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To p i c : T h e s t o r y o f e n e r g y and climate change

Groups: KT1 K52 Nguyn Xun Tin Trn Ngc T V Vn Anh


I.Introduction II.History of Energy III. Effect of energy to environment IV. Saving Energy

Energy is the ability to do work. It can take numerous different forms. Energy of motion is called kinetic energy, while energy that an object has because of its location is called potential energy. The total mechanical energy of an object is the sum of its potential and kinetic energy. Energy stored in other forms like chemical energy can be transformed into mechanical energy


Why do we choose this topic?

+. Traditional energy sources are depleted and use waste energy

+.Energy isnt free.

+.Make climate change

History of Energy

1.The sun
+.The first energy source

+.It has provided heat and Light +.Humans could not control it

History of Energy

The fire
+.Humans discovered a way to generate their own energy from wood +.wood burned for warmth,light,and for preparing food. +.the heat from fire began to Be used to change the form of some Materials to make them more usefull

History of Energy

Fossil Fuels
By the sixteenth century, for instance, Great Britain had so few trees left because of overcutting that the British people had to switch to a completely new source of fuel. In place of trees, they began to use coal. Coal, oil, and gas are called fossil fuels because they are extracted from fossilized plant and animal material from deep under the ground

History of Energy
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, humans have sought to generate power from a variety of energy sources. This remains true today, especially as some energy sources are being used up. Current power needs are continuing to climb while the resources of the planet are steadily being depleted. Technology that operates on electricity, including everything from the typical refrigerator in the kitchen to street lights, is now a part of the lives of most people in industrialized nations, such as the United States. Much of that electricity is generated in power plants, which use large quantities of fossil fuels.

History of Energy
The future of energy production will certainly determine what the overall health of the planet will be. Most scientists agree that the choices that support fossil fuel use will only worsen the environmental damage that has already occurred. Instead, choosing to look to renewable energy sources and energy conservation techniques offers the potential to improve the health of the planet

History of Energy

Renewable Energy
+. These sources of energy do not release greenhouse gases and they are called renewable sources of energy +. Renewable energy is replaced through natural processes or through sound management practices, and so it is a source of power that does not run out. A perfect example of renewable energy is energy from the sun, which comes in an abundant supply every day.

Effect of energy to environment

How can the energy we use affect the worlds environment? Using fossil fuel is popular than renewable energy make dangerous result for our life

Effect of energy to environment

There are: Environment Pollution Air, water Pollution. Energy war

Effect of energy to environment

+. Burning fossil fuels releases gases into the atmosphere. One of these gases is carbon dioxide (CO2). It is called a greenhouse gas . It causes climate change and Global warming

Effect of energy to environment

+.The weather all over the world gets more extreme. Not only will a place become hotter or colder than usual, but it may also get extremes of weather such as floods, droughts, high winds and/or heavy rain

Effect of energy to environment

Arctic ice loss and Sea level increase

Effect of energy to environment

When climate change happens over a short period of time the worlds creatures and plants have not got enough time to move home or to get used to the new conditions. This can cause many types of animals and plants to die.

Saving Energy

What can we do?

Saving Energy

There are many sources on the web that give you ideas of what you can do to save energy. Here are a few ideas to get you started: +. Change your travel behavior, think more in terms of public transportation, if possible, walk or ride your bicycle instead of taking the car

Saving Energy

+. Choose products that come with lightweight packaging

Saving Energy
+. Turn off lights and appliances when you are not using them, use energy-saving light bulbs

+. Reuse plastic bags for shopping and storage

Saving Energy
+.Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries +.Use a microwave instead of a stove to reheat food

Saving Energy

let's action to protect own world

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