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CC CorporaLlon

resenLed 8y
Ashlsh uharmaL(2010M8A10)
AdlLya Chunl(2010M8A04)
Parslmran kaur(2010M8A18)
Sanchl verma(2010M8A41)
1 lnLroducLlon Lo CC CorporaLlon
2 Crlgln of Co Corp
3 lnlLlal SLraLegy
4 ueveloplng Lhe en based
31hree scenes from Lhe flnanclng
of Co Corp
enolnL CperaLlng SysLem of CC
enolnL CperaLlng SysLem of CC
Co has released Lhe flrsL verslon of enpolnL ln !anuary 1991
1he enolnL operaLlng sysLem has been deslgned expressly Lo meeL
Lhe needs of Lhe moblle penbased compuLlng markeL
1he key lnnovaLlons of enolnL lnclude
WNotebook User Interface (NU|) leopolot oseJ o ootebook
metopbot to otqoolze tbe osets wotk comblned wlLh a documenL
model commands (called qestotes) lssued wlLh a pen and powerful
handwrlLlng recognlLlon
WCn Lhe flrsL page was a Lable of conLenL LhaL llsLed all of Lhe
documenLs ln Lhe noLebook
W1o enable a pen Lo be slgnlflcanLly easler Lo use Lhan a mouse and
a keyboard enpolnL users lssued commands vla gesLures" whlch
comblned selecLlon and acLlon lnLo a slngle lnLulLlve moLlon
% mbedded uocument 4rchitecture {u4)
llopolots uA olloweJ tbe oset embeJ llve edlLable documenLs
wlLhln one anoLher and creaLe hyperllnk buLLons for navlgaLlng
Lhrough Lhe noLebook
1he AppllcaLlon lramework lmplemenLs embeddlng and hyper llnks
s And when Lhe user Laps a hyperllnk buLLon LhaL ls llnked Lo an
ob[ecL wlLhln your appllcaLlon Lhe appllcaLlon should scroll Lhe
ob[ecL lnLo vlew and selecL lL
WlLh lnpolnLs LuA lnsLead of wrlLlng a complex monollLhlc
appllcaLlon LhaL Lrles Lo be all Lhlngs Lo all people you can Lhlnk ln
Lerms of a sulLe of slmpler more focused appllcaLlons knowlng
LhaL Lhe user can comblne Lhem as needed
% ,obi/e connectivity
enpolnL provlded lnsLanL on" When users Lurned on Lhelr machlnes
Lhey were Lurned Lo Lhe page LhaL was belng vlewed when Lhe compuLer
was Lurned off
ln addlLlon Lo Lhls lL also allow movlng copylng and manlpulaLlng flles on
pc's and MaclnLoshes and any neLwork volume avallable Lo Lhem
wblle exptessly JeslqoeJ fot smoll llqbtwelqbt pottoble compuLers
enpolnL ls hlghly hardwarelndependenL and scales Lo a varleLy of
formaLs from pockeLslze Lo wallboardslze compuLers
1aken LogeLher Lhese lnnovaLlons polnL Lo a dlfferenL way of Lhlnklng
abouL compuLers and a dlfferenL way of Lhlnklng abouL appllcaLlon
Cne aspecL of scalablllLy relaLes Lo hardware 1he enLlre enolnL
operaLlng sysLem has been deslgned Lo run on a full range of hardware
devlces from small shlrL pockeL noLebooks Lo wallboardslzed work
1he oLher aspecL of scalablllLy relaLes Lo people Lach user ls
dlfferenL and people wlll use penbased compuLers ln a varleLy of
envlronmenLs So enolnL allows Lhe user Lo change Lhe layouL of
Lhe sysLem aL any Llme speclfylng porLralL or landscape orlenLaLlon
lefLhanded or rlghLhanded layouL dlfferenL fonL slzes and Lype
faces eLc
1he enolnL user lnLerface LoolklL lncludes a powerful ootomotlc
loyoot foclllty LhaL ensures devlce lndependence and scalablllLy
MomenLa CorporaLlon
lL was launched ln sepLember 1989 by kamran
Llahlan Lo compeLe ln Lhe emerglng pen based
compuLer markeL
lLs goal ls Lo produce a hlghly porLableuser
frlendly compuLer LhaL wlll LoLally Lransform Lhe
way Lhe compuLers are used
W lL was a young sLarL up company ln Lhe pen
based compuLer lndusLry
W lLs operaLlng sysLem named MomenLa
AppllcaLlon uevelopmenL LnvlronmenL was an
ob[ecL orlenLed operaLlng sysLem very slmllar
Lo pen polnL
W lL could also run en wlndows and uCSglvlng
a dlrecL compeLlLlon Lo CC
W lL ls locaLed ln 8edmondWashlngLon was
founded by 8lll CaLes ln 1973
W kaplan flrsL meL 8lll CaLes ln !uly ln 1988when
he was looklng for addlLlonal lnvesLors ln CC
W 1he board of CC belleved LhaL worklng wlLh
an mlcrosofL ls an necessary evll as lL wlll glve
large markeL share 1hus kaplan lnvlLed CaLes
Lo vlslL CC and see a demonsLraLlon and
declde Lo work wlLh CC
W uesplLe of sendlng hls englneers Lo look aL en
olnL CaLes never declded Lo work or lnvesL ln
lL lnsLead CaLes declded Lo compeLe and Lhe
war broke ouL ln 1991 and announced lLs own
verslon of a pen based operaLlng sysLemen
lL ls an Amerlcan mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlon LhaL
deslgns and markeLs consumer
elecLronlcs compuLer sofLware and personal
LsLabllshed on Aprll 1 1976 ln CuperLlno
Callfornla and lncorporaLed !anuary 3 1977 Lhe
company was prevlously named Apple CompuLer
lnc for lLs flrsL 30 years buL removed Lhe word
CompuLer on !anuary 9 2007 Lo reflecL Lhe
companys ongolng expanslon lnLo Lhe consumer
elecLronlcs markeL ln addlLlon Lo lLs LradlLlonal
focus on personal compuLers
Sculley lnvlLed kaplan Lo [oln hls efforL ln
developlng newLon Pe consldered llcenslng
en olnL as Lhe os for newLon buL Lhe ldea
was dropped because of Lhe sLrong opposlLlon
among Lhe sofLware developers
Seelng Lhe markeLs enLhuslasm for en polnL
Apple declded Lo [oln Lhe baLLle glvlng Lhe
dlrecL compeLlLlon Lo CC CC8C8A1lCn
trategy Imp|ementat|on
|x pport|ng Iactors
Slx key supporLlng facLors
1 AcLlon lannlng
2 CrganlzaLlon SLrucLure
3 Puman 8esources
4 1he Annual 8uslness lan
S MonlLorlng and ConLrol
6 Llnkage
@ank o

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