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v|deo v|deo

1ext 1ext
Where do you want to start ?
1ext 1ext
rds (class Aves) are wngd, b5edal, endothermc (warm-blooded),
vertebrate anmals that lay eggs. There are around 10,000 lvng
s5eces, makng them the most numerous tetra5od vertebrates. They
nhabt ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctc to the Antarctc.
rds range n se from the 5 cm (2 n) ee Hummngbrd to the 3 m
(10 ft) Ostrch. The fossl record ndcates that brds evolved from the
ro5od dnosaurs durng the Jurassc 5erod, around 150200 Ma
(mllon years ago), and the earlest known brd s the Late Jurassc
Archaeopteryx, c 150145 Ma. Most 5aleontologsts regard brds as
the only clade of dnosaurs to have survved the CretaceousTertary
extncton event a55roxmately 65.5 Ma.
Modern brds are charactered by feathers, a beak wth no teeth, the
layng of hard-shelled eggs, a hgh metabolc rate, a four-chambered
heart, and a lghtweght but strong skeleton. All brds have forelmbs
modfed as wngs and most can fly, wth some exce5tons ncludng
rattes, 5enguns, and a number of dverse endemc sland s5eces.
ueflnlLlon ueflnlLlon
a record|ng of both the v|sua| and aud|b|e components
(espec|a||y one conta|n|ng a record|ng of a mov|e or te|ev|s|on
v|deo - broadcast|ng v|sua| |mages of stat|onary or mov|ng ob[ects
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for Leacher
1 l Lhlnk LhaL slng vldeo ln Leachlng enhance my sLdenLs
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for Leacher
2 l have Lrled Lo make an lnsLrcLlonal vldeo ln my classes
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for Leacher
3 l see LhaL Lhe nmber and qallLy of vldeos LhaL mlnlsLry of
edcaLlon provlde are enogh Lo me as a Leacher
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for sLdenLs
1 l Lhlnk LhaL slng vldeo ln Leachlng enhance my sLdenLs

noL ssre
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for sLdenLs
2 l see LhaL Lhe vldeo ls relaLed Lo or lessons' goals?
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for sLdenLs
3 l prefer Lo parLlclpaLe ln maklng vldeos for or lessons
;esLloner ;esLloner
;esLlons for sLdenLs
4 whaL ls Lhe raLe of showlng yo vldeos drlng Lhe year ?

;esLloner ;esLloner
lrom LhaL we can say
MosL sLdenLs and Leachers belleve LhaL slng vldeo ls effecLlve ln
Leachlng and learnlng
Powever Lhere are some obsLacles LhaL face lmplemenL lL ln
MosL sLdenLs en[oy prodclng vldeos as aparL of Lhere learnlng
1here are a shorLage ln nmber of lnsLrcLlonal vldeos (Arablc)
Studies Studies
study by Rockman et aI. (1996) of the academic impact of
home and schooI:
- $tudents who watched the 5rogram were able to 5rovde more
com5lete and com5lex ex5lanatons of scentfc conce5ts after
vewng the show.
- The ga5s n knowledge base between boys and grls and
between mnorty and majorty students were smaller and closer
to 5arty after vewng the 5rogram.
Studies Studies
study of the chiIdren's probIem-soIving skiIIs (Fsch,
Vewers out 5erformed nonvewers n solvng 5roblems and
5roduced more so5hstcated solutons.
study on the use of instructionaI teIevision with eighth
grade students (arnes, 1997).:
$tudents n the classes whch ncluded the televson
5rogrammng out5erformed the control grou5s n test scores,
wrtng assgnments, n varety and creatvty of 5roblem-solvng
sklls, and n ther engagement n class dscusson.
AdvanLages AdvanLages
Wvldeo can be Llllzed Lo lllsLraLe how someLhlng works
Wvldeo provldes lnformaLlon ln deLall LhaL LexL and graphlc
Wvldeo can grab sLdenLs aLLenLlon
Wvldeo can show real llfe examples
Wvldeo sLlmlaLes dlscsslons
Wvldeo can appeal Lo Lhe learnlng sLyles of vlsal learners
Wvldeo cold enhance problembased learnlng
cha||enges cha||enges cha||enges cha||enges
Lack of resources
Lack of equ5ment
Lack of requred software
Techncal 5roblems
Lack of legblty of audo and vsuals
cha||enges cha||enges cha||enges cha||enges
W ack of aLLenLlon
W no enogh compLer rooms
W no enogh Llme
strategies strategies
strategies that enhance the use of video in your classroom
W wltb plctote ooJ ooJlo oo
Dse Lhe pase conLrol Lo sLop a scene and have sLdenLs
predlcL whaL wlll happen nexL
W wltb ooJlo off
Pave sLdenLs predlcL Lhe slLaLlon and
characLerlzaLlons based on vlewlng an enLlre scene
wlLhoL Lhe sond
W wltb plctote off
Pave sLdenLs predlcL Lhe slLaLlon and
characLerlzaLlons by llsLenlng Lo Lhe sondLrack wlLhoL
waLchlng Lhe plcLre
strategies strategies
strategies that enhance the use of video in your classroom
I|ew|ng Comprehens|on
W efote wotcbloq
lve sLdenLs speclflc Lhlngs Lo look and llsLen for before
Lhey waLch a scene
W wblle wotcbloq
lreezeframe Lhe scene by slng Lhe pase bLLon and
check sLdenLs ndersLandlng
W ftet wotcbloq
Pave sLdenLs answer comprehenslon qesLlons yo devlse
lve sLdenLs cloze scrlpLs and have Lhem flll ln mlsslng
words ln dlalog llnes
strategies strategies
strategies that enhance the use of video in your classroom
|sten|ng 9ract|ce
W 1I D|ctat|on Pave sLdenLs wrlLe dlaloge llnes as Lhey
vlew Lhem slng Lhe pase conLrol Lo sLop Lhe scene afLer
each llne
W C|oze Scr|pts As sLdenLs vlew a scene have Lhem flll ln
mlsslng words ln a cloze scrlpL yo have creaLed
strategies strategies
strategies that enhance the use of video in your classroom
Speak|ng 9ract|ce
W o|e 9|ays Pave sLdenLs role play a scene pracLlclng Lhe
llnes of dlaloge for correcL lnLonaLlon and emphasls
W nocat|on Interv|ews Pave sLdenLs clrclaLe arond
Lhe classroom and lnLervlew each oLher slng qesLlons
conLalned ln Lhe vldeo segmenL SLdenLs can Lhen reporL
Lo Lhe class aboL Lhelr lnLervlews
W Informat|on Gap Pave half Lhe class see a segmenL
wlLhoL adlo and Lhe oLher half hear lL wlLhoL Lhe
plcLre SLdenLs from each half of Lhe class Lhen palr p
Lalk aboL Lhe slLaLlon and characLers and acL oL Lhe
strategies strategies
strategies that enhance the use of video in your classroom
W Pave sLdenLs dlscss Lhe scene ploL and characLers
acLlons LhoghLs and feellngs
W Pave sLdenLs Lhlnk aboL whaL Lhe characLers ln Lhe
scene are Lhlnklng bL noL saylng SLdenLs can creaLe
Lhese lotetlot moooloqoes presenL Lhem Lo Lhe class and
dlscss any varylng oplnlons aboL characLers lnner
LhoghLs drlng Lhe scene
W Pave sLdenLs Lell whlch characLers Lhey ldenLlfy wlLh and
explaln why
&sing video &sing video
&sing video in classroom :
W eady for h|m
W Shoot|ng new one
W Student part|c|pat|on ( ass|gnment report pro[ect )
W ecord from 1I d|rect|y
&sing video &sing video
&sing video in classroom :
W AboL com hLLp//vldeoaboLcom/
&sing video &sing video
&sing video in classroom :
W naLlonal geographlc hLLp//wwwnaLlonalgeographlccom/
&sing video &sing video
&sing video in classroom :
W c|assroom v|deo b|og
Jho lLs lor
1eachers and schools wlll flnd many beneflclal ways Lo se a vlog
?o need
Wbaslc consmer camcorder
WcompLer wlLh free edlLlng sofLware
W lnLerneL connecLlon are all yo need
vldeo ldeas
Schoo| events gesL speakers school plays and sporLs Lhese evenLs
LhaL wold make greaL vldeos for a classroom vlog
Student pro[ects eL sLdenLs creaLe vldeos as speclal pro[ecLs or Lo
demonsLraLe Lhelr masLery of a concepL Lhen posL Lhe vldeos on Lhe
vlog Lo show off Lhe learnlng LhaL's golng on ln yor classroom
&sing video &sing video
&sing video in classroom :
W Internet
W ?oLbe wwwyoLbecom
W (wwwLeacherLbecom)
W 1v channels
&sing video &sing video
&sing video in classroom :
W c|assroom v|deo b|og
Important |essons lf yo're Leachlng a key concepL LhaL sLdenLs
may noL grasp lmmedlaLely conslder recordlng Lhe lesson and
posLlng lL on Lhe vlog 1hls way sLdenLs can go back and rewaLch lL
laLer on Lo clarlfy anyLhlng Lhey mlssed
1each|ng v|deos 1here are many edcaLlonal vldeos avallable
onllne whlch can be sed Lo spplemenL lesson plans Add Lhe
vldeos Lo Lhe vlog so sLdenLs can easlly flnd Lhem and waLch Lhem
1hank yo 1hank yo

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