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Soc|a| Movements |n Ind|a

Group members
1 Abha 8hatnagar(G]01S]262)
2 Amartya Sen (G]01S]264)
3 ksh|t|[ kapur (G]01S])
3 Mr|na||n| Dw|ved| (G]01S]291)
4 rav|n (G]01S]303)
-armada 8achao Ando|an
W -armada rlver flows Lhrough Lhree sLaLes Madhya
radesh MaharashLra and Cu[araL
W lnLersLaLe dlspuLes for uLlllzlng waLer
W -armada WaLer ulspuLes 1rlbunal CcLober 6
W lnvesLlgaLed Lhe maLLers for more Lhan 10 years
W uecember 12 1979 1ook Lhe declslon for -Iu
(-armada Ialley uevelopmenL ro[ecL)
-ID (-armada Ia||ey Deve|opment ro[ect)
W lngle largesL rlver developmenL scheme ln lndla
W AmblLlous ro[ecL 30 blg dams 133 medlum dams 3000 small dams
wlll be consLrucLed on Lhe -armada rlver and lLs 41 LrlbuLarles
@he Stakes
W 1312 kllomeLers long -armada Ialley conLalns large alluvlal plalns
W More Lhan 22 mllllon people llve ln Lhe valley and several Lrlbal
groups parLlcularly 8hlls and Conds occupy Lhe foresLed uplands
W ardar arovar ro[ecL () and Lhe -armada agar ro[ecL (-) are
Lhe Lwo largesL dams Lo be consLrucLed ln Lhe -armada 8lver and Lhe
alone wlll submerge 243 vlllages 19 ln Cu[araL 33 ln MaharasLra
and 193 ln Madhya radesh
1he MovemenL
W -armada 8achao Andolan was a soclal
movemenL conslsLlng of Lrlbal
people adlvasls farmers envlronmenLallsLs and human
rlghL acLlvlsLs agalnsL Lhe ardar arovar uam
W 1helr mode of campalgn lncludes hunger sLrlkes and
garnerlng supporL from noLed fllm and arL personallLles
llke fllm sLar Aamlr khan
W -armada 8achao Andolan leadlng spokespersons
Medha aLkar and 8aba AmLe
W ormaLlons
Cu[araLbased ArchIahlnl (AcLlon 8esearch ln CommunlLy
PealLh and uevelopmenL)
-armada AsargrasLha amlLl (CommlLLee for people
affecLed by Lhe -armada dam)
Madhya radeshbased -armada ChaLl -av -lrman amlLl
(CommlLLee for a new llfe ln Lhe -armada Ialley)
MaharashLrabased -armada uharangrasLha amlLl
(CommlLLee for -armada damaffecLed people)
W Medha aLkar esLabllshed -armada 8achao Andolan
ln 1989 all Lhese groups [olned Lhls naLlonal coallLlon
of envlronmenLal and human rlghLs acLlvlsLs
sclenLlsLs academlcs and pro[ecLaffecLed people
wlLh a nonvlolenL approach
8eneflLs of Lhe uam
W 1he -armada dams beneflLs lnclude provlslon
of drlnklng waLer power generaLlon and
lrrlgaLlon faclllLles
W lL wlll produce 1430 MW of elecLrlclLy and
pure drlnklng waLer Lo 40 mllllon people
coverlng Lhousand of vlllages and Lowns
Ma[or lssues relaLed Lo -8A
W D|sp|acement r|sks and resett|ement prov|s|ons
ulsplace more Lhan 023 mllllon people from Lhelr land ln
Lhree sLaLes (Cu[araL MaharashLra and Madhya radesh)
Cnly a cerLaln percenLage of Lhem wlll be prlvy Lo Lhe
governmenL's reseLLlemenL and rehablllLaLlon (8 8)
W orcefu| ev|ct|ons and v|o|at|ons of c|v|| ||bert|es
1he people whose llves were golng Lo be devasLaLed were
nelLher lnformed nor consulLed nor heard
W |nanc|a| |mp||cat|ons
Pow Lo measure progress lf you don'L know whaL lL cosLs
and who has pald for lL
Ma[or lssues relaLed Lo -8A
W nv|ronmenta| |mpact and susta|nab|||ty |ssues
uevasLaLe blodlverslLy by lnundaLlng Lhousands of acres of foresLs
and agrlculLural land
uammlng Lhe -armada 8lver wlll degrade Lhe ferLlle agrlculLural
solls due Lo conLlnuous lrrlgaLlon and sallnlzaLlon maklng Lhe soll
Loxlc Lo many planL specles
ardar arovar whlch lf compleLed wlll flood more Lhan 37000
hecLares of foresL and agrlculLural land desLroylng some of lndla's
mosL ferLlle land
W Issues perta|n|ng to r|ver va||ey p|ann|ng and management
Cfflclals had overlooked Lhe posLpro[ecL problems
All Lhose dlsplaced were only glven compensaLlon for Lhe
lmmedlaLe sLandlng crop
1ools of proLesL used ln -8A
W 5otyoqtobo (pollLlcal acLlon based on LruLh and
W ol 5omotpoo (sacrlflclal drownlng ln Lhe rlvers)
W osto (road blockade aL sLraLeglc polnLs)
W oo 8ooJbl (refuslng Lhe enLry of governmenL
offlclals ln Lo Lhe vlllages)
W uemonsLraLlons and rallles
W Punger sLrlkes
W 8lockade of pro[ecLs
W 1he courL lnlLlally ruled Lhe declslon ln Lhe Andolans favor
Lhereby effecLlng an lmmedlaLe sLoppage of work aL Lhe dam
and dlrecLlng Lhe concerned sLaLes Lo flrsL compleLe Lhe
rehablllLaLlon and replacemenL process
W 1he upreme CourL also dellberaLed on Lhls lssue furLher for
several years buL flnally upheld Lhe 1rlbunal Award and
allowed Lhe consLrucLlon Lo proceed sub[ecL Lo condlLlons
W lnLroduced a mechanlsm Lo monlLor Lhe progress of
reseLLlemenL wlLh Lhe ralslng of Lhe helghL of Lhe dam
Lhrough Lhe Crlevance 8edressal AuLhorlLles (C8A) ln each of
Lhe parLy sLaLes
W 1he -armada 8achao Andolan has successfully
broughL Lo Lhe publlc domaln Lhe hlLherLo closed
and proLecLed dlscourse on mega developmenL
W 1he proLesL has polnLed ouL Lhe necesslLy Lo
address Lhe shorLcomlngs ln lnsLlLuLlonal
frameworks governlng blg developmenLal
pro[ecLs by laylng bare Lhe ecologlcal lmpllcaLlons
of such mega developmenL pro[ecLs
W8epresenL esb|an gay b|sexua| and transgender soc|a| movements
WCoal of soclal accepLance and freedom from sexual oppresslon
WLC81 movemenL represenLs ma[or pollLlcal and soclal acLlvlsm
WAcLlvlLles llke lobbylng sLreeL marchlng soclal groups supporL groups
W omosexua||ty ls generally consldered a Laboo sub[ecL by
boLh lndlan clvll socleLy and Lhe governmenL
W ubllc dlscusslon of homosexuallLy ln lndla has been lnhlblLed
by Lhe facL LhaL sexuallLy ln any form ls rarely dlscussed
W 8lgveda one of Lhe four canonlcal sacred LexLs of Plndulsm
says Iltotl vom ltotltl (whaL seems unnaLural ls also
W PlsLorlcal llLerary evldence lndlcaLes LhaL homosexuallLy has
been prevalenL across Lhe lndlan subconLlnenL LhroughouL
hlsLory and LhaL homosexuals were noL necessarlly
consldered lnferlor ln any way
Sect|on 377
W Chapter OII Sect|on 377 of the Ind|an ena| Code ls a plece
of leglslaLlon ln lndla lnLroduced durlng 8rlLlsh rule of
lndla LhaL crlmlnallses sexual acLlvlLy agalnsL Lhe order of
W 377 Dnnatura| offences Jbvt vloototlly bos cotool
lottcots oqolost tb tJt ootot wltb ooy moo wmoo
t oolmol sboll b poolsbJ wltb lmptlsomot t ll t
wltb lmptlsomot ltbt Jsctlptlo t ttm wblcb moy
toJ t to yots ooJ sboll ols b llobl t lo
W Consensual heLerosexual acLs consldered penal
Sect|on 377
W 1he -az oundaLlon (lndla) a -ew uelhl based -CC ls aL Lhe
forefronL of Lhe campalgn Lo decrlmlnallse homosexuallLy
W lled a lL for seeklng legallsaLlon of homosexual lnLercourse
beLween consenLlng adulLs ln 2001
W PlsLorlc [udgemenL dellvered on 2 !ul 2009 uelhl Plgh CourL
overLurned Lhe 130 year old secLlon
W !udges declared Consensual sex amongsL adulLs ls legal whlch
lncludes even gay sex and sex among Lhe same sexes"
W 1he law vlolaLes ArLlcle 14 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch guaranLees all
people equallLy before Lhe law" ArLlcle 13 whlch prohlblLs
dlscrlmlnaLlon on grounds of rellglon race casLe sex or place of
blrLh" and ArLlcle 21 whlch guaranLees proLecLlon of llfe and
personal llberLy"
ave llenL valley
W An evergreen Lroplcal foresL ln Lhe alakkad dlsLrlcL of
W oclal movemenL almed aL Lhe proLecLlon of llenL valley ln
from belng flooded by a hydroelecLrlc pro[ecL
W lL became Lhe bedrock of envlronmenLal aglLaLlons across
Lhe counLry
W k8 declded Lo lmplemenL Lhe IP cenLered on a dam
across Lhe kunLhlpuzha 8lver ln 1973
W ln 1977 Lhe area was declared as a 8losphere 8eserve one
of Lhe worlds ecologlcal hoLspoLs
ave llenL valley
W ln 1978 lndlra Candhl approved Lhe pro[ecL
W 1he lssue was broughL Lo publlc aLLenLlon by 8omulus
WhlLaker founder of Lhe Madras nake ark and Lhe
Madras Crocodlle 8ank
W lndlas flercesL envlronmenLal debaLe
concern abouL Lhe endangered llonLalled macaque
W 1he movemenL was spearheaded by Lhe kerala hasLra
ahlLya arlshad a volunLary organlzaLlon
W ln 1980 lndlra Candhl Lold Lhe sLaLe governmenL Lo abandon
Lhe pro[ecL
ave llenL valley
W 1he valley was declared as llenL Ialley -aLlonal ark ln 1983
W 1he success of Lhe ave llenL Ialley movemenL became
Lhe lnsplraLlon for slmllar aglLaLlons lncludlng Lhe
-armada 8achao Andolan and proLesLs agalnsL Lhe 1ehrl uam
1PA-k ?Cu

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