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PlsLory of ManufacLurlng ManagemenL

@oyoLa roducLlon SysLem (@S)

W ueflnlLlon @e producLlon sysLem developed by @oyoLa MoLor
CorporaLlon Lo provlde besL quallLy lowesL cosL and sorLesL
lead Llme Lroug Le ellmlnaLlon of wasLe
W @S ls comprlsed of Lwo plllars !usLln@lme and !ldoka
(auLonomaLlon) and ls ofLen lllusLraLed wlL Le ouse
sown on Le nexL sllde
W @S ls malnLalned and lmproved Lroug lLeraLlons of
sLandardlzed work and kalzen (conLlnuous lmprovemenL)
followlng lanuoCeckAcL (uCA Cycle from ur uemlng)
or Le sclenLlflc meLod
Pouse of @oyoLa
@oyoLa roducLlon SysLem (@S)
8elaLed @erms
W Cno SysLem
W MAn (MaLerlal as needed) Parley
W MlS (Mlnlmum lnvenLory roducLlon
SysLems) WesLlngouse
W SLockless producLlon PewleLL ackard
W Zero lnvenLory producLlon sysLem
W Lean ManufacLurlng/roducLlon Ml@
W ALLacks wasLe
AnyLlng noL addlng value Lo Le producL
W lrom Le cusLomer's perspecLlve
W Lxposes problems and boLLlenecks caused by
uevlaLlon from opLlmum
W Acleves sLreamllned producLlon
8y reduclng lnvenLory
WaL uoes !usLln@lme uo?
woste (muda" ln !apanese) ls
'anyLlng oLer Lan Le mlolmom
amounL of equlpmenL maLerlals
parLs space and worker's Llme
wlc are absoluLely essenLlal Lo oJJ
voloe Lo Le producL'
Solclro @oyoda
lounder @oyoLa
1995 Corel Corp.
lnLroducLory CuoLaLlon
IarlablllLy Cccurs 8ecause
W Lmployees maclnes and suppllers
produce unlLs LaL do noL conform Lo
sLandards are laLe or are noL Le proper
W Lnglneerlng drawlngs or speclflcaLlons are
W roducLlon personnel Lry Lo produce before
drawlngs or speclflcaLlons are compleLe
W CusLomer demands are unknown
Cont|nuous I|ow
W roduclng and movlng one lLem aL a Llme (or a small
and conslsLenL baLc of lLems) Lroug a serles of
processlng sLeps as conLlnuously as posslble wlL
eac sLep maklng [usL waL ls requesLed by Le nexL
lL ls also called Le oeplece fl sloqleplece fl
ooJ moke oe mve oe
ConLlnuous llow roducLlon
llow wlL !l@
@radlLlonal llow
roducLlon rocess (sLream of
lnvenLory (sLagnanL
(waLer ln
us versus ull
W us sysLem maLerlal ls pused lnLo
downsLream worksLaLlons regardless of
weLer resources are avallable
W ull sysLem maLerlal ls pulled Lo a worksLaLlon
[usL as lL ls needed
W !apanese word for card
ronounced 'kanban' (noL 'canban')
W AuLorlzes producLlon from downsLream
'ulls' maLerlal Lroug planL
W May be a card flag verbal slgnal eLc
W used ofLen wlL flxedslze conLalners
Add or remove conLalners Lo cange producLlon
W @radlLlonal lnvenLory exlsLs ln case problems
W !l@ ob[ecLlve LllmlnaLe lnvenLory
W !l@ requlres
Small loL slzes
Low seLup Llme
ConLalners for flxed number of parLs
W !l@ lnvenLory Mlnlmum lnvenLory Lo keep
sysLem runnlng
Work |n process |nventory |eve|
(h|des prob|ems)
Unre||ab|e Vendors Capac|ty Imba|ances
Lowerlng lnvenLory
8educes WasLe
keduc|ng |nventory revea|s
prob|ems so they can be so|ved
Unre||ab|e Vendors Capac|ty Imba|ances
Lowerlng lnvenLory
8educes WasLe
CuallLy AL @e Source
W uolng lL rlgL aL Le flrsL Llme
W !ldoka allows workers Lo sLop producLlon llne
W Andon llgLs slgnal quallLy problems
W under capaclLy scedullng allows for
plannlng problem solvlng malnLenance
W Ilsual conLrol makes problems vlslble
W okayoke prevenLs defecLs
Pouse of @oyoLa
W Toyota Production System (TPS) is supported by two pillars: Just-in-
Time and Jidoka
W Jidoka Autonomation Automation with 'human intelligence.
W Sakichi Toyoda, Iounder oI the Toyota group oI companies, invented
the concept oI Jidoka in the early 20th Century by incorporating a
device on his automatic looms that would stop the loom Irom operating
whenever a thread broke. Dr. Shigeo Shingo then developed his idea
W This enabled great improvements in quality and Ireed people up to do
more value creating work than simply monitoring machines Ior quality
(separating people`s work and machine`s work).
W Eventually, this simple concept Iound its way into every machine,
every production line, and every Toyota operation.
!ldoka @ecnlques
W !oka-yoke (mistake or error proofing)
form of device for building-in quality at each production
%his device may take many shapes and designs.
%ypical types of !okayoke are sensors, proximity switches,
stencils, light guards and alignment pins. Simple circuitry is
usually used to operate these electrical error proof devices
as they should be of low cost and simple design.
oal: Finding defects before they occur = Zero Defects
Statistical Quality Control (SQC): Finding defects after they
W 'isual management including using ndon Lamp
oka?oke Lxample
W Cange for beLLer conLlnuous lmprovemenL
W kalzen worksop or kalzen evenL
A group of kalzen acLlvlLy commonly lasLlng flve
days ln wlc a Leam ldenLlfles and
lmplemenLs a slgnlflcanL lmprovemenL ln a
process eg creaLlng a manufacLurlng cell
S Workplace organlzaLlon/Pousekeeplng
W 5s: mportant part of Kaizen/Lean Manufacturing
W %he S's stand for:
Seiri - keep only what is absolutely necessary, get rid of things that
you don't need, i.e. simplify or sort.
Seiton - create a location for everything, i.e. organize
or straighten.
Seiso - clean everything and keep it clean, i.e. cleanliness or
Seiketsu - implement Seiri, Seiton and Seiso plant wide, i.e.
Shitsuke - assure that everyone continues to follow the rules of 5S,
i.e. stick to it or self discipline.
W 5S in the US: Sort, Straighten, Sweep, Standardize, Self Disciple
W 5S + 1S (Safety) = 6S (Hytrol, etc)
W 5S + 2S (Safety and Security) = 7 S (gilent %echnology that was part
of Hewlett !ackard)
W 5S is simpIe to begin and gives good benefits.
W Each individuaI in an organization is asked to get
rid of overburdening items.
W Red tag attack: A red tag attack is the strategy of
a group of peopIe going through the pIant and
putting red tags on everything that has not been
used within the Iast 30 days. The items that
peopIe feeI are necessary to "hoId on to" must be
justified to their superior, or the item is taken out
of the pIant!
S ln a lacLory
lacLory Lour @oyoLa vs oLers
S ln Cfflce
W 8efore S
W AfLer S
@e llve SLeps of Lean roducLlon/@oyoLa
roducLlon SysLem lmplemenLaLlon
W SLep 1 Spec|fy Va|ue
ueflne value from Le perspecLlve of Le flnal cusLomer Lxpress value ln Lerms of a speclflc
producL wlc meeLs Le cusLomers needs aL a speclflc prlce and aL a speclflc Llme
W SLep 2 Va|ue Stream Mapp|ng
ldenLlfy Le value sLream Le seL of all speclflc acLlons requlred Lo brlng a speclflc producL
Lroug Le Lree crlLlcal managemenL Lasks of any buslness Le problemsolvlng Lask Le
lnformaLlon managemenL Lask and Le pyslcal LransformaLlon Lask CreaLe a map of Le
CurrenL SLaLe and Le luLure SLaLe of Le value sLream ldenLlfy and caLegorlze wasLe ln Le
CurrenL SLaLe and ellmlnaLe lL!
W SLep 3 Create Cont|nuous I|ow
Make Le remalnlng sLeps ln Le value sLream flow LllmlnaLe funcLlonal barrlers and develop
a producLfocused organlzaLlon LaL dramaLlcally lmproves leadLlme
W SLep 4 Create u|| roduct|on
LeL Le cusLomer pull producLs as needed
W SLep erfect|on
@ere ls no end Lo Le process of reduclng efforL Llme space cosL and mlsLakes 8eLurn Lo
Le flrsL sLep and begln Le nexL lean LransformaLlon offerlng a producL wlc ls ever more
nearly waL Le cusLomer wanLs
Comparlson of
M8 (MaLerlal 8equlremenLs lannlng)
!l@ and @CC (@eory of ConsLralnLs)
oad|ng of operat|ons
8atch s|zes
Importance of data
Speed of schedu|ed
|ann|ng focus
roduct|on bas|s
Checked by capac|ty
|ann|ng afterward
Cne week or more
Meet demand
nave doab|e p|an
Master schedu|e
Contro||ed by kanban
Sma|| as poss|b|e
Very fast
Meet demand
L||m|nate waste
I|na| assemb|y schedu|e
Contro||ed by
bott|eneck operat|on
Var|ab|e to exp|o|t
Cr|t|ca| for bott|eneck
and feeder operat|ons
Meet demand
Max|m|ze prof|ts
Need and p|an
Mk II1 1CC
@e ulLlmaLe lacLory
revenLaLlve MalnLenance
MosL malnLenance operaLlons sLlll operaLe on
Le prlnclpal of
if it oint broke dont fix it"
1he I|ve stages of ma|ntenance
1 No act|on unt|| equ|pment fa||s
2 kout|ne serv|ce o|| and grease
3 Inspect|on and prevent|ve repa|r
4 Lqu|pment keLng|neer|ng
S red|ct|ve Ma|ntenance
@e essentio/ e/ements of o konbon system
WA W|thdrawa| S|gna|
WImmed|ate Ieedback
WIrequent kep|en|shment
Scedullng MeLods

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