ln
efforL Lo lnfluence Lhe ouLcome of 1964 Chllean
resldenLlal LlecLlon 1970 prevenL Allende from
belng elecLed ln Lhe general elecLlons
W Covert act|on techn|ques manlpulaLlng press
propaganda and supporL Lhe assasslnaLlon by Lhe
mlllLary coup
W ClandesLlne plan Lo overLhrow Lhe CasLro's
governmenL 1939
W ClA lnLervenLlon ln lran (1933) leadlng Lhe
overLhrow of , ,ossadeq Laklng lran Lo
\| (|at||s \sss|ss, ||| |s.s|s
|sts|||ssss s..|sss sl |ass|s)
W LsLabllshed ln !uly 1992 (resldenLlal
decree of uec 1991 by Lhe 8usslan 'uuma'
8eplaclng kC8 afLer D8 collapse
W v8 PC locaLed ln ?asenevo ulsLrlcL of
W 8esponslble for lnLelllgence and esplonage
ouLslde 8ussla lederaLlon
W AfLer D8 collapse ln 1990 Lhe kC8
personnel was sacked under dlplomaLlc
cover and Lhe servlce brlefly became
CenLral lnLelllgence ervlces before v8
W 'Law on lorelgn lnLelllgence Crgans' slgned
!anuary 1996 @he roles of v8 ConducL
lnLelllgence roLecL employees of 8usslan
lnsLlLuLlons overseas and Lhelr famllles
rovlde personal securlLy for 8usslan
governmenL offlclals and Lhelr famllles
conducL [olnL operaLlons wlLh forelgn
securlLy servlces and conducL elecLronlc
survelllance ln forelgn counLrles
W 1ens|ons between US kuss|a re|at|ons
'uspecLed 8usslan ples Charged ln D' 10
alleged members of a 8usslan sples have been
charged wlLh consplracy Lo acL as unlawful agenL
of forelgn governmenL CollecL lnformaLlon on D
arms conLrol poslLlons lran WhlLe Pouse ClA
88C World news (!une 2010)
W 8usslaD conducL blggesL spy swap slnce Cold
War '@en alleged 8usslan sples arresLed ln Lhe D
have been Lraded for four deLalnees convlcLed of
esplonage ln 8ussla' 8ussla @oday (8@ news)
M|/M| (ssa.|t,/M|||ts., |sts|||ssss s..|ss
W ,l3 (,lllLary lnLelllgence 'ecLlon 3'
Pome secLlon) esLabllshed under '@he
ecurlLy ervlces AcL 1989 ,l6 (,lllLary
lnLelllgence 'ecLlon 6 lorelgn secLlon)
esLabllshed durlng WWl (1914) offlclally
acknowledged ln Lhe Pouse of Commons
on ,ay 1992 because Lenslons of secrecy
ln an era of leaks and pressure for ever
greaLer dlsclosure
W 8oLh of 8rlLlsh's lnLelllgence apparaLus
derlved from ecreL ervlces 8ureau
(founded ln 1909)
W 8lA roles lnLernaLlonal counLerLerrorlsm
acLed naLlonal ecurlLy Advlce CenLre
(counLer prollferaLlon and counLer
esplonage) lrlsh and domesLlc counLer
Lerrorlsm and Lechnlcal and survelllance
||| (||.sst|ss |sss.s|s is |s ssa.|ts |\ts.|sa.s
|| |sss.s| ls. |\| ssa.|t, |.ssss)
W LsLabllshed ln Aprll 1981
W nlcknamed 'La lsclne'
'swlmmlng pool' Lhe uCL
headquarLers locaLed ln 8oulevard
,orLler near Lhe local munlclpal
swlmmlng pool ln norLh easL
W CperaLlon under Lhe lrench
,lnlsLry of uefense
W uCL 8eformed/resLrucLured
from uLCL LxLernal
uocumenLaLlon and CounLer
Lsplonage Agency (esLabllshed
november 1944)
W rov|d|ng the |nte|||gence and nat|ona| secur|ty by
perform|ng the counter|nte|||gence operat|ons abroad
W ConLroversy 1960's kldnapplng and assasslnaLlon of ,ehdl
8en 8arka ,oroccan 8evoluLlonary llvlng ln arls @he
slnklng of Lhe 8alnbow Warrlor ln !uly 1984 and Lhe murder
of lernando erelra alm Lo dlsrupL Creen peace's anLl
nuclear demonsLraLlon over lrench's nuclear LesL ln
W lranco D lnLelllgence war ln CenLral Afrlca ConfronLaLlon
wlLh D lnLelllgence Agency Cll and ,lneral lnLeresL D
launched an 'Afrlcan Crlsls 8esponse lnlLlaLlve' ln 1997 Lo
provlde mlllLary asslsLance Lralnlng and supporL packages
prlme LargeLs were ln lrancophone Afrlcan counLrles
8wandan Clvll War (90 94) lrench supporLed 8wandan
resldenL Pabyarlma and D ulA supporLed 8wandan
aLrloLlc lronL (8l) aul kagame
M|/| (|sst|tats sl |sts|||ssss ssi ,ss|s|
|,|sss ||)
W lormed ln uecember 1949 (uavld
8en Curlon era)
W ,ossad headquarLers locaLed ln
@el Avlv
W 8esponslble for lnLelllgence
collecLlon and coverL operaLlons
brlnglng !ews Lo lsrael and
proLecLlng !ewlsh communlLles
W ,aln enLlLles ln Lhe lsraell
lnLelllgence CommunlLy along
wlLh Aman (mlllLary lnLelllgence
and hln beL (lnLernal securlLy)
W CperaLlon under Lhe offlce of
lsraell rlme ,lnlsLer
W ConLroversy ArgenLlna proLesLed whaL lL consldered
as Lhe vlolaLlon of lLs soverelgnLy A Leam of flve ,ossad
agenLs sllpped lnLo ArgenLlna and smuggled former nazl
offlcer Adolf Llchmann Lo lsrael was Lrled and execuLed
W nZ dlplomaLlc sancLlon lncldenL ln whlch Lwo
AusLrallan based lsraells Drlel kelman and Lll Cara who
were allegedly worklng for ,ossad aLLempLed Lo
fraudulenLly obLaln new Zealand passporLs by clalmlng Lhe
ldenLlLy of a severely dlsabled man
W Lebanon ln Lebanese ecurlLy ervlces supporLed by
Pezbollahs lnLelllgence unlL and worklng ln collaboraLlon
wlLh yrla lran and posslbly 8ussla launched a ma[or
crackdown whlch resulLed ln Lhe arresLs of around 100
alleged sples worklng for lsrael
W @he ,ossad ls suspecLed of kllllng ,ahmoud al
,abhouh a senlor Pamas mlllLary commander ln !anuary
2010 aL uubal ln Lhe DnlLed Arab LmlraLes (DAL)

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