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Learning Organization (LO)

Perubahan-perubahan lingkungan

yang begitu cepat, menuntut organisasi agar mampu beradaptasi dengan mentransformasikan dirinya menjadi organisasi pembelajar atau organisasi yang belajar (learning organization).

Definisi LO
Christ Argyris Learning organization adalah proses pendeteksian dan pembetulan masalah. 2. Peter Senge Learning organization adalah organisasi di mana sumber daya manusia (SDM) terus menerus mengembangkan kapasitasnya untuk menciptakan hasil yang benar-benar mereka inginkan, pola berfikir yang makin baik/kreatif/dewasa (mature), di mana SDM diberikan kesempatan untuk belajar melalui pengembangan polapola aspiratif kelompok, dan terus menerus belajar bagaimana belajar bersama (team learning).

3. Gareth Jones

Learning Organization is an organization in which managers try to maximize the ability of individuals and groups to think and behave creatively and thus maximize the potential for organizational learning (pembelajaran organisasi) to take place.

Perbedaan Organisasi Tradisional dengan Organisasi yang Belajar

Perbedaan dari aspek-aspek: Siapa yang belajar? Siapa yang mengajar? Siapa yang bertanggung jawab? Bilamana belajar? Perangkat belajar? Kompetensi apa yang dipelajari? Dimana belajar? Waktu belajar? Motivasi belajar?

Kaitan OL dengan Kinerja Organisasi

Organization Learning Knowledge Management

Competitive Strategy

Organization Characteristics: structure information system human resources practices culture leadership

Organization Learning Process: discovery invention production generalization

Organization Knowledge: explicit tacit

Organization Performance

Proses OL
Proses belajar organisasi (OL) terdiri dari 4 aktivitas yang saling berkaitan: 1. Discovery, learning starts with discovery when errors or gaps between desired and actual conditions are detected. 2. Invention, is aimed at devising solutions to close the gap between desired and current conditions; it includes diagnosing the causes of the gap and creating appropriate solutions to reduce it.

3. Production process involve implementing solutions
4. Generalization includes drawing conclusions about

the effects of the solutions and extending that knowledge to other relevant situations.

Keempat proses belajar tersebut memungkinkan anggota organisasi mengembangkan pengetahuan (knowledge) yang dibutuhkan untuk perubahan dan peningkatan kinerja organisasi.

Tipe-Tipe Belajar
Organisasi dapat menerapkan proses LO pada tiga tipe belajar: 1. Single-loop learning or adaptive learning, is focused on improving the status quo. This is the most prevalent form of learning in organizations and enables members to reduce errors or gaps between desired and existing conditions. It can produce incremental change in how organizations function. Contoh: seorang manager penjual yang mencari cara untuk mengurangi perbedaan antara tingkat penjualan yang diharapkan dengan tingkat penjualan yang dicapai saat ini.

2. Double-loop learning or generative learning

is aimed at changing the status quo. It operates at a more abstract level than does single-loop learning because members learn how to change the existing assumptions and conditions within which singleloop learning operates. This level of learning can lead to transformational change, where the status quo itself is radically altered.

Contoh: Manger penjualan belajar bahwa projeksi penjualan didasarkan pada asumsi dan model yang salah tentang kondisi pasar pada masa mendatang. Pengetahuan ini akan menghasilkan konsepsikonsepsi baru mengenai pasar di masa datang, sehingga menyebabkan perubahan dalam projeksi penjualan dan rencana pengembangan (misalnya mengembangkan produk baru, merubah cara beriklan dan kampanye promosi bertujuan agar sesuai dengan kondisi-kondisi yang baru.

3. Deuterolearning,

which involves learning how to learn. Here learning is directed at the learning process itself and seeks to improve how organizations perform single- and double-loop learning.

Karakteristik LO
1. Develop personal mastery 5. Encourage system thinking 4. Build shared vision 3. Promote team learning 2. Build complex, challenging mental model

Prinsip-Prinsip LO (lanjutan)
For organizational learning to occur, top managers must allow every person in the organization to develop a sense of personal mastery. Managers must empower employees and allow them to experiment and create and explore what they want. 2. As part of attaining personal mastery, organizations need to encourage employees to develop and use complex mental models sophisticated ways of thinking that challenge them to find new or better ways of performing a task to deepen their understanding of what is involved in a particular activity.

3. Managers must do everything they can to promote

group creativity. Senge thinks that team learning (learning that takes place in a group or team) is more important than individual learning in increasing organizational learning. 4. Managers must emphasize the importance of building a shared vision a common mental model that all organizational members use to frame problems or opportunities.

5. Managers must encourage system thinking (a concept drawn from systems theory). Senge emphasizes that to create a learning organization, managers must recognize the effects of one level of learning on another. Thus, for example, there is little point in creating teams to facilitate team learning if managers do not also take steps to give employees the freedom to develop a sense of personal mastery.

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