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LoglLech DlglLal en lC"

Ank|ta Seh[pa| 191076
khem S|ngh 191090
V|vek Mandowara 191121
kach|t Ia|n 19110S
rateek Ia|n 191104
ompany 8ackground
W LoglLech lnLernaLlonal SA ls a global provlder of
personal perlpherals for compuLers and oLher dlglLal
plaLforms headquarLered ln 8omanelsurMorges
W CperaLlng headquarLers ln allfornla and SwlLzerland
W Speclal emphasls on producLs for navlgaLlon gamlng
lnLerneL communlcaLlons dlglLal muslc and home
enLerLalnmenL conLrol
W 1981 manufacLurer reLall
1he baslc meLhodology Lo conducL Lhe sLudy has been Lhrough exploraLory research
W Secondary uaLa/LlLeraLure 8evlews
W Analysls of SLlmulaLlng Lxamples (le ase Analyses)
W unsLrucLured MeLhods (le CuallLaLlve 8esearch)
1he Lypes of secondary daLa lncluded
W lnLernal such as Lhe company's webslLe annual reporLs eLc
W LxLernal such as Llbrary Sources(Magazlnes and CLher ubllcaLlons many on
lnLerneL) CovernmenL Sources (ensus daLa SLaLe/ounLry economlc daLa)
SyndlcaLed Sources
ln Lhe glven sLudy prlmary research was noL posslble due Lo cerLaln consLralnLs such
W LlmlLed scope of Lhe sLudy of Lhe Loplc
W 1he pro[ecL Loplc alms aL a very nlche segmenL
W 1he nlche segmenL ls noL presenL ln lndla lL ls malnly focused Lo ln Lhe uS and uk
lC ersonallzed ulglLal en
W lLs a $199 ballpolnL pen LhaL works llke a cross
beLween a scanner and an opLlcal mouse
W 1he lC and lLs lncluded dlglLal noLebook funcLlon
llke any normal pen noLepad
W 1he ldea ls LhaL lnsLead of carrylng a noLebook
compuLer you need carry only a paper noLebook and
Lhe lC pen
W Scrlbble noLes and Lhen en[oy Lhe ablllLy Lo sLore and
share your [oLLlngs when back aL your
ow Lhe dlglLal pen works ?
1 CpLlcal sensor capLures Lhe wrlLeup
2 rocessor dlglLlzes words and
3 8apldcharge uS8 cradle Lransfers
dlglLlzed daLa Lo
lnk carLrldges leL you wrlLe llke you
normally do
3 Memory sLores up Lo pages
6 8aLLery lasLs up Lo 23 pages
7 ap conLrols on/off remove Lo
Lurn on replace Lo save baLLery
ow Lhe dlglLal paper works ?
W ulglLal aper 1echnology
W aper has doLs LhaL are 3
mllllmeLers aparL
W Lvery collecLlon of doLs
provldes lnformaLlon abouL
Lhe x? coordlnaLes of a pen
W 8ullL ln camera recognlzes Lhe
poslLlonlng of Lhe small doLs
W Allows Lhe user Lo go back and
wrlLe on Lhe prevlous pages
lC sofLware
W 1o download Lhls sLored daLa on
a user lnLerface ls requlred
W LoglLech lC sofLware has Lo be
lnsLalled for havlng Lhls user
W 1hls sofLware allows Lhe
converslon of scrlpL wrlLLen Lo
compuLer LexL
W ages are sLored ln a proprleLary
W lL helps ln searchlng of any
keywords from Lhe noLes
W 8echarge every Llme your pen resLs ln lLs cradle
W SLore up Lo pages ln memory beLween Lransfers
W Cne reflll lasLs abouL 3 weeks of normal use
W lnLegraLlon wlLh MlcrosofL CuLlook or LoLus noLes
W lnd handwrlLLen lnformaLlon qulckly by uslng lndexlng
and searchlng on your
W lnLegraLe wlLh ranklln oveys new dlglLal plannlng pages
W reaLe osLlL noLe remlnders on your deskLop
W Crganlze your lnformaLlon LogeLher ln a slngle flle
MarkeL analysls
oLenLlal cusLomer segmenL
Segments Character|st|cs Attract|veness
or/y 4dopter
A Lech savvy lndlvldual
who en[oys havlng all Lhe
laLesL Lechnology avallable
ln Lhe markeL
W Advanced Lech llLeracy
W wllllng Lo spend
to/ Oroner
A slmple Lech user who ls
looklng for new and easy
ways Lo organlze more
W LlmlLed dlsposable
W MusL percelve a sLrong
value ln order Lo
W ave a sLrong deslre for
Lhe producL
ollege sLudenLs who value
Lhelr educaLlon and are
wllllng Lo lnvesL ln Lhe
necessary Lools
W 1yplcally operaLe on
llmlLed funds
W Would also requlre
more speclflc markeLlng
and producL placemenL
Segments Character|st|cs Attract|veness
ueslgn ls a large parL of
Lhelr professlons (le
graphlc deslgners
archlLecLs eLc) and Lhey
value convenlence 1hey
wanL Lo be able Lo converL
freehand drawlngs Lo a
dlglLal medlum
W 8ecause Lhe lC offers a
new soluLlon for
preclslon drawlngs and
oLher graphlcal needs
whlch means Lhere ls
mlnlmal beneflL
A career orlenLed member
of hlgh or mldlevel
managemenL whose
professlon lnvolves
frequenL meeLlngs Lravel
and noLeLaklng 1hey
value performance and
W lgher levels of
dlscreLlonary lncome
W wllllng Lo pay for
performance and sLaLus
W Also easy Lo reach ln
Lerms of avallablllLy and
awareness Lhrough
placemenL ln compuLer
and offlce supply sLores
MarkeL segmenL lnLeresLed ln lC pen
1he LargeL markeL should be poslLloned beyond Lhe Larly AdopLers Lo Lwo promlslng
markeL segmenLs @he rofess|ona|s and Art|stes
@he rofess|ona| segment
W lL ls a sLrong markeL as evldenced by Lhe placemenL of senlor managers
salespeople and lawyers as Lhe number one consumers for lC pen purchases
W rofesslonals are boLh Lechnology and performance orlenLed lndlvlduals who
appreclaLe lnnovaLlve Lools and Lhelr convenlence
@he Art|stes segment
W A large number of people flnd lL dlfflculL Lo draw dlrecLly on Lhus Lhey could
uLlllze Lhe lC pen Lo capLure lmages raLher Lhan wrlLlng 1herefore Lhe second
LargeL markeL ls Lhe ArLlsLe
W 1hey are a perfecL LargeL Lo convlnce of Lhe value of Lhe lC because wlLh Lhelr
moderaLe lncome Lhey wlll wanL Lo geL Lhelr money's worLh and be lnvesLed ln Lhe
producL Also because Lhls group places a hlgh value on Lhe convenlence of
sponLaneous creaLlvlLy
Mlnd 8ase SegmenL
Lxpresslve onsumer
urlven onsumer
AL capaclLy
8ock sLeady onsumer
uown Lo LarLh onsumer
SophlsLlcaLed onsumer
Measure 1wlce
uevoLed onsumer
Lxpresslve onsumer
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
un over work
AcLlve lmaglnaLlon
Seek novelLy
Medlan age ls 22
noL marrled ( 68 )
ave chlldren (37)
Medlan lncome ls around $ 36
urlven onsumer
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
Looklng for ways Lo excel
value educaLlon and personal growLh
See Lhemselves as workahollcs
WanLs Lo be see as unconvenLlonal
Medlan age ls 22
Medlan lncome ls $ 36
Marrled (37)
ave chlldren (38)
AL apaclLy
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
Seek conLrol
Looklng for slmpllclLy and ellmlnaLe Lhe
AmblLlous ln Lhelr career and deslrlng a
more flexlble work schedule
Wlsh Lo be lnvolved ln Lhelr communlLles
Medlan age ls 32
Medlan lncome ls $ 3
ave chlldren (73)
8ock SLeady onsumer
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
applly marrled and spend Lhelr Llme aL
Lasygolng people
1hey follow Lhe rules
1hey LrusL Lhelr lnsLlncLs
Medlan age ls 3
Medlan lncome ls around $67
Marrled (8)
ave hlldren(83)
uown Lo LarLh
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
Seek Lo sLreLch Lhemselves
Ln[oy people wlLh dlfferenL vlewpolnL
uon'L do Lhlngs [usL because Lhey are
8elax and Lake lL easy on Lhe weekends
Medlan age ls
Medlan lncome ls $ 33
Marrled (6)
SophlsLlcaLed onsumer
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
value lnLegrlLy
Work Lo reduce personal sLress
WanL Lo be a role model for oLher
Are open mlnded and seek new
Medlan age ls 8
Medlan lncome ls around $ 36
Marrled (39)
ave chlldren (7)
Measure 1wlce
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
Cn Lop of Laklng care of Lhelr healLh and
flnanclal securlLy
1hey have found a balanced llfe
1hey are open Lo a new career when Lhey
1hey see Lhemselves as good clLlzen
Medlan age ls 63
Medlan lncome ls $ 22
ave chlldren( 83 )
uevoLed onsumer
@ra|ts Demograph|cs
Share rellglous value wlLh oLhers
refer Lhlngs LhaL are already proven
eel closer Lo people wlLh Lhe same
Seen as feellng compleLe
Medlan age ls 67
Medlan lncome ls $ 32
Marrled(6 )
ave chlldren (83 )
Why LoglLech should noL pursue
followlng segmenLs
Segment Key characteristics
Devoted Consumers Traditional people, content with their
lives, hesitate to try something diIIerent
& new technology etc.
Measure Twice Old age retired people, on top oI the
priority is health and Iinancial security,
think too much beIore any Iinancial
investment etc.
Down to Earth Highly satisIies with their own liIe,
they buy very little thing and interested
in relaxing at home etc
Rock Steady Consumers They do not give much attention to
marketing campaign, spend time at
home and very relaxed have enough
Iree time etc
Why LoglLech should pursue followlng
Segment Key characteristics
Devoted Consumers Traditional people, content with their lives,
hesitate to try something diIIerent & new
technology etc.
Measure Twice Old age retired people, on top oI the priority
is health and Iinancial security, think too
much beIore any Iinancial investment etc.
Down to Earth Highly satisIies with their own liIe, they buy
very little thing and interested in relaxing at
home etc
Rock Steady Consumers They do not give much attention to marketing
campaign, spend time at home and very
relaxed have enough Iree time etc
LffecLlve MarkeL SegmenL
LffecLlve SegmenLaLlon rlLerla
ldenLlflable Slzeable
SLable Accesslble
Analysls of Lhe roposed SegmenLs
W Dr|ven Consumer
Long 1erm Coal focus on Achlevlng lL Stab|e
Cpen Lo MarkeLers Access|b|e
Medlan Age 22 Mlllennlals (26 of uS
opulaLlon) dent|f|ab|e S|zeab|e
Analysls of Lhe roposed SegmenLs
W At Capac|ty
lndlvlduals who see Lhelr llves as busy and hecLlc
and wlsh Lo slmpllfy and Lake conLrol of Lhlngs
Cpen Lo SoluLlons Access|b|e
Medlan Age 32 Cen x 23 of uS opulaLlon
dent|f|ab|e S|zeab|e
MosL of Lhem are marrled 67 have chlldren
73 More Stab|e
Spendlng ower
Analysls of Lhe roposed SegmenLs
W press|ve Consumer
As shoppers Lhey are open Lo oplnlons of Lhelr
peers frlends 1hey seek novelLy
1argeLed as Larly AdopLers
Medlan Age 22 68 noL Marrled -ot Stab|e
Low aLLenLlon Span neffect|ve Commun|cat|ons
Analysls of Lhe roposed SegmenLs
W Soph|st|cated Consumer
1helr work consumes mosL of Lhelr Llme and Lhey
deflne much of who Lhey are Lhrough Lhelr work
1hey are open mlnded and seek new experlence
1helr medlan age ls 8 8aby 8oomers 229 of
uS opulaLlon Stab|e S|zeab|e
Low on spendlng may be reslsLanL Lo new
experlence b'coz of age
roposed AL apaclLy
Consumer At Capac|ty
dent|f|ab|e 4 4 4 4
S|zeab|e S 4 S 3
Stab|e 3 4 1 S
Access|b|e 4 S 3 3
@ota| 16 17 13 1S
Io||owed by the Dr|ven Consumer
ompeLlLors of LoglLech lC dlglLal pen
d|g|ta| pen
1hreaL from subsLlLuLes
ersona| d|g|ta| ass|stant
Low end noLebooks
@nA-k CU !!

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